Synergy Success E-Zine, October 2014

"Rocks in my Path? I shall keep them all.

For with them I will build my castle."

~ Nemo Nox




A Wholehearted Welcome to YOU and our awesome community of professional women who are creating balanced success through a restorative lifestyle by Working Smart, Playing Hard, and Resting Well--as best we can--in the midst of life's challenges.  

Life has a way of putting "rocks" in our path. They can show up as pebbles that are just a temporary annoyance; bigger rocks that force us to slow down or find another path; or a rockslide of boulders that stop us in our tracks.

Tears filled my eyes when I saw Joan Lunden's beautiful bald head and smiling face on the cover of People magazine this morning.  "You-go-girl", I said out loud.  It was the exact same feeling of awe and respect that washed over me when Robin Roberts revealed her fierce battle with breast cancer and when Angelina Jolie disclosed her brave decision to undergo a double mastectomy after testing positive for the BRCA1 gene.

What really chokes me up is that in the midst of this potentially life-threatening diagnosis, they each moved far enough through uncertainty, fear, discomfort and vulnerability to allow their stories to be told, procedures filmed, and treatment choices documented. Instead of shrinking back, they stepped forward in service to raise awareness, promote early detection, create a spirit of community, and save lives.

We all struggle sometimes. Obstacles show up in many different ways, but eventually all paths will lead to rocky terrain. We have a bike accident, are struck with an illness, a loved one leaves, the job falls through, or fear blocks us from moving forward. We can't always control our circumstances, but we can always choose how we think about them.

Our thoughts are powerful! And because the actions we take are driven by our feelings which come from our thoughts, it's important to adopt a positive outlook on our challenges. A fixed/ negative mindset may allow the "rocks" in our lives to Define us or Destroy us.  However, an open/growth mindset will allow the "rocks" to Develop us.    

 We're here for such a short time, and 
life is too precious to waste on negativity! Let's shift perspective and decide right now to see obstacles as "stepping stones of opportunity" that will lead us to deeper empathy and the motivation we need to blast through our barriers.

Remember, the more obstacles we overcome, the stronger we become.

 What "Rocks" are you facing in your work or life? Try "Flipping it" until you see the opportunity to uplevel. 
May you find the strength to believe in yourself, and discover the power inside you that is greater than any obstacle.


I'd love to hear... how you will Stay Open, Keep Going and Keep Growing?

Christina Kunkle, CTA Certified Life & Wellness Coach, R.N.

Master Reiki Practitioner, EFT Advocate

"Resilience Coach for High-Achieving Women

who want to thrive by building a life, not just a career." 


p.s. Whether it's through private coaching, attending SOAR, coming to a workshop, or making great friends while networking at the Synergy Success Circle, my goal is to provide inspiration, motivation, partnership, and proven tools to create balanced success. 



8th, Wednesday

 "Synergy Success Circle"

Lunch Meeting 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. McAlister's Deli, Harrisonburg, VA

9th, Thursday
Dinner Meeting 5:30- 7:00 p.m. McAlister's Deli, Harrisonburg, VA

9th, Thursday
"Beyond SOAR II"
8-9:30 p.m.


10th, Friday

SOAR Leadership Development Program


12th, Sunday  
4-6 P.M.
Bootcamp Donation Class for our Synergy Success Circle member Jennifer Shirkey who is Dancing with the STARS OF THE 'BURG this year!

16th, Thursday

Facilitator for "Workplace Communication" Session

Chamber of Commerce Leadership Program

23rd, Thursday
"Beyond SOAR I"
6-8:00 p.m.

29-31, Wed-Friday
"Synergy at Work" 
Leitner Team Retreat
Fort Lewis Lodge  

6th, Thursday
5-8 p.m.
at Spotswood Country Club!

1st or 8th, Saturday
10:00 am -12:30 pm
Thrive...a life balance workshop for women at The Gathering Place with Marsha Mays-Bernard!

16th, Thursday
HeadStart Leadership Session
"Lead Boldly & Burn Brightly without Burning Out"
Boar's Head Inn


Find a Cozy Corner and Enjoy the most recent Articles from "Bloom" and Health Quest Magazines 

(Click here to see all 24 articles)

Miss One? 
Enjoy a cup of tea and browse our last or past 
issues of the Synergy Success e-zine

A heart-felt Thank You!

Your kind referrals help me honor, serve, & inspire more women. Passing this on is the greatest compliment I can receive!

My Story

Click here to read about my life-changing transformation

from Fear to Faith. 
Raising Breast Cancer awareness at Crossfit Harrisonburg's "Barbells for Boobs" Fundraiser




 Theraputic Day Treatment Specialist

East Rockingham High School

(pictured back row 2nd from Right) 


When I met Christina Kunkle I was a depressed, vulnerable, dejected mother of three who's husband had left for another woman.  I had never shoveled snow or built a fire in my wood stove.  I didn't know how to check my oil or when to get my car inspected. I had all but given up on my life because I was convinced that I had little to offer and was unworthy of love in general.


I have my Master's Degree in counseling and had been in years of therapy but had not been able to figure out what I needed to do to heal and move through my pain to get to the other side.  After working with Christina for 2 and a half years as my Life Coach, I can tell you that I did find out what I needed to do.  

Christina led me out of my "long dark night of the soul" and into a life that is worth living. She has brilliantly taken tools, skills, philosophies, activities, and knowledge, deeply woven with her genuine Spirit-led, heart-centered approach and guided me to an empowered sense of who I am and what I have to offer. 


Christina continues to teach me, hold positive intentions for me and lead me to become the best and highest person that I was born to be.  I have renewed my faith in a higher power and found hope for my future.  I have a vision for where I want to be and how I want to feel moving through my life.  I know that I will be able to share my gifts with others in a way that inspires and lifts people up to the awareness of what they can be and do in this world. 

Working with Christina requires effort and a strong desire to become who you truly are.  Christina will keep you safe and stand in the gap for you when needed.  Christina will hold you accountable and believe in your strength. You will never be judged and you will know that we are all perfectly imperfect in this flawed and fabulous world we live in. 

I can't say enough about how much Christina has meant to me and I hope that you will decide to embark on your own journey with her. 

Get ready for the rest of your amazing life to begin!

Kim Tucker pictured front and center 


Our Success Circle member 

Jennifer Shirkey 

is Dancing with the STARS OF THE 'BURG!


Lace up your sneakers and Join us On Sunday,
October 12th from 4-6 pm for a

Donation Bootcamp class!

perfect for beginners and designed to challenge all fitness levels.  


Let's have a great time together in support of a wonderful cause while helping Jennifer get in shape for her big performance!


We'll re-fuel with healthy snacks 

and socialize afterwards.


For more information, contact jennifer at




Hi, I'm Christina Kunkle, the founder of Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching LLC and SOAR, a Leadership Development Program for women, and Creator of the Synergy Success Circle.  


My practice is dedicated to helping Professional Women squelch overwhelm and prevent burn out by promoting bounce-back resilience to stay focused, positive, & excited through challenges of work and life.  In addition to one on one coaching,  I facilitate keynotes, workshops, and retreats on topics related to Resilience and Work/Life balance. Do You know of a group that could use some inspiration and practical tips or are you curious about how coaching works?  Then I'd love to share with you what I believe to be  the most powerful tool for change on the planet! read more...          
