Synergy Success E-Zine, September 2014 


"We all just want to be seen and heard.  No exceptions."

~Danielle LaPorte




A Wholehearted Welcome to YOU and our resilient community of professional women who are creating balanced success through a restorative lifestyle by working smart, playing hard, and resting best we can...even in the midst of life's challenges.  


We all just want to be heard. We want our voices to count for something, to be noticed, to be understood and accepted for who we really are, and to know we are not all alone in this world.


Yet Speaking up is hard to do! Many women, myself included, struggle at times to express our thoughts, emotions, problems, or conflicts in ways that allow us to feel seen and fully supported.


Perhaps as children we were told "nice girls don't argue; we should be seen and not heard; say please, say thank you but don't say anything that would hurt someone's feelings; smile and keep the peace at all costs." Or maybe an alcoholic or abusive adult dismissed, mocked, or ignored what we had to say.

So now instead of using our voice, we retreat into silence. We candy-coat our anger with "I'm fine" when a spouse asks what is wrong. We may pretend we aren't crushed by the rude remarks of a co-worker or the dismissal of our ideas in the boardroom. Or we swing to extremes, exploding with rage (and a few choice words) in a moment of misunderstanding.   

Emotions are "Energy in Motion" and need to be expressed constructively. When we suppress our real feelings they don't disappear or go away; they transform into something else, like self-doubt, resentment, anxiety, addiction, depression, perfectionism, or physical illness. 

Life is too short to waste precious energy on mixed messages that leave us disconnected. The understanding we crave lies on the other side of real communication, which requires the COURAGE to be honest with ourselves and each other. It takes courage to be vulnerable, to withstand someone being mad at you, to work out difficulties in relationships, and to not blame someone for your feelings, but to instead take ownership of your reactions. 


Thankfully, I can reassure you through personal experience that the rewards for that courage are worth every ounce of discomfort.

Here are 5 tips to make yourself heard that I learned the hard way so you don't have to!  


1. Have Your Own Back ~ Practice being your own best friend. When love and validation come from within you will not look outside as much or as often for approval.


2. Be Clear ~ Recognize what is true for you, and say it in a respectful and direct way. People can't read your mind. Ask for what you need then don't change it, mix it up, water it down, or apologize.      


3. Keep Your Power ~ Stay calm, grounded, and strong. Don't act like a crazy person in order to be heard. No one can take your power unless you give it to them.


4. Less Talk, More Action ~ If you've said the same thing over and over, it's time to stop repeating yourself and stand behind yourself. Show with your actions what your words have been trying to say.


5. Don't Settle ~ Look for ways to break old patterns of miscommunication and speak the truth even when it hurts. Don't give up or shut down. It is possible to create a new level of relationship with the people you work with, love, and care about. 

How about you? Is there an area of your life where you don't feel heard?


Let's find our voices, and speak up for those that have none.  

Christina Kunkle, CTA Certified Life & Wellness Coach, R.N.

Master Reiki Practitioner, EFT Advocate

"Resilience Coach for High-Achieving Women

who want to thrive by building a life, not just a career." 


p.s. Whether it's through private coaching, attending SOAR, coming to a workshop, or making great friends while networking at the Synergy Success Circle, my goal is to provide inspiration, motivation, partnership, and proven tools to create balanced success. 



10th, Wednesday

 "Synergy Success Circle"

Lunch Meeting 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. McAlister's Deli, Harrisonburg, VA

11th, Thursday
Dinner Meeting 5:30- 7:00 p.m. McAlister's Deli, Harrisonburg, VA

11th, Thursday
"Beyond SOAR II"
8-9:30 p.m.


12th, Friday

SOAR Leadership Development Program

18th, Thursday
Contact Lauralea and Judith for info on this month's Creative project at Hopkins Cabin  
25th, Thursday
"Beyond SOAR I"
6-8:00 p.m.

28th, Sunday
Barbells for Boobs" Fundraiser & Celebration

12th, Sunday  
4-6 P.M.
Bootcamp Fundraiser for our Synergy Success Circle member Jennifer Shirkey who is Dancing with the STARS OF THE 'BURG this year!

6th, Thursday
5-8 p.m.
at Spotswood Country Club!
More info to come, but please mark your calendars now  :)


"I choose to speak up and speak out with a compassionate heart." 
Find a Cozy Corner and Enjoy the most recent Articles from "Bloom" and Health Quest Magazines 

(Click here to see all 24 articles)

Miss One? 
Enjoy a cup of tea and browse our last or past 
issues of the Synergy Success e-zine

A heart-felt Thank You!

Your kind referrals help me honor, serve, & inspire more women. Passing this on is the greatest compliment I can receive!


Barbells for Boobs "Pink Bra Tour"

Did you know that 1 out of 8 women in the US will develop breast cancer and that 7% of these women will be under the age of 40?


 Please Join Us to Change the Statistics! 


Why: Because In 2013 CrossFit Harrisonburg, along with our awesome community supporters raised 41,000+$ for Breast Cancer Awareness, finishing 1st in the Nation in the "Barbells for Boobs" fundraising Event! This accomplishment earned us a stop on the Barbell for Boobs "Pink Bra Tour"!


When: Sunday, September 28th at 2:00 p.m.


Where: 233 E Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA  22802


What: Music, Yummy Food trucks, 3-Notch Brews, Barbells for Boobs merchandise, Competition Workout (to participate in or cheer on) and lots of FUNdraising!  


Come and bring your friends!  


Together, WE can help.

Questions?  Feel free to Contact me 


Our Success Circle member Jennifer Shirkey 

is Dancing with the STARS OF THE 'BURG!


Lace up your sneakers and Join us On Sunday, October 12th from 4-6 pm for a

Donation Bootcamp class

perfect for beginners and designed to challenge all fitness levels.  


Let's have a great time together in support of a wonderful cause while helping Jennifer get in shape for her big performance!


We'll re-fuel with healthy snacks 

and socialize afterwards.


For more information, contact jennifer at




Hi, I'm Christina Kunkle, the founder of Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching LLC and SOAR, a Leadership Development Program for women, and Creator of the Synergy Success Circle.  


My practice is dedicated to helping Professional Women squelch overwhelm and prevent burn out by promoting bounce-back resilience to stay focused, positive, & excited through challenges of work and life.  In addition to one on one coaching,  I facilitate keynotes, workshops, and retreats on topics related to Resilience and Work/Life balance. Do You know of a group that could use some inspiration and practical tips or are you curious about how coaching works?  Then I'd love to share with you what I believe to be  the most powerful tool for change on the planet! read more...                 


My Story

Click here to read about my life-changing transformation

from Fear to Faith.