Synergy Success E-Zine, July 2014

Greetings to YOU and a Warm Summer Welcome to our new Subscribers!
Today our family leaves for the Ocean to celebrate 4th of July with family, but before I go, I wanted to touch base to ask you a quick question: How do you stay Tapped in and Turned On?
As go-getting high-achievers, having snippets of time allotted for rest & rejuvenation are one of the main ways we can prevent burn out.
I have come to realize restorative self-care is not a selfish luxury, it's essential to our well-being. Taking care of everyone in the highest way doesn't exclude us, it includes us. I recently had a few days away to retreat at Wintergreen Resort with my two amazing Beyond SOAR groups, with a few added days of inspired business planning and personal rejuvenation added in.
The total bliss of being in nature, doing yoga, reading, napping, swimming, hiking, laughing, sharing, planning, and eating nutritious foods switched off my stress and allowed relaxation to flow in. I tapped into Spirit and got Turned on to what is truly important for myself, my family, and my business. Trust me, I returned a happier, more patient and attentive mom, full of creative energy.
Perhaps we'll cross paths soon at a Synergy Success Circle next week? or Synergy-in-Motion? (we're always up to something fun, so be sure to check out the full event calendar below!)
Don't let the summer slip by without having a chance to savor some self-care moments!
Here's to a little "You-time" to Restore your Mind, Body, and Spirit
Because you are irreplaceable!
Christina Kunkle, CTA Certified Life & Wellness Coach, R.N.
Master Reiki Practitioner, EFT Advocate
"Resilience Coach for High-Achieving Women
who want to thrive by building a life, not just a career."
p.s. Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching programs are designed to give you tools to enjoy calm, focused energy no matter what's going on around you. Whether it's through private coaching, attending SOAR, coming to a workshop, or making great friends while networking at the Synergy Success Circle, my goal is to provide inspiration, motivation, partnership, and proven tools to create balanced success.
9th, Wednesday
"Synergy Success Circle"
Lunch Meeting 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. McAlister's Deli, Harrisonburg, VA
10th, Thursday
Dinner Meeting 5:30- 7:00 p.m. McAlister's Deli, Harrisonburg, VA
10th, Thursday
"Beyond SOAR II"
8-9:30 p.m.
11th, Friday
SOAR Leadership Development Program
13th, Sunday
4-6 p.m.
17th, Thursday
24th, Thursday
"Beyond SOAR II"
8-9:30 p.m.
25th, Friday
SOAR Leadership Development Program Mastermind Call
July 31st, Thursday
"Midsummer Ladies Night"
Spotswood Country Club
5-8 p.m. flyer coming soon!
Marsha Mays-Bernard
Find a Cozy Corner and Enjoy the most recent Articles from "Bloom" and Health Quest Magazines
(Click here to see all 24 articles)
"I Embrace a Restorative Lifestyle"
Miss One?
Enjoy a cup of tea and browse our last or past
issues of the Synergy Success e-zine
A heart-felt Thank You!
Your kind referrals help me honor, serve, & inspire more women. Passing this on is the greatest compliment I can receive!
My Story

Click here to read about my life-changing transformation
from Fear to Faith.
Carilion Clinic 540-828-2634
I had first heard of Christina and her work 2 years ago, through a patient that had glowing feedback about her experience with her. I had an intuition that I would one day meet her, and at social event 2 years later, I heard her introduce herself to someone. At that point, I did something I rarely do in social situations- I moved out of my COMFORT ZONE and introduced myself to her (even before we said a word to each other, her energy was reaching me!).
Our conversation that afternoon came at a time when there was a lot of transition occurring at our office. Her wisdom about "giving from your overflow" resonated with me, because I was running on empty and didn't have the clarity to know where to go next.
We have worked together since October 2013, first with 1:1 coaching, then synergy success circle, and now with the SOAR leadership program. She has introduced me to a support network of talented, inspiring women that I would never have been able to find on my own. The personal growth I have experienced in these months has been incredible. Christina has shown me valuable tools and helped me instill important habits to deal with personal and professional challenges and triumphs.
Through my dedicated meaningful morning practice, I can greet each day with gratitude and hope, so that most days I am working from abundance and not emptiness. I have been able to define a core value offer that has become a mantra when the minutiae of life threaten to steer me away from balanced success.
Through Christina's wholehearted guidance and wisdom, I am integrating my inner and outer selves to become the whole person I had always thought I could be, and maybe even better than I could have ever imagined.
Thank you, Christina!
"Synergy Success Circle" Membership SALE
In Honor of our 5th Anniversary!
Ready to FREE yourself from the struggle
of going it alone?
Membership in the Synergy Success Circle is a gift you give yourself ~ the gift of holding yourself accountable for getting all the inspiration, motivation, work-life balance tips, friendship, networking, and FUN that you deserve!
First meeting is FREE then cost is usually $10 per meeting or $100 for 1 year.
SALE: Join or Renew by July 11th for $85
(Save $35!) and be entered into a drawing
for a $100 Gift Certificate!
In the Synergy Success Circle, you're guaranteed to receive hugs not handshakes in a collaborative enviornment where you are seen, heard,
and fully supported.
Click for "Synergy Success Circle" Information.
Ready to Join or Renew? Contact Christina
Hi, I'm Christina Kunkle, the founder of Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching LLC and SOAR, a Leadership Development Program for women, and Creator of the Synergy Success Circle.
My practice is dedicated to helping Professional Women squelch overwhelm and prevent burn out by promoting bounce-back resilience to stay focused, positive, & excited through challenges of work and life. In addition to one on one coaching, I facilitate keynotes, workshops, and retreats on topics related to Resilience and Work/Life balance. Do You know of a group that could use some inspiration and practical tips or are you curious about how coaching works? Then I'd love to share with you what I believe to be the most powerful tool for change on the planet! read more...