Synergy Success E-Zine, June 2014


"Phenomenal woman, That's me." ~Maya Angelou



Greetings to YOU and a Warm Welcome to our new Subscribers!


As busy women on a quest to create balanced success, we know the importance of surrounding ourselves with inspiring people and motivational messages. The quotes and sayings from Maya Angelou, a confident and generous woman who devoted her life to encouraging other women, have deeply influenced my personal and professional philosophies.


When the following quote graced my path, it quickly became a favorite, and reflects a resilient philosophy I strive to live by: "My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style" - Maya Angelou


She also said, "When you learn, teach; when you get, give!" and that "teaching others allows us to become better versions of ourselves."  I believe our struggles are uniquely designed to help us find our gifts and talents, and that we are supposed to use them wisely and well by sharing them courageously without hesitation.  Yes, I do believe we teach best what we are here to learn ourselves.


Imagine having the unshakeable calm and fierce spirit that Maya moved through life with. It wasn't in spite of her struggles, but because of them, that she discovered her brilliance.  She created a legacy of love by choosing to offer her experiences to lift spirits and support others instead of allowing shame to crush her.


In reflecting back, I see how circumstances, people, and events helped shape who I've become.  It's why I am so passionate about living a restorative lifestyle. It's why I love to inspire, motivate, share practical tips for working smart, playing hard, and resting well to bypass burnout. 


I'm have your past challenges helped you find your purpose?  And what teachers have influenced the beliefs you hold and values you try to live by?


Maya was an amazing woman.  And her legacy can live on within US - the very women she has helped to nurture.  What do you say we take the lessons we've learned from the places we've been, and use them for help other awesome women move confidently forward? 


Click here to watch "Phenomenal Woman" ~ Maya Angelou's famous poem set to music through dance by artist Amy Sky. 

Now...let's go be phenomenal!  


Christina Kunkle, CTA Certified Life & Wellness Coach, R.N.

Master Reiki Practitioner, EFT Advocate

"Resilience Coach for High-Achieving Women

who want to thrive by building a life, not just a career." 


p.s. Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching programs are designed to give you tools to enjoy calm, focused energy no matter what's going on around you.  Whether it's through private coaching, attending SOAR, coming to a workshop, or making great friends while networking at the Synergy Success Circle, my goal is to provide inspiration, motivation, partnership, and proven tools to create balanced success. 



11th, Wednesday

 "Synergy Success Circle"

Lunch Meeting 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. McAlister's Deli, Harrisonburg, VA

12th, Thursday
Dinner Meeting 5:30- 7:00 p.m. McAlister's Deli, Harrisonburg, VA
12th, Thursday
"Beyond SOAR II"
8-9:30 p.m.


13th, Friday

SOAR Leadership Development Program
15th, Sunday
Happy Father's Day!
20th-22nd, Fri-Sun
"Beyond SOAR I" 
Mid-Year Retreat
Wintergreen Resort

27th-29th, Fri-Sun
"Beyond SOAR II" 
Mid-Year Retreat
Wintergreen Resort

Looking for vendors for "Mid-Summer Ladies Night".

Do you have products or services focused on enhancing the lives of women that you would like to promote? This may be the perfect opportunity for you! On Thursday, July 31st from 5:00pm-8:00pm at the Spotswood Country Club, several businesses are collaborating on an event that will give a boost to everyone's midsummer mojo! 


If you are interested in participating, please contact Marsha Mays-Bernard at:


Space is limited to the first 4 that respond, so reply quickly!

Find a Cozy Corner and Enjoy the most recent Articles from "Bloom" and Health Quest Magazines 

(Click here to see all 24 articles)

Miss One? 
Enjoy a cup of tea and browse our last or past 
issues of the Synergy Success e-zine

A heart-felt Thank You!

Your kind referrals help me honor, serve, & inspire more women. Passing this on is the greatest compliment I can receive!

My Story


Click here to read about my life-changing transformation

from Fear to Faith. 

Elizabeth Neff
"My life with Christina is one crazy journey! There are
joys, tears, promises, challenges, and lots of "just from the gut" laughs that make me feel so loved, protected, and cherished."


I had known Christina from past associations and was pleasantly surprised to see her as the featured speaker at a morning breakfast sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.  The simple and sincere talk that Christina delivered that morning was based on the ability to find genuine purpose and meaning for your life.  This particular morning was one of those "Life Changing Moments" for me that everyone reads about.  I contacted her very shortly after that and we started our journey. 


From our first session (which lead to my attending the Monthly Success Circle lunches), to the present, Christina has been my friend, my counselor, my guide, my sounding board, my confessor, and the very best friend a person could ask for.  She leads, inspires, drives, loves, and is always there with a morning affirmation, to a text message with some link to a problem solution, or to an email which is timely and informational. 


 She has the ability to listen and understand all of the things that you are unable to vocalize and some things you didn't even know you felt.  Her listening skills are wholehearted and you are able get across to her what your innermost desires, wishes, and needs are.  Her teaching skills are heartfelt as well and she has that ability to make the most challenging task seem possible and doable.  And with my continuing to meet with Christina for sessions, she is able to reinforce and to help maintain my focus and drive when things are overwhelming.


I have become a better person from my association with Christina and being a part of the synergy success circle.  I am being challenged every day to stay the course, and to be the best possible person that I can be.  I am grateful for all Christina has done and is doing, and for the knowledge that she is always there for each of us.  


Thank you!


Elizabeth Neff

Bill Neff Enterprises

3570 North Valley Pike

Harrisonburg, VA  22802


Fax:  540.434.4165



"I surround Myself with Phenomenal Women"

May 17th Saddle Sisters at "Breaking Free"


Hi, I'm Christina Kunkle, the founder of Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching LLC and SOAR, a Leadership Development Program for women, and Creator of the Synergy Success Circle.  


My practice is dedicated to helping Professional Women squelch overwhelm and prevent burn out by promoting bounce-back resilience to stay focused, positive, & excited through challenges of work and life.  In addition to one on one coaching,  I facilitate keynotes, workshops, and retreats on topics related to Resilience and Work/Life balance. Do You know of a group that could use some inspiration and practical tips or are you curious about how coaching works?  Then I'd love to share with you what I believe to be  the most powerful tool for change on the planet! read more...