Newsletter #368: Mother's Day - Archived Online.

For 32 years The Teaching Home has provided families information,
inspiration, and encouragement from a distinctively Christian perspective.

Co-Editors: Veteran Home-School Sisters, Sue Welch and Cindy Short


The Girl
I Used To Be

by Rowena K. Lewis

This beautiful poem has been one of our readers' favorites.

She came tonight as I sat alone, the girl I used to be.

And she gazed at me with her earnest eye, and questioned reproachfully:

Have you forgotten the many plans and hopes that I had for you?

The great career, the splendid fame, all the wonderful things to do?

Where is the mansion of stately height, with all of its gardens rare?

The silken robes that I dreamed for you, and the jewels in your hair?

And as she spoke, I was very sad, for I wanted her pleased with me.

This slender girl from the shadowy past, the girl that I used to be.

So gently rising, I took her hand, and guided her up the stair

Where peacefully sleeping, my babies lay, innocent, sweet, and fair.

And I told her that these are my only gems, and precious they are to me;

That silken robe is my motherhood, of costly simplicity.

And my mansion of stately height is love, and the only career I know

Is serving each day in these sheltered walls, for the dear ones who come and go.

And as I spoke to my shadowy guest, she smiled through her tears at me.

And I saw that the woman that I am now, pleased the girl that I used to be.

Copyright 1997 Rowena K. Lewis. Used with permission.

 Recent Issues 

Newsletter #367
A Strong Finish for Your School Year  Just a few minutes, or a couple of hours, of planning (specific suggestions included) can help your family make a strong and joyful finish!

Newsletter #364
Achievement Tests: Help Your Child Get His Best Score!  Includes: 3 Ways To Prepare Your Child for a Test and 7 Test-Taking Skills To Teach Your Child, plus much more.

Newsletter #363
10 Ways To Get the Most from Homeschool Events – with Links to 2013 State Conventions

Newsletter #362
Character Development – with Links to Freebies (Unit Studies, e-Books, and Activities)

News Sources
for Christian Homeschoolers

Want to get news from a Christian perspective? Here are some great sources for free online news and radio programs, as well as e-mail alerts.

World News Group
Online news site
• "The World and Everything in It" audio
   news magazine
World print magazine
God's World News (preK - high school)
World on Campus news site for college

American Family Association
One News Now online news site
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   email and/or breaking news alerts

Homeschooling News from Home School Legal Defense Association
Online news site
Home School Heartbeat 2-minute daily
   radio program / Archive
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     Current events from an historical and Biblical perspective.
WallBuilders Live! radio program
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Freebies:  Free Alternatives
to Expensive Software

Kim Komando, expert on consumer electronics, computers, and the Internet, has identified, tested, and verified free alternatives to expensive software, including the following:

 •  Microsoft Office alternative with PowerPoint, Word and Excel – use the free productivity suite LibreOffice with Writer, Calc and Impress.

    Another version of LibreOffice, made specifically for businesses, has fewer features but more consistent performance and security features.

 •  Adobe alternatives:
Photoshop – use GIMP
Use Inkscape for vector illustration
Use Lightworks for video editing
Use NitroPDF for PDF creation.

 •  Dreamweaver – use KompoZer, a full-featured Web editor.

 •  QuickBooks – use GnuCash, a personal and small-business financial- accounting software.

    GnuCash also has an app available for Android to manage your accounts on the go.

 •  Maya – use Blender, an open-source, 3-D graphics program with professional- quality features.

More from Kim Komando

 •  Spring clean and revive your PC. Cleaning and de-cluttering your PC is easy to do and doesn't take much time. It'll prolong the life of your machine and help you get more work done faster.

 •  Test the strength of your password and get tips on how to make it stronger, such as adding a number or symbol.

 •  Subscribe to Kim Komando's free email Newsletters to get more tips and downloads.

Save $20 on Your HSLDA Membership

Home School Legal Defense Association offers homeschooling families a low-cost method of obtaining quality legal defense that gives them the freedom to homeschool without having to face legal threats alone.

Use this link and discount group number 299142 for $20 off your membership fee.  (Be sure to enter the discount group number 299142 in the "Discount Group Code" area, not the "Coupon Code" area.)

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"I often go back to old issues to find creative, helpful hints or inspiration."
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Sunnyside Up

A Capital Question

After finishing language arts one morning, our 1st grader was helping me in the kitchen by unloading the dishwasher and putting the silverware away.

The utensil tray in the drawer was close to empty, and he couldn't remember which slot the larger forks went in, so he turned to me and asked, "Mom, where do the upper-case forks go?"

Submitted by Christine C., Virginia.

Send your humorous anecdote to [email protected].

Peace with God

1.  God loves you.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

2.  Man is separated from God by sin.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Rom. 3:23)  For the wages of sin is death. (Rom. 6:23)

3.  The death of Jesus Christ in our place is God's only provision for man's sin.

He (Jesus Christ) was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. (Romans 4:25)

4.  We must personally receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name. (John 1:12)

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast. (Eph. 2:8, 9)

God's Word

Immerse your family in God's truth through systematic reading and study of God's Word.

The Teaching Home's
Unique Bible Reading Schedule

Features include:
•  Start any month.
•  Read 6 days a week
   (allows for church on Sunday).
•  Read 4 weeks per month
   (24 days per month).
Online at

Listen to the Bible Online.  Choose from six English versions (plus Spanish and other languages) at

Christian Music Online 24-7

Listen to beautiful traditional, sacred, and inspirational conservative Christian music (commercial free!) when you tune in to these online stations:

 •  Abiding Radio.  Choose from four stations: vocal, instrumental, kids, and seasonal (Christmas). Information for listening on many different devices.

 •  Old Christian Radio


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Copyright 2013 The Teaching Home

Happy Mother's Day!

A woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.
Her children rise up and bless her; Her husband also.
- from Proverbs 31

Invite a Friend!  Encourage your friends and support group to sign up to receive these free newsletters.

 In This Issue 

Nurturing Our Children

     1.  Cherishing Our Children
     2.  Showing We Care through Closeness
     3.  Bringing up Our Children for the Lord

     See Our Mother's Day Pinterest Board for Craft Ideas.


   •  News Sources for Christian Homeschoolers
   •  Freebies: Free Alternatives to Expensive Software

 Recommended Resources 

   •  Birch Court Books: Home Economics for Girls and Boys
   •  Common Sense Press: Wordsmith Writing Curriculum
   •  Living Books: Charlotte Mason Education; Free Webinar
   •  State History from a Christian Perspective; 1-Week Sale


As homeschooling mothers, much of our time and attention is spent on the education of our children.

As Christian mothers, our first priority is instruction in righteousness – teaching and showing our children the love of God.

We hope these Mother's Day thoughts will encourage you as you nurture your children for His glory.

May the Lord bless your family with true love, joy and peace that comes only from Him.

The Pat Welch Family, Publishers
Pat, Sue, Heather, Holly, and Brian

The Teaching Home is a homeschool, family-run business operated in our home since 1980.

Great Resources to Teach Home Economics:
Practical Life Skills for Girls – and Boys!

Home Economics  for Homeschoolers
Curriculum provides girls basic information to care for their own homes and families.  Once-a-week lessons are fun and easy.  Shows homemaking as a joyful experience!
Level 1 - Age 6+  /  Level 2 - Age 8+
Level 3 - Age 10+
Learn To Sew – for Boys & Girls
Step-by-step instructions for projects complete with patterns.
Buckles & Bobbins: Beginning sewing book for boys age 8+
Stitches & Pins: Beginning sewing book for girls age 8+
Pins & Needles: Intermediate sewing book for girls age 8-16
Pintucks & Lace: Use heirloom techniques on today's styles
Catch the Sewing Bug!  Fun and simple sewing projects designed for younger hands working with adult ones.
Birch Court Books
Free Shipping with $20 Purchase.  Free Catalog.
800-655-1811  N7137 County Hwy. C, Seymour WI 54165

Cherishing Our Children

As mothers, we have cherished the special connection with our children that gave them life and form before they were born and that nourished them as babies.

We held them, soothed them, guided and taught them as toddlers, and delighted in their growth as they began to understand and communicate with us in words.

As Christian mothers, we are in a position to supply the even more essential life-giving Word of God to our children.

And as homeschooling mothers, we have almost unlimited opportunities to communicate our own love and guidance, as well as the Lord’s, as our children grow into adults.

What can we do to preserve and maintain the vital connection with our children that God has ordained to bless them throughout their lives?

This Mother’s Day, let us prayerfully consider ways we can connect one-on-one with each of our children and use that close and positive connection to influence our children for the Lord.

Teach the Art and Craft of Writing
with the Wordsmith Series for Grades 4-12

The Wordsmith series by Janie B. Cheaney is self-directed, allowing children to hone writing skills at their own pace with imaginative, yet meaningful, exercises.

The Wordsmith series covers all the basics and forms of good writing, progressing from a single word, to sentences, and concludes with paragraphs and full compositions.

 •  The Wordsmith series is one of Cathy Duffy's 101 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum.

 •  Wordsmith Apprentice for grades 4-6
Scope and Sequence  |   Now FREE Online Lesson Plan
Sample Lesson: (HTML) (PDF)

 •  Wordsmith for grades 7-9
Scope and Sequence  |  Sample Student Lesson: (HTML) (PDF)
Wordsmith Teacher's Guide
Sample Teacher's Guide Lesson: (HTML) (PDF)

 •  Wordsmith Craftsman for grades 10-12
Scope and Sequence  |  Sample Lesson: (HTML) (PDF)

Showing We Care
through Closeness

1. Talk Together

It’s easy to get so busy meeting physical and academic needs that we forget to communicate the full range of our thoughts and feelings to our children.  They begin to see us only as servants, teachers, and bosses, and develop wrong perceptions about our motives.

Yet it is in the context of our lives that our teaching has the most meaning.  We must not make the assumption that our children understand who we really are just because they are with us every day.

Words have power; use them well to open the windows of your heart to your children.

Take the opportunity to visit with your children while your are driving, working together, walking ("You shall ... talk of [God's Word] ... when you walk by the way" Deuteronomy 6:7), or just sit down and eat together.

Equally important is the need to listen to our children.  You will need to help them express themselves by asking questions that draw them out and by giving them feedback that clarifies their meaning.

2. Work Together

A mother may be able to do all the chores in half the time it takes for her children to do them, but such a policy is self-defeating on several levels.

•  Some day she will need help that is already trained and experienced to take her place – even if only for a day or week.

•  Her children will need these life skills for themselves as adults.

•  Her children will be lacking the sense of accomplishment, habit of contributing to the household, and training in disciplined perseverance at menial tasks that regular chores can give them. ("He must labor, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have something to share with one who has need." Ecclesiastes 4:28)

•  Last, but not least, is the camaraderie and feeling of partnership a mother can have with her children when they work together.

3. Play Together

Find at least one activity that you can enthusiastically enjoy with each of your children and don’t let a week go by without meeting a set quota of fun together.

You might walk with one, drive with another, do puzzles or games, cook or sew or read or sing – it just has to be fun for both parent and child.

Playing together as a family will also bring you all closer to each other.  Our family likes Bananagrams, a free-form Scrabble-like game that everyone builds at the same time (no long waits for "turns").

4. Pray Together

Take a few minutes to pray with each child at bedtime, at the beginning of the day, or as you start an activity.

Agree together to take God’s grace for each of your concerns, specifically.  In doing so you acknowledge your own understanding and care for your child and your dependence on God's strength and wisdom.  This example will influence your child for life.

5. Stay Together

Little spots of friction, hasty words, misunderstandings, disappointments, and conflicts of all kinds can cause your relationship with your children to grow cool and distant.  In time, resentment can build a wall between you or lead to all-out war.

To prevent this, keep short accounts on a daily or hourly basis.  Be quick to apologize, forgive, and seek reconciliation as soon as you are aware of the need.  ("Do not let the sun go down on your anger." Ephesians 4:26)

Even when you must reprove, rebuke, or correct your child, do your best to communicate your lasting love and care for your his wellbeing through all five "love languages" – words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, and physical touch.

FREE Webinar –
A Closer Look at Living Books Curriculum

We want to help you find out if LBC is right for you. You will learn...

 •  How you can simply and afford-ably homeschool the living books way.

 •  How to use living books and have your child's education far exceed the workbook/ textbook model.

 •  How LBC's exclusive Planning for Learning organizational method, based on Miss Mason's own, gives parents four extra weeks free time and still get a full year of learning completed.

 •  About LBC's Mentoring Program – Where you can join other moms to receive help to homeschool the Charlotte Mason way.

 Register for this FREE Webinar at 

Living Books Curriculum
A Charlotte Mason education for the 21st century!
 A Complete, Ready-to-Go K-8 Curriculum 

Bringing up Our Children
for the Lord

A Christian mother recognizes the priorities of spiritual training and character development amid the duties and demands of daily life.

For I am mindful of the sincere faith within you,
     which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois
     and your mother Eunice,
and I am sure that it is in you as well.
     (2 Timothy 1:5)

1.  Lead Your Children to Christ
     through Knowledge of the Scriptures

•  Teach your children the truths of the whole Bible, starting in Genesis with creation and ending in Revelation with the new heaven and earth.

•  Introduce your children to the Lord Jesus through His own words and actions in the Gospels so that they may accept His salvation.

And that from childhood
     you have known the Holy Scriptures,
     which are able to make you wise for salvation
     through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
     (2 Timothy 3:15)

•  Pray that you will know when and how to talk to your children about salvation and that they will accept the Lord as their Savior as soon as they are able.

•  At the right time, speak to your child about his need of a Savior and how he can personally accept the Lord Jesus Christ.

2.  Help Your Children
     To Develop and Grow the Lord

Teach your children to love and obey the Lord by helping them get to know Him and what He tells them to do in His Word.

•  Schedule regular Bible reading and discussion – more than once a day if possible.

For example, read a Psalm at the breakfast table, work on a memory verse after lunch, and have family Bible reading with Father.  (See The Teaching Home's Bible Reading Schedule.)

•  As soon as your child can read, encourage him to read from God's Word on his own at a certain time each day. You can have him read it aloud to you for a while until he establishes the habit of reading on his own.

•  Model Bible reading by letting your children see, or know, when you are reading God's Word.

•  Most importantly, show that you love God and desire to know Him better and respond to His message to you. Your attitude will make a life-long impression.

•  Pray for your children’s spiritual growth and strength throughout their lives.

Online "Convention" Special!

State History from a Christian Perspective
• All 50 States Available!  for Grades 3-12  &  Age 3 - Grade 3
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State History by A Helping Hand
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3.  Teach Your Children
     To Honor Their Parents

Teach your children to honor and obey their father and mother in obedience to the Lord so that they will receive His blessing of a long and good life.

Children, obey your parents in the Lord,
     for this is right.
Honor your father and mother
     (which is the first commandment with a promise),
so that it may be well with you,
     and that you may live long on the earth.
     (Ephesians 6:1-3)

You might be tempted to think that it is self-serving to teach your children to obey and honor you, but it is for their benefit.  You do yourself, your children, and their future families a grave disservice if you do not teach and require obedience and respect.

•  Teach your child what God says about obeying and honoring their parents. (Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 6:1-3)

•  Have your children memorize pertinent verses. For example, "Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord." (Colossians 3:20)

•  Discuss ways of honoring parents in word and deed.

•  Model honoring your own parents by your actions and words, even if they live far away or are no longer living.


Doorposts offers For This Is Right and Honor Your Father and Mother (for younger children).  Both books contain an evaluation of Scripture and practical applications of the Fifth Commandment, "Honor thy father and thy mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee" (Exodus 20:12).  See free "Checklist for Sons and Daughters" and guidelines for parents.

4.  Discipline and Train Your Children

The discipline and training of our children is clearly ordained by God as duties of both parents.

My son, observe the commandment of your father
     and do not forsake the teaching of your mother.
Bind them continually on your heart;
     Tie them around your neck.
When you walk about, they will guide you;
     When you sleep, they will watch over you;
     And when you awake, they will talk to you.
For the commandment is a lamp
     and the teaching is light;
     And reproofs for discipline are the way of life.
     (Proverbs 6:20-23)

The rod and reproof give wisdom,
     but a child who gets his own way
     brings shame to his mother.
     (Proverbs 29:15)

•  Establish child discipline and training in agreement with your husband.

•  Study what God says about requiring obedience, and then present to your children a set of clear rules along with reasons and consequences.


See Newsletter #45: How To Establish Child Training, Discipline, and Family Responsibilities, which includes "10 Elements of Child Training Child Training" and "7 Ways To Teach Responsibility through Chores."

Read online article, "Teaching and Training Children."

"For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they will keep the way of the Lord." (Genesis 18:19)