Newsletter #367: A Strong Finish - Archived Online.

For 32 years The Teaching Home has provided families information,
inspiration, and encouragement from a distinctively Christian perspective.

Co-Editors: Veteran Home-School Sisters, Sue Welch and Cindy Short


 Past Issues 

Newsletter #364
Achievement Tests: Help Your Child Get His Best Score! Includes: 3 Ways To Prepare Your Child for a Test and 7 Test-Taking Skills To Teach Your Child, plus much more.

Newsletter #363
10 Ways To Get the Most from Homeschool Events with Links to 2013 State Conventions

Newsletter #362
Character Development with Links to Freebies (Unit Studies, e-Books, and Activities)

Freebies:  Free Alternatives
to Expensive Software

Kim Komando, expert on consumer electronics, computers, and the Internet, has identified, tested, and verified free alternatives to expensive software, including the following:

 •  Microsoft Office alternative with PowerPoint, Word and Excel – use the free productivity suite LibreOffice with Writer, Calc and Impress.

    Another version of LibreOffice, made specifically for businesses, has fewer features but more consistent performance and security features.

 •  Adobe alternatives:
Photoshop – use GIMP
Use Inkscape for vector illustration
Use Lightworks for video editing
Use NitroPDF for PDF creation.

 •  Dreamweaver – use KompoZer, a full-featured Web editor.

 •  QuickBooks – use GnuCash, a personal and small-business financial- accounting software.

    GnuCash also has an app available for Android to manage your accounts on the go.

 •  Maya – use Blender, an open-source, 3-D graphics program with professional- quality features.

More from Kim Komando

 •  Spring clean and revive your PC. Cleaning and de-cluttering your PC is easy to do and doesn't take much time. It'll prolong the life of your machine and help you get more work done faster.

 •  Test the strength of your password and get tips on how to make it stronger, such as adding a number or symbol.

 •  Subscribe to Kim Komando's free email Newsletters to get more tips and downloads.

Homeschooling News

Update on the Romeike Family

The Romeikes, a German homeschooling family represented by Home School Legal Defense Association, are seeking permanent legal asylum in the United States because Germany persecutes homeschoolers with fines, criminal prosecution, and forcible removal of children from their families.

HSLDA launched a petition on the White House website asking that the Obama administration grant permanent legal status to the Romeikes family. The goal of 100,000 signatures has been reached and exceeded. You can still sign the petition, view video, and read update at

"Please pray for us as we prepare for the hearing on April 23 in the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit," HSLDA Chairman Mike Farris writes. "The more I prepare, the more I am convinced of the rightness of this case."

Whose Children Are They?

HSLDA Director of Federal Relations Will Estrada strongly refuted MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry's recent assertion that children belong to the community, not the family. "Nothing could be further from the truth," Estrada said.

"Children are given by God to parents and to families to be loved, to be raised and to be prepared to go on to become leaders in their community," Estrada said. "It doesn't take a village to raise a child. It takes parents – loving parents in a home – to raise a child."

View videos and

Save $20 on Your HSLDA Membership

Home School Legal Defense Association offers homeschooling families a low-cost method of obtaining quality legal defense that gives them the freedom to homeschool without having to face legal threats alone.

Use this link and discount group number 299142 for $20 off your membership fee.  (Be sure to enter the discount group number 299142 in the "Discount Group Code" area, not the "Coupon Code" area.)

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"The Teaching Home has been a part of my continuing education since I started homeschooling, and I have kept every issue.

"I often go back to old issues to find creative, helpful hints or inspiration."
- Meredith C., Florida

Sunnyside Up

A Matter of Time

Do you ever catch yourself saying "just a minute" to one child while you work with another? Ideally I want to say something concrete like, "As soon as Lars has finished this math problem."

But I found out how often I abuse that phrase "just a minute" when Justus, who was just learning two-digit numbers, asked me how long a minute was.

"Sixty seconds," I replied.

"Sixty!" exclaimed Justus incredulously. "No wonder it takes so long!"

Submitted by Lydia C., Maryland.

Send your humorous anecdote to [email protected].

Peace with God

1.  God loves you.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

2.  Man is separated from God by sin.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Rom. 3:23)  For the wages of sin is death. (Rom. 6:23)

3.  The death of Jesus Christ in our place is God's only provision for man's sin.

He (Jesus Christ) was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. (Romans 4:25)

4.  We must personally receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name. (John 1:12)

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast. (Eph. 2:8, 9)

God's Word

Immerse your family in God's truth through systematic reading and study of God's Word.

The Teaching Home's
Unique Bible Reading Schedule

Features include:
•  Start any month.
•  Read 6 days a week
   (allows for church on Sunday).
•  Read 4 weeks per month
   (24 days per month).
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Listen to the Bible Online.  Choose from six English versions (plus Spanish and other languages) at

Christian Music Online 24-7

Listen to beautiful traditional, sacred, and inspirational conservative Christian music (commercial free!) when you tune in to these online stations:

 •  Abiding Radio.  Choose from four stations: vocal, instrumental, kids, and seasonal (Christmas). Information for listening on many different devices.

 •  Old Christian Radio


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 In This Issue 

Plan a Strong Finish
for Your School Year

   1.  Put Spiritual Priorities First
   2.  Set Realistic Academic Goals
   3.  Streamline Your Home Management
   4.  Fill Your Home with Love and Joy


   •  Freebies: Free Alternatives to Expensive Software
   •  Homeschooling News

 Recommended Resources 

   •  Basic Christian Education: Complete Bible-Based Curriculum
   •  Easy Grammar Systems with Daily Grams
   •  State History & Geography from a Christian Perspective


The end of the traditional school year is near.  You might:

 •  Run out of steam and just "peter out."

 •  Explode in a frenzy of "gotta get this all done, or die trying!"

 •  Or you can finish strong – whether or not you will be able to accomplish all you had intended this year.

We hope some of the ideas in this newsletter will help you reevaluate (if necessary) and plan a strong finish!

Don't stop reading if you are on schedule and have smooth sailing to the end of your school year. If you look around a bit, you are sure to be able to use these ideas to help someone else.

But what do you do if your school year is almost done – but your studies are not?

What Not To Do

 •  Do not panic, feel guilty, or envy those who are on schedule.

Maybe you aimed too high, and less than your dream is acceptable and adequate. Most professional educators do not finish all their lesson plans and books.

 •  Do not try to cram everything that is left into the last few weeks; that will only produce unbearable stress, not the love of learning.

What To Do

 •  Talk to the Lord and your husband. Lay out the situation and possible solutions and ask for guidance and help.

 •  Write out a "Strong Finish" plan for the next six weeks, or whenever you plan to finish school.

Check your priorities and make any necessary course corrections in order to reach your most important goals.

 •  Like the pioneers tossing out their heavy furniture in order to cross the mountains, eliminate everything that is not essential.

Just a few minutes, or a couple of hours, of planning can help your family make a strong and joyful finish!

May the Lord richly bless your family for His glory.

The Pat Welch Family, Publishers
Pat, Sue, Heather, Holly, and Brian

The Teaching Home is a homeschool, family-run business operated in our home since 1980.

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1.  Put Spiritual Priorities First

Our family's relationships with the Lord and each other are our most important priorities. This is what Christian homeschooling is all about – so don't miss it or push it to a back burner for anything else!

1.  Read God's Word

Our highest priority is to teach our children God's Word through regular and thoughtful Bible reading, study, and memorization.

     "These words, which I am commanding
          you today, shall be on your heart.
     You shall teach them diligently to your sons."
          Deuteronomy 6:6-7

We can protect our families from error, and counteract the worldly influences around us, in no better way than by immersing our families in God's truth through systematic reading and study of God's Word.

 •  Read a verse or portion of Scripture before or after a meal(s) and at bedtime.

 •  Read through the Psalms and Proverbs in six weeks. Read five Psalms and one chapter of Proverbs each day, five days a week for lots of wisdom and praise!

 •  Ask children to restate something you read to check their understanding.

 •  See Top 100 Memory Verses in five translations.

2.  Continue Consistent Discipline

Taking time to address this basic parenting responsibility (even, or especially, during a busy and stressful time) will pay you back in time, energy, and peace!

 •  Write out your family's top 2-3 rules (e.g., obey parents, be kind to siblings) and a list of basic chores and personal grooming. Make these short and simple!

 •  Consistently require immediate, cheerful obedience.

 •  Include consequences for noncompliance and don't forget to acknowledge good behavior.

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2.  Set Realistic Academic Goals

Consider your academic goals and how best to meet them. If you are on course, great! If you need help, try these ideas.

1.  Concentrate on the Basics

 •  Make the three basic skills of reading, writing, and math your first priority until the end of your school year.

 •  Add history, science, and other subjects whenever your basics are on schedule.

 •  See the scope and sequence charts provided online by A Beka Books or BJU Press to view what material is suggested to be known by each grade level.

2.  Determine Level of Competence Needed

Prioritize your focus and schedule by keeping in mind the relative importance of various parts of the vast amount of knowledge you have to teach.

Remember that most information and skills will be reviewed in future years, and decide what level of competence is necessary now.

 •  Acquaintance
Your children need only a casual acquaintance with many details presented in their curriculum. Some of your study books can be used for a family read-aloud time.

 •  Understanding
Other parts of your curriculum, such as overall timelines of history and major concepts of science and math, need to be understood more thoroughly. A map, timeline or chart would help visualize this.

 •  Mastery
Some detailed information needs to be mastered. This includes the essentials of any discipline, such as instant recall of math facts and operations, and the rules of phonics, spelling, and grammar.  For this mastery level, drill and memorization is needed. Try the following:

    Good computerized drill programs (in a game format or straight facts) are useful for memory aids.  See Free Math Apps for Kids or online math drill games.

    Create or buy study aids for learning and reviewing key facts and information that needs to be memorized such as flashcards, checklists, outlines, and summaries.

3.  Review What You Have Learned

Review is a powerful part of learning. Reviews can be accomplished in a series of short periods.

 •  Flashcards (bought or home made) are helpful for reviewing factual information. Write the word or information to be learned on one side and the definition or explanation on the other.

 •  Laminated quick review guides (bought or home made), and posters also provide review aids.

 •  Rhodes College offers study-skill tips online.

4.  Save Some Studies for Summer

If you choose to concentrate on basic skills at this time, you may want to postpone other subjects to finish during the summer. For instance, you might:

 •  Take one or more days a week during June to read and discuss history in a leisurely fashion. Do the same during July for science, and August for music and art.

 •  You might find that your family greatly enjoys the more relaxed schedule, more time to devote to the subject and related interests, and the focus of concentrating on just one subject at a time.

 •  Summer would also be a good time to add unit studies, field trips, supplemental reading, and software to enhance your studies or for a child to pursue a personal interest.

5.  Increase Efficiency

Arrange your classes for the highest efficiency and conserve time and effort with these time-tested methods:

 •  Teach several of your children together in one class, e.g., history, science, Bible, literature, and electives. Present the lessons with explanations that enable all your children to understand.

 •  Instead of teaching all of your subjects every day, simplify your preparation and gain from your students' focus by teaching fewer, but longer, classes (interspersed with breaks) each day, e.g., each week teach language arts on two days and math on the other three days.

6.  Rewrite Lesson Plans If Necessary

It might be best for you to rewrite your simplified lesson plans for the balance of the school year.

 •  Check off each item as your complete it (see the Homeschooler's Journals).

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3.  Streamline Your Home Management

Make your home run smoothly with the least amount of time and effort by eliminating nonessentials and organizing your time, space, and housework.

1.  Time

 •  Keep a monthly calendar updated with all your family activities – in fact, you might make a master calendar for the 6 weeks (or so) that will take you through to the end of your school year.

 •  Don't schedule all your time; allow for unexpected interruptions, transition time from one activity to another, down time, and catch-up time.

 •  Eliminate any out-of-home activities that you can. Freeing up even one or two evenings each week can really lower the stress level in your home.

 •  Establish the habit of using your master calendar and lesson plans to plan your weekly schedule the weekend before the week begins, and your daily schedule the night before. This will give you a running start, identify overbooking, and help you to be prepared – making things go smoothly and giving you a chance to accomplish your highest goals.

2.  Space and Things

The more "stuff" you eliminate, the easier it will be to arrange your belongings in an orderly way. This also creates a more peaceful atmosphere in your home.

 •  Keep boxes or large garbage bags labeled Put Away, Give Away, Sell, and Toss. Try to put some items in these each day and dispose of them appropriately weekly or at the end of your school year.

 •  Put away half (or more) of your children's toys and rotate them occasionally.

3.  Household

Daily maintenance of your home reduces stress!

 •  Every day:
Load and run dishwasher
Tidy kitchen
Run one load of laundry, fold and put away
Family pick-up time

 •  Every week:
Review checkbook and pay bills
Shop for groceries
Vacuum or sweep living areas
Clean bathrooms

 •  Assign one or more chores to each family member.  Read more at "Magic Minimum: Cleaning Secret of Organized Families" online.

 •  Save your "spring cleaning" for summer time.

 •  Keep meals simple, healthy, and on time. See slow-cooker recipes.

4.  Fill Your Home with Love and Joy

Enjoy the Lord and your family!  God's goal for us is to have a home filled with love, joy, and peace, where each member of the family relates to the others as He intends.

 •  Work together; chores are easier and more fun that way!

 •  Read aloud together.

 •  Set aside a "family night" each week. Play board games, do puzzles, arts and crafts, or bake together.

 •  Take a walk together and talk along the way – enjoy springtime out in nature!

 •  Sing or play musical instruments together.

 •  Spend a little one-on-one time with each family member each day.