Marianist Lay Network of North America

Building a Community of Communities


February 2016
Featured Articles In This Issue
Article Headline
Volunteer Opportunities at MLNNA
2017 Assembly Update
Prayer Intentions
Retreats - Summer Programs
MSJC - Changemakers
MLFI - New Cohort this March
VLCFF - Marianist Studies
MLNNA operates through the generosity of Lay Marianists and Marianist Lay Communities that make up its membership.

Our programs, activities, newsletters, and our support of MSJC, MLFI, and the IO-MLC couldn't happen without your support.

To make a contribution, click the button below.


Mike Wasno

Matt Dunn

Head of Temporalities
Mallory Green

 LeeAnn Meyer

MLFI Representative
Ken Barrett

Mallory Green
Maureen O'Rourke

Is Your Contact Information Accurate?


Click on the "Update Profile/Email Address" link at the bottom of this email. You'll be sent an email with instructions on how to update your contact information for our MLNNA database.


Thank You!



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Change of Habit, Change of Heart
Matt Dunn face
As I reflect about Lent, and the struggle I have to identify something to give up, I'm mindful about all three actions that we are called to: fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. We even hear about not giving something up but instead being deliberately nice or doing something out of the ordinary, even if it's ordinary. This year, Pope Francis calls our attention to performing works of mercy.

Lent is a time of penance and renewal, emptying ourselves and making sacrifices that can't even begin to compare with the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Even when we stray, we are always welcomed home (Lk 15:1-32). When we hear of mercy, we think forgiveness. Yet with God's mercy, God loves unconditionally. Forgiveness aside, we are loved even when we don't deserve to be. If only we had that kind of capacity and could extend that kind of love to others!

We will hear in upcoming Sunday readings that we do not live on bread alone (Lk 4:4), and that whoever is in Christ is a new creation (2 Cor 5:17). During Lent, we sacrifice and empty ourselves, often as a penance. We do good things for others in reparation for all the times we haven't. But part of emptying ourselves during Lent is to make room for Christ. Giving things up for Lent is nice. Doing nice things during Lent is admirable. But, perhaps they shouldn't stop at Easter. Once Easter is here, we are not off the hook. Doing these nice things should be habit forming. We should do certain things because it is what Christ would do. Like the System of Virtues, we should approach Lent with a mindset of being transformed. We must decrease so that Christ can increase (Jn 3:30). Let us form new habits this Lent, so that in our hearts we may be more like Christ. May we be a resurrection people, reminding others of God's loving presence through our words and deeds.

Christ's Peace,

Matt Dunn
Lenten Resources

Tired of giving up the same things for Lent? Here are a few ideas for trying a new form of
fasting to bring you closer to God.

100 Suggestions for Lent

Try this free e-book: 7 Ways to Practice Lent

66 Things to Give up for Lent (beginner, intermediate, and advanced)

40 Ideas for Lent (check out the 10 things to consider when deciding on a fast!)

Try a mini-version of the 7 Experiment. Or read the book and see what inspires you.

Be inspired by Lay Marianist, Susan Vogt, to Live with Less

Read the Manual of Marianist Spirituality available at NACMS

Like an Advent Calendar for Lent, these links can help you live out Lent in new and creative ways.  

Living Lent Daily from Loyola Press
Moments of Mercy from Loyola Press
Best Lent Ever by Matthew Kelly
Lent is a wonderful time to commit to a retreat. Whether you have a few minutes or an entire week, a retreat is a great way to pause and rededicate yourself to prayer.

Try an Ignatian Prayer Adventure (8 parts)
How about an online Busy Person's Retreat? (7 parts)
Surely you have 3 Minutes?
An Online Retreat on the Encyclical Lumen Fidei :The Light of Faith (6 days)
MLNNA Update 
Thank you to all those who have made contributions and pledges to MLNNA since our November contribution campaign.  We have received just over $11,500 in contributions and pledges.  (About the same as this period last year.) 

That puts us about 1/3 of the way toward our goal for 2016.  We have a number of projects that still need funding. 

There is always time to make a contribution or pledge - just go to the "donate now button" above to make a one-time or monthly contribution. 
Volunteer Opportunities with MLNNA!
We have an opening on the Leadership Team. If you are interested in being a part of a dynamic team to help build the MLNNA into a stronger community of communities, contact Mike Wasno for details.

We are also looking for help on a variety of projects.  Some are short-term, one-time projects.  Please consider donating a few hours of your time to help provide new features for you - our members.   Here's just a sample:

Marketing Communications - We are looking for help to freshen up our website by February and integrate our social media presence. If you, your community, or a team of friends would like to work on this project, please email us.
2017 Assembly  
Al Prendergast, Co-Chair 2017 Assembly 
We are happy to announce that Kathleen Gushoney has joined the Assembly Team as a Co-Chair. Katie is a lifelong Lay Marianist and lives in the San Francisco where she is the VP/Regional Executive Director at YMCA of the East Bay.  She also happens to be Al's daughter. 

An announcement will be sent to you shortly to announce the dates!

We are still looking for people to join the team.  There is a lot to do in the remaining 16 months. 
If you're not available until sometime in the future - let us know, we can use your help when you are available. 

If you are interested, or know someone who would be interested, in being a part of the 2017 Assembly Committee, please contact
Al Prendergast or Mike Wasno
We Remember the Following In Our Prayers
For those who need our prayers for healing...
Br. Ron Luksic, S.M. (Cincinnati, OH)
Fr. Paul Reich, S.M. (Dayton, OH)
Judy Heinen (sister of Dianne Mistelske)
Br. LeRoy Viera, S.M. (Cupertino, CA)
Fr. Ray Malley, S.M. (Cupertino, CA)

For those who have gone on before us...
Thomas Wees, Marianist Affiliate (Omaha, NE)

Br. Eugene Meyerpeter, SM (San Antonio, TX)
Br. Antoine Ametchi, SM (Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast)

For all Marianist Sisters and novices as we continue to celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the founding of the FMI by Blessed William Joseph Chaminade and Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon.

For Marianist Vocations and for all those in formation.
For the 2017 Continental Assembly Team as it adds new members and begins preliminary planning. 

For a grace filled and fruitful Lent for all of us.
Submit your prayer request here: Prayer Requests
Fr. Chaminade said the "Interior is the Essential" and the Marianist Retreat Centers are the perfect place to renew your spiritual core or volunteer.

The Marianist Family Retreat Center's Summer Family Retreat sign-ups have started.  For more information and online application visit If you are interested in short-term summer family retreat staffing opportunities of 1 - 2 weeks? Contact Anthony Fucci at

TECABOCA in Mountain Home, TX is offers a variety of retreats throughout the year.  Go to for more information.

You may also want to check out upcoming retreats at the Marianist Retreat and Conference Center in Eureka, MO at
MSJC - Changemakers

Check out the MSJC website and learn more about how the Marianist Family is responding to issues that impact our world today: Ecology & Environment, LGBT Initiative, Racial & Immigrant Justice, Death Penalty & Restorative Justice, and the Adele Social Justice Projct.
MLFI - Calling All Marianists! 
Have you always wanted to start a Marianist Lay Community but didn't know where to start?

Do you know anyone who may be interested in deepening their commitment to Marianist life through forming a Marianist Lay Community?

Are you currently in a community that could use a little boost? Need a way to re-energize your community?

We are currently in the planning stages for the next gathering of the Marianist Lay Formation Initiative (MLFI) the weekend of March 11-13, 2016.

Call Director Pati Krasensky at 215-634-4116 for more information or visit our website at

The Marianist Lay Formation Initiative is a one-year program to support laity who are passionate about the Marianist charism and desire to spread the Marianist spirit in their area. 

Check out the MLFI Community Resource page here
Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation
The VLCFF courses on Marianist Studies are great ways to meet Lay and Religious Marianists from around the continent and the world.  During these 5-week courses you can interact with and learn from others about our Marianist History, Charism, and Spirituality.

The next cycles begin on Feb 28 and April 3. For details about available courses and more, go here.

If your community would like to take a course together, contact Patti Gehred at NACMS to learn about reserving a group course. 
Your Contribution Makes A Difference
We receive contributions from all branches of the Marianist Family and people who are touched by the Marianist Charism. 

Our success depends on having the resources available to provide current and new programs that benefit our members.

If you'd like to make a one-time or recurring on-line contribution, click here. You may also send a check to the address below (in the footer).

If you can offer your time and talent to help, please click here.

Thank you for your generosity and support.  Together we can grow and expand the Marianist Charism.