Issue: 212
September 3, 2015
In This Issue

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Administrative Information
No School Tomorrow or Monday

This is a reminder that there is no school tomorrow Friday, September 3, or Monday, September 7 (Labor Day). Enjoy the long weekend! 
Further Busing Information

We made it through our first week of busing! The community has shown great excitement around the use of the bus program! The school wants to say a huge "Danke schön" for your flexibility and feedback as we try to smooth out all of the bumps along the way. So far there are a few adjustments in the exact pick up/drop off location to try to avoid construction and potentially dangerous intersections/roadways. Please click here for those small details.

A few extra things to note: 
  • Tuesday, September 8, Great River School pick up/drop off begins. Our students will see some new faces.
  • Early Release drop off times will be sent out next week. Our bus provider, JME Transit, has been working on our current bus challenges and once these are all ironed out, they will be able to easily adjust the drop off times for early release with our dismissal time. We will have and send out the Early Release pick up times in the next Elternbrief (September 10).
  • Drop off: Please be at the stop 3-5 minutes before the bus is due to arrive. AND equally important, please have a back up plan if you are not able to be there. Other parents at the stop may be open to exchanging phone numbers for this purpose. Student safety is a primary concern and we do not want children to be left alone at a stop for any reason.
  • Walking from the Drop Stop requires written permission to mwallce@tcgis & info@tcgis.org. Michelle Wallace will get the information to the bus company and the office will have the information on hand in case of a question/concern.
  • BUS CHANGE order (***NEW***)  If your child(ren) is/are not riding the bus am/pm or there is a change to bus permissions, stops or otherwise - please use the bus change order form so that the information can be correctly conveyed to the bus company. You should also notify the office and expect the link to the bus change order in reply even if you have already completed the bus change order.
Our buses are nearing maximum capacity and today (Thursday), they were almost exactly on time! As always, if you have questions, please reach out to mwallace@tcgis.org.
Soccer Update

The soccer program kicks off next week! The season will run from September 9 - November 6. All interested families received a personal email outlining the details of soccer. If you're interested, you can read that message here. For more information, please email Michelle Wallace &/or Chad Prater.
Call for After School Activities Instructors!

Session one of after school activities will be starting soon! If you would like to offer a class please fill out the attached form and hand it in to the office. Session one of After School Activities will be starting the week of September 28. If you have any questions about teaching a class, please email Lauren Kalish at lkalish@tcgis.org.
Fall Spirit Wear Order Going On Now

New to the school? In need of a new shirt or sweatshirt? From now until September 18 we will be collecting order forms with payment for our new fall spirit wear! Once orders have been collected, it will take about two weeks until we have the items at the school. Please email Lauren Kalish with any questions! 
Class Directories Coming Soon

In addition to our student directory with all students listed by name and zip code, we are working on a separate directory, or Klassenliste, for every class/homeroom which will be distributed by email next week. The class directory will contain the following information: name of student, address, home phone, names of parents and email addresses. If you do not want to be on this list, please send a message to our Communication Coordinator, Tina Haarbusch.
Show Your School Spirit on September 11!

Show your school pride on Friday, September 11 by wearing a TCGIS shirt! What a wonderful way to kick off the new school year.
Find Out How to Get Involved at TCGIS

In case you missed it, here is more information about the fall opportunities at TCGIS. There is also one new opportunity! Like soccer? Enjoy spending time outside? Consider volunteering to be a Sports Practice Assistant. To volunteer for this or any other current opening, complete a volunteer application.
Box Tops Ice Cream Party!

Don't forget to send your Box Tops to school by September 11th for your child to win a class party. Competition is fierce with some classes running neck and neck. Every Box Tops counts!

There is still time to get the 5 box top bonus! To follow our earnings progress just sign up at www.BTFE.com/signup  and enter our school ID number 962277. The bonus box tops will automatically be credited to our account.
Thank you for your support!
Supply Donation 2015-2016
Each year TCGIS asks for a supply donation from our families to help cover the extra costs of our German curriculum, including disposable Hefte, or workbooks, purchased each year. The suggested donation is $75 per child. For all families that have already made a donation, vielen Dank! This donation makes it possible for TCGIS to provide our students with the best German materials available. If you would like to make a donation, please do so in the front office. We appreciate your support!

Are You an HR Professional?

The TCGIS Board of Directors recently created a new subcommittee to provide oversight and develop policies concerning school personnel issues. The personnel committee is seeking a parent or community member with professional experience in employment law or human resource management to participate in the committee. Committee meetings will be held on a monthly basis. 

If you have HR experience and would like to join the committee, please email the personnel committee chairperson, Kelly Laudon, at klaudon@tcgis.org to volunteer.
PTO Announcement

Find out what's going on in the PTO. Click HERE to read more about:
  • Regional school picnic invites
  • Community Auction in Fall 2015
For the latest information, be sure to like our Facebook page.  
GAI Announcements

Samstagsschule - Saturdays, Sept 19-Nov 21, No Class Oct 17  
Emphasizing fun, interactive language acquisition, Samstagsschule (Saturday School) is a class your kids will look forward to. Four classes are available this fall for children  in preschool up through 8th grade. Click here to register. Registration due by September 12. 
Herbstfest Heuriger - October 24
Join us for a romantic evening celebrating the changing of the seasons at the newest GAI tradition, our Austrian-inspired Herbstfest Heuriger. A Heuriger is an outdoor wine garden which features wines and foods from the current harvest, and we will be featuring select Austrian wines with a refreshing Viennese style menu. Space is limited for this unique experience, so register here or by calling the office at 651-222-7027Registration includes one meal and two drink tickets. Tickets are non-refundable.