 CAMWS Newsletter
The Classical Association of the Middle West and South |
Report From Secretary-Treasurer Tom Sienkewicz
2012-2013 has been a good year for CAMWS. Individual memberships in CAMWS passed the 1500 mark for the first time since 2004. In 2012-2013 there were 1504 individual members and 116 institutional members. The only weak area of membership is library subscriptions to Classical Journal, which have seen a steady decline from 343 in 2003 to 236 this year. The number of members applying for all awards and scholarships as well as the number of students taking the CAMWS Sight Translation Exam increased significantly this year. For this reason the Executive Committee agreed to finance one additional Benario Travel award and one additional Stewart Scholarship for an undergraduate and to increase the budget for the Stewart Teacher Training and Travel awards so that more funding requests could be approved. The year-long transition of the CAMWS office from St. Olaf College to Monmouth College was finally completed by early last fall. Jevanie Gillen, the CAMWS administrative assistant, now cheerfully keeps a good rein on the Secretary-Treasurer and ensures the smooth functioning of the office. We are happy to report that we have (almost) no boxes left from St. Olaf to unpack. 511 people attended the 109th meeting in Iowa City, a significant increase over the 215 members who attended the meeting the last time it was held in Iowa City in 1993. Of course, that year it snowed. This year we only had rain, heavy winds and flooding to contend with. Many of our members successfully weathered the challenges of travel and were able to attend at least part of the meeting. Only a handful of registrants were not able to attend at all and we certainly missed their presence.  |
The Sheraton Iowa City
We were delighted that so many people attended the 109th Annual Meeting in Iowa City.When they were not using their CAMWS shot glasses, participating in the Homerathon sponsored by students at the University of Iowa, or looking for the Field of Dreams, the attendees participated in 18 panels on topics like the year 87 B.C., theories of ethnicity and Klassics for Kids and 289 individual papers on topics like songs for the Greek classroom, blood-sucking moths and Medusa in the 21st century - all of this in 11 sessions with 7 sections each! The traditional special events, including the opening reception, the happy hour for graduate students, the reception sponsored by the Women's Classical Caucus, and the lunch hosted by the Vergilian Society, were all well attended. On Friday afternoon most participants enjoyed a short, fifteen minute stroll from the hotel, past the Old Iowa State House to the Iowa Union, albeit through snow flurries, for the sessions at the University and the delicious spread of hors d'oeuvres and drinks at the reception sponsored by the University of Iowa and planned so expertly by John Finamore, Chair of the Local Committee. John also gathered in Iowa City an enthusiastic cadre of volunteers from the University of Iowa as well as area institutions, to provide assistance at the registration desk and in many other ways. Many members of the Local Committee proved themselves especially adept at making paper flower centerpieces for the Friday night banquet under the expert direction of Jevanie Gillen. We were also pleased to welcome a good number of exhibitors to Iowa City. Their presence greatly enhanced the meeting and we appreciated the opportunity to view all the materials they had on display. We were especially grateful to the American School of Classical Studies, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, the National Latin Exam and the Vergilian Society for sponsoring snacks during the session breaks. The experiment of including the cost of the Friday night banquet in the registration fee appears to have been successful. The banquet was attended by 418 people and it was inspiring to see so many members, especially graduate students, enjoying the festivities. (We are planning a second plenary banquet again at the 110th meeting in Waco next year, by the way.) The banquet this year included a greeting from Chaden Djalali, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Science at the University of Iowa which was so inspiring that it received a spontaneous standing ovation from the audience. (You can read this address elsewhere in this newsletter.) The response was given by CAMWS' gracious president-elect Monica Cyrino of the University of New Mexico and James C. McKeown of the University of Wisconsin-Madison served as a memorable presider and arbiter bibendi. CAMWS Orator James May delivered three ovationes along with a special Latin version of "Seventy Six Trombones," in honor of Meredith Wilson, in whose home state we were dining. Audio recordings of these ovationes are available on the CAMWS website. Peter Knox has shown great imagination and diplomacy as president of CAMWS. Not only did he insure that the plan for a new and improved Friday-night banquet at the meeting in Iowa City would be successful with his thoughtful presidential address entitled "The Archaeology of Reading" (which you can listen to on the CAMWS website) but he also spearheaded a drive to raise funds sufficient to endow a pedagogy book prize in memory of Lou Bolchazy. Within a few short weeks, under Peter's leadership, CAMWS raised more than $9000.00 for this purpose and, at its meeting in Iowa City, the CAMWS Executive Committee approved the prize as a permanent annual $250.00 award. I am pleased to report that, at the same meeting, the Executive Committee also voted to establish an annual $2000 award for summer archaeological fieldwork. It is exciting to see CAMWS increasing the number of ways that it can serve the classical profession. The CAMWSCorps project begun at CAMWS-SS in Tallahassee last fall continued in Iowa City, where ten long-term members of CAMWS were interviewed by undergraduate and graduate students. You can read more about this project elsewhere in this newsletter, where you can also learn about the various awards and scholarships that were announced at the business meeting. All the recipients of these awards were well-deserving, especially in this year when there were increased number of applicants and the competition was particularly strong. So let us all celebrate the accomplishments of 2012-2013 but not rest on our laurels. Rather let us look forward to an even better year for CAMWS in 2013-2014, when I hope to see you in Waco, where novelist Steven Saylor will be a plenary speaker! -Tom Sienkewicz, Monmouth College, CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer
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A Letter from CAMWS President Peter Knox and President-Elect Monica Cyrino
Dear Colleagues in CAMWS, We are in the process of closing the books on our Annual Meeting in Iowa City, which proved to be a great success. In spite of the adverse travel conditions, only a handful of participants were unable to make it to the meeting. And thanks to all of you who did come, a wonderful time was had by all. We would particularly like to thank all of you who attended the banquet for your indulgence: with more than 400 people in attendance, this was a new experience for us. This was also the first time that we have included the banquet ticket in the registration packet and we are very keen to improve the experience now that it will be a regular part of our annual meeting. Toward that end we have been reviewing the responses to the survey about the annual meeting and we want to assure you that we are listening to your concerns (and your compliments). We received over 200 responses to our survey and the overwhelming sentiment about the meeting-the papers, the presiders, the hotel, and the city-was extremely positive. In addition, more than 80% of those who attended the banquet rated the experience as satisfactory, and over 50% called it very satisfactory. Most importantly, almost 75% agreed that we should continue to include the banquet ticket in the registration fee. That said, we have also listened to dissenting voices and are working on improvements for next year's conference in Waco. To be specific, we will be working with the hotel staff to provide a better dining experience, including more table service with coffee and dessert. Many respondents reported that while they very much enjoyed the proceedings, the speeches ran over their time and we will adhere to a tighter schedule next year. Our greatest concern is the cost of registration and we want to assure you that we will do everything we can to keep it affordable. While we are aware that even at this year's pricing registration for CAMWS's annual meeting is comparable to, or much less expensive than, other professional gatherings, we nonetheless intend to pursue every possible avenue for keeping it as low as possible. We would like to thank all of you for making this year's conference such a success, and for helping us to make our upcoming meetings every bit as good (or better). If you would like to contact either of us directly with suggestions, please feel free to email Peter Knox (Peter.Knox@Colorado.edu) or Monica Cyrino (Pandora@unm.edu). With thanks again for all you do for our field and for CAMWS, Yours very truly, Peter Knox, President Monica Cyrino, President-Elect
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Presidential Address 2013
Click this link to listen to this year's presidential address, "An Archaeology of Reading," by Peter Knox. Back to top
Photo Highlights from Iowa City
Student helpers from the University of Iowa
Local Committee Chair John Finamore enjoys Friday's reception.
James McKeown acts as the banquet's magister bibendi
Peter Knox enjoys the banquet before giving the presidential address.
Ovatio recipient Bob Cape with CAMWS orator Jim May.
Ovatio recipient Mary Pendergraft with Jim May.
Attendees browse the book display.
Secretary-Treasurer Tom Sienkewicz reports at the business meeting.
President-Elect Monica Cyrino and President Peter Knox
Address by Chaden Djalali, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Science at the University of Iowa
Dean Djalali presented the following address at the banquet in Iowa City and received a standing ovation. He was kind enough to share it with the Newsletter so all of our members could read it:
"Hello, and welcome to Iowa City and the University of Iowa!
It is a great pleasure to be here with you tonight for this gathering of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. I've had an opportunity to learn a bit about CAMWS from Helena Dettmer, my college's Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Curriculum. Helena is herself a classicist, the former chair of our Classics Department, and a past president of CAMWS.
The study of Classics has been an essential part of the University of Iowa since its founding. Classics was among the UI's first four departments when we were founded in 1847, and the study of the Classics has been a bedrock of an Iowa education ever since. We have had two presidents who were classicists. We have one of the most extensive library collections of the Classics in the nation. And the heart of our campus, the Pentacrest, reflects Iowans' deep appreciation for the Classics with its buildings that feature neoclassical architecture.
Our commitment to a liberal arts education rooted in the Classics will always lie at the heart of our University. That is simply a responsibility we have to today's and future generations. The more fascinated and consumed our society becomes by technology, by the breakneck pace of modern life, by popular culture, the more important it becomes that we preserve and reexamine our knowledge of the foundations of our civilization. For without a solid grounding in the ethical and philosophical and aesthetic underpinnings of our culture, how can we possibly survive a world full of ever-newer and shinier distractions, with all the critical choices that lie before us?
Like all of you, I am dismayed and concerned by the trend over the past few decades of higher-education institutions downplaying the benefits of classical education in favor of a single-minded focus on career preparation. The good news is that that's a false choice. An education in the Classics is quite possibly the best career preparation a student can receive. An employee can be trained in the specifics of any job at the workplace, but it is only in an educational setting that one can learn the collective cultural wisdom that will prepare a worker for any sort of decision she might face.
I was raised and schooled in Europe. By the time I went to college, I had studied languages and civilizations. I went on to earn a doctorate in nuclear physics, conducting research and teaching in a highly specialized scientific discipline. And never once have I considered my Classical training to have been irrelevant to the life I've led. To the contrary, it has been foundational for me.
So today our Classics Department connects our past with our future. Amazing technologies are giving our Classics faculty and students new ways of understanding and discovering our Classical heritage. They work interdisciplinarily with colleagues throughout campus, bringing an essential body of knowledge to communication studies, art, rhetoric, health studies, and many other areas. I am excited to see what will happen next in the Department, with its outstanding leadership and faculty.
Because the work all of you do is so important to our identity here at Iowa, I am delighted that you have chosen our home as a place for you to share ideas about the opportunities that lie ahead in the study of the Classics.
Thank you and enjoy your visit."
Bob Cape (Austin College) Douglas Olson (University of Minnesota) Mary Pendergraft (Wake Forest University)
To listen to this year's ovationes, delivered in Latin by Jim May, click here. A print version of the ovationes will appear, as is customary, in an upcoming edition of Classical Journal. |
2013 Awards for Special ServiceThis year marks the eleventh anniversary of a CAMWS Award for Special Service. This award formally acknowledges exceptional promotion of Classics and/or accomplishments for the profession in CAMWS territory. The award is given pro re nata. Three special service awards were given this year.
David Perlmutter The University of Iowa
Seneca wrote "Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness." He could have been writing about David Perlmutter. David is the director of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Iowa. He is a documentary photographer, writes on political communication and persuasion, has been interviewed by the major news networks, has appeared on the Daily Show with John Stewart, and (perhaps most important of all to classicists) he has adopted Classics as his second love. He is a major supporter of the Classics, a human being on the lookout to do a kindness. David's parents were educators, and his mother was born in Greece. It was natural, therefore, that he take an interest in the Classics. At the University of Iowa he has encouraged his own Journalism students to take a second major in Classics. He has been a regular at the Classics Coffee Hours (which the department holds regularly for its undergraduate majors), and has gladly assisted in handing out awards and talking with Classics majors. Last year he kindly offered an annual gift to be used to support students who travel abroad to do study, research, or field work over the summer. As was fitting, he named the award after his parents, the Howard and Fotini Perlmutter Prize in Classics. Students compete for this award by submitting a paper that they have written in a Classics course. A committee of Classics professors reads the papers and selects the best one for the prize. Last year's prize winner, Elijah Fleming, is a senior this year and will be remaining for two more years at Iowa to complete a Masters in Classics before applying elsewhere for a PhD in archeology. It was David's gift that made her visit to an archeological site in Gangivecchio, Sicily possible.
The Department of Classics at the University of Iowa is very fortunate to count on such a benefactor, who, like Maecenas, fosters study and education through travel, an essential item in every scholar of the Classics. We, therefore, recognize Professor David Perlmutter with a Special Service Award and commend him for his hard work on behalf of the Classics.  |
Nicoletta Villa-Sella presents David Perlmutter with the Special Service Award.
Mark Freeman, SuperintendentShaker Heights (OH) City SchoolsDr. Mark Freeman will retire on July 31st of this year after 25 years of service as the Superintendent of the Shaker Heights (OH) City School District. What becomes most apparent in reviewing and comparing Dr. Freeman's leadership with other Superintendents past and present, both in Shaker and other school districts, is that it is manifest, even in his early years as an Administrator in the Central Office, that he showed an unparalleled enthusiasm and support for the teaching of Classical Languages. In 1985, Dr. Freeman oversaw the major curriculum changes involved in the implementation of the Middle School model of education in the Shaker Schools. Most notably, he was adamant that the Shaker Middle School Foreign Language program would include Latin as one of the three languages taught there, and that a new wide-ranging Latin curriculum be designed and written specifically for 7th and 8th grade students. Twenty-eight years later, Latin still thrives in the Middle School, and is one of the premier Latin programs at that level in the United States. In addition, Dr. Freeman has been the guiding force behind the Shaker Schools becoming a full-fledged K-12 International Baccalaureate School System. His commitment to an international focus in education has constantly emphasized an intense involvement of World Language in all three of its parts- the Primary Years, the Middle Years, and the Diploma Programme. Again, for the group here assembled, the most important part of the District's implementation of the International Baccalaureate, has been that due solely to the persistence of Shaker Schools- under the express direction of Dr. Freeman- Latin was recently awarded full Language B status by the IB Board, thus making Latin eligible to be included as an integral part of the Middle Year Programme. In Dr. Freeman's quarter-century as leader of the Shaker Heights City Schools, the Greek and Latin programs offered in the Shaker Schools have grown large in size and strong in stature through his support. Currently five Latin and Greek teachers work at the Middle and High Schools, offering students the possibility of taking six years of Latin and/or four years of Greek. Bombarded far too often with constant news of dying and defunct Latin programs at secondary and post-secondary schools around the country, it is a pleasant task for CAWMS to present a 2013 CAMWS Award for Special Service to Dr. Mark Freeman- to an administrator who throughout his career has not only realized the value of the Classics, but has done so much to support this discipline in the Shaker Heights School District.  |
Mark Freeman is presented with the Special Service Award
Principal George Heshka, Ms. Kristin Peterson, and Ms. Lindsay Welbers Sisler High School, Winnipeg, Manitoba Recipients of the CAMWS Special Service Award have made special contributions to the promotion of Latin and Classical Studies in CAMWS territory. They need not be classicists or CAMWS members. Suitable candidates can be parents, community members, or school administrators who have supported local Latin programs in notable ways, or companies that have donated money or other resources for the promotion of Latin. This year's recipients fit the mold perfectly: whereas Latin is uncommon in publicly funded high schools in the province of Manitoba, Principal George Heshka, Ms. Kristin Peterson, and Ms. Lindsay Welbers of Sisler High School in Winnipeg have taken the bold step of launching a pilot program aimed at installing a multi-year sequence of Latin instruction as the bedrock of a Classics department. The progress of the project has been impressive. In the fall of 2012, the school's ambitious "accelerated program" added a section of Introductory Latin to its schedule, in which the thirty-six accelerated grade nine students were automatically enrolled. Concurrently, a small section of Introductory Latin for five ambitious grade twelve students was undertaken, three of which are on the verge of challenging for University credit in Latin. Enrollment seems likely to explode in the fall of 2013: approximately the same number (ca. thirty-five) of incoming accelerated grade nine students will again begin Introductory Latin, while more than half of the first accelerated cohort have opted to continue their study of the language in grade ten. Moreover, forty-one grade eleven students and nine grade twelve students have elected to begin Introductory Latin, as well. Nor is the growth of Classical studies limited to the language: a class in mythology has been added for 2013-2014, which is likely to enroll nearly one hundred students. The momentum of the Sisler Latin program suggests that within a few years, the desired multi-year cycle of Latin stretching from grades nine to twelve will be firmly established. And because Latin at the grade nine level is currently only available to the select students in the school's accelerated program, the potential for further growth once it is offered more widely is vast. While faculty members in the local universities' Classics Departments are thrilled to support the pilot project in Latin, the credit for its installation and success lies with three recipients of this award. The driving force for the project as a whole is the school's head of English, Ms. Kristin Peterson, whose passion and determination to add Latin to the curriculum is manifest in the very existence of these classes. She and Ms. Lindsay Welbers deserve plaudits for taking on the responsibility of teaching these new classes. No less deserving is Principal George Heshka, who has taken the initiative to support a bold and risky project, at a considerable cost to Sisler's institutional and human resources. We commend the effort of these educators and support their vision as they endeavor to enrich their schools with the Classics. Back to top |
Outstanding Publication Award
Joseph Rife
CAMWS is pleased to bestow its Outstanding Publication Award for 2013 on Joseph Rife (Vanderbilt University) for his book Isthmia: The Roman and Byzantine Graves and Human Remains (Isthmia XI), ASCSA/Princeton, 2012.
Rife's book combines detailed work in both cultural archaeology and physical anthropology to extract from this set of burials at Isthmia not only a rich tapestry of information about the burial practices of the residents of Isthmia under Roman rule but also information about their health, occupations, diet, and family structure. The careful technical studies (e.g. the reader learns how to read traces of various diseases from bone markings) are matched by engaging and persuasive synthetic overview of the settlement and its residents. It was in recognition of this distinguished achievement that CAMWS honors Joseph Rife with its 2013 Outstanding Publication Award.
Semple, Grant, & Benario Awards
Semple Award for the American School of Classical Studies at Athens:
- Ryan Horne (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Mary A. Grant Award for American Academy in Rome: - Robert Dudley (Duke University)
Janice & Herbert Benario Award - Veronica-Gaia Ikeshoji-Orlati (University of Virginia), to attend the American Academy in Rome's summer program in Roman pottery
- Jody Bergman (Scecina Memorial High School, Indianapolis, Indiana), to attend the Vergilian Society's "Gods, Myths and Sanctuaries of Asia Minor" in Turkey
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Kraft Award for Excellence in Secondary School Teaching

The 2012-2013 Kraft Award winner is Howard Chang, Department Chair and Upper School Coordinator at Flint Hill School in Oakton, Virginia. Magister Chang teaches a range of Latin from beginning to AP, managing a department of 5 FT teachers. Very active in the Virginia JCL, Magister Chang expressed his deep regret that he could not be present in Iowa City to receive his award; he was hosting and organizing the State finals for Certamen. References spoke to Magister Chang¹s devotion to his students, to his active mentoring, and to his many service duties within the school and with JCL, as well as his incorporation of multiple strategies and technologies for teaching. Magister Chang is particularly adept at leading his students to make connections between their subject and the "real world." One administrator wrote, "You haven't lived until you've witnessed Chang running about the room leading his students in conjugation or declension memorization to full-blown, multi-stanza songs he has written to the tunes of Broadway musicals, Brittney Spears, hip-hop, rap or the Little Mermaid. At first they looked at him as if he'd lost his mind; but Howard, undaunted, kept singing until they all joined in." A former student wrote, "His classes, his guidance and his encouragement have changed my life for the better." What higher accolade could a teacher receive? For these reasons and many more unmentioned from a very distinguished portfolio, CAMWS is pleased to award Magister Howard Chang this year's Kraft Award for Excellence in Teaching.
CAMWS Award for Excellence in College Teaching
The 2012-2013 CAMWS Award for Excellence in College Teaching winner is Mary Pendergraft, Professor of Classical Languages at Wake Forest University. A list of well-earned distinctions (including the Merita Award from the American Classical League) is mirrored by an equally impressive list of publications and service to the profession, including work as Chief Reader for AP Latin from 2007-2011. Former and current colleagues point to Pendergraft¹s unflagging commitment to the program at WFU, especially the operation and management of the Greek curriculum; to her command of a range of capabilities for teaching; and to her focus on the core mission of the department, teaching. Dr. Ulery says, "The University's motto is pro humanitate, interpreted as a call for service to the world, but I am always reminded that in classical Latin the noun refers to a humane quality rather than to humankind. Mary exemplifies both meanings in one person, devoted to serving the educational mission of the department and the humanitarian mission of the larger community, and doing both with a high standard of achievable excellence and a gracious demeanor in every kind of situation." A former student remarked, "The mark of teaching excellence at its core: someone from whom you continue to learn, even 18 years after you have left her classroom." But perhaps one of the most representative comments about her teaching comes from herself, "When I read course evaluations that say that the hardest Latin course was also the most enjoyable, I'm delighted but not surprised. Hard work truly can bring joy." For all Dr. Pendergraft's hard work on behalf of her students and the teaching of Classics, CAMWS joyfully presents Mary Pendergraft with this year's CAMWS Award for Excellence in Teaching at the College Level.  |
Peter Anderson presents Mary Pendergraft with the College Teaching Award
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Presidential Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Paper
Two co-winners were announced at this year's CAMWS banquet:
Giulio Celotto (Florida State University), "Agathon's Ilioupersis in Aristophanes' Thesmophoriazusae"  |
Giulio Celotto is presented with the Presidential Award by Peter Knox.
| Mitchell R. Pentzer (University of Colorado at Boulder), "Horace-ing Around with Martial 10.68." |
Mitchell Pentzer receives the Presidential Award.
Manson A. Stewart Scholarships
Recipients of the 2012-2013 Awards, in alphabetical order: - Laurel Boman (Gustavus Adolphus College)
- Ana Guay (University of Michigan)
- Kirsten Kappelmann (Baylor University)
- Timothy Kimbrough (University of Tennessee)
- Maria Kovalchuk (Northwestern University)
- John Mulhall (The College of William and Mary)
- Amanda Swisher (Creighton University)
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Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training and Travel Awards
Stewart Teacher Training Awards: - Claire Bishop (University of Kentucky)
- Edmund DeHoratius (Wayland High School, Wayland, MA)
- Lindsey Lovette (Archer High School, Lawrenceville, GA)
- Lance Piantaggini (Stow-Munroe Falls High School, Stow, OH)
- Keith Toda (Brookwood High School, Snellville, GA)
Heather Vincent presents the Teacher Training Award to Lance Piantaggini.
Stewart Travel Awards to CAMWS in Iowa City:
- Bryan Carlson (Fort Worth Country Day, Fort Worth, TX)
- Jacqueline DiBiaisie (University of Texas, Austin)
- Ginny Lindzey (Dripping Springs High School, Austin, TX)
- Hong Yoong (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM)
Hong Yoong receives the Travel Award.
Bryan Carlson receives the Travel Award.
Ginny Lindzey receives the Travel Award.
Stewart Travel Awards to CAMWS-SS in Talahassee:
- Jaime Claymore (Mountain View High School, Lawrenceville, GA)
- Emily Marillier (University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana)
- Marsha McCoy (Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX)
- Gaius Stern (Making Waves Academy, Richmond, CA)
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CPL Award for Outstanding Promotional Activity
Two awards were presented for Outstanding Promotional Activity: Nicoletta Villa-Sella, Linsly School, Wheeling, WV The West Virginia Junior Classical League invited Dr. Jonathan Zarecki (UNC, Greensboro) to be the keynote speaker on the training of a legionary of the imperial army. Michele Ronnick, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
The goal of this activity was outreach to the reading public showing the enduring value and impact of the Classics upon the modern world in general and more specifically upon the creative lives of people of African American descent in the 21st century. Wayne State University senior Classics major Catherine Mitchell presented her study concerning the use and meaning of the myth of Medea in the plot of Salvage the Bones (Bloomsbury), a novel by Jesmyn Ward, which won the 2011 National Book Award for fiction, and in 2012 an Alex Award from the American Library Association. Ward is of African descent. The presentation took place at Source Booksellers, an independent book store in Detroit specializing in non-fiction books concerning world history and culture from Africa to America to the local scene in Detroit. Owned by Janet Jones, the store is located at 4201 Cass Avenue, in the Auburn Building, 2 blocks from WSU's campus.  |
Alyson Jones, Catherine Mitchell, and Janet Jones
 | Promotional poster for the event designed by Alyson Jones |
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School Awards - Latin Translation Exam
Cash Award Winners (alphabetically, with school and teacher)
Morgan Cheatham, Thomas Jefferson High School, VA (Christine Conklin)
Amy Chen, Thomas Jefferson High School, VA (Christine Conklin)
Amador Delamerced, Summit Country Day School, OH (Larry Dean)
Amanda Suzanne Evans, Oak Hall School, FL (Generosa Sangco-Jackson)
Matthew Gayoso, Memphis University School, TN (Ryan Sellers and Trey Suddarth)
Salman Haque, Memphis University School, TN (Ryan Sellers and Trey Suddarth)
Emily Hogya, Summit Country Day School, OH (Larry Dean)
Jackson Myers, Hume-Fogg Academic School, TN (Alice Sanford)
Patrick Sanguineti, Flint Hill School, VA (Howard Chang)
Robert Wharton, Thomas Jefferson High School, VA (Christine Conklin)
Book Prize Winners (alphabetically, with school and teacher)
Jared Ashkenaz, Memphis University School, TN (Ryan Sellers and Trey Suddarth)
Shivam Bhakta, Memphis University School, TN (Ryan Sellers and Trey Suddarth)
Thomas Briggs, Flint Hill School, VA (Kenneth Andino)
Marshal Bryan, Eastside HS, GA (Eric Adams)
Eva H. Buchanan-Cates, Covenant Day School, NC (Caroline Kelly)
Ian Cossentino, The Walker School, GA (Randy Fields & Amy Leonard)
Sage Farha, Wichita Collegiate, KS (Virginia Kehoe)
Jude Gingo, University School, OH (Karl Frerichs)
Cameron Hajjafar, Hume-Fogg Academic School, TN (Alice Sanford)
Molly Hemenway, Thomas Jefferson High School, VA (Christine Conklin)
Olivia Hindera, St. Andrew's Episcopal School, TX (Jennie Luongo)
Angelica Klosky, Thomas Jefferson High School, VA (Christine Conklin)
Patrick Maribojoc, Thomas Jefferson High School, VA (Christine Conklin)
Carlissa Milord, Marist School, GA (A.W. Saunders & Thomas Marier)
Seung Young Park, Thomas Jefferson High School, VA (Christine Conklin)
Hope Ghann Patterson, Westminster Schools of Augusta, GA (Randall Nichols)
Brendan Phillips, Marist School, GA (A.W. Saunders & Thomas Marier)
Amir Raja, Riverbend HS, VA (Mark Keith)
Christian Sorensen, Alpharetta HS, GA (Katie Walton)
Alana Whitman, Thomas Jefferson High School, VA (Christine Conklin)
Letters of Commendation (alphabetically, with school and teacher)
Sameer Apte, Shaker Heights HS, OH (Nora Murphy)
Jordan Arnold, Rockbridge County HS, VA (Patrick J. Bradley)
Jenna Bellantoni, Scottsdale Preparatory Academy, AZ (Jared Copeland)
Syrena Bracey, St. Stephen's & St. Agnes' School, VA (Ian Hochberg)
Rachel Brodie, Rockbridge County HS, VA (Patrick J. Bradley)
Amy Yue-Yin Chan, Westminster Schools of Augusta, GA (Randall Nichols)
Jacob Ciafone, Regis Jesuit HS, CO (Andrew Carroll)
Jeremy Cooley, North Gwinnett HS, GA (Patrick Yaggy)
Priya Gill, Flint Hill School, VA (Kenneth Andino)
Abhi Goyal, Hume-Fogg Academic School, TN (Alice Sanford)
Bridgette Hildreth, Covington Latin School, KY (Kelly Kusch)
Benjamin Hillman, Flint Hill School, VA (Kenneth Andino)
Jack Leahey, Marist School, GA (A.W. Saunders & Thomas Marier)
Elisabeth Logan, Covington Latin School, KY (Kelly Kusch)
Kelly McBride, Summit Country Day School, OH (Larry Dean)
Claudia Meyer, Ravenscroft School, NC (Jonathan Avery)
Victor Mezacapa IV, University School, OH (Karl Frerichs)
Tommy Monson, Durham Academy, NC (Edith Keene)
Madison Oliver, Flint Hill School, VA (Kenneth Andino)
Richard Ouyang, Memphis University School, TN (Ryan Sellers and Trey Suddarth)
Nilay Patel, Montgomery Bell Academy, TN (G. Edward Gaffney)
William Richardson, Durham Academy, NC (Edith Keene)
Peter Saunders, Covenant Day School, NC (Caroline Kelly)
Henry Schott, Oak Hall School, FL (Generosa Sangco-Jackson)
Hyae In Seo, Thomas Jefferson High School, VA (Christine Conklin)
Jake Walter Simons, Montgomery Bell Academy, TN (G. Edward Gaffney)
Michael Sloman, Pace Academy, GA (Elizabeth Kann)
Jakob Weisblat, University School, OH (Karl Frerichs)
Colin Yule, Shaker Heights HS, OH (Nora Murphy)
Kevin Zeng, Thomas Jefferson High School, VA (Christine Conklin)
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Resolutions for the 109th Annual Meeting
I. WHEREAS all of us who have been in attendance at this meeting have arrived in a city which for 15 years was the capital of the only state in the union to begin with two vowels; which is the home of the internationally acclaimed Writer's Workshop which has seen the likes of Kurt Vonnegut, John Irving, T.C. Boyle and Flannery O'Connor; which also still sees the likes of Moffitt homes, the distinctive structures described as "Mystical dwellings that look as if Germanic elves constructed houses for Irish pixies;" a vital center in a state which boasts the most crooked street in the world, the world's largest strawberry; the world's steepest and shortest railway; and the birthplaces of Herbert Hoover, Mamie Eisenhower, Glenn Miller, and John Wayne; WHEREAS, in this civitas Iowa, we broadened, widened, and deepened our intellectual horizons as should be the case in a city ranked in the top ten "Smart Places to Live" by Kiplingers, and which shares with Stamford Connecticut the highest percentage of degree-holding citizens in a US metropolitan area - a whopping 61% or 44% according to that inimitably reliable up to date cutting edge critically honed peer reviewed reference work - Wikipedia; WHEREAS all the faculty, students, and staff of the University of Iowa, and all the local committee, under the leadership of John Finnamore, exercised Herculean resolve to overcome the wrath of an angry Zeus Ombrios and whatever other epithets must be invoked or invented to cover fog, snow, and mudslides; to make this meeting of CAMWS at the invitation of the Hawkeyes a field of philological dreams and scholarly corn (just deal with the metaphor, folks) as high as an elephant's eye; WHEREAS the staff of the Sheraton Iowa City Hotel have offered shelter from the cold and heartwarming complimentary continental breakfasts and have let us go green (when desired) with respect to our linens; WHEREAS the American School of Classical Studies, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, the National Latin Exam and the Vergilian Society generously provided us with liquid refreshments and snacks in between the sessions of papers; BE IT RESOLVED that we tender sincere thanks to all and sundry concerned. II. WHEREAS, at this meeting, we were invited to revisit the immortal verses of Homer and Vergil, the enlightening philosophies of Plato and Lucretius, the scabrous lines of Ovid and Catullus, the eloquent histories of Herodotus and Sallust, and much more; WHEREAS, we were enlightened by means of panels on such topics as Greek death, Klassics for Kids (with a K!), digital teaching, the year 87 B.C., and much more; WHEREAS we were challenged to be ever more innovative, engaged, and engaging educators through panels discussing curricular options, advocacy, and new resources and methodologies; BE IT RESOLVED that we extend our admiration, appreciation, and gratitude to all speakers, presenters, and discussion participants. III. WHEREAS Jim McKeown MC-ed the banquet with the most charming Scottish accent and digressive delivery this side of Craig Ferguson; WHEREAS Chaden Djalali, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Science at the University of Iowa gave us an inspiring welcome in which he demonstrated how scholars outside our profession value what we do; WHEREAS James May, with his timeless rendition of "76 Trombones", continued his forced march through the American Songbook with admirably intelligent and intelligible Latin that afforded due recognition to Bob Cape, Doug Olson, and Mary Pendergraft; WHEREAS the philologist currently known as CAMWS president, Peter Knox, emphasized the importance of collegiality and friendship shared by members of our organization and defined and defended philology as making sense of texts in the broadest possible sense; WHEREAS pianist Julia Andrews West enhanced our post-prandial festivities with a very enjoyable musical performance; WHEREAS President and President-Elect, the Executive Committee, and all members of all committees have labored to make this meeting a success, thereby reminding us of all the benefits of membership in this, our Association; and WHEREAS Tom Sienkewicz seemingly seamlessly assumed the Sisyphean duties of secretary-treasurer, coercing, cajoling, and coordinating everything and everyone capable of being coerced, cajoled, and coordinated to make this meeting happen; BE IT RESOLVED that we offer all those mentioned or referred to our profound gratitude and appreciation. IV. WHEREAS we have indulged in the delights offered by the University of Iowa in this beautiful if blustery city and the great state of Iowa, where we have long stalked the perfect corn joke in vain; WHEREAS CAMWS as a distinguished institution of long standing is ever dedicated to furthering the careers of students, scholars, and teachers on all levels by inviting them as members, by maintaining a stimulating environment, and by encouraging them to present their teaching and research; BE IT THEN FINALLY RESOLVED that, having been intellectually enriched and collegially gratified by this year's meeting, we agree to continue our ancient and ongoing conversation next year at our 110th meeting, where we will all enjoy margaritas and Tex-Mex or barbeque and shiner bock on the banks of the Brazos, where the stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas. The CAMWS Resolutions Committee Ippokratis Kantzios, chair Charles Chiasson Sandra Blakley Jennifer Starkey Back to top |
New CAMWS Awards
At our Annual Meeting in Iowa City President Peter Knox announced the debut of two new awards open to members of CAMWS. The first is the Ladislaus J. Bolchazy Award for publication of a textbook, handbook, anthology, or other pedagogical work (or the digital equivalent) by a member of the Association in the field of classical studies broadly defined. Initially set at $250, this award is funded by gifts from members of CAMWS and friends of Lou Bolchazy to commemorate his many contributions to teachers and students of Greek and Roman antiquity. A committee is being formed to administer the award and solicit nominations for the first award, which will be announced at the Annual Meeting in 2015. The second exciting development is the new CAMWS Excavation and Field School Award, a grant of $2,000 intended to support participation in a summer excavation or archaeological field school. The new subcommittee will be reviewing applications this year for the first award, which will be announced at the Annual Meeting in Waco next spring. These new awards have been made possible by the generous donations of friends and members of CAMWS. We are committed to maintaining and expanding our fellowships and awards programs as a crucial component in our mission. The officers and Executive Committee members are grateful for the membership's continuing support of our endeavors, and we hope to report more good news in the future!
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CAMWSCorps is a project designed to create an audio library of oral history about the organization. This project began with five interviews at CAMWS-SS at Florida State University in November, 2012. Ten additional interviews were conducted at CAMWS 2013 in Iowa City. Jim Ruebel, Ken Kitchell, Judith Sebesta, Marilyn Skinner, Doug Olson, Adam Blistein, James May, Anne Groton, Ted Tarkow and Robert Ulery were interviewed by students Krishni Burns, Tim Morris , Janet Lawler, Joseph O'Neill, Charlou Koenig, Kyle Oksvig, Robert Cook, and Katie Lamberto . CAMWS would like to continue conducting interviews at future meetings and other occasions. If you are interested in serving on an ad hoc CAMWSCorps committee or in being a CAMWSCorps volunteer at CAMWS 2014 in Waco, please contact Tom Sienkewicz, the CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer at camws@camws.org.
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CAMWS Dues Structure 2013-2014
The following dues structure was approved at the 109th Annual Business meeting in Iowa City on April 20, 2013.
CAMWS Membership
Includes one annual subscription to The Classical Journal.
1.Individual Membership ...............................................................$55
2.First-Time Teacher or New CAMWS Membership..................$30
3.Student Membership.....................................................................$30
4.Retired Membership......................................................................$30
5.Joint Spouse/Partner Membership (single mailing) .................$80
6.Retired Joint Spouse/Partner Membership (single mailing) ...$50
7.Life Individual Membership (one-time fee) ..............................$900 ($1000 after Dec. 31, 2013)
8.Life Joint Spouse/Partner Membership (one-time fee) ............$1300 ($1400 after Dec. 31, 2013)
9. Institutional Membership (school and B.A.) ............................$60
10. Institutional Membership (M.A.) .............................................$75
11. Institutional Membership (Ph.D.) ............................................$110
12. Additional awards from institutional members.....................$30
Both print and electronic versions of CJ for an additional............................. $5 Paper subscription of CJ for student, new and complimentary members... $5
New CAMWS Facebook and Twitter Pages
Building on the success of the Live-Tweeting effort at the 2013 CAMWS Annual Meeting in Iowa City, CAMWS has relaunched its Twitter handle and launched a brand new Facebook page (The address for each page is listed below). Both pages give CAMWS a strong foothold in the world of social media and allow for faster communication and marketing opportunities. The goal for CAMWS's presence on both of these platforms is threefold: 1) to communicate Classics-oriented professional development opportunities to followers (e.g., Calls for Papers; upcoming lectures; interesting workshops and programs); 2) to share new and up-to-date work being done in the Classics (e.g., links to articles; YouTube videos; book reviews); and 3) to act as a means of networking for CAMWS members throughout the year. To get involved with the Twitter or Facebook page or to find out more information about these pages, please contact the CAMWS Director of Social Media, Bartolo Natoli (University of Texas at Austin) at bnatoli@utexas.edu. CAMWS on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/camws CAMWS on Twitter: http://twitter.com/camwsclassics Back to top |
New In
The following articles are new in CJ 108.4:
Wilfried E. Major, STAGING ANDROMEDA IN ARISTOPHANES AND EURIPIDES - Abstract: Aristophanes' parody of Euripides' Andromeda (Th. 1011-1100) allows for more recovery of the blocking of both the parody and original than has been recognized. Inlaw in the parody (Andromeda in the original) should be bound and immobile to one side of the performance space, while Echo, Euripides (as Perseus), and his helpers enter and exit from the opposite side, with the Scythian guard controlling the center.
- This paper argues that foedissima ventris /proluvies at Vergil, Aeneid 3.216-7 should be read not only in its usually accepted context of the hunger motif prevalent in Book 3 (and beyond) but also in the context of ancient attitudes toward menstruation. The unspecified nature of the discharge and its source as well as descriptions of the polluting effect of the Harpies' touch have parallels in descriptions of menstruation such as that found in Pliny the Elder (Nat. 7.64). Such a reading would also be in keeping with Vergil's tendency to "monsterize" female sexuality.
- This paper seeks to contribute to the study of epistolography as well as to discussions of women in antiquity by examining the use of references to women in the correspondence of Fronto and Marcus Aurelius as epistolographic borders. The depictions of Domitia Lucilla (Marcus Aurelius' mother) and Cratia (Fronto's wife) construct an inner, homoeroticized space for Fronto and Marcus demarcated from the domestic sphere populated by the women. The letters, as a site of rhetorical presentation and interpersonal negotiation, provide Fronto and Marcus with the means to define their relationship.
- A professor recounts his positive experience grading papers through one-on-one sessions in which students read their work aloud and discussed it with him. This candid report features a former student as inspiration and includes confessions of self-doubt, course evaluation comments, and suggestions for running such a Socratic grading session.
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The Twentieth Anniversary of the Manson A. Stewart Scholarships: Celebrating the Winners
Alissa Whitmore, who received a Manson A. Stewart Scholarship in 2005 as a Classics undergraduate at the University of Iowa, sent us this update: "I am currently a doctoral candidate in Anthropology at the University of Iowa, with a focus on Roman Archaeology. In my dissertation, I use small objects lost by bathers in public and military baths to investigate this important social environment, focusing on the social identities of bathers (gender, age, and class) and non-bathing activities. My research combines archaeology and ancient texts to provide a richer understanding of the range of activities performed in the Roman baths, as each source can provide unique information about this space. I expect to defend my dissertation, and receive my PhD, in Spring 2013."
If you have won a Manson A. Stewart Scholarship, we would like to hear from you! Please come forward and let us know who you are, where you were at the time of the award, and what you have done since graduation. Anything you might want to say about the role of Classics in your life would be welcome. Please also send along a recent photograph, if you would like, to help us put a face to your name. You need not be still in Classics. This invitation extends not only to award recipients, but also to mentors and nominators who might be in touch with their former students and would like us to know what they have done. Please send your information via e-mail - with the heading "Manson Stewart Alum" to Tom Sienkewicz at camws@camws.org.
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Classics Day at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Robert Holschuh Simmons, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
The last I had seen, Roman legionaries and gladiators were dashing across campus. Dragons were still getting their faces painted, and Medea's chariot was unaccounted for. One of the Olympian judges had not yet appeared, but at least we had the halteres for the long jumpers. It was fifteen minutes before 400+ K-12 students and teachers from around the state of North Carolina would converge on the University of North Carolina, Greensboro's third annual Classics Day, and the fifty or so students from UNCG's Classical Society were still getting the event together as I (the advisor of the Society) was called away to welcome the visitors to it. While we had done Classics Day twice before, we had not done nearly this many events, and we had not previously had to have it all together for a huge audience right at our 10 AM starting time.
It was November 17, 2012, the day of the North Carolina Junior Classical League's Fall Forum at UNCG. At that same event in 2010, a conversation with a teacher in attendance gave me the idea for Classics Day, and in April 2011, after hundreds of person-hours of planning and work by scores of student volunteers, the first Classics Day took place, with six events (Greek and Roman military drills, a scene from Euripides' Bacchae, ancient Olympic events, a Homerathon, archaeology via painting pots and sand art, and a "Sink the Siren" charitable fundraising booth) and about 300 total attendees from the University and local communities. All signs, costumes, shields, and armor were designed, sewn, cut, and/or painted by UNCG students, with funding for those things, and all other materials, from UNCG's Student Government Association and the Classical Society's own funds, raised by member dues and periodic bake sales. The second year, April 2012, we added a scene from Plautus' Miles Gloriosus and a Delphic Oracle, changed our tragic performance to a scene from Trojan Women and a monologue from Medea, and entertained roughly the same number of visitors.
What was missing from the first two instantiations of Classics Day, though, were great numbers of K-12 teachers and students. Though we had invited the schools to attend, most of the likely attendees were already making a big trip to the JCL State Convention at Wake Forest within a week or two of our date, and a second such trip was not logistically feasible. So, instead of asking the state's Latin programs to come to us in the spring, we decided it would be much easier to come to them in the fall, when they were already going to be here for Fall Forum.
We worked closely with Danetta Genung of Ronald Reagan High School in Pfafftown, NC, NCJCL's Fall Forum Coordinator, who worked assiduously to integrate Classics Day's events into the Fall Forum schedule. She and the other members of the NCJCL Executive Committee also supported our efforts by approving a generous subvention to help in our preparation for the event.
We at UNCG decided that we, in turn, would be bigger and better. We added gladiatorial combat, a puppet show, mythological stories with lyre accompaniment, fortune-telling through Roman-style liver readings, and booths for Roman dress/hair/makeup, inscribing tombstones in Roman fashion, and writing people's names in Greek. We recruited more Theatre majors to put on our comedy, Plautus' Rudens, and we had dragons pull Medea onto the last scene of Medea in Danetta Genung's chariot, which she went to great lengths to bring to UNCG for the day. Sherri Madden from Master's Academy in Charlotte also offered (and staffed, with her students) her award-winning Roman board games and mosaic-making stations.
And though it was difficult to get it all together for our JCL visitors by 10 AM, we managed to pull it off. From all accounts, the NCJCL students and teachers had a blast, and we at UNCG loved adding hundreds of eager and knowledgeable attendees to our audience. We'll do it again this coming fall, on Saturday, Nov. 16, assisted by a grant from the Committee for the Promotion of Latin, and this time with John Given bringing a cast from East Carolina University to reprise a portion of its successful production of Oedipus Rex from this past spring. Follow Classics Day at our web site (http://uncgclassicalsociety.wordpress.com/), and if you're in central North Carolina next November 16, we would be glad to see you.
UNCG Classical Society president Alexander Richardson (in white), with legionary escort, inaugurates Classics Day at the opening ceremony.
Gladiatrix Amanda Galloway, in black, explains gladiatorial combat as retinarius Winston Leonard (with the net) and an unidentified Samnite look on.
UNCG professor Jon Zarecki (in his own suit of armor) guides a group of "barbarians" (with spears) against Roman legionaries.
 | "Dragons" Jennifer Jacobs and Taylor Rutledge draw the chariot carrying Medea (Tanner Summers)
The Religious Life of Things
Midwest Consortium on Ancient Religions 1-2 November 2013 University of Michigan
We invite participants to consider ancient religions as populous and varied worlds of things: statues, altars, figurines, amulets, papyri, tablets, baskets, pots, knives, garments, votives...the examples are almost endless. Papers on any topics related to the material accoutrements of religion in the ancient Mediterranean and Near East are most welcome. Participants may also take this as an invitation to indulge in a little "methodological fetishism": a chance to endow religious objects with lives and follow them around to see what light they cast on the human world of religion (à la Appadurai in his introduction to The Social Life of Things). What can we learn from tracing the biographies of things as they passed through various social contexts, physical places, events, and states of being? How did they come to be (or cease to be) "religious"? In what ways were they special or marked? How can physical "articles of faith" help to illuminate the different ontologies and cosmologies in which they were implicated? Can we even go a birth further, and ask "What did religious things do?" Can we consider them not only as the products and objects of human beliefs and practices, but also as having reciprocal effects? In what ways, for example, could things elicit responses, generate beliefs, and even shape human subjects?
Anonymous abstracts of 250 words for papers to run 25-30 minutes should be submitted by 31 July to Anna Moyer at the University of Michigan (moyera@umich.edu). The committee will notify participants whether their proposals have been accepted by 15 August.
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Call for Papers: Lutheranism and the Classics III:
Lutherans Read History
WHAT: The Wittenberg Reformation, deeply indebted to the new philological tools of Humanism, held the classical languages in high esteem and fostered the study of them and their literatures. The conference organizers seek papers of 20-25 minutes (or panels with at least three participants) on such topics as follow: - Reformation-Era perspectives on ancient Latin/Greek historians
- The history of early Christianity as viewed by 16th-century reformers
- Melanchthon and universal history
- Flacius and the Magdeburg Centuries
- Historical interpretations of scriptural texts in the Reformation
- Saints' lives, martyrologies, and the reformers
- History of music and the liturgy
- The role of history in Lutheran pedagogy
- Writing the history of Lutheranism
- Lutheran biography
Considerable latitude will be given, though proposals should exemplify philological excellence, contribute to the conference theme however broadly, and avoid overspecialization. Selected papers from this conference may be published. Presenters whose abstracts are accepted will receive a modest honorarium, greatly reduced board while in Fort Wayne, though not registration nor travel (beyond the airport van and transportation to the seminary). WHO: Keynote addresses by Cameron MacKenzie (Concordia Theological Seminary), Paul L. Maier (emeritus, Western Michigan State University), and Robert J. Christman (Luther College). WHEN: Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be submitted by electronic attachment to Carl P.E. Springer, Professor, Department of English and Coordinator, Classical Studies Program, Southern Illinois University at casprin@siue.edu by 1 November 2013. WHERE: Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN, October 2-3, 2014. Back to top
Roman Error: The Reception of Ancient Rome as a Flawed Model
A Conference at the University of Michigan
September 20th-21st, 2013 Angell Hall 3222 The idea of large-scale Roman missteps-whether imperial domination, sexual immorality, political corruption, greed, religious intolerance, cultural insensitivity, or the like-has been a notion "good to think with" since antiquity, and persists in familiar comparisons between the Roman Empire and the present-day United States. This conference seeks to go beyond a merely thematic discussion to re-examine the connections between "Roman error," broadly conceived, and basic features of the reception of antiquity including: misunderstanding and misprision, repetition and difference, the subject's relation to a (remembered or unconscious) past, performance and illusion, and links between text and image. If the Romans "erred," what are the consequences for Rome's inheritors as they attempt to construct a stable relation to Rome as a flawed "source" or model? We ask not simply, "Are Rome's errors ours?" but, "How does Roman error figure in the reception of Rome itself?" For a schedule of speakers please follow this link.
This event is co-sponsored by the following sources at the University of Michigan: the Contexts for Classics research consortium, the Department of Classical Studies, the Departments of Comparative Literature, History, Philosophy, English, History of Art, Romance Languages and Literatures, Asian Languages and Cultures, American Culture, and Afroamerican and African Studies, the Program in Medieval and Early Modern Studies, the Institute for the Humanities, the International Institute, the LSA Organize an Event Fund, and the Rackham Dean's Strategic Fund.
For information please contact Basil Dufallo, Associate Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature, University of Michigan (dufallo@umich.edu).
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The Isles of Greece! 2014: The Southern Cyclades
The University of South Dakota will offer an interdisciplinary sailing and study tour in Greece for undergraduate and graduate students in May and June of 2014. This program, now in its ninth year, introduces students to a variety of aspects of life in the Aegean Sea over the five millenia from the Bronze Age to our own time. Although the program includes several days in and around Athens, most of the time is based on sailing yachts. The nautical life will give students a sense of the Greek islands as the Greeks saw them in an age before mechanized travel: from the sea in sailing vessels. Students will learn to sail and to live aboard a sailboat. For further information and application instructions please visit http://www.usd.edu/~clehmann/ or send an e-mail to Clayton Lehmann at clehmann@usd.edu.
Institutional Members: 2012-2013
An asterisk (*) denotes first-time institutional members.
- Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute Boston, MA
- Ave Maria University Ave Maria, FL
- Ball State University Muncie, IN
- Baylor University Waco, TX
- Brigham Young University Provo, UT
- Brock University St. Catherines, ON
- Brown University Providence, RI
- Carleton College Northfield, MN
- Calvin College Grand Rapids, MI
- Carthage College Kenosha, WI
- Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH
- Century High School* Rochester, MN
- Charlotte Latin School Charlotte, NC
- College of William and Mary Williamsburg, VA
- Columbia University New York, NY
- Colorado College Colorado Springs, CO
- Concordia College Moorhead, MN
- Covenant Day School Matthews, NC
- Covington Latin School Covington, KY
- Creighton Preparatory School* Omaha, NE
- Creighton University Omaha, NE
- Crossroads School Santa Monica, CA
- Davidson College Davidson, NC
- De Paul University Chicago, IL
- DePauw University Greencastle, IN
- Duke University Durham, NC
- Emory University Atlanta, GA
- Episcopal Collegiate School Little Rock, AR
- Eta Sigma Phi Memphis, TN
- Florida State University Tallahassee, FL
- Grand Valley State University Allendale, MI
- Grinnell College Grinnell, IA
- Hampden-Sydney College Hampden-Sydney, VA
- Harvard University Cambridge, MA
- Heritage Hall* Oklahoma City, OK
- Hillsdale College Hillsdale, MI
- Hollins University Roanoke, VA
- Indiana University Bloomington, IN
- John Burroughs School St. Louis, MO
- Kenyon College Gambier, OH
- Knox College Galesburg, IL
- Leesville Road High School Raleigh, NC
- Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA
- Loyola University Chicago, IL
- Marshall University Huntington, WV
- Miami University Oxford, OH
- Millsaps College Jackson, MS
- Monmouth College Monmouth, IL
- Monmouth-Roseville High School* Monmouth, IL
- Montgomery Bell Academy Nashville, TN
- Mount St. Mary Academy* Little Rock, AR
- National Latin Exam Fredericksburg, VA
- Northwestern University Evanston, IL
- Princeton University Princeton, NJ
- Purdue University West Lafayette, IN
- Rice University Houston, TX
- Ripon College Ripon, WI
- Saint Catherine's School Richmond, VA
- Saint Olaf College Northfield, MN
- School District of Clayton Saint Louis, MO
- Shaker Heights High School Shaker Heights, OH
- Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL
- St. Mary's Dominican High School* New Orleans, LA
- Texas Christian University Fort Worth, TX
- Trinity University San Antonio, TX
- Trent University Peterborough, ON
- Truman State University Kirksville, MO
- Tufts University Medford, MA
- University at Buffalo Buffalo, NY
- University of Arizona Tucson, AZ
- University of Colorado Boulder, CO
- University of Georgia Athens, GA
- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, IL
- University of Iowa Iowa City, IA
- University of Kansas Lawrence, KS
- University of Kentucky Lexington, KY
- University of Mary Washington Fredericksburg, VA
- University of Maryland College Park, MD
- Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County Baltimore, MD
- University of Massachusetts* Boston, MA *
- University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI
- University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
- University of Mississippi Oxford, MS
- University of Missouri Columbia, MO
- University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE
- University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM
- University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC
- University of North Carolina Greensboro, NC
- University of North Carolina Asheville, NC
- University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN
- University of Oklahoma Norman, OK
- University of Oregon Eugene, OR
- University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA
- University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, SK
- University of South Carolina Columbia, SC
- University of South Dakota Vermillion, SD
- University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN
- University of Toronto Toronto, ON
- University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA
- University of Waterloo Waterloo, ON
- University of Western Ontario London, ON
- University of Wisconsin Madison, WI
- Utah State University Logan, UT
- Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN
- Vanguard College Preparatory School* Waco, TX
- Washington University St. Louis, MO
- Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA
- Wake Forest University Winston-Salem, NC
- Wayland Academy Beaver Dam, WI
- Wayne State University Detroit, MI
- Western Reserve Academy Hudson, OH
- Westminster Schools of Augusta Augusta, GA
- Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, ON
- Wisconsin Latin Teachers Association Madison, WI
- Wright State University Dayton, OH
- Xavier University Cincinnati, OH
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CAMWS Donations FY 2012-2013
General Fund - $2070.00
Episcopal High School (Scholarship to HS Teachers)
Wisconsin Latin Teachers Association (CPL)
Lynne McClendon (Benario Fund)
2nd Century Fund - $2176.00
Carl A. Anderson
Herbert W. Benario and Dr. Janice M. Benario
Christopher M. Brunelle
Eve H. Buchanan-cates
Shannon N. Byrne
Christopher L. Caterine
Joel P. Christensen
Jenny S. Clay
Christopher P. Craig
Sally R. Davis
Edmund F. De Horatius
Lesley A. Dean-Jones
James H. Dee
Connie R. Dickerson
Melissa Barden Dowling
Kendra J. Eshleman
Scott Farrington
Elizabeth A. Fisher
Edith M. Foster
Laurel Fulkerson and John Marincola
Katherine A. Geffcken
Nicolas P. Gross
Rebecca R. Harrison
Thomas G. Hendren
David T. Hewett
Donald H. Hoffman
Liane Houghtalin
George W. Houston
Konstantinos Kapparis
Dennis P. Kehoe
Joy K. King
Margaret L. Laird
Amy K. Leonard
Brigitte Libby
Brenda Longfellow
Paul J. Lotz
Patricia P. Matsen
Jon D. Mikalson
Betty Rose Nagle
John D. Noonan
Ann E. Ostrom
Martha J. Payne
Charles F. Pazdernik
George E. Pesely
Richard G. Peterson
F. Carter Philips
Edward A. Phillips
John R. Porter
Stephanie Quinn
James S. Ruebel
Christina A. Salowey
James P. Sandrock
Robert H. Simmons
Marilyn B. Skinner
Neil C. Souther
Theodore A. Tarkow
Brian Tibbets
Daniel P Tompkins
Jack C. Wells
William C. West, III
Andrew Willey
Ladislau J. Bolchazy Award - $9,230.00
ACL/NJCL National Latin Exam
Ronnie Ancona
Virginia (Ginny) Anderson
Anna Andresian
Emily Batinski
Hebert & Janice Benario
Henry Bender
Adam Blistein
Marie Bolchazy
Larissa Bonfante
Phebe Lowell Bowditch
Barbara Weiden Boyd
Susan Braud
John & Christine Breuker
David F. Bright
Simon Burris
Howard Chang
Marianthe Colakis
Christopher Craig
Martha Ann Davis
Helena Dettmer
Sheila Dickison
John F. Finamore
Elizabeth Ann Fisher
Phyllis Forsyth
Michael Gagarin
Edward V. George
Aaron W. Godfrey
Anne H. Groton
Jane Harriman Hall
Judith Hallett
Mark Haynes
Elizabeth L. Heimbach
Julia Hejduk
James J. Helm
Benita Kane Jaro
Phyllis B. Katz
Catherine C. Keane
James G. Keenan and Laurie Haight Keenan
James Ker
Kenneth F. Kitchell
Peter E. Knox and Sandra Blakely
James M. May
Stephanie McCarter
Paul Miller
Milena Y. Minkova
Margaret Mook
Carole Newlands
Anthony J. Papalas
Caroline Perkins
Stephanie J. Quinn
Teresa Ramsby
Carl Rubino
Thomas J. Sienkewicz
Marilyn Skinner
Donald Sprague
Nancy Sultan
Antonia Syson
Marjorie B. Tarkow
Deborah Wheelock Taylor
John C. Traupman
Terance Tunberg
Paula-Michael Twomey
Jennifer Uhlmann
Mr. Robert Ulery
The Vergilian Society
Nicoletta Villa-Sella
Amanda Wilcox
Convention Contributions - $3,830.00
Peter Anderson
Meagan Ayer
Gabriel Baker
Christopher Baron
Trudy Harrington Becker
Andrew S. Becker
Christopher Blackwell
Meg Butler
Charles Campbell
Vichi Eugenia Ciocani
Christina A. Clark & Gregory S. Bucher
Mark Edward Clark
Billie Cotterman
Stephanie P. Craven
Erika Zimmermann Damer
Katie De Boer
Bridget Dean
Amy Dill
Jared Ervine
Kendra Eshleman
Christina Franzen
Preston Gaddis
Nicole Giannella
Lucca Daniel Green
Rachel Hart
Haze Humbert
Thomas R. Keith
Amy Sowder Koch
Theodora Kopestonsky
David Kutzko
Jonathan MacLellan
Benjamin McCloskey
Jeff Mesko
Rachel Meyers
Jessica Moore
Bret Mulligan
Bartolo Natoli
Raymond & Holly Pietrucha
Ryan Platte
Meredith Prince
Lana Radloff
Frank Russell
John Ryan
Meredith Safran
Beth Severy-Hoven
Tyler Jo Smith
Rex Stem
Nancy Sultan
Yasuko Taoka
Brian Tibbets
Rob Tordoff
Christopher Trinacty
Valerio Caldesi Valeri
Lucy Van Essen-Fishman
Rocki Wentzel
Jordan Wiegand
Andrew Willey
Jeffrey T. Winkle
David C. Yates
Convention Snack Sponsors - $1200.00
American School of Classical Studies in Athens
Bolchazy Carducci
National Latin Exam
The Vergilian Society
Classics in the News
A fun Tumblr site devoted to studying Classics can be found here. In February, the New York Times published a piece about Classicist Mary Beard. In February, BBC News magazine published a story about Latin and Pope Benedict's resignation. Click here. In March, The Telegraph ran a piece by Mary Beard on Pompeii and Herculaneum. In May, The Atlantic published some breathtaking aerial photos of Libya's Roman ruins. In May, the New York Times ran a feature on The Riddle of the Labyrinth by Margalit Fox, a book tracing the involvement of Alice Kober in the decoding of Linear-B. In June, Science Friday aired a story about ancient viticulture in France and its connection with the Etruscans. Click here to listen. Find many more links to Classics-related stories on our Facebook page!
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Philip Owen Spann, of the University of Florida, passed away on January 26, 2012. An obituary can be found through the CAMWS Necrology blog site here. The following deceased members of CAMWS were remembered at the Business meeting in Iowa City:
David Young
Charles L. Babcock
Ava Chitwood
Gary Meltzer
Kathryn Leona "Kay" DePue Rufus Fears William Parker Elizabeth Ferguson Jean Diekoff Renata Motiu Ladislaus J. Bolchazy John Miles Foley A. Trevor Hodge Carl Vernon Harris John Wyatt
University of Florida Ohio State University University of South Florida Eckerd College Grand Ledge University of Oklahoma Flint Whittier Junior High
University Liggett School Detroit Immaculata High Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers Univ. of Missouri, Columbia Carleton University Wake Forest University Beloit College
February 5, 2013
December 7th, 2012
November 1st, 2012
December 31st, 2011
October 27, 2012
October 6, 2012
September 23, 2012
September 13, 2012
September 18, 2012
September 15, 2012
July 28, 2012
May 3, 2012
February 16, 2012 August 9, 2011 June 27, 2008
To visit the CAMWS necrologies webpage go to http://www.camws.org/News/obitus_recentes.php.
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Submissions The CAMWS Newsletter is published three times per year, in the fall, winter, and spring/summer. The deadline for the fall edition is October 15, 2013. Send submissions by e-mail to samccart@sewanee.edu or newsletter@camws.org. Send submissions by regular mail to: Stephanie McCarter CAMWS Newsletter Editor Department of Classical Languages Sewanee: The University of the South Sewanee, TN 37383 931-598-1221