 CAMWS Newsletter
The Classical Association of the Middle West and South
109th Annual Meeting of CAMWS
at the invitation of
April 17-20, 2013
The Sheraton Iowa City
Iowa City, IA
From the President's Desk
Peter Knox
Come to Iowa City!
It has been a busy year and a good year since last we gathered in Baton Rouge. In the interim many of us were able to visit Tallahassee for the meeting of the Southern Section, where we enjoyed the hospitality of the thriving Classics Department of Florida State University. During the year we have seen a significant increase in membership and a welcome increase, too, in our professional activities. Applications for prizes and fellowships are also up, and we received a record number of panel and abstract submissions for the Annual Meeting. These are the reasons why we support CAMWS with our membership dues and donations, to carry on and expand our activities in support of teaching, learning, and scholarship. This year's expanded program for the Annual Meeting will also feature an expanded Friday night banquet, which for the first time is included in your registration fee. We are hoping that this will turn into an annual celebration of our accomplishments as an association and an occasion to renew old friendships and make new ones within our profession. Afterwards, please join me for a reception with dessert and cordials, accompanied by light music. We are particularly looking forward to the participation of large numbers of younger members at these events. Sometimes we are so hard pressed by the daily demands of teaching, writing, and juggling administrative tasks that we forget about the most important resource of our profession-ourselves. So I hope to see you there, some of you (like myself) in formal attire, some of you in professorial chic, and some of you just camouflaged as yourselves. Raise a glass and toast yourselves for another year of accomplishment and a future of promise. Peter Knox University of Colorado, Boulder CAMWS President
From Secretary-Treasurer Tom Sienkewicz
The Old State Capitol on the Campus of the University of Iowa
"You ought to give Iowa a try!" The Classical Association of the Middle West and South will hold its 109th Annual Meeting in Iowa City, Iowa, beginning on the evening of Wednesday, April 17, 2012, and ending on the afternoon of Saturday, April 20, at the invitation of the University of Iowa. All sessions will be held in the Sheraton Iowa City except those on Friday afternoon, which will take place on the University of Iowa campus. Temperatures in Iowa City in mid-April typically range from 40's° to the mid 60's° F. The meeting will begin with an Opening Reception hosted by the Consulares (the former presidents of CAMWS), 8:00-10:00 p.m., Wednesday. Between Thursday morning and Saturday afternoon there will be seventeen panels, including the Presidential Panel on "Philology in an Ideological Climate" and a panel sponsored by the Graduate Student Issues Committee entitled "An Introduction to Academic Publishing." For a full list of panels on the program, please go here. In addition there will be c.280 papers in 60 paper sessions on a variety of pedagogical and scholarly topics, including two sessions of undergraduate papers. Friday afternoon's sessions will be held on the campus of the University of Iowa (within walking distance of the Sheraton), followed by a reception. Friday evening festivities will include the banquet, President Peter Knox's address, ovationes presented in Latin by Jim May, a dessert reception, entertainment and lots of time for socializing. This year the cost of the banquet is included in the registration fee and includes two bottles of wine at each table, the dessert bar and a ticket for an after-dinner drink at the reception. More awards will be announced at the annual business meeting on Saturday, 8:15-9:25 a.m.; if you show up, you may win a book from one of our exhibitors! There will also be a happy hour for graduate students, a reception sponsored by the Women's Classical Caucus, and a lunch hosted by the Vergilian Society. Please register online through the CAMWS website (http://www.camws.org/membership/meetingform.php). You may pay on-line through PayPal or you may download your on-line registration form and mail it with a check, to CAMWS, Dept. of Classics, Monmouth College, 700 E. Broadway, Monmouth, IL 61462. All registration fees go up at midnight on Monday, April 1, 2013. Certificates for institutional members and their student winners will be available for pick-up at the CAMWS registration desk at the Sheraton Iowa City. If you have questions about these, please contact the CAMWS office at Monmouth College. Teachers who would like to earn 3.3 Continuing Education Units (CEU's) for attending the meeting do not have to do anything in advance. When they check in at the CAMWS registration desk, they should simply ask for a CEU application form. Before leaving the meeting, they should return the completed form to the CAMWS registration desk, along with a check for $7.50, payable to "UW-Madison Extension." In the words of Meredith Wilson, "there's nothing halfway about the Iowa way to treat you." Iowa City offers small-town Iowan hospitality with all the amenities of the big-city. Located in the heart of the Midwest , this university town and former capital of the state has long served as a center for culture, education, variety and fun. Strolling through the downtown pedestrian plaza you will find vibrancy and friendliness everywhere. Play a game of chess on the plaza's life-size game board. Sit on the plaza's limestone benches or watch children and college students frolic in a fountain. You can lounge at outdoor cafés, enjoy fine cuisine in the city's many diverse restaurants, listen to jazz or blues on the area's outdoor mini stage, or browse in one of the city's still-thriving local bookstores. So you really should give Iowa a try! Bring your family along and enjoy the fun. It really is more than just corn and soy. Tom Sienkewicz Monmouth College Secretary-Treasurer, CAMWS
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Meeting Information
Meeting Schedule: The program can be viewed via the CAMWS website here. Abstracts: You can view the accepted abstracts here. Panels: You can view the accepted panels here. Local Committee:John F. Finamore, University of Iowa, Chair Madeleine Henry, Iowa State University Stephen Fineberg, Knox College Dennis Hughes, Grinnell College Emil Kramer, Augustana College Kristian Lorenzo, Monmouth College John Gruber-Miller, Cornell College Margaret Mook, Iowa State University Marquis Berrey, University of Iowa Robert Cargill, University of Iowa Mary Depew, University of Iowa Helena Dettmer, University of Iowa Paul Dilley, University of Iowa Craig Gibson, University of Iowa Carin Green, University of Iowa Peter Green, University of Iowa Adria Haluszka, University of Iowa Robert C. Ketterer, University of Iowa Vasiliki Kostopoulou, University of Iowa Marcia Lindgren, University of Iowa Rosemary L. Moore, University of Iowa Art Spisak, University of Iowa Glenn Storey, University of Iowa Aaron Burns, University of Iowa (Graduate Student) Kenneth Elliott, University of Iowa (Graduate Student) Vanessa Espinosa, University of Iowa (Graduate Student) Tyler Fyotek, University of Iowa (Graduate Student) Tracy Harkins, University of Iowa (Graduate Student) Matthew Horrell, University of Iowa (Graduate Student) Jacqueline Jones, University of Iowa (Graduate Student) Josh Langseth, University of Iowa (Graduate Student) Caitlin Marley, University of Iowa (Graduate Student) Robert Morley, University of Iowa (Graduate Student) Michael Overholt, University of Iowa (Graduate Student) Jason Osborne, University of Iowa (Graduate Student) Sharada Price, University of Iowa (Graduate Student) Laura Saltzman, University of Iowa (Graduate Student) Jeremy Swist, University of Iowa (Graduate Student)
Hotel Information:
The Sheraton Iowa City is located at 210 South Dubuque Street, Iowa City, IA 52240. The only hotel on the University of Iowa campus, the Sheraton is conveniently located in the heart of Iowa City. Step out the doors of the hotel onto downtown Iowa City's historic pedestrian mall to enjoy many options, including great sidewalk cafes, unique shopping, gourmet dining, and amazing entertainment such as the Summer of the Arts Friday Night Concert Series, the Iowa City Jazz Festival, and the Iowa Arts Festival. Or visit the University of Iowa, including its Hancher Performing Arts Center, Museum of Art, Carver Hawkeye Arena, and the legendary Kinnick Statium. All the meeting rooms are conveniently located in the Lower Lobby of the hotel. Hotel guests have free internet access in the main lobby and rooms come equipped with coffee, iron, ironing board, and hair dryer. Registered guests have access to secure parking (for a fee). The single room rate of $134 (plus 13% tax) per night includes a continental breakfast. Double rate is $139. The cut off date is Monday, March 27, 2013. To make a reservation go to: https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/StarGroupsWeb/booking/reservation?id=1210155328&key=4F9CB or call 1-800-328-6242. The group name is under The Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS).
Traveling to Iowa City: For information on travel via air, car, shuttle, taxi, etc., click here.
Want to Place An Ad in the Meeting Program? Click here for information.
From the Local Committee
Iowa City is a bustling university town. There are many good restaurants near the conference site, as well as cafes, shopping, and entertainment venues. The University campus is two blocks away, where on can visit the original capitol building of Iowa ("The Old Capitol") and the MacBride "Iowa Hall" Natural History Exhibit (which features a stuffed giant Sloth - T-shirts available in MacBride Hall). The Iowa River is a further two blocks West, a pleasant area for walking or jogging - and feeding the ducks. Oliver Goldsmith's She Stoops to Conquer begins its run at the University Theater on Friday, April 19 at 8:00 p.m. and continues on Saturday night (8:00 p.m.) and Sunday afternoon (2:00 p.m.). Tickets are available online at https://hbotix.hancher.uiowa.edu/Online/default.asp. Iowa City is a UNESCO City of Literature: http://cityofliteratureusa.org/. A guide to attractions and events in Iowa City is available here. The Local Committee's dining suggestions can be found via the CAMWS website here. Come and enjoy! John Finamore University of Iowa Chair, CAMWS Local Committee
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CAMWSCorps is a project designed to create an audio library of oral history about the organization. The very first CAMWSCorps interviews were conducted at CAMWS-SS in Tallahassee by Florida State graduate students Deb Trusty, Katherine Garman, Shannon Dickey, Marcaline Boyd, and David Stifler. They conducted one-on-one interviews with Herbert Benario, Michele Ronnick, Niall Slater, Patsy Ricks, and Julie Hejduk. CAMWS would like to continue conducting interviews in Iowa City and at future meetings. If you are interested in serving on an ad hoc CAMWSCorps committee or in being a CAMWSCorps volunteer at CAMWS 2013 in Iowa City or in other locations, please contact Tom Sienkewicz, the CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer at camws@camws.org.
CAMWS-SS Photo Highlights
CAMWS Southern Section met in Tallahassee at the invitation of Florida State University on the weekend of November 1-2, 2012.  |
Robert E. Hedrick (Florida State University), Rebecca Hunt (Louisiana Scholars' College), and CAMWS-SS Secretary-Treasurer T. Davina McClain (Louisiana Scholars' College)
Georgia L. Irby (William & Mary) presents the Presidential Award to Bartolo A. Natoli (University of Texas at Austin) for his paper "Multiple Registers: Greek and Egyptian Allusions in Callimachus' Coma Berenices"
Tom Sienkewicz with Travel Award winners Marsha McCoy, Gaius Stern, Emily Marillier, and Jaime Claymore
New and Forthcoming in
The following articles are in CJ 108.2:
REBECCA LÄMMLE AND CÉDRIC SCHEIDEGGER LÄMMLE, "Homer on Cithaeron: Dramatic and Narrative Representation in the Bacchae" - This paper analyzes the Bacchae against the backdrop of ancient poetic theory which has recognized the close relations between tragedy and Homeric epic and singled out tragic messenger-speeches as the prime point of contact between them. The second messenger-speech, we argue, explores the tension between dramatic and narrative representation: highly dramatic in its structure, it encompasses complex allusions to Iliad 14 and Odyssey 6 which serve specific purposes but also epitomize the whole of Homeric epic. Thus, Euripides puts on display both the Homeric pedigree of tragedy and the interdependence of acting and telling in drama.
DANIEL HANCHEY, "Typically Unique: Shared Strategies in Cicero's Pro Archia and Pro Balbo" - Cicero claims to use a "new mode of speaking" early in his Pro Archia, a statement which has contributed to a common acceptance of the exceptionality of the speech - particularly its celebration of the liberal arts - in relation to the rest of the Ciceronian corpus. But innovation in ornatus notwithstanding, a comparison with Cicero's other extant speech on citizenship, the Pro Balbo, reveals that the type and arrangement of arguments within the Pro Archia (the inventio and dispositio), including Cicero's use of encomium, can be and are repeated on behalf of a defendant with no connection to poetry. This repetition implies that Cicero's approach to the defense in Pro Archia is not unique, but is, like other Ciceronian oratory, fundamentally influenced by the charge against his client.
WILLIAM MICHAEL SHORT, "Mercury in the Middle: The Many Meanings of (Medius) Sermo in Latin" - In this paper, I argue that previous studies of sermo cannot explain the range of its linguistic meanings or its value in Roman culture more generally. In contrast, by defining this word in imagistic terms it is possible to provide a unified explanation not only for its polysemy between monologic and dialogic interpretations, but also for its association with the god Mercury. What's more, I show that the symbolic sameness of sermo and Mercury underlies a systematic "slippage" of meaning between these signs, as an analysis of the idiom medius sermo demonstrates. Finally, a discussion of Vergil's Aeneid illustrates how Latin authors can utilize such conceptual elisions in elaborating literary themes.
Forum: TIMOTHY J. MOORE, "Don't Skip the Meter! Introducing Students to the Music of Roman Comedy" - With a minimum of class time, teachers of Roman comedy at all levels can help their students gain an appreciation of the genre's meter and music by establishing and discussing regularly the distinction between unaccompanied iambic senarii and all other meters, pointing out and discussing changes of meter, singing Plautus and Terence's lyrics, getting students accustomed to the trochaic septenarius and introducing the iambic septenarius and the iambic octonarius.
The following articles are in CJ 108.3 JOEL P. CHRISTENSEN, "Innovation and Tradition Revisited: The Near-Synonymy of Ἀμύνω and Ἀλέξω as a Case Study in Homeric Composition" - This paper examines the synonymy of Homeric ἀμύνω and ἀλέξω - verbs that occupy overlapping semantic spheres and appear at times in the same formulae - from diachronic and synchronic perspectives. An examination of the semantic and morphological relationships of these two verbs suggests that in Homer they have developed a near-suppletive relationship (at times they function as one semantic unit). The perspective of the Iliad, however, reveals the limits of this relationship. In closing, this paper illustrates how ἀμύνω and ἀλέξω are manipulated by narrator and character to mark the Iliad's plot structure and advance its themes.
MELANIE RACETTE-CAMPBELL, "Marriage Contracts, Fides, and Gender Roles in Propertius 3.20" - This paper considers the ways in which Propertius both makes and undermines his lover-poet's claims of elegiac fidelity in 3.20. This poem depicts the elegiac relationship as simultaneously marriage-like and non-marital by using the language of fidelity, drawing on both its traditional associations with legal ceremonies and agreements and its elegiac sense. Propertius uses the lover-poet's relationship to fides to have him occupy multiple and contradictory male roles in the poem. Ultimately, he fails to conform to any of them, which destabilizes the gender roles of the characters in the poem.
SARAH LEVIN-RICHARDSON: "Futata Sum Hic: Female Subjectivity and Agency in Pompeian Sexual Graffiti" - This article argues that Roman women could contest their expected role as passive sexual objects through writing and reading sexual graffiti. Building from evidence of female literacy in the Roman world, I first examine how Pompeian women claimed themselves as sexual subjects and agents in graffiti they wrote about themselves. I then explore how they could temporarily experience sexual agency through reading aloud graffiti that defamed men as penetrated or polluted sexual objects. Finally, I suggest that through these graffiti, women simultaneously resisted and reinscribed their marginalization within the dominant sexual paradigm.
Forum: AMY RICHLIN, "Role-Playing in Roman Civilization and Roman Comedy Courses: How to Imagine a Complex Society" Back to Top |
New In
The latest issue of Teaching Classical Languages features articles that deal with texts and communities - from medieval manuscripts to homeschooling communities and textbooks. Mark Thorne shares his enthusiasm for using manuscripts in the classroom and provides an easy-to-follow guide to introduce them to beginning and intermediate Latin students. Christine Hahn presents a fascinating report on a survey of 349 homeschooling families, discussing their demographics, methods for teaching Latin, and motivation for including Latin in their curriculum. And Antonia Syson offers a balanced and thorough discussion of the new Aeneid commentaries published by Focus and Cambridge. As usual, it is possible not only to read the articles, but also to post comments online responding to the authors. You can find the latest issue by going to www.tcl.camws.org and clicking on Current Issue.- MARK THORNE, "Using Manuscripts in the Latin Classroom"
- CHRISTINE HAHN, "Latin in the Homeschooling Community"
- ANTONIA SYSON, Review Article, "Reading the Aeneid with Intermediate Latin Students: The New Focus Commentaries (Books 1-4 and 6) and Cambridge Reading Vergil (Books 1-2)
Teaching Classical Languages welcomes articles offering innovative practice and methods, advocating new theoretical approaches, or reporting on empirical research in teaching and learning Latin and Greek. Contact John Gruber-Miller, Editor, Teaching Classical Languages, Cornell College, Mount Vernon, IA 52314, jgruber-miller@cornellcollege.edu .
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The Twentieth Anniversary of the Manson A. Stewart Scholarships: Celebrating the Winners
We are pleased to have received the following updates from past Manson A. Stewart Scholarship winners: Jason Nethercut: "Since graduating from the University of Texas at Austin where I received the Manson Stewart Scholarship from CAMWS, I have earned an M.Phil. from the University of Cambridge and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. My M.Phil. thesis focused on the relationship among the different artistic media in antiquity, with a focus on image and text. At Penn, I wrote a dissertation on Lucretius and his intertextual engagement with his great poetic forbear, Ennius. Currently, I am a Visiting Assistant Professor at Knox College, where I am teaching courses focused on Greco-Roman Art and Architecture." Lindsay S. Herndon: "I received a Manson Stewart Scholarship in 2004 under my maiden name, Lindsay Susan Biddinger (Mary Washington College). After receiving my award, I finished my degree in Classics and graduated from the University of Mary Washington (the name changed between my junior and senior year) and accepted a Latin teaching position at Spotsylvania High School in Spotsylvania, VA. This year marks my eighth year at Spotsylvania High School, and I am happy to say that we are active with CAMWS as well as the Classical Association of Virginia, the American Classical League, and both the National Junior Classical League and the Virginia Junior Classical League. I now actually serve on the committee for selecting the Manson Stewart teaching awards, after receiving one myself in 2009-2010." Evelyn Adkins: "I won the Manson A. Stewart Scholarship in 2004 while I was a sophomore at Macalester College. I had just declared my major in Classical Languages the year before (inspired by reading Petronius' Satyricon in Latin!) and I was looking forward to my first archaeological dig at the Kenchreai Cemetery Project in Greece with then Macalester professor Joseph L. Rife. My dedication to Classics has only increased since then. After college I went on to the University of Michigan's Ph.D. program in Classical Studies. While completing coursework for my Ph.D., I earned a joint M.A. in Classical Art and Archaeology and worked on archaeological projects in Greece (Kenchreai Cemetery Excavations, Corinth Excavations), Italy (Gabii Project), and Turkey (Aphrodisias Regional Survey). After so many years since that first class on Petronius, I've come back to the ancient novel: I'm currently writing my dissertation with Professor David S. Potter on 'Social History, Identity Politics, and Displacement in Apuleius' Metamorphoses' and I plan to pursue a career in academia."  |
Evelyn Adkins at the Parthenon while a Regular Member at the American School in Athens in 2011-2012
If you have won a Manson A. Stewart Scholarship, we would like to hear from you! Please come forward and let us know who you are, where you were at the time of the award, and what you have done since graduation. Anything you might want to say about the role of Classics in your life would be welcome. Please also send along a recent photograph, if you would like, to help us put a face to your name. You need not be still in Classics. This invitation extends not only to award recipients, but also to mentors and nominators who might be in touch with their former students and would like us to know what they have done. Please send your information via e-mail - with the heading "Manson Stewart Alum" to Tom Sienkewicz at camws@camws.org.
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Ian C. Storey Visiting Lecturer Fund at Trent University
On June 30, 2012 Professor Ian C. Storey retired after 38 years of service to the Department of Ancient History & Classics at Trent University. During that time he has become a world-recognized expert in fifth-century BC Old Comedy; an accomplished and prolific author of books and articles, including a widely-used textbook on ancient Greek drama and three volumes in the Loeb Classical Library (Fragments of Old Comedy); a popular and inspiring instructor of courses on Greek and Roman literature, both in the original languages and in translation; a mentor to the Classics Drama Group (the Conacher Players); an academic and social leader who has served distinct terms as Department Chair, Senior Tutor at three colleges, and Principal of Otonabee College; and a great and generous friend to many. Professor Storey has been a member of CAMWS for over twenty years and served as Vice-President for Ontario (1996-1998), Regional Vice-President for Canada (2000-2003), and on the CAMWS Book Award Committee (200-2011). To honour Professor Storey and to ensure that his presence at Trent will endure, a fund that has been set up in his name to support bringing visiting speakers to the Department. Former students, colleagues, and friends may contribute to this fund by going to the address listed below. Choose your method of giving and specify the Ian C. Storey Prize as the fund/designation for your gift: http://www.trentu.ca/givingtotrent/donate.php. To read more about Professor Storey and the Lecturer Fund go to http://www.trentu.ca/newsevents/newsDetail.php?newsID=2839.
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CAMWS Members Honored at the American Philological Association Meeting in Seattle
The following CAMWS members were honored by awards at the January APA meeting in Seattle. Congratulations! - John Gruber-Miller (Professor, Cornell College) received the Award for Excellence in College Teaching. The citation for his award can be found by clicking here.
- James T. Svendsen (Professor Emeritus, University of Utah) received the Outreach Prize. The citation for his award can be found by clicking here.
- Ward W. Briggs, Jr. (Professor Emeritus, University of South Carolina) received a Distinguished Service Award. The citation for his award can be found by clicking here.
- David H. Porter (Professor, Skidmore College) received a Distinguished Service Award. The citation for his award can be found by clicking here.
- Michael C.J. Putnam (Professor Emeritus, Brown University) received a Distinguished Service Award. The citation for his award can be found by clicking here.
Sienkewicz Received Monmouth College's Hatch Award for Distinguished College Teaching
 Tom Sienkewicz, Monmouth College's Minnie Billings Capron Professor of Classics, received the Hatch Award for Distinguished Teaching at the President's Homecoming Gala on Oct. 12. Funded by 1957 graduate W. Jerome Hatch, a retired executive for American National Can, the Hatch Awards were established in 2004 to recognize outstanding work by MC faculty in the areas of teaching, scholarship and service. Through cash stipends, they honor faculty who have excelled in their academic disciplines and who have served as an inspiration to both their students and their colleagues. Nominations for the Distinguished Teaching Award are solicited exclusively from alumni. The award recognizes outstanding effectiveness in teaching by engaging students in learning and helping them connect their learning to lives of service dedicated to the public good. Recipients are uniquely able to engage students in their courses and build relationships with them that go beyond the classroom. They serve as models and mentors for students, helping them to achieve their highest potential as students and citizens. Sienkewicz joined the Monmouth College faculty in 1984 after teaching at Howard University. The 1971 graduate of College of the Holy Cross received his master's degree in classics from Johns Hopkins University in 1973 and his Ph.D. in 1975. He currently serves as secretary-treasurer of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South and business manager of the Classical Journal, both headquartered at Monmouth College.
Notices from Our Institutional Members
New Post-Baccalaureate Program at William & Mary
The Department of Classical Studies at the College of William & Mary (Williamsburg, VA) invites applications for its new a Post-Baccalaureate Program in Classical Studies, beginning in 2013-2014. All students who have at least one year of college-level study (or its equivalent) in Latin or Greek and who will have received a bachelor's degree (in any field) by August 2013 are eligible to apply. Students will earn a post-baccalaureate certificate in Classical Studies normally after one or two years of study (depending on prior preparation). They will also take part in a post-baccalaureate seminar in research methods and be offered mentoring in preparing applications and writing samples for graduate school. There will also be opportunities to gain experience and credit in supervised teaching activities in the College's undergraduate classes. The Department of Classical Studies at W&M has eight full-time faculty members covering a wide array of specialties in Greek and Roman language, literature, history, culture, art and archaeology. Aside from advanced courses in Greek and Latin, students will have the opportunity to partake of any of the department's diverse course offerings, and will also be eligible to enroll in courses offered at the College in related disciplines and to apply to participate in the College's study-abroad programs in Italy and Greece. As a small state-supported liberal-arts university, one of the top-ranked "public ivies" in the nation, William & Mary offers a high standard of education at competitive tuition rates. Residents of Virginia are eligible for reduced in-state rates. For more information, visit our website (http://www.wm.edu/as/classicalstudies/post-bac-program/index.php), or contact department chair John Donahue (jfdona@wm.edu, 757-221-2160).
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Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute
Ascanius: The Youth Classics Initiative is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the knowledge of and inspiring lifelong learning about Latin, Greek, and the ancient Greco-Roman world, especially at the elementary and middle school levels. - Classical Promise Scholarships: Aim to spur growth of Latin and the Classics at the elementary school level and to help create and strengthen foreign language partnerships between elementary and secondary schools. The Classical Promise Scholarships allow enterprising high-school and college students to engineer programs using both the organizational and financial support of Ascanius. Scholarship recipients receive a mentor from Ascanius, access to curriculum created by Ascanius, and write a summary of their program for inclusion in the Ascanius newsletter. Students may apply for scholarship funds at any time, but preference will be given to early applicants. Scholarship funds are available in amounts ranging from $50 to $200. These funds must be used in the purchase of materials and other items related to the program. For more information, past projects, and to apply visit http://www.ascaniusyci.org/scholarships.htm.
- Featured Publication: "SCRIBO: Young Latin Authors" is a collection of short stories, comics, and poems, featuring the best student entries in SCRIBO, an international Latin composition contest! Contains high quality materials in Latin designed specifically for teachers to use in their classes. Visit www.ascaniusyci.org for more information, sample pages, and to order.
- LatinSummer: Ascanius is pleased to announce the three LatinSummer programs to occur in the summer of 2013: in Saint Louis, MO; Charleston, SC; and Williamsburg, VA. LatinSummer is a two-week long program for students in the elementary and middle school levels. To see a video announcing these programs and to get additional details, visit http://www.ascaniusyci.org/latinsummer/index.htm.
Visit www.ascaniusyci.org for plenty more happenings!
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Ave Maria University Summer Greek & Latin
Would you like to study Koine Greek or Classical Latin as living languages?
Ave Maria University is offering courses in Greek and Latin for beginners through a communicative approach. Classes are conducted in Greek and Latin and offer extensive practice in speaking based on careful attention to the grammatical complexity of the ancient languages. For those interested in a summer intensive program in Greek or Latin for beginners, these courses are the only ones of their kind in the United States, since they aim at communicative competence from the first semester in Koine Greek or Classical Latin. You will use communicative exchange orally and through written assignments, develop a functional, spoken vocabulary, and receive careful training in grammar. The courses run three weeks with two excursions on Saturdays conducted entirely in Greek and Latin. Rooms are available on campus for the duration of the program.
Greek Course:
Dates: Thurs. June 13th to Wed. July 3rd, 2013.
Schedule: 4 hours a day, Monday through Friday, with two field trips in Greek on Saturdays
Tuition: $750 (Different rates will apply for those taking the course for credit.)
Instructor: Dr. Christophe Rico
Latin Course:
Dates: Mon. June 17th to Sat. July 6th, 2013
Schedule: 4 hours a day, Monday through Friday, with two field trips in Latin on Saturdays
Tuition: $750 (Different rates will apply for those taking the course for credit.)
Instructor: Dr. Bradley Ritter
Lodging is also available on campus.
Location: Ave Maria University
Visit: http://classics.avemaria.edu/polis_greek_and_latin/
For more information, including a short video on our summer courses, click here. To register or for additional contact Dr. Bradley Ritter (Bradley.ritter@avemaria.edu).
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Conventiculum Bostoniense
The Conventiculum Bostoniense is a week-long immersion in the Latin language that will include speaking, reading, writing, and performance, and takes place this summer from July 27 to August 4 on the UMass Dartmouth campus, near the beautiful beaches of Southern Massachusetts and historic New Bedford. Participants earn graduate credits by taking one of two courses, both of which focus on engagement with texts from all periods of Latinity and the active teaching of Latin. Outside of classes, our participants engage with a staff that includes six experienced Latin speakers, ensuring a high speaker-student ratio. For more information, please visit our website ( http://conventiculum.org/) and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. You can also contact the directors: Peter Barrios-Lech ( peter.lech@umb.edu) or James Dobreff ( james.dobreff@umb.edu).
Paideia Institute
The Paideia Institute announces its Greek and Latin summer programs on offer for summer 2013. We are offering a five-week "Living Latin" course in Rome and a two-week "Living Ancient Greek" seminar in the northern Peloponnese. These courses are inspired by the pedagogical method and legacy of Fr. Reginald Foster and taught by his former students. They combine rigorous language training, wide-ranging readings from Latin and Greek literature, and interactive literary visits to ancient sites in Greece and Italy. Living Greek in Greece: August 12-23, 2013; Selianitika, Greece Living Latin in Rome: June 10-July 12, 2013; Rome, Italy For more information visit www.paideia-institute.org or contact Jason Pedicone, Director of U.S. Operations, The Paideia Institute for Humanistic Study, Inc., pedicone@paideia-institute.org, 609-429-0734.
The American Institute for Roman Culture
California State University, Fresno's Division of Continuing and Global Education is now the official school of record and transcripting body for AIRC programs. We are now enrolling for summer and fall programs in Rome! Deadline to apply: April 15, 2013. Summer Programs:- Living Latin, Living History (June 12-July 1, 2013): A unique program in colloquial, spoken Latin language with Professor Nancy Llewelyn
- Layers of Rome, Track 1, History and Art History (May 27-June 22, 2013): A comprehensive overview of the ancient Roman world
- Layers of Rome, Track 2, Media Studies (May 27-June 22, 2013): A solid basis in ancient Roman studies for producing a real-world media project
- Archaeological Field School (June 10-July 21): An intense hands-on excavation program, now in its 11th year
Fall Program:
- Fall Semester 2013 in Rome: History, Media & Cultural Heritage (Sept. 2-Dec. 12, 2013): an engaging, innovative semester program based in Rome, Italy that offers students a broad choice of full-immersion courses centered on the Eternal City, with topics ranging from social media and film to languages, history, and art history.
For more information, go to www.romanculture.org or e-mail studyabroad@romanculture.org.
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Past, Presents, and Futures of the Historia Augusta
A Panel Proposed for the 2014 APA Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL
Co-Organizers: Mary T. Boatwright (Duke University) and Kathryn Langenfeld (Duke University) As interest in the later Roman Principate and early Dominate grows and results in ever more historical, literary, cultural, and art historical studies, scholars increasingly turn to the Historia Augusta. Although notorious for its puzzles and self-contradictions, this is our most extensive historical source reporting information about the second and third centuries CE. Furthermore, its purported Diocletianic/Constantinian date, and the authoritative (though not universally accepted) claim that this collection of imperial biographies was actually written at the end of the fourth century CE, encourages use of the Historia Augusta by those examining the later Roman empire and late antique Rome. But the complexity of this source means it cannot simply be mined for data convenient for any particular argument, albeit presented with caveats. More importantly, our deepening understanding of the rich culture and history of the second through fourth centuries CE enables new and beneficial inquiry into all aspects of the Historia Augusta. We solicit papers examining historiographical and historical issues in the HA. The work's recurrent citation of earlier Latin and Greek historians prompts historiographical questions, such as: How does this purportedly multi-authored, perhaps anonymous collection dialogue with the stress on authorial authority found in earlier historical writings? How does the work's literary method or content relate to that of 4th-c. authors (e.g. Ammianus Marcellinus, Jerome, Aurelius Victor, and Festus)? How do the HA's numerous "verbatim" quotations of emperors, laws, or private letters (e.g., Hadr. 23.13-14; Avid. Cass. 1.7-2.8; Tac.18-19) compare with the documentary practices of Eusebius or the Christian apologists, for example? But the HA's content and data also repay investigation in light of our growing information about the later Roman Empire. Has new research vindicated the HA's portrayal of the Roman economy, or its topographical information about imperial building projects in and out of Rome? How does the HA present Roman bureaucracy? Questions suitable for this panel, which aims to treat the HA both as literature and as a historical source, are not limited to those above. Abstracts of no more than 650 words for a paper suitable for a 15-20 minute presentation should be sent as an email attachment (PDF) to: thehistoriaaugusta@gmail.com. Please follow the formatting guidelines for individual abstracts that appear on the APA website. All abstracts will be judged anonymously. Please do not identify yourself in any way in the abstract itself. All proposals must be received by March 1, 2013. Please note that abstracts accepted will then be submitted to the APA Program Committee for acceptance into the APA program. You may address any questions to the panel organizers at tboat@duke.edu or kathryn.langenfeld@duke.edu. Return to Top |
NEW APA Pedagogy and Teacher Training Award
One of the major goals of the APA's recently and successfully completed capital campaign, Gatekeeper to Gateway: The Campaign for Classics in the Twenty-first Century, was to ensure that an inspiring, well trained teacher would be available for every school and college classics classroom. At the recommendation of the APA's Committee on Education, the Board of Directors has authorized two new programs, one to support the pedagogy of classics teachers at any level and one to assist classicists seeking certification to teach Latin in primary or secondary schools. To fund these new programs the Association will use income derived from the following contributions to the Campaign's Research and Teaching Endowment: a major gift from an anonymous donor, a contribution from the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS), and donations to the Friends of Zeph Stewart Fund. Winners of both of these awards will be selected by a subcommittee of the Joint Committee on the Classics in American Education, whose membership is selected from both the APA and the American Classical League.
The deadline for these awards is March 1, 2013. For details and application information go to http://apaclassics.org/index.php/apa_blog/apa_blog_entry/4021/.
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Color in Ancient Drama in Performance
Sponsored by the APA Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance Organizer: Timothy Wutrich, Case Western Reserve University Observers regularly comment upon the importance of color as an element in Aeschylus's Oresteia. The crimson carpet that Agamemnon treads prefigures the bloody net in which he and Cassandra will lie; this bloody net will later entangle the corpses of Clytemnestra and Aegisthus before crimson robes adorn the transformed Eumenides at the end of the trilogy. As the example from the Oresteia shows, an author can use color symbolically. When the ancient playwright mentions specific color in a text, modern designers have a direction for their work. Without specific comments in the play, however, designers must make choices about color. Confronted with objects as omnipresent in ancient theater as masks, one wonders whether they should be painted the color of human flesh and if so, what shade, and to what effect? What results when directors such as Tyrone Guthrie in Oedipus Rex or Peter Hall in Oresteia use non-realistically-colored masks? Color, however, is not restricted to stage properties, costumes, or set design. Ancient drama - tragedy and comedy - calls for the representation of non-Greek and non-Roman characters (barbarians) and non-human characters (Cyclopes, satyrs, frogs, birds, etc.) on stage. How can color, how has color been used to depict the Other on stage? Moreover, in contemporary color-blind casting, what effect is sought and what effect is achieved when non-white actors are cast as Electra or Helen or Lysistrata? Since theater is a composite art that brings together many disciplines, it is also useful to consider the ways in which musicians think of color as an element in sound. Other manifestations of the concept of color may also be fruitful. In other words, this panel invites papers on the topic of color, in every sense, in the performance of ancient drama. Papers should address the element of color in productions of ancient Greek and Roman tragedy, satyr play, or comedy in any era from antiquity to the present day. Papers might investigate specific historical productions of a single play, or deal with an aspect of color in multiple works by a director or "school" of directors. Creative proposals for new productions (i.e., productions that have not yet been staged) or previews of productions in rehearsal that study color as a major design element in any ancient drama will also be considered, as long as the paper focuses on the role of color in performance. Please submit abstracts by email attachment to Amy R. Cohen (acohen@randolphcollege.edu) by March 1, 2013. Abstracts should be no more than one page in length and must not include the author's name. In accordance with APA regulations, all abstracts will be reviewed anonymously. Please follow the APA guidelines for formatting abstracts, available online at http://apaclassics.org/index.php/annual_meeting/instructions_for_authors_of_abstracts.
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American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages: Latin Assessment
We are pleased to announce the launch of ALIRA: the ACTFL Latin Interpretive Reading Assessment. ALIRA was created through a collaborative effort between The American Classical League and ACTFL. It is a first-of-its kind assessment that is based on both the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning and the Standards for Classical Language Learning. It is a four-option, multiple choice, computer-adaptive assessment that can be delivered in a single class period. Available January/February 2013, April/May 2013 and September/October 2013.For more information, go to http://www.aclclassics.org/pages/alira-latin-reading-assessment and http://www.actfl.org/aappl/latin. E-mail: aliratest@gmail.org.
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The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Position Available: Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Classical StudiesThe American School of Classical Studies at Athens seeks an established scholar with extensive experience in Greece to be the next Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Classical Studies. The Mellon Professor organizes and conducts the academic program of the School in collaboration with the Director and the Assistant Director and must be able to provide a graduate-level introduction to the sites, monuments, museums and topography of Greece as well as advise students of the School in their research. In addition, as one of the officers of the School, the Mellon Professor participates in the operations of the School. The appointment is for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2014. Salary commensurate with rank and experience. Benefits include pension contribution, health insurance, travel budget, and housing on campus. The incumbent has not applied. The deadline for application is March 15, 2013. Send a letter of application detailing qualifications for the position as well as experience in Greece, research and pedagogical agendas, curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference to Professor Barbara Barletta, Chair, Committee on Personnel, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 6 - 8 Charlton Street, Princeton, NJ 08540-5232. Send to application@ascsa.org. ASCSA is an EO/AA employer. The American School of Classical Studies at Athens does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, or disability when considering admission to any form of membership or application for employment. Ms. Mary Darlington Executive Associate American School of Classical Studies at Athens 6-8 Charlton Street Princeton, NJ 08540 med@ascsa.org 609-683-0800 Ext 11 FAX 609-924-0578
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Vergilian Society Tours 2013
Gods, Myths, and Sanctuaries of Asia Minor (Turkey): June 28-July 13 Directors: Andrew L. Goldman and Amy E. Goldman
- We will visit sites linked to major and minor gods and mythological characters, discussing both the physical remains at the sites and the literary texts that inform our understanding of their associated myths and rituals. Participants will begin the journey in the city of Antalya on the southern Turkish coast, with visits to nearby Perge and the Antalya Museum. After excursions to Olympos, the mysterious flames of the Chimera and the sanctuary of Leto near Xanthos, the group will then continue on to Fethiye to enjoy a day touring the Lycian coast by boat. Turning inland, we will then visit Hierapolis, Aphrodisias and, Nysa. The tour will then head southwards to ancient Halicarnassus and embark on a ferry trip to Knidos. We will then spend several days visiting major sites along the western coast of Turkey, including Didyma, Priene, Ephesus, Claros, Pergamum, Assos, Tenedos, and Alexander Troas. After a day exploring ancient Troy and discussing the events of the Homeric conflict, the group will cross the Hellespont via ferry and proceed to Istanbul. The trip will end with a day in modern Istanbul, where we will tour the major ancient monuments, visit the famous Archaeology Museum, and get a taste of modern Turkish life. Price: $2,575: Single supplement: $425
The Italy of Caesar and Vergil: A Workshop for Teachers: July 2-13 Directors: Anne Haeckl and Amy Leonard
- This workshop for high school Latin teachers will combine classroom sessions in successful pedagogical practices with thematically relevant site visits that illuminate the lives and works of Caesar and Vergil. Morning study sessions will provide ideas and skills to enrich both beginning and advanced courses, with a focus on the readings and abilities required by the revised Advanced Placement syllabus. Afternoon site and museum visits will contextualize the writings of these authors elucidating the common themes of Caesar's commentarii and Vergil's Aeneid. Through thoughtfully constructed lectures and on-site readings from ancient writers, teachers will acquire interpretive insights and instructional strategies for teaching these essential authors. Sites include: Rome (Forum, Palatine, Campus Martius), Temple of Apollo and Atrium of the Sibyl at Cumae, Lake Avernus, Tomb of Vergil, Sperlonga, Pompeii, Lavinium, Herculaneum and Vesuvius. Price: $2,595
From Neapolis to Apragapolis: The Greco-Roman Bay of Naples: July 15-27 Directors: James Andrews and Randall Colaizzi - The Bay of Naples was always one of the most important centers of Classical culture, and the culminating destination of the European Grand Tour. It was the foothold of the Greeks in their colonization of Magna Graecia; the scene of decisive moments in the Punic, Social, and Slave Wars of the Roman Republic; and the graveyard of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and the hundreds of villas buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. Celebrated here were the fishponds of Lucullus, the aqueduct of Augustus, the real extravagances of Nero, and the fictional eccentricities of Petronius. Greeks, Etruscans, Samnites, Lucanians, and Romans lived here; Augustus, Tiberius, and Pliny the Elder died here. We will visit the archaeological sites and the several museums which preserve the artifacts. Sites include Sperlonga, Terracina, Cumae, Lake Avernus, Solfatara, Pompeii, Naples, Paestum, Pozzuoli, Beneventum, Saepinum, Herculaneum, Oplontis (Torre Annunziata), Capri, Baiae, Bacoli, Misenum. from two millennia of Greco-Roman culture. Price: $2,595
Vergil the Poet and Medieval Wizard: Literary Magic: July 29-August 10 Directors: Chris Ann Matteo and Ray Clark - We shall walk in the footsteps of Trojan Aeneas upon the acropolis of Cumae, in the Sibyl's cave, and at Lake Avernus, where he descended alive into the Land of the Dead. Vergil's immortalization of this landscape in the Aeneid resulted in many medieval legends attributing to him the magical power of transforming the landscape. Thus all the hot springs in the area were thought by medievalists to have been of his creation. With this and the Aeneid in mind we shall explore with on-site lectures the marvels of Cumae and other early Greek settlements set within the Flaming (Phlegraean) Fields and its environs, and explore places familiar to Vergil. Price: $2,595
For more information go to http://www.vergil.clarku.edu/. Return to Top
Mediterranean Society of America Announces a Tour of Sardinia in May 2013
The Mediterranean Society has organized a tour of Sardinia in 2013 (May 13-26). Sardinia is a remarkably complex and ancient island, influenced by many invading cultures but remaining fiercely independent. The island is renowned for the scenic beauty of its coasts and mountains and its rich history, hospitable people, and delicious cuisine. The participants will visit Nuraghic, Phoenician, Carthaginian, and Roman archaeological sites on the island and explore the historic centers of its cities. Highlights of the trip include the Monte d'Accoddi Neolithic complex; the Nuraghic sites of Su Nuraxi, Santu Antine, and Losa; the Phoenician-Roman towns of Nora and Tharros; the Roman Temple of Antas; the National Archaeological Museum in Cagliari and the Sanna National Museum at Sassari; and the cities of Cagliari, Oristano, Alghero, and Sassari. The participants will spend four nights in Cagliari, three nights in Oristano, four nights in Alghero, and one night in Rome. For a copy of the trip brochure, please contact Nancy Saylor at nssaylor@verizon.net. The Society also posts the trip brochure on its website (www.mediterranean-society.org).
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Accademia Vivarium Novum
We invite you to our Summer Latin Course. The classes provide for a total immersion in the Latin language. They are divided into two fundamental courses and a third course which is for teachers and which is contingent on enrollment:
1. Latin I (from the first week to the fourth; 15 ECTS): dedicated to those who have no or hardly any previous knowledge of the Latin language. Students will learn morphology, syntax, and vocabulary (1,800 of the most frequent words), and will begin reading genuine Latin texts (the Gospels, Catullus, Martial, Phaedrus, Caesar). Duration: 156 hours.
2. Latin II (from the fifth week to the eighth; 15 ECTS): dedicated to those who have attended the first course, Latin I, or who already possess an active knowledge of the fundamental notions of Latin grammar and syntax, and who know at least the 1,600 words indicated in the lexicon of Besançon. The students will be taught to read Latin authors fluently in the original texts (Cicero, Sallustius, Livy, Horace, Seneca, Petronius, Pliny the Younger, Eutropius, Ambrogius, St. Augustine, Erasmus, and many others). Duration: 156 hours.
3. Latin III (312 hours: 156 hours during the first 4 weeks + 156 during the last 4 weeks. We will launch this course only if we reach a minimum of 20 registrations): This module is designed specifically for Latin teachers who wish to improve their didactic skills by applying a wide range of strategies in class. This strategies, developed by experts of the didactic of modern languages, facilitate the use of the inductive method in the teaching of Latin. With this approach, teachers are able to explain to young students the works of ancient, medieval and modern Latin writers. With a full immersion in the language, daily practice and Latin conversation, lessons, and other activities, even teachers with no previous experience in the active use of Latin will be able, within two months, to fluently speak, write and teach Latin. As we read the chapters of Latin authors, we will also explore the methods of language teaching used by both Renaissance and modern masters.
For further information please visit our website: http://vivariumnovum.net/en/ad-extra/summer-latin-school.
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Special Feature:
From Classics to Jazz by W. Royal Stokes
The Newsletter was happy to solicit and receive an article from W. Royal Stokes, a former Classicist who became a lecturer and writer on the subject of jazz and, for fifteen years, hosted jazz radio shows on public radio. We were especially interested to hear how he made the transition from Classics to jazz and in what ways the study of Classics influenced and informed his later career. The full article can be found on the CAMWS website at http://camws.org/News/newsletter/files/WRSAutobio.pdf. Highlights from Mr. Stokes career are outlined below.
Mr. Stokes earned a B.A. in History (1958) and an M.A. in Classics (1960) at the University of Washington in Seattle, studying under such professors as Solomon Katz, John B. McDiarmid, Thomas G. Rosenmeyer, Robert Lenardon, Paul Pascal, and Viktor Pöschl, to name a few. He then went on to receive a Ph.D. in Classics at Yale University in 1965, where he studied Sophocles with Bernard Knox, Greek History with C. Bradford Welles, Archaeology with Ann Perkins, and Linguistics with Ralph Ward. His dissertation, Studies in Homeric Formulas, was directed by Christopher Dawson and its principal reader was Adam Parry. He taught at the University of Washington, the Universities of Pittsburg and Colorado, Tufts University, and Brock University. While at Pitt his colleagues included Sir Ronald Syme, who was a visiting Andrew W. Mellon Professor.
During the 1970s and '80s he taught jazz appreciation courses at the Smithsonian, YWCA, Mt. Vernon College, the National Parks Service, a University of Virginia branch in Arlington, and George Washington University. He served as the Washington Post's jazz critic for a decade, was editor of JazzTimes and Jazz Notes and book review editor of Jazz Line, wrote scripts for NPR's Jazz Live!, contributed articles to Down Beat, Mississippi Rag, Ms., Civilization, Washington City Paper, Forecast, Washington Review, and other publications. He has compiled three collections of jazz and blues musician profiles for Oxford University Press and published a work entitled Swing Era New York: The Jazz Photographs of Charles Peterson with Temple University Press in 1994. He is currently writing a memoir, compiling materials from his archives for A W. Royal Stokes Jazz, Blues & Beyond Reader, and seeking publishers for a trilogy of novels and a second volume of the photographs of Charles Peterson. He will be 83 in June but has no thoughts of retiring.
W. Royal Stokes at his Politics & Prose April 2, 2005 Washington, D.C. book signing for Growing Up With Jazz: Twenty-Four Musicians Talk About Their Lives and Careers (Oxford University Press). Photo by Erica Hartmann Stokes
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Classics In the News
On November 7, 2012 The New York Times reported on the clash taking place in Rome over a cat shelter housed in ancient ruins. To read click here. On November 14, 2012 The New York Times ran an article on Herculaneum entitled "Escaping the Shadow of Pompeii." To read click here. On November 26, 2012 Slate published a piece entitled "How Political Campaign Spending Brought Down the Roman Republic." To read click here. On January 4, 2013 Slate reported on a new photograph of Mt. Vesuvius taken from the International Space Station. To read the piece and see the photo click here. On January 7, 2013 Live Science ran a piece on children's shoes found in Roman military bases. To read click here. On January 13, the Huffington Post published an article on items found in the drains of a Roman bathhouse. To read click here. On January 18, 2013 Reuters reported on new racy frescoes found in the Colosseum. To read click here. On January 29, 2013 the Daily Mail reported on the surprise experienced by a British couple when they discovered they had been using a valuable Roman sarcophagus as a garden planter. To read click here. On January 30, 2013 ANSA reported on the planned restoration of Pompeii that was scheduled to begin February 6. To read click here. On February 1, 2013 the Chicago Tribune reported on the re-conviction of Socrates in a mock trial by former U.S. attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. To read click here. On February 7, 2013 The Wall Street Journal published an article on Janet Stephens' work on ancient hairstyles. To read click here. If you come across any articles on the Classical world that would be of interest to our readership, please pass them along to the Newsletter editor!
Gary Meltzer, a Classics professor at Eckerd College, passed away on December 31, 2011. An obituary may be found by clicking here and a remembrance of him here. Renata Motiu, who taught Latin at Detroit's Immaculata High School, passed away on September 15, 2012. An obituary may be found by clicking here. William Parker, who taught Latin at Flint's Whittier Junior High School, passed away on September 23, 2012. An obituary may be found by clicking here. Kathryn Leona "Kay" DePue, who taught Latin in Michigan's Grand Ledge schools, passed away on October 27, 2012. An obituary may be found by clicking here. Ava Chitwood, a Classics professor at the University of South Florida, passed away on November 1, 2012. A CAMWS eulogy can be found here and a remembrance of her here. Charles L. Babcock, a Classics professor at Ohio State University, passed away on December 7, 2012. A CAMWS eulogy can be found here and an obituary here. David Young, a Classics professor at the University of Florida, passed away on February 7, 2013. A remembrance can be found by clicking here.
To visit the CAMWS necrologies webpage go to http://www.camws.org/News/obitus_recentes.php.
The CAMWS Newsletter is published three times per year, in the fall, winter, and spring. The deadline for the spring edition is May 15, 2013.
We are especially interested in sharing news stories about the accomplishments of our members, so please pass these along!
Send submissions by regular mail to:
Stephanie A. McCarter
CAMWS Newsletter Editor
Department of Classical Languages
Sewanee: the University of the South
735 University Avenue
Sewanee, TN 37383
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