CAMWS Newsletter

The Classical Association of the Middle West and South 
In This Issue
From President Peter Knox
From Secretary-Treasurer Tom Sienkewicz
CAMWS Awards and Scholarships Information
New in CJ
Reports from Semple, Grant, and Benario Award Winners
Reports from Manson A. Stewart Scholarship Winners
The 20th Anniversary of the Manson A. Stewart Scholarships
CAMWS and CAMWS Members in the News
Notices from Our Institutional Members
List of 2011-2011 Contributors to CAMWS
Classics in the News
CAMWS VP and Committee Lists
Membership Information
Quick Links
CAMWS Website
A Note from President Peter Knox

Peter Knox  

Dear CAMWS Colleague,

Autumn is in high gear, so can spring be far off?  The Program Committee is reviewing a record number of paper and panel proposals for our 109th Annual Meeting in Iowa City.  Whether or not you will be presenting a paper, I very much hope to see you there at what promises to be a memorable occasion.  The members of the Local Committee and our colleagues at the University of Iowa have secured exceptional venues for our conference, and Iowa City, with its abundant resources, cafes, and pedestrian mall, awaits.

In addition to our usual schedule of papers and presentations, we are planning to offer some more expanded opportunities for members to gather in less formal social settings.  More information will follow once the program has been finalized, but in the meantime I hope that you will mark your calendars for April 17-20 in Iowa City.

With all best wishes,
Peter Knox
President, CAMWS
News from Secretary-Treasurer Tom Sienkewicz 

Dear CAMWS Member,

The CAMWS office has now fully transitioned to its new space at Monmouth College where the organization is being well served by Administrative Assistant Jevanie Gillen ([email protected]) and student assistant Timothy Morris ([email protected]). Please do not hesitate to let us know when you have a problem or if we can help you in some way.


Most recently we have been very busy processing membership dues for 2012-2013. (If you have not yet paid yours, we would still be happy to receive them.) We have also been gathering a record number of panel and abstract proposals for the 2013 meeting in Iowa City. The Program Committee has already approved eighteen exciting panels for the meeting and hopes to reach a decision about individual abstracts sometime in October.


President Peter Knox and I visited Iowa City in September and were very pleased with the facilities we saw. We are confident that you will find both the Sheraton Iowa City as well as the University of Iowa a pleasant place to visit for a CAMWS meeting. More details about the meeting will be forthcoming around Thanksgiving.


Finally, I would like to send out a general plea for back issues of Classical Journal to round out the series in the Secretary-Treasurer's office. We have a straight run from Vol. 60 (1965) to present but the earlier holdings are sporadic or in poor condition. So if you personally own some of the earlier issues of CJ or if your college/university library is thinking of going digital and wants to dispose of paper copies in its possession, please consider donating them to CAMWS. If interested, please contact me for more information.


I hope you are having a good academic year and I look forward to seeing you in Iowa City in April 2013.


Tom Sienkewicz

Secretary-Treasurer of CAMWS

[email protected] 


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CAMWS Awards & Scholarships Information 
CPL Award for Outstanding Promotional Activity
in the Schools 

To support programs and activities in primary and secondary schools, the CAMWS Committee for the Promotion of Latin (CPL) annually recognizes with a plaque and a certificate the group which develops the most outstanding and effective activity for promoting Latin in CAMWS territory during each academic year (including the preceding summer). The winner of this award is announced every spring at the annual CAMWS meeting.


Any group wishing to compete for this award must be sponsored by a current CAMWS member and must submit a letter of application to the CPL chair by February 1, 2013. (Applications for CPL grants may be combined with applications for this award.) The application letter must include a 100-word summary of the project and a more detailed project description not to exceed 500 words in length. Applicants are encouraged to attach supporting materials such as photographs, flyers, pertinent newspaper articles, etc.


Please send all inquiries and applications to:

Robert W. Cape, Jr.

Professor of Classics  

Classical & Modern Languages  

Austin College  

900 N. Grand St., Ste. #61583  

Sherman, TX 75090; 903-813-2241  

[email protected]  


For more information, please click the following links:  


CPL Award Website 

Previous Recipients

Promotional Flyer   

Committee for the Promotion of Latin 


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Manson A. Stewart Scholarships 

Teachers of undergraduate students should remember to nominate their most outstanding young Classicists for the 2012-2013 CAMWS Manson Stewart Scholarships. Every year CAMWS awards $1,000.00 scholarships to a limited number of undergraduate students majoring in Classics at the sophomore or junior level at a CAMWS college or university. Nominees are expected to take a minimum of two courses in Latin or Greek (normally at least one per quarter or semester) during the junior or senior year in which the scholarship is held.

Students are to be nominated by a department or program; no institution may nominate more than two students per year. The individual who fills out the nomination form on behalf of the department must be an individual member of CAMWS. Each nominee must fill out an application form, write a brief essay, and submit a college or university transcript and two letters of recommendation. Those who write the two letters of recommendations do not need to be CAMWS members.

CAMWS is now accepting nominations and applications for the 2013-2014 Manson A. Stewart Scholarships. All nominations and their corresponding applications must be received by February 1st, 2013.

If you represent a department wishing to nominate a student, please download both the Nomination Form and the Application Form. You should complete the nomination form yourself and forward the application form to the student.

If you have any questions, please contact Prof. John L. Friend, chair of the Manson A. Stewart Scholarship Committee, at [email protected].

For more information, please click on the following links:

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Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training & Travel Awards

The Classical Association of the Middle West and South sponsors two Manson A. Stewart Awards for primary-, middle-, and secondary-school teachers.  Recipients must be members of CAMWS.

Teacher Training Awards: Designed to provide some financial assistance to those who wish to obtain certification to teach Latin at the primary through the secondary level, whether the specific courses are needed in Latin or in Education. The award is not intended to cover all costs of the training, and the size of the award varies according to the actual costs (primarily tuition and travel), the size of the committee's budget, and the number of applications. Previous awards have been as high as $1175.
Travel Awards: Designed specifically to assist teachers of Latin with a cash award to offset the costs of attending CAMWS meetings. The award is not intended to cover all costs of the travel, and the size of the award varies according to the actual costs the travel will entail, the size of the committee's budget, and the number of applications. Awards for travel to annual meetings have ranged from $300 to $700; for travel to the Southern Section meeting, somewhat less.

To apply please fill out the Training Awards Application or the Travel Awards Application and send electronically to [email protected] or by groundmail to:

The Classical Association of the Middle West and South
Department of Classics
Monmouth College
700 East Broadway
Monmouth, Illinois 61462

All application materials for the 2013 CAMWS Meeting in Iowa City and Teacher Training Award must be received by Friday, February 1, 2013.

Please note that these are receipt deadlines and not postmark deadlines.

For questions about these awards, please contact Melissa Mueller, chair of the Manson Stewart Teacher Training and Travel Awards, at [email protected].

For more information, please click on the following links:


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Presidential Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Paper 

Beginning in 1996 the Executive Committee of CAMWS authorized a new prize, the Presidential Award for the Outstanding Graduate Student Paper at the Annual Meeting. Eligible are graduate students whose paper is accepted on the program and who will not have received their Ph.D. by the time it is read. The text of the oral talk is submitted at least one month in advance of the meeting and an ad hoc committee selects the winner. The award (with a prize of $200) is presented at the annual business meeting, even though the winner may not yet have read it by the time of the meeting.

There are two criteria for evaluation: (1) the quality of the scholarly argument, including the importance of the topic, the originality of the treatment, and the quality of mind displayed; (2) the effectiveness of an oral presentation, including the quality of the writing, good organization, and interest to an audience. Any graduate student whose abstract has been accepted by the program committee may submit a complete text of the paper for consideration for this award.

Those wishing to be considered for this award should submit their completed paper to President Peter Knox no later than midnight, March 8, 2013. Papers should be sent as email attachments in pdf format to [email protected].

For more information, please click on the following links:


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School Awards Latin Translation Contest 

The Classical Association of the Middle West and South will offer $250 cash prizes, book awards, and letters of commendation to qualifying winners in its School Awards Latin Translation Contest.

This year's competition is open to advanced Latin students enrolled in secondary schools, or home-schooled, anywhere in the United States and Canada. Their teachers must be individual members of CAMWS, or their schools must be institutional members of CAMWS, or their school libraries must subscribe to the Classical Journal. Following the annual alternation of Prose and Poetry, the 2012-2013 one-hour examination will offer Latin Prose as exemplified by Caesar, Cicero et al. Contestants should translate as literally as possible without violating English idiom, and they should know the relevant vocabulary presented in Colby's Latin Word Lists (a copy of which is available upon request with registration). This examination is intended for students who have had at least three years of Latin, but is also open to superior second-year students. This examination must be administered by a school official other than the Latin teacher between Monday, November 26 and Friday, December 7 2012.

Writers of the ten most outstanding papers will each receive a $250 cash prize. An additional twenty outstanding contestants will receive a book prize relevant to classical antiquity. Writers of meritorious examinations will receive letters of commendation.

Application Deadline: November 9, 2012

To enter, fill out this year's contest application.

All questions concerning this contest should be directed to the Chair of the Subcommittee on the School Awards, Robert White at [email protected]

For more information, please click on the following links:

School Awards Website (Here you can find lists of previous winners as well as contest passages from previous years.)

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Semple, Grant, & Benario Awards 

These three awards offer graduate students and teachers of Greek and Latin at the pre-collegiate (primary, secondary, or high school) level the opportunity to advance research and/or pedagogical interests abroad in Athens, Rome, or other appropriate ancient site:

The Semple Award is a $3,500 fellowship for attending the summer session of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.

The Mary A. Grant Award is a $4,500 fellowship for attending the summer session of the American Academy in Rome.

The Janice and Herbert Benario Award is a $2,500 fellowship that the recipient may apply to the summer travel program of his or her choice.

To be eligible for a Semple, Grant, or Benario Award, one must be a current member of CAMWS who either:
Priority for the Benario Award will be given to applicants interested in summer programs other than those of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and the American Academy in Rome, which are normally funded by the Semple and Grant Awards.

An individual who wins a Semple Award or a Grant Award may not receive a Benario Award in the same year.

Application materials for the 2012-2013 awards can be sent electronically to [email protected]. Paper applications can be mailed to CAMWS, Monmouth College, 700 E. Broadway, Monmouth, IL 61462. All applications must be received by Friday, February 1, 2013.

Questions regarding the application may be directed to Osman Umurhan, Chair of the Semple, Grant and Benario subcommittee, at [email protected].

For more information, please click on the following links:


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CAMWS Award for Special Service 

This year marks the eleventh anniversary of a CAMWS Award for Special Service. This award formally acknowledges exceptional promotion of classics and/or accomplishments for the profession in CAMWS territory. The award is given pro re nata.

Eligibility: CAMWS membership is not required. Recipients can be classicists or non-classicists who have made special contributions to the promotion of Latin and Classical studies, especially at the state and local level, in CAMWS territory. Ideal candidates include people involved in our field who do much for their local communities or classics in general, but do not interact frequently, if at all, at large meetings. Nevertheless, these people make MORE than a difference. Suitable candidates for this award also include parents or community members who support local Latin programs in notable ways; companies that donate money or other resources for the promotion of Latin; school administrators who help Latin teachers by giving access to school rooms or supplies or extra funds; newspapers or magazines that give free advertising for events; benefactors who give money for books or scholarships; or students who have promoted Latin in an original manner.

Nomination and selection process: Please submit a signed statement of nomination, 500-600 words in length, that describes the nominee and his/her work. Nominated can be emailed to [email protected] and must be received by Friday, February 1, 2013. Supporting documents are not required, but they may be solicited if questions arise. The chair of the Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarships with advice from the five subcommittee chairs will then determine the winners. Announcement of the results will be made at the spring meeting. If you have any questions about this award, please contact Nicoletta Villa-Sella, Chair of the Steering Committee, at [email protected].

For more information, please click on the following links:


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CAMWS Teaching Awards 

Kraft Award for Excellence in Secondary Teaching:

Named for CAMWS benefactor Eunice E. Kraft, this award recognizes outstanding teachers of Latin in public or private schools (middle schools included) within CAMWS territory. The honoree will receive $500, airfare to the Annual Meeting, and two nights' accommodation at the convention hotel. Nominees will be eligible for consideration for three consecutive years. The nominee must be a member in good standing of CAMWS. No previous winner of the Kraft Award is eligible to apply for it a second time.

To Apply: The nomination deadline is Friday, December 14, 2012, and the deadline for all application materials is Friday, February 1, 2013. We encourage electronic submission of as many materials as possible. If you would like to nominate someone for the award, visit the Online Nomination Form. If you would like to submit all of your application materials electronically, please visit the Online Application Form.

CAMWS Award for Excellence in College Teaching

The winner of this award will receive $500. The nominee must be a member in good standing of CAMWS, teaching classical subjects full-time at a college or university.

To Apply: The nomination deadline is Friday, December 14, 2012, and the deadline for all application materials is Friday, February 1, 2013. We encourage electronic submission of as many materials as possible. Nominees who have not already been recognized through a national teaching award will be given preference. No sitting member of the CAMWS Executive Committee or of the CAMWS Subcommittee on Teaching Awards is eligible for this award. If you would like to nominate someone for the award visit the Online Nomination Form. If you would like to submit all of your application materials electronically, please visit the Online Application Form.

If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Peter Anderson, chair of the Teaching Awards Subcommittee, at [email protected].

For more information, please click on the following links:


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New in 
The following articles are in CJ 108.1:

MOLLY PASCO PRANGER, "Naming Cato(s)"   

  • This study traces the epithets and agnomina regularly assigned to the elder Cato in the late Republic and early imperial sources, in part to distinguish him from his illustrious great-grandson.  The elder Cato's most frequently used "names" (Sapiens, Senex, Censorius) structure his position as a moral exemplar in distinct ways and develop in relation to the career and emerging mythology of the younger Cato, whose "names" (Praetorius and Uticensis) are also addressed.  The elder Cato's names (much more than those of Cato Uticensis) emphasize the present's continuity with the Republican past.

JAMES C. ABBOT, JR, "Arma Virumque"

  • The opening phrase of the Aeneid anticipates a pattern of relationship in the poem between outside and inside. Epic arms look outward to the gods, fate and society, inward to the man himself, his unique history, his inner life. At the same time alien and complementary to the warrior, arms elude his full control, with an uncanny power that frustrates intention. Analysis of five interrelated passages suggests that arms in the Aeneid are the leading edge of external forces that continually impinge upon the man's inner will and purposes. 

RACHEL BRUZZONE, "Statues, Celibates, and Goddesses in Ovid's Metamorphoses 10 and Euripides' Hippolytus"

  • Ovid's story of Pygmalion contains allusions to the diatribe against women in Euripides' Hippolytus, particularly Hippolytus' comparison of a wife to a statue. These allusions underscore shared and unusual attributes of Pygmalion and Hippolytus, the only obvious examples of adult male celibacy in Graeco-Roman literature. Although Orpheus' misogyny distorts the story, Pygmalion and his family mimic the narrative of Euripides' play. Pygmalion acts as a second Hippolytus while Myrrha is a doublet of Phaedra, similarly tortured with incestuous lust because of her male relative's insult to Venus. Adonis' death, promised by Artemis at the end of Hippolytus, punishes Venus for her cruel treatment of both Phaedra and Myrrha. 

Forum: S. DOUGLAS OLSON, "A Radical Approach to the Large Undergraduate Lecture Course"   

  • A description of a set of structural innovations designed to encourage students to attend class, pay attention and ask questions, and to teach basic writing and public speaking skills, within the practical constraints of a large introductory-level lecture course in classical civilization.

 Plus a slew of book reviews and Julia Hejduk's Presidential Address! 


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Report from 2012 Semple Award Winner Marcaline Boyd 

Marcaline Boyd
Marcaline Boyd at the Temple of Hephaestus in the Athenian Agora

As the recipient of the 2012 Semple Award, I spent six week touring Greece as a member of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens' summer session. Three weeks of the session were dedicated to visiting the many sites, monuments, and museums at Athens, while the remaining part of the program consisted of three intermittently dispersed trips to Crete, the Peloponnese, and northern Greece. One of the summer session's most memorable qualities is the corps of nearly 40 first-rate scholars who guide members through the various sites and museums. Their expertise and intimate knowledge of the sites and material allowed me to gain a level of insight into the ancient Greek world which far surpassed any classroom experience. Some highlights include visiting the Athenian Agora with Dr. John Camp, Pylos with Dr. Jack Davis, the Epigraphical Museum of Athens with Dr. Mary Richardson, and the Kerameikos with Drs. Sarah Morris and John Papadopoulos. As students we also had the opportunity to use the extensive resources of the Blegen Library and were responsible for presenting two site reports. My presentations were on Marathon and Olynthus; and the chance to research, present, and then personally explore a site proved to be a truly rewarding experience. In sum, attending the summer session was an extraordinary opportunity and one that was possible thanks to the Semple Award. The first-hand knowledge of ancient Greece and its culture has already enriched my doctoral studies and no doubt will continue to do so in all future scholastic endeavors.


Marcaline Boyd

Florida State University 


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Report from 2012 Grant Award Winner Amy Lather 

Amy Lather in Rome
Amy Lather in Rome

I was privileged to spend this summer as a participant in the American Academy at Rome's Classical Summer School, an opportunity that I would not have had without the generous support of CAMWS and the Mary A. Grant award. Prior to the summer of 2012, I felt that my knowledge of Roman material culture and topography was limited, as my only familiarity with the city of Rome came from Roman literature. I believed that I was missing something essential by studying the Romans only through the literary record. Thus my goal for the summer was to gain a more comprehensive view of the city of Rome, and of the material artifacts and topography in which Roman culture and literature developed.


The Classical Summer School enabled me to visit countless museums and sites dating from archaic to early Christian Rome. This provided me with a much fuller understanding not only of Roman material culture, but also of the ways in which Roman values and beliefs were expressed in art and architecture. Under the guidance of Susann Lusnia and Meg Andrews, I was treated to thorough and thought-provoking presentations on a vast array of topics, ranging from the use of specific building materials to the images employed in monumental architecture. Every day spent in Rome taught me something new, making this summer utterly invaluable not only for my own research, but also for my teaching. I could not have envisioned a more productive way to spend my summer, and for this I am deeply indebted and grateful to the Mary A. Grant Award for making this possible.


Amy Lather

The University of Texas at Austin  


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Report from 2012 Benario Award Winner Rosina Khan

Rosina Khan on Mount Nebo
Rosina Khan on Mount Nebo in Jordan

Dreaming of Petra, Literally

No air. Darkness. It was the middle of the night and I was sleeping in a sealed Nabatean tomb! Must. Get. Air! I got out of bed and started feeling my way in the darkness for an opening and came upon window blinds. Window blinds? I must be back in America. I often have these dreams after a long international journey. It wasn't long before I was sleeping in a Nabatean tomb, well, in a pleasant hotel built into the natural rock of Petra and situated next to an actual Nabatean tomb. Provincia Arabia, the former Nabatean kingdom, was annexed by Trajan in 106 AD. Provincia Arabia offered its rich culture to the Roman Empire and continues to offer the same. The generous Janice and Herbert Benario Award allowed me to attend the Vergilian Society's study tour of Roman Jordan.  


The group, led by Professor Emeritus Phillip Stanley, experienced a "hubbub" (to use an Arabic cognate) of experiences. From prostyle Roman temples in Amman and Jerash to 8th century AD desert palaces that use Greco-Roman iconography and engineering styles, the trip offered interesting examples of east-west integration.   We experienced Iraq Al-Amir, a mysterious Hellenistic building set in a valley among caves and of course, Petra. I gave everything to Petra and walked feebly out, fully spent trying to experience all the Rose City had to offer in terms of archaeology and imagination. In addition to the ancient sites we also experienced the best of modern Arab culture. It warmed my heart to meet Jordanians who were proud of their rich past. Through the Benario Award I am able to expand my curriculum to include more of the Roman East and make this information available to my colleagues. I hope through our scholarship that our students will learn to appreciate the Roman East, if not experience it on their own.


Rosina Eileen Khan

Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School

Indianapolis, IN 


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Reports from the 2011-2012 Manson A. Stewart Scholarships Winners 

The CAMWS Newsletter will now be featuring regular updates on our undergraduate Manson A. Stewart Scholarship winners, so that we may publicize and celebrate our rising Classics stars.

Rebecca Boylan (Macalester College)
  • Rebecca Boylan Rebecca Boylan attends Macalester College in Saint Paul, MN, where she is a junior majoring in Classics with a philosophy minor. She is currently continuing her study of Classics with Latin, Greek and ancient philosophy courses. In the spring, Rebecca plans to study abroad in Rome at the Centro through Duke University.

Jessie Craft (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)

  • News of Jessie's win was featured on the UNC Greensboro website. To read, click here.
Rance Fujiwara (Creighton University)
  • "The Manson A. Stewart Scholarship has helped me to continue my Rance Fujiwara undergraduate studies in Latin and Biochemistry as a senior at Creighton University. Moreover, Classics has cultivated the skills necessary for lifelong reinvention, and it has influenced me to become more cognizant of the human condition as well as the social and ethical dimensions of the human experience. Through these lessons, I believe that my appreciation for Latin and Ancient Greek will serve me well as I pursue a career in the field of medicine."  

Caitlin Hines (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

  • "I am using the Manson A. Stewart Scholarship in part to fund research Caitlin Hines for my senior thesis. I am pursuing a study of the lexicon of Ovidian love elegy, with reference to the elegiac vocabulary of Propertius and Tibullus, and as my research progresses I have found myself drawn towards a gendered approach to this study. My other research interests include the unsettling humor about slave torture and forced prostitution in Roman Comedy, Roman reception and literary depictions of the Delphic Pythia's divine inspiration, and the tension between manifestations of Artemis in Greek myth and material culture, specifically for female participants in the ritual at Brauron."  


Jonathan Langerak (Grand Valley State University) 

  • News of Jonathan's win was featured on the Grand Valley State website.  To read the story, click here

Adam Myers (Ripon College)   

  • "I am pursuing a Classical Languages major at Ripon College. I Adam Myers recently completed a research project comparing the continuity in the definition and treatment of atheism in the ancient and modern world. Currently, I am working on a project examining the contemporary reactions to Lucretius' De Rerum Natura in the Roman world and comparing them with reactions to others who were influenced by him in the Renaissance. After graduating, I hope to pursue a doctorate focusing on medieval Spanish and Crusades history, which is complemented by my History, Spanish, and Classical Languages majors."


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The Twentieth Anniversary of the Manson A. Stewart Scholarships: Celebrating the Winners 

2014 will be the twentieth anniversary of the Manson A. Stewart undergraduate scholarships, endowed in memory of Manson A. Stewart, Professor of Greek and Latin at Yankton College in South Dakota, from a portion of CAMWS's Yankton College Bequest. In these two decades we have created an impressive roster of award-winning students. The last ten years of winners can be found at Those of you who have won these scholarships have just reason to be proud, and some of you have gone on to further careers in Classics. Now, with the aim of encouraging future candidates and winners, we would like to hear from you. Our aim is to publish in a future CAMWS Newsletter a Manson Stewart alumni/ae column with information about you and your activities, so please come forward and let us know who you are, where you were at the time of the award, and what you have done since graduation. Anything you might want to say about the role of Classics in your life would be welcome.  Please also send along a recent photograph, if you would like, to help us put a face to your name. You need not be still in Classics. This invitation extends not only to award recipients, but also to mentors and nominators who might be in touch with their former students and would like us to know what they have done.


Please send your information via e-mail - with the heading "Manson Stewart Alum" to Tom Sienkewicz at [email protected]We look forward to hearing from you!


CAMWS would like to create an audio library of oral history about the organization and is looking for a few younger members of the organization who would be interested in "interviewing" other members with longer institutional memory about the CAMWS of the past.  We are especially interested in preserving not only recollections of important events but also interesting anecdotes about individuals, meetings, and various CAMWS activities.  These interviews may take place at CAMWS meetings, on college campuses, at schools or wherever we can conveniently arrange such interviews.  If you are interested in serving on an ad hoc CAMWSCorps committee or in being a CAMWSCorps volunteer at CAMWS 2013 in Iowa City or in other locations, please contact Tom Sienkewicz, the CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer at  [email protected].

CAMWS and CAMWS Members
in the News
Monmouth College Now Home to CAMWS   

On September 17, Monmouth College's website featured a news story about CAMWS's move to the campus and Tom Sienkewicz's taking the reins of the organization as Secretary-Treasurer.  The piece featured the above photo of Tom Sienkewicz, administrative assistant Jevanie Gillen, and Monmouth sophomore Tim Morris (as well as our snazzy new CAMWS banner!).  To read the story please click here.
Samford Classics Chair Receives Teaching Award 

Randy Todd BIRMINGHAM---Samford University classics department chair Dr. Randy Todd has received one of the school's top teaching awards.


Todd received the John H. Buchanan Award for Excellence in Classroom Teaching during the university's opening convocation of the fall semester on August 28.  The annual award includes a $1,000 cash prize.


He is a member of the Classical Association of Middle West and South.


During the award presentation, Todd was cited for his leadership in building a thriving classics program at Samford.  "He has built a robust major, attracted outstanding students and faculty, and played an integral role in developing a classically-oriented core curriculum," said Samford Provost Dr. Brad Creed, recognizing Todd's role as founding chair of the Samford classics department, and his "contagious enthusiasm" for literary and cultural achievements of the past.


Todd joined the Samford faculty in 1997. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Furman University, Todd holds master's and Ph.D. degrees from Vanderbilt University. He and his wife, Dr. Candy Todd, who teaches in the Samford mathematics department, have four children, Mary Evelyn, Elizabeth, Stephen and Anna Kirsten.


Finalists for the Buchanan Award were nominated by members of Samford's 2012 graduating class, and the winner was chosen by a committee of faculty and students.


Samford, Alabama's largest privately supported university, enrolls some 4,790 students.


Mary L. Wimberley

News and Feature Writer

Samford University

Birmingham, Alabama 35229

Tel. (205) 726-2922

FAX (205) 726-2654

Email: [email protected]


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Notices from Our Institutional Members   

Ascanius: The Youth Classics Initiative is a nonprofit organization founded in 2000.  Its mission is to support Classical Studies, particularly in the elementary and middle school levels.  We kick off the fall with creative writing contest, unique workshops for Latin teachers, and an engaging magazine!  Visit for plenty more happenings!

SCRIBO: An International Latin Composition Contest - This relatively new contest is designed to spur student interest in creative writing in Latin, to recognize top student work, and to provide teachers with high quality reading materials in Latin to use in the classroom.  All entrants receive a certificate, top scorers earn a medal, and the very best entries could be published in our annual compilation!  Register your students by December 1, and submit all entries by December 15.  The cost is $5 per entry plus a school fee, with several discounts available.  Visit for more information, sample entries, sample assignments that integrate SCRIBO, and to register.

2012-2013 Professional Development Series for Latin Teachers - Although the main focus of Ascanius is on supporting Classics at the elementary and middle school levels, we also hold a keen interest in best practices at all levels of instruction, and have designed these workshops with that goal in mind. Register by November 19 for any one of our workshops, all of which take place on November 30. In the DC area: "Latin for 2012: Fresh Ideas for Fresh Kids," $45. In the St. Louis area: "I Came, I Saw, I Clicked: Technology and Online Resources for Latin Teaching," $59 includes lunch. In the Boston area: "Carmina

Discipulosque Cano: Using Music to Enliven and Enrich the Latin Classroom," $59 includes lunch. Visit for more information and to register. Contact us ( [email protected]) if you are interested in hosting a workshop at your school in a future year; there is no cost to the school and the Latin teacher goes for free!


Featured Publication: Iota Magazine is a fun, engaging, Classically themed magazine for younger children. Its 24 full-color pages feature a god, a monster, an historical person, and Latin words in each issue. Interesting stories and creative activities will engage young minds. 3 issues per year: in October, February, and May. Annual subscriptions: $24 for 3 print issues or $50 for 3 reproducible, projectable electronic issues. Visit for more information, sample pages, and to order.


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U. of South Dakota 
The Isles of Greece! 2013: The Ionian Islands and the Gulf of Corinth

The University of South Dakota will offer an interdisciplinary sailing and study tour in Greece for undergraduate and graduate students in May and June of 2013.  This program, now in its eighth year, introduces students to a variety of aspects of life in the Aegean Sea over the five millenia from the Bronze Age to our own time.  Although the program includes several days in and around Athens, most of the time is based on sailing yachts.  The nautical life will give students a sense of the Greek islands as the Greeks saw them in an age before mechanized travel: from the sea in sailing vessels.  Students will learn to sail and to live aboard a sailboat.  For further information and application instructions visit or send an e-mail to Clayton Lehmann at [email protected].

The 2013 Bernice L. Fox Classics Writing Contest
sponsored by the Department of Classics at Monmouth College

Topic: Should Julius Caesar Have Crossed the Rubicon
You can argue for or against.) 

This contest is open to any student enrolled full-time in high school during the current school year. An award of $250.00 will be given to the author of the best entry written in English on a specified theme. The entry may be an essay, a short story, a play, a poem, or any original literary work. This contest was established in 1985 by the Department of Classics at Monmouth College in Monmouth, Illinois, to honor Bernice L. Fox, to promote the study of Latin and the Classics in high schools, and to recognize the good work of high school students.


Judging:  The entry should make frequent, specific, accurate, and appropriate references to actual events. Papers will be judged on historical accuracy, appropriate use of ancient sources, originality, quality of material, thematic development, appropriateness, correctness of English style, and effectiveness of presentation.


Contest Guidelines:  Entries must be typed, double-spaced, on 8-1/2 x 11 inch paper, on one side only. No electronic submissions will be accepted. The entry must fit the theme of this year's contest. No minimum or maximum length is required. The entrant's name and school must not appear on the entry. Contestants should place a personal identification code (a randomly selected nine character series) on the top left-hand corner of every page of the entry and on a separate 8-1/2 x 11 inch sheet of paper which also contains the following information: author's name, date of birth, the student's personal identification code, school name, school address, teacher's name, and school phone number. No more than ten entries will be accepted from any individual school and only one entry per student. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in disqualification. Every entrant will receive a certificate of participation from Monmouth College. All entries must be postmarked no later than March 15th, and mailed to Dr. Thomas J. Sienkewicz, Capron Professor of Classics, Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois 61462. For further information, including a list of previous winners, please consult the contest website


All entries become the property of Monmouth College. The winner will be announced on or by April 15th on the contest website.


About Bernice L. Fox:  Bernice L. Fox taught courses in English, Latin and Greek at Monmouth College from 1947 to 1981, and served as chair of the Department of Classics from 1970 till her retirement in 1981. Throughout her long and dynamic career she worked tirelessly to promote the Classics in Illinois high schools and colleges. She is also the author of Tela Charlottae, the Latin translation of E. B. White's Charlotte's Web. In 1991 Monmouth College conferred on her the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters. She died in 2003.


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Classics News from New Mexico

Laura McClure, Professor of Classics at the University of Wisconsin, will give a panel talk at the University of New Mexico's Cultural Studies Colloquium entitled "What is Desire?".  October 25, 3:30-5:00.
The New Mexico Junior Classical League will hold its annual convention in mid-February 2013.  For information please go to

Second Annual University of Tennessee Classics Undergraduate Research Conference

The University of Tennessee Department of Classics is pleased to announce the second annual undergraduate research conference: Buried in Sleep and Wine: Leisure, Entertainment, and Sport in the Ancient World. The conference will be held February 9, 2013 and we are currently calling for submissions from interested undergraduates throughout North America. This conference will focus on analyses of the recreational aspects of Greek and Roman lifestyles. Abstracts will be considered from any discipline within classical studies (archaeology, history, philology, etc.) or a related field. Examples include games or athletic contests in antiquity, pastimes such as symposia, archaeological evidence of country homes or theaters, and literary works that include representations of leisure or are themselves intended for leisure (this is not an exhaustive list).


Papers should take no more than fifteen minutes to present (with five additional minutes for Q&A afterwards). Audio-visual equipment will be available for presenters. Abstracts of no more than 250 words double-spaced are should be submitted by November 16, 2012 to Bethany Good, at [email protected]. Please see the webpage ( for additional submission instructions. Notifications of acceptance will be sent on December 3, 2012. Travel grants will be provided to select students on a competitive basis. Please direct any inquiries to Bethany Good at [email protected].


In addition to the Department of Classics, this conference is also sponsored by the Chancellor's Honors Program, Department of History, Department of English, Department of Philosophy, and School of Art of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.


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Call for Papers
The journal Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural is seeking submissions for a special volume on Old Gods.  We welcome contributions focusing on new uses of ancient near Eastern, Egyptian, Greek, Mesoamerican, Norse, and Slavic gods, among others.  We also welcome contributions, from any discipline, that highlight the cultural, literary, dramatic, religious, magical, or historical significance of any of the ancient gods in their own contexts and as part of contemporary popular cultures.

Contributions should be roughly 8,000-12,000 words, including all documentation and critical apparatus, and adhere to the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition (style 1, employing endnotes). Final submissions are due March 31, 2013.

Preternature is a bi-annual publication, published through Penn State Press, and available in print or electronically through JSTOR, Project Muse, and as a Kindle e-book. 

Full information about submissions and our peer review process can be found at  Questions about this special issue can be directed to Debbie Felton ([email protected]).   
Hesperia: The Journal of the American School
of Classical Studies at Athens

Tracey Cullen, Hesperia's editor for the past fourteen years, has announced her retirement effective July 1, 2013.  The American School of Classical Studies at Athens is now conducting a formal search for a new Editor of Hesperia.  The job description and information on how to apply can be found here:

Andrew Reinhard, Director of Publications
American School of Classical Studies at Athens
6-8 Charlton Street
Princeton, NJ 08540-5232

A Note From Marie Bolchazy  

Dear CAMWS Family,

The family of Lou Bolchazy extends its appreciation to CAMWS for the lovely plant sent in his honor.  It sits in my office to remind me of the wonderful colleagues we have.

Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers will continue to fulfill he goals Lou established.

Marie Bolchazy
List of 2011-2012 Contributors to CAMWS 

CAMWS would like to thank the following members who collectively contributed a total of $4717.00 to support CAMWS activities and/or the Centennial Fund in 2011-2012.  If you would like to join this list in 2012-13, go to or donate when you renew your annual membership.

John Breuker, Jr.                                                   Patricia Marquardt
Christopher Brunelle                                           Patricia Matsen
Eve Buchanan-Cates                                            Stephanie McCarter
Christopher Caterine                                           Lynne McClendon
Jenny Clay                                                             John Miller
Christopher Craig                                                Betty Rose Nagle
Sally Davis                                                            Stephen Nimis
James Dee                                                             Ruth Osier
Connie Dickerson                                               Ann Ostrom
John Finamore                                                     Martha Payne
Elizabeth Fisher                                                   George Pesely
Edward Gaffney                                                  Richard Peterson

Leon Golden                                                        F. Carter Philips

Nicolas Gross                                                      William Race

Rebecca Harrison                                               Ann Raia

Barbara Hill                                                         Nathalie Roy

George Houston                                                 Sydnor Roy

Stanley Iverson                                                   James Ruebel

James Keenan                                                     Christina Salowey

Dennis Kehoe                                                     James Sandrock

Joy King                                                               Janice Siegel

Matthew Kostony                                              Thomas Singleton

Alexis Landry                                                     Marilyn Skinner

Eleanor Winsor Leach                                       Theodore Tarkow

Amy Leonard                                                     Christopher Trinacty

Brenda Longfellow                                            Tara Welch

Paul Lotz                                                             Ann Werner

Stanley Marlin                                                    William West, III


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Classics in the News

On Oct. 11, reported on the potential discovery of the spot where Julius Caesar was assassinated.  For the story click here.

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln recently reported on the discovery of the largest Roman mosaic in Turkey by a team led by UNL professor Michael Hoff.  Click here to read the story.

In August Philip Freeman contributed a piece to the New York Times entitled "Negative Campaigning, Pompeii style."  To read, click here.

In August Alan Boyle contributed a piece to on "Pompeii's last XXIV hours retweeted."  Click here.

In September National Geographic ran a piece by Andrew Curry on Roman frontiers.  Click here to read the story.

In August The Guardian reported on plans by Pope Benedict to open a new Latin Academy at the Vatican.  For the story click here.

In July The Telegraph ran a story about London mayor Boris Johnson's plan to recite an ancient Greek ode at the Olympic Games in London.  For the piece, click here.

In July Gizmodo ran an article featuring the construction of the Roman Colosseum built entirely out of 200,000 Legos.  To read the piece and see photos of the impressive structure, click here.

In July the BBC News Magazine featured a piece on the conquests of Alexander the Great as seen through Persian eyes.  The story can be found here.

In June the New York Times reported on the potential negative toll Greek austerity may take on the country's antiquities.  Click here to read the story.

If you come across any articles on the Classical world that would be of interest to our readership, please send them to the newsletter editor!
CAMWS Vice-President and Committee Lists

For a full list of CAMWS State, Provincial, and Regional Vice-Presidents please click here.  Links to lists of CAMWS Committee lists can be found by clicking here


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Membership Information and Forms

Individual Membership in CAMWS


Individual membership in CAMWS for the fiscal year July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013, may be purchased for $45 ($25 for student, retiree, first-time teacher, or new CAMWS member). Joint spouse/partner membership is available for $70, retired spouse/partner membership for $40. A life membership costs $900 for an individual, $1300 for joint spouse/partner.


Any first-time teacher who joined CAMWS in 2011-2012 will receive the discounted $25 rate in 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. This special deal has now expired: henceforth first-year teachers who join CAMWS will receive the discounted rate only during the year in which they become members.


Please pay with a check in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank or a bank that uses U.S. routing codes. The check should be made payable to CAMWS and mailed, along with a completed membership form, to:

CAMWS, Dept. of Classics
Monmouth College
700 E. Broadway
Monmouth, IL 61462 U.S.A.   


Payment by credit card is possible if subscriptions are requested via the CAMWS website. A non-refundable $3 processing fee will be added to each credit-card transaction.


A membership includes a subscription to Volume 108 of The Classical Journal. Please indicate on the membership form whether you would prefer to receive CJ electronically (via JSTOR, with access to all current and back issues) or in print. For an extra $4 you may receive the journal in both formats.


The CAMWS Newsletter is sent electronically to all members with e-mail addresses. If you would like to receive a print version in addition, you may indicate that on the membership form.


Please note: Individual memberships or subscriptions to CJ sent to an address outside the United States or Canada are subject to a $20 postage surcharge. 


Individual subscriptions automatically include membership in CAMWS.

You may use the CAMWS membership form to join ACL or SALVI, subscribe to any of nine other scholarly journals, order 6-inch 'Roman' rulers or a copy of Herbert Benario's CAMWS: A History of the First Eighty Years, order a CAMWS YoYo, and/or make a tax-deductible contribution to CAMWS.


Please visit for more information and to become an Individual Member.


Institutional Membership in CAMWS


If your educational institution wishes to show its support of CAMWS by paying an annual fee of either $50 (for a K-12 school or an institution offering a B.A. or M.A. in Classics) or $100 (for an institution offering a Ph.D. in Classics), it will receive the following benefits:

  • One CAMWS award for an outstanding student to be chosen by your institution. The student will receive a congratulatory certificate stating that your school has designated the student as a recipient of a CAMWS Award for Outstanding Accomplishment in Classical Studies for the current academic year, plus a free membership in CAMWS for the following academic year.
  • The option to purchase the right to choose up to two additional student award recipients ($25 each).  Payment required by May 1 of each academic year.
  • A certificate stating your institution's support of CAMWS
  • Publication of institutional announcements free of charge in the CAMWS Newsletter
  • K-12 Institutional Members: complimentary registration for one person at the CAMWS Annual Meeting 
  • Inclusion on the list of CAMWS Member Institutions, which will be
    • printed in the program of the CAMWS Annual Meeting
    • printed in the CAMWS Newsletter
    • posted on the CAMWS Website

Please fill out an Institutional Membership Form and submit it, along with payment, to the CAMWS Office no later than March 1, 2013. To designate your student honoree(s), please complete an award designation form and submit it no later than May 1, 2013. 


Payment by credit card (both for your institutional membership and for up to two additional student honorees) is possible through the CAMWS web site:  A $3 processing fee will be added to each credit-card transaction.


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Rufus Fears, Professor of Classics at the University of Oklahoma, passed away on Oct. 6. 2012.  The Oklahoma Daily ran a touching remembrance of Professor Fears.

Elizabeth Ferguson, who taught Latin at the University Liggett School in Michigan, passed away on Sept. 13, 2012.  An obituary of Ms. Ferguson may be found by clicking here.

Jean Diekoff, who taught Latin at the Greenhills School in Michigan, passed away on Sept. 18, 2012.  A remembrance of Ms. Diekoff was published on the school's website.

Ladislaus (Lou) Joseph Bolchazy, founder of Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, passed away on July 28, 2012.  In August eLitterae dedicated an issue to his memory, which can be found here

To view the necrology blog, where you can read tributes written by CAMWS historian Ward Briggs and leave your own remembrances of those we have lost, please visit

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The CAMWS Newsletter is published three times per year, in the fall, winter, and spring.  The deadline for the winter edition is February 1, 2013. 

We are especially interested in sharing news stories about the accomplishments of our members, so please pass these along!

Send submissions by e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected].

Send submissions by regular mail to:

Stephanie A. McCarter
CAMWS Newsletter Editor
Department of Classical Languages
Sewanee: the University of the South
735 University Avenue
Sewanee, TN 37383
