CAMWS Newsletter
The Classical Association of the Middle West and South |
Spring/Summer |
2012 |
Report on the Annual Meeting
Divide et Vince!
2011-12 has been a year of transition for CAMWS. By now, much of the operation of the association has moved from St. Olaf College to Monmouth College, where Tom Sienkewicz and his trusty administrative assistant Jevanie Gillen are cheerfully taking on each new challenge. Sue Newland continues to give me a hand here in Northfield as we close out accounts, write final reports, and pack up boxes.
Tom will become Secretary-Treasurer officially on July 1. That is also the day when Peter Knox will succeed Julia Hejduk as CAMWS President. Julia has been a dynamic leader; under her watch the number of institutional members in CAMWS has skyrocketed from 72 to 113! Many thanks to Julia and to all of the officers, committee chairs, and committee members whose work keeps CAMWS functioning, year after year.
We were delighted that so many people attended the 108th Annual Meeting in
The Belle of Baton Rouge Hotel
Baton Rouge. When they were not playing with their purple CAMWS yo-yo's, trying their luck in the casino, or observing the bowling championships across the street, the 472 attendees participated in 12 panels and 60 paper sessions. They also enjoyed the Belle's "under the big top" atrium with its pleasant spaces for chatting, dining, and drinking. Those who stayed in the Hotel Indigo had free bikes at their disposal. The special events (e.g., the opening reception, the happy hour for graduate students, the reception sponsored by the Women's Classical Caucus, and the lunch hosted by the Vergilian Society) all attracted good-sized crowds. Five Latin teachers applied for Continuing Education Units; we hope to see that number go up in the future.
On Friday the weather was perfect for a trolley ride to the verdant campus of Louisiana State University; although Mike the Tiger slept through the afternoon, the rest of us had a great time at the sessions and at the reception that followed in the Art & Design Building. Kudos to the local committee, chaired by Wilfred Major. Without the help of our kind-hearted volunteers, CAMWS meetings would not be possible. We also appreciate the support of our loyal exhibitors, whose products and personalities always charm visitors to the book display.
The banquet this year included a greeting from Gaines Foster, Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at LSU, three ovationes delivered--and sung (Tu Es Sol Meus)--by Orator James May, and an inspiring address on "Teaching in Paradise" by Julia Hejduk. Monica Cyrino, Countess of Ceremonies, graciously allowed her tiara to be used at the business meeting the next morning to crown Peter Knox. Elsewhere in this newsletter you can read about the various awards and scholarships that were announced at the business meeting. If you have never nominated a student or a colleague for one of these honors, please consider doing so. It is a shame when we have no nominees (as happened this year with the college teaching award).
For Sue and me, the highlight of the meeting was receiving our memory books, handcrafted by Jevanie's mother. Although it will be impossible for either of us to forget these past eight years with CAMWS, the books will ensure that we not stretch the truth too much--and the engraved candy jar will keep all of our memories sweet. Thank you, everyone!
-Anne Groton, St. Olaf College, CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer
Photo Highlights from Baton Rouge
Gaines M. Foster, Dean of LSU's College of Humanities and Social Sciences |
CAMWS Orator James May delivers the Ovationes. |
Laurel Fulkerson and John Marincola enjoy the banquet. |
Banquet Countess of Ceremonies Monica Cyrino and President Julia Hejduk |
LSU Faculty Members Willie Major, Emily Batinski, and John Pizer |
Eta Sigma Phi Table |
CAMWS Administrative Assistants Sue Newland and Jevanie Gillen |
Julia Hejduk passes the presidential gavel to Peter Knox. |
Anne Groton presides over her final CAMWS business meeting as Secretary-Treasurer. |
New CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer Tom Sienkewicz closes the business meeting. |
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A Note of Thanks
CAMWS expresses its deepest gratitude to its wonderful Secretary-Treasurer, Anne Groton, as she lays down the mantle after a decade of service. We have all benefited immensely from Anne's competence, good cheer, and abiding care both for CAMWS as a whole and for every one of its members. Keeping a sprawling organization like ours running smoothly is no small task; thanks in large measure to her selfless attitude and intelligent guidance, we have grown and thrived even in challenging times. She truly deserves a dish of chocolate that never runs out.
We also bid a sad farewell to Anne's indefatigable assistant, Sue Newland. It has been a pleasure to work with someone whose technical skill and attention to thousands of details are balanced by her sense of humor (and a formidable array of emoticons). Her warm smile and killer accent will be deeply missed.
-Julia D. Hejduk, Baylor University, CAMWS President
Julia Hejduk presents Anne Groton with a token of thanks from the CAMWS membership. |
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Susan D. Martin (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
John C. Gruber-Miller (Cornell College)
Nicoletta Villa-Sella (The Linsly School, Wheeling, WV)
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Outstanding Publication Award
CAMWS is pleased to bestow its Outstanding Publication Award for 2012 on Jon Kyle Harper (University of Oklahoma), author of Slavery in the Late Roman World AD 275-425 (Cambridge University Press, 2011).
Harper's book examines slavery in the later Roman Empire, rejects the convention that the institution was in decay for centuries before its end, refutes the notion that warfare was the primary source of slaves, and generally rethinks the lines between what counts as ancient and what as medieval. He presents a vivid picture of slavery's realities and of the complex negotiation of these realities by leaders and followers of the early church. Harper's book impresses by the depth of the research, the soundness of judgment and the clarity of the exposition. It is a major contribution to the study of late antiquity, Christianity, and slavery. It is an important book, one that should be read by virtually any classicist.
It was in recognition of this distinguished achievement that CAMWS honors Jon Kyle Harper with its 2012 Outstanding Publication Award.
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Kraft Award for Excellence in Secondary School Teaching
Jennifer Austino, Latin teacher at Brookfield East High School in Brookfield,
Jennifer Austino |
Wisconsin, stood out to our committee not only for her enthusiasm, her creativity, and her eagerness to have her students appreciate the Latin language as much as she does, but for how her enthusiasm, creativity, and eagerness have manifested themselves. Ms. Austino has essentially made the journey from Latin student to master teacher in her home school district and breathed new life into the Latin program there. She has not only rebuilt the program but also expanded it beyond the confines of her classroom and school. She increased enrollments in the Latin program at Brookfield East, partially through active recruitment of middle school students, and partially through starting a Latin Club there that, according to her colleagues, is the most active of all the language clubs, thanks largely to her wonderful rapport with the students. She also started a program through which her students could earn college credits at the University of Minnesota for a fifth year of a language in high school. She keeps Latin lively at Brookfield East, making sure her students are active participants in the Wisconsin Junior Classical League and a variety of national Latin and Classics competitions. She has organized and led student trips to Italy and Greece as well as organizing Latin Day each year for the Wisconsin Latin Teachers Association.
In her own words, Ms. Austino works "to show my students that the Latin language is not only important, but also relevant to their lives." She admirably fosters the relevance of Latin while maintaining a primary focus on language instruction, incorporating into her curriculum, for example, activities on Harry Potter and having her students make Facebook pages for Catullus. Ms. Austino's enthusiasm and creativity have not gone unnoticed by administrators, colleagues, and parents as well, and her accomplishments have been recognized by her local school district and by her state's professional association. Ms. Austino is clearly a charismatic, pioneering, innovative teacher who has been highly successful in her goal of making Latin "the liveliest dead language ever." All of her qualities and efforts are consistent with the aims and essence of CAMWS as an organization. She exemplifies the innovation and dedication to which we all aspire. For her ongoing success in keeping Latin alive, and for her dedication to learning, to her school, to her colleagues, and to the field of Classics in general, Ms. Jennifer Austino very much merits the Kraft Award for Excellence in Secondary School Teaching.
Debbie Felton presents Jennifer Austino with the Kraft Award. |
Semple, Grant, & Benario Awards
Semple Award for American School of Classical Studies at Athens:
Marcaline Boyd (Florida State University)
Mary A. Grant Award for American Academy in Rome:
Amy Lather (University of Texas at Austin)
Janice & Herbert Benario Award - Vergilian Society Tour to Roman Jordan
Rosina Khan (Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School, Indianapolis, IN)
Presidential Award for Outstanding
Graduate Student Paper
First Prize:
- Joshua M. Smith (University of Wisconsin, Madison), "Horace Odes 2.7 and the Literary Tradition (?) of Rhipsaspia"
Julia Hejduk and Joshua M. Smith |
Honorable Mention:
- Michael S. Holstead (Indiana University, Bloomington), "The Divine Arming of Achilles"
Julia Hejduk and Michael S. Holstead |
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Manson A. Stewart Scholarships
- Rebecca Boylan (Macalester College)
- Jessie Craft (University of North Carolina, Greensboro)
- Rance Fujiwara (Creighton University)
- Caitlin Hines (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
- Jonathan Langerak (Grand Valley State University)
- Adam Myers (Ripon College)
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Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training and Travel Awards
Stewart Teacher Training Awards:
- Lindsey Campbell (Dacula High School, Dacula, GA)
- Rachel Beth Cunning (Blue Valley High School, Stillwell, KS)
- Jennifer Uhlmann (Green Fields Country Day School, Tucson, AZ)
Stewart Travel Awards to Baton Rouge: - Bryan Carlson (Fort Worth Country Day School, Fort Worth, TX)
- Generosa Sangco-Jackson (Oak Hill School, Gainesville, FL)
Antony Augoustakis (right) presents the Travel Awards to Generosa Sangco-Jackson and Bryan Carlson. |
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CPL Award for Outstanding Promotional Activity in the Schools
This year's winning outreach project was "Cheering on the Charlotte Panthers: Roman-Style!" by students of Sherri Madden (Master's Academy) in Charlotte, North Carolina. Ms. Madden and her students shared the following description of the day's events with the Newsletter:
"Master's Academy Classical Club (MACC) middle and high school students energetically cheered on the Carolina Panthers, their hometown NFL football team, during their December 11, 2011 game in grand Roman style! A Roman feast (a.k.a. tailgating party) was planned. Due to being confined to a parking space, we really didn't have room to create a triclinium with 3 couches, but we did at least make sure our table was decorated with a bust of Caesar (made by Zach and a first place winner in the NCJCL state convention sculpture contest). We donned our togae and handmade laurel wreaths (except they were actually ivy from Forrest's yard!) Bojangles catered our feast which did mimic foods of ancient Rome - chicken, beans, bread - well, ok - macaroni and cheese is a North Carolina vegetable!!!
MACC was chosen as the "Tailgating Party of the Game" that day. Receiving this honor involved being filmed at our Roman feast and cheering for the Panthers while dressed in our Roman clothing. We shared Latin phrases with the film crew. We also befriended our tailgating neighbors and shared with them about Latin and our club! MACC was announced as the "Tailgating Party of the Game" on the Jumbotron during the 2nd quarter of the football game. Bank of America Stadium holds over 70,000 people, so many fans were exposed to Latin that day as we cheered for the Panthers.
A large black and teal banner with "Ite Pantherae" (Go Panthers!) was designed for the occasion. The banner was displayed at the filming and also throughout the football game. We also proudly carried our banner and yelled Latin cheers as we walked to the stadium from the tailgating party.
In conclusion, we had lots of fun while cheering on the Carolina Panthers and spreading the word about Latin to over 70,000 fans."

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School Awards - Latin Translation Exam
Cash Award Winners (alphabetically, with school, state, and teacher)
- Conner Bryan, Eastside High School, GA (Eric Adams)
- Rachel Goldstein, Thomas Jefferson High School,VA (Patty Lister)
- Sally Hansen, Rockbridge County High School,VA (Patrick Bradley)
- Nicholas Haubrich, Shaker Heights High School, OH (Robert White)
- Jackson Myers, Hume-Fogg Academic School, TN (Alice Sanford)
- Fiona Sappenfield, Hume-Fogg Academic School, TN (Alice Sanford)
- Mercy Sherman, St. Anne's-Bellfield School, VA (Brandtly Jones)
- Frederick Short, Thomas Jefferson High School, VA (Patty Lister)
- Evelyn Ting, Shaker Heights High School, OH (Robert White)
- Alex Young, Durham Academy, NC (Edith Keene)
Book Prize Winners (alphabetically, with school, state, and teacher) - Erickson Bridges, The Marist School, GA (Thomas Marier & A.W. Saunders)
- Musashi Briem, Eastside High School, GA (Eric Adams)
- Meaghan Carley, Barrington High School, IL (Christopher Condrad)
- Rachel Chu, St. Mary's Episcopal School, TN (Patrick McFadden)
- Terence Conlon, Shaker Heights High Schoo, OH (Robert White)
- Tino Delamerced, Summit County Day School, OH (Lawrence Dean)
- Evan Draim, St. Stephen's and St. Agnes School, VA (Ian Hochberg)
- Phillip Dressman, Covington Latin School, KY (Kelly Kusch)
- John Geiger, Barrington High School, IL (Christopher Condrad)
- Brandon Alexander Ho, Charlotte Latin School, NC (Lawrence E. Wall, Jr.)
- Burcu Kahriman, Shaker Heights High School, OH (Robert White)
- Kailas Menon, EPGY Online HS at Stanford University, CA (Caedmon Haas)
- Jiha Min Park, Homeschool, NY (Sarah Kaczor)
- Nora Okoth, Flint Hill School, VA (Ken Andino)
- Safeeyah Quereshi, Brookfield Academy, WI (Ruth Osier)
- Will Richardson, Durham Academy, NC (Edith Keene)
- Elizabeth Ridgeway, The Lovett School, GA (Kenneth Rau)
- Sydney Sparks, Covington Latin School, KY (Kelly Kusch)
- Suganya Sridharma, Thomas Jefferson High School, VA (Patty Lister)
- Michelle Yancich, Pace Academy, GA (Elizabeth Kann)
Letters of Commendation (alphabetically, with school, state, and teacher) - Lloyd B. Anderson, University School, OH (Karl Frerichs)
- Lyle Anderson, University School, OH (Karl Frerichs)
- Emily Benjamin, North Gwinnett High School, GA (Patrick Yaggy)
- Peter Bowman, Charlotte Latin School, NC (Lawrence E. Wall, Jr.)
- Alex Chen, Thomas Jefferson High School, VA (Patty Lister)
- Russell Cohen,Hawken School, OH (Nick Fletcher)
- Jeremy Cooley, North Gwinnett High School, GA (Patrick Yaggy)
- Anjali Doshi, Barrington High School, IL (Christopher Condrad)
- David Fan, Hume-Fogg Academic School, TN (Alice Sanford)
- Furman Haynes,Montgomery Bell Academy, TN (Ed Gaffney)
- Seth Jordan, Kimbrell Eastside High School, GA (Eric Adams)
- Claire Lo, Shaker Heights High School, OH (Robert White)
- Jorge Bonilla Lopez, Herndon High School, VA (Ann Graham)
- Jaclyn Lund, Pace Academy, GA (Elizabeth Kann)
- Ryan Milowicki, St. Edward High School, OH (Stergios Lazos)
- Nicholas Murray, Shaker Heights High School, OH (Robert White)
- Stephanie Simpson, North Gwinnett High School, GA (Patrick Yaggy)
- Sam Sohn, Thomas Jefferson High School, VA (Patty Lister)
- Rahul Raj, University School, OH (Karl Frerichs)
- Kevin Wang, Montgomery Bell Academy, TN (Ed Gaffney)
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Resolutions for the 108th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South
I. WHEREAS all of us who have been in attendance at this meeting have arrived in a city that boasts the tallest state capitol building in the United States, the only statue of Christopher Columbus south of the Mason-Dixon line, the home of the USS Kidd, a Fletcher class destroyer, the origins of Br'er Rabbit, and the prospect of celebrating 200 years of statehood;
WHEREAS, in this city of Baculum Rubrum, we broadened, widened, and deepened our intellectual horizons as should be the case in an assemblage of this many learn�d holders of B.A.s, M.A.s, Ph.D.s, and perhaps yet other degrees, by listening to and commenting on each other's presentations;
WHEREAS all the members, helpers, students of Louisiana State University, and supporters of the local committee, under the leadership of Wilfred Maior and Emily Batinski, whose Herculean efforts guarantee them their respective places on Mt. Olympus, went all in, doubled-down, bet on black, hit on 19, and caught the card they needed on the river to make this meeting of CAMWS at the invitation of the Fighting Tigers a jackpot shared by all; and
WHEREAS the staff of the Belle of Baton Rouge have offered their gracious Southern hospitality under the sheltering velamentum of their well-appointed atrium;
BE IT RESOLVED that we tender sincere thanks to all and sundry concerned.
II. WHEREAS, at this meeting, we were invited to revisit the immortal verses of Homer and Vergil, the enlightening philosophies of Plato and Lucretius, the scabrous lines of Ovid and Catullus, the eloquent histories of Herodotus and Sallust, and much more;
WHEREAS, we were enlightened by means of panels on such topics as Theseus, screening Roman myth, inscriptions, The Homer Multitext Project, Roman invective, cartography and much more;
WHEREAS we were challenged to be ever more limpid and engaged educators through panels discussing curricular options, advocacy, and new resources and methodologies;
BE IT RESOLVED that we extend our admiration, appreciation, and gratitude to all speakers, presenters, and discussion participants.
III. WHEREAS James May, with his timeless vocal stylings, evoking the talents of the immortal singers: Arion, Caruso, Pavarotti, and Bieber, delighted us with his Latinitas venusta, lepida et docta, duly honoring the accomplishments of John Gruber-Miller, Susan Martin, and Nicoletta Villa-Sella;
WHEREAS our President Julia Hejduk, drawing on authorities ranging from Dante to Stanley Fish to P.D. James to Boswell to Gerard Manley Hopkins, argued for the attainment of happiness rather than economic prosperity as the telos of human existence, and firmly established the teacher of Classics within the community of Paradise;
WHEREAS President and President-Elect, the Executive Committee, and all members of all committees have labored to make this meeting a success, thereby reminding us of all the benefits of membership in this, our Association; and
WHEREAS Anne Groton, our untiring and yet retiring secretary-treasurer, who has managed to pull off yet another successful conference despite the Thesean labors of overcoming relaxed concepts of Cajun time and the striking presence of bowlers who spared us no rooms, leaves behind inimitable legacy and may be succeeded but never replaced;
BE IT RESOLVED that we offer all those mentioned or referred to our profound gratitude and appreciation.
IV. WHEREAS we have indulged in the delights offered by Louisiana State University, the beautiful city of Baton Rouge and the great state of Louisiana, which we would be happy to visit again when the Saints come marching back in;
WHEREAS CAMWS as a distinguished institution of long standing is ever dedicated to furthering the careers of students, scholars, and teachers on all levels by inviting them as members, by maintaining a stimulating environment, and by encouraging them to present their teaching and research;
BE IT THEN FINALLY RESOLVED that, having been intellectually enriched and collegially gratified by this year's meeting, we agree to continue our ancient and ongoing conversation next year at our 109th meeting, trading riverboat gambling for corn, chicory for corn, gumbo for corn, and humidity for corn in the fertile cornfields of IOWA. If they host it, we will come.
Upcoming Meeting Information
92nd Anniversary Meeting of the CAMWS Southern Section
Pack your bags for beautiful Tallahassee, FL!!! CAMWS-SS will be meeting in Tallahassee at the invitation of Florida State University on the weekend of November 1-3, 2012. The DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Tallahassee, 101 South Adams Street, will be the conference hotel, with Friday afternoon sessions taking place a few steps away on the even more beautiful campus of Florida State University.
109th Annual Meeting of CAMWS
The 109th meeting of CAMWS will be held on April 17-20, 2013 in Iowa City, IA at the Sheraton Iowa City Hotel, at the invitation of the University of Iowa.
For information on future CAMWS meetings, please visit our website and click on "CAMWS Meetings."
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New In

The following articles are new in CJ 107.4:
- BRIAN LUSH, "Irony and the Rejection of Imagined Alternatives in Euripides' Alcestis"
- GEORGE HENDREN, "Woven Alliteration in the De Rerum Natura"
- MEGAN O. DRINKWATER, "His Turn To Cry: Tibullus' Marathus Cycle (1.4, 1.8, and 1.9) and Roman Elegy"
- STEPHANIE MCCARTER, "Maior Post Otia Virtus: Public and Private in Statius, Silvae 3.5 and 4.4)"
- Forum: E. DEL CHROL, "Pandora in the Secondary and Post-Secondary Classroom"
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New In
The latest issue of Teaching Classical Languages features articles meant to inspire and provoke. Eric Dugdale shows the way he motivates his Latin students to use the language actively to create lively Latin compositions ranging from comic strips to haikus. Wilfred Major and Byron Stayskal challenge us to re-think how we currently teach the verbal system in beginning Greek, arguing that students need to see the big picture just as much as the little details. Albert Watanabe presents the latest results from the 2011 College Greek Exam. And Stephen Trzaskoma reviews the latest intermediate Greek textbooks. As usual, it is possible not only to read the articles, but also to post comments online responding to the authors. You can find the latest issue by going to www.tcl.camws.org and clicking on Current Issue.
- ERIC DUGDALE, "Lingua Latina, lingua mea: Creative Composition in Beginning Latin"
- WILFRED E. MAJOR and BYRON STAYSKAL, "Teaching Greek Verbs: A Manifesto"
- ALBERT WATANABE, "The 2011 College Greek Exam"
- STEPHEN TRZASKOMA, Review Article, "Innovation in Recent Intermediate Greek Textbooks?"
Teaching Classical Languages welcomes articles offering innovative practice and methods, advocating new theoretical approaches, or reporting on empirical research in teaching and learning Latin and Greek. Contact John Gruber-Miller, Editor, Teaching Classical Languages, Cornell College, Mount Vernon, IA 52314, jgrubermiller@cornellcollege.edu.
Institutional Members 2011-2012
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Ave Maria University Summer Greek & Latin
Would you like to study Koine Greek or Classical Latin as living languages?
Students studying either language for the first time can study them this summer at Ave Maria University with the methodology long familiar to foreign language courses, with attention to the special details necessary to the complexity of the ancient languages. These elementary courses, the only ones of their kind in the United States, introduce you to Koine Greek and Classical Latin through communicative exchange, the development of a functional, spoken vocabulary, but with an attention to the detailed and careful training in grammar proper to an inflected language. The courses run three weeks with two excursions on Saturdays conducted entirely in Greek and Latin.
Greek Course:
Dates: Wednesday, June 13th to Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012.
Schedule: 4 hours a day (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.), Monday - Friday, with two field trips in Greek on Saturdays (8 to 2 p.m.)
Instructor: Dr. Christophe Rico
Latin Course
Dates: Monday, June 18th to Saturday, July 7th, 2012
Schedule: 4 hours a day (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.), Monday - Friday, with two field trips in Latin on Saturdays (8 to 2 p.m.).
Instructor: Dr. Bradley Ritter
Tuition: $750 per course. Lodging is also available on campus.
Location: Ave Maria University
Visit: http://classics.avemaria.edu/spoken-latin-and-greek-summer-courses
To register or for further information, contact Dr. Bradley Ritter (Bradley.ritter@avemaria.edu).
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UNC-Greensboro Online M.Ed. in Latin
The University of North Carolina, Greensboro's M.Ed in Latin is a part-time, online degree program designed for Latin teachers who already have obtained initial licensure or who have a lateral entry license. The degree requires 30 semester hours of coursework and concentrates on the study of Latin language and literature, with additional study required in the areas of history, classical civilization, and professional education.
Courses are offered both during the school year and the summer; summer courses are usually offered in an intensive three-week format. The online format of the courses is typically a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous instruction using the Blackboard Learn web platform, which is provided by the University to all enrolled students. The successful candidate will be eligible to apply for advanced licensure in North Carolina, Depending upon the academic background of the student, the degree is typically completed in 3 years.
For more information, see our Web site at http://www.uncg.edu/cla/med.
UNC Greensboro's summer online offering for 2012 will focus on readings from the AP Latin curriculum (Vergil, Aeneid and Caesar, Gallic War), along with an overview of the curriculum and best practices for teaching it.
Dates: July 9 - 27
Meeting times: 1-2 pm, Monday through Friday*
Where to sign up: http://online.uncg.edu/summer/index.php
*Much of the course will be asynchronous, with web lectures and online activities, so we may not meet online every day.
Non-degree-seeking students are welcome to enroll! You must have a B.A. in Latin or its equivalent. Tuition is currently $194.56 per credit hour for North Carolina residents; out-of-state students pay $405.35 per credit hour.
Required equipment is a computer, a robust internet connection, and a headphone/microphone.
If you are planning on attending the National JCL convention from July 26-31, don't worry about the slight overlap in our dates - we will accommodate your schedule.
For more information, don't hesitate to contact me!
David Wharton, Director of Graduate Study
Department of Classical Studies
P.O. Box 26170 Greensboro, NC 27402-6170
(336) 509-8172 / wharton@uncg.edu / www.uncg.edu/cla/med
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Classics in the News
- In April the Journal Star reported on University of Nebraska-Lincoln Classics professor and CAMWS member Tom Winter becoming an internet meme sensation when a photo of him skateboarding went viral online. The piece can be found here.
- In April The Telegraph included a story about angry Roman centurions besieging the Colosseum in protest. Click here to read the piece.
- Stephen Greenblatt's The Swerve, on the rediscovery of Lucretius, won the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction. The citation can be read here.
- In April National Geographic reported on new statuary evidence for the existence of female gladiators. The article can be found here.
- In May the New York Daily News included a piece on the graduation of Gac Filipaj, a custodian turned Classics major, from Columbia University. Click here to read the story.
- In May Salon ran a piece examining Julius Caesar's speech in Sallust's Bellum Catilinae, which can be found here.
- In May The Bookseller reported on the announcement that a Latin translation of Tolkien's The Hobbit will be published in September. Click here to read.
- In May the PBS Newshour aired an interview with Stephen Greenblatt discussing Lucretius and The Swerve. Click here to view the segment.
Please pass along any recent news stories which you feel our members would enjoy! Return to Top |
- A. Trevor Hodge, who taught Classics at Carleton University, passed away on February 16, 2012. A remembrance of his life and career can be found here.
- Sally A. MacEwen, who taught Classics at Agnes Scott College, passed away on March 15, 2012. A remembrance of her life and career can be found here.
- John Miles Foley, Professor of Classical Studies and English at the University of Missouri, Columbia, passed away on May 3, 2012. A remembrance of his life and career can be found here.
To view the necrology blog, where you can leave remembrances of those we have lost, visit http://camwsnecrologies.blogspot.com/. Return to Top |
The CAMWS Newsletter is published three times per year, in the fall, winter, and spring. The deadline for the fall edition is October 1, 2012.
Send submissions by regular mail to:
Stephanie A. McCarter CAMWS Newsletter Editor Department of Classical Languages Sewanee: The University of the South 735 University Avenue Sewanee, TN 37383
931-598-1221 |