We are excited to invite you to take part in First Priority's Summer Golf Series. We are holding three different tournaments this summer and we hope you will plan to take part in one or even all three of our events. Spend the day with us! You will be a blessing for First Priority and the important work we do on public school campuses all across our area.
Trussville Country Club
7905 Roper Rd., Trussville, AL 35173
Friday, June 3, 2016, at 1 p.m.
Woodward Golf and Country Club
2141 Wheel Dr., Bessemer, AL 35020
Friday, July 15, 2016, at 1 p.m.
Castle Pines Country Club
1600 Quail Ridge Dr., Gardendale, AL 35071
Friday, Aug. 12, 2016, at 10:30 a.m.
Each tournament will be a shotgun start and includes your golf round, lunch, gifts and snacks. First place winning teams will receive a foursome golf round at Greystone Golf & Country Club, 4100 Greystone Drive, Birmingham, AL 35242.
Individual Player
Cost is $100 per player for each tournament.
Hole Sponsorship
If you're not able to play in a tournament, we hope you, your church or business will consider a hole sponsorship for $100 that includes a full color sign placed at a shared tee box at one tournament of your choice. A hole sponsorship is a great opportunity for churches to advertise their VBS, summer events/activities or simply service times. To expand your sponsorship to all three tournaments, the cost is $300.
The vision of First Priority is to see the Hope of Christ in every student. Your support helps us to achieve this great goal. We truly appreciate your support and the impact you are making on students' lives. Please consider spending the morning/afternoon with us and participating in one of our summer golf tournaments.
Click here to reserve your spot today
Shane & Shane are coming to Birmingham; get your tickets now!
Shane & Shane will be in concert at Bethel Baptist Church in Moody, Ala. on Friday, June 10, 2016, at 7 p.m. Doors will open at 6 p.m. General admission is $15. There is so much to learn about Shane & Shane and the incredible things they are doing for God's Kingdom. Buy your tickets now. We hope to see you there!