See You at the Pole "United" was a huge success!
On September 23, more than 25,000 local students participated in this year's See You at the Pole (SYATP). Millions of students were involved globally. Before school, students joined together at their school's flagpole in prayer for their friends, school, city, state, nation and the world. Many lives were touched, changed and challenged by one of the nation's largest prayer movements. This year's SYATP theme was "UNITED" based from the scripture verse Acts 1:14 - "They all met together and were constantly UNITED in prayer." This year's theme message encouraged us to commit to global unity in Christ and prayer for this generation. With the current state of our country, we believe this year's theme was perfect. We heavily encouraged students, school faculty, families, businessmen and women, everyone, to unite together as a community in prayer for our nation.Thousands of students also participated in SYATP rallies held across the state on the evening of September 23. There were many decisions made for Christ on this momentous day. During this important prayer event, students were challenged to unite together in consistent prayer for their community, state, nation and the world.
We would like to thank our local media for helping to create awareness for this monumental day. Click here for media articles, pictures and videos from See You at the Pole. The following is just a few of the testimonies from that amazing day: "My high school had a good mix of participation from students, adults and even a local restaurant owner. We all lifted our needs up to God in one united voice. That was truly amazing." - Jennifer, student leader "Every year, thousands of students unite to pray for their friends, teachers and schools at See You at the Pole. This event offers students the opportunity to show their faith by living it out right before other students. Many students gathered at my high school this year to worship and pray before they entered the school day. Students were reached and prayers were heard!" - Logan, student leader "I encouraged students today with the following message: When you tell a student you will pray for them, pray for them immediately on the spot! It will make people curious about what you are doing and make what you're doing more real to the person you are praying for." - Kaleb, student leader "I think the mistake we have made is people saying we have taken God out of schools. We believe that God is in complete control and that means that man's word doesn't trump God's word ever and the second thing is you can never take God out of schools as long as you have God's people here." - Matt, local youth pastor
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