Sept. 1, 2015 

First Priority held its fourth City-Wide Campus Ministry Network Luncheon of the year on Thursday, Aug. 27, 2015, at Shades Mountain Baptist Church in Birmingham. Nearly 100 youth leaders and children's ministers across the Greater-Birmingham area attended for a time of equipping, encouragement and fellowship. Everyone enjoyed a delicious lunch from Taziki's Mediterranean Grill.
Our special guest speaker Ed Newton, Executive Director of the LIFT TOUR, brought an inspirational message about the significance of our lives on students' lives. "Never underestimate the impact of your life on a student's life," said Ed.
Ed shared a story about a girl who never knew her father because he passed away when she was young. Ed grew up in this girl's father's youth group. This young girl came to Ed seeking to hear stories about her father. He shared about a time when her father invested in Ed's life and really believed in him to take on a leadership role. However, Ed felt unworthy. He related his message to Zechariah 3 in the Bible about Joshua:
1) A Polluted Priesthood:
Joshua was standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan said he was unworthy; he was stained of the things of this world before a Holy God.
2) A Privileged Position:
Zechariah 3:4 says, "And the angel said to those who were standing before him, 'Remove the filthy garments from him.' And to him he said, 'Behold, I have taken your iniquity away from you, and I will clothe you with pure vestments."
"God forgives and you can be restored and found not guilty," said Ed. "Verse 7 tells us to walk in His ways and keep His commands and we will rule His house." When we feel unworthy, we need to turn to God to be cleaned, restored and forgiven.
We would like to thank Ed again for his encouragement and knowledge he shared that will help youth pastors understand their significance even when they feel unworthy. Learn more about the LIFT TOUR that Ed is involved with HERE. The LIFT TOUR will be coming to Birmingham Jan. 29-30, 2016. Be sure to check it out!
We would also like to give a special thanks to our sponsors who helped make this event a huge success: ym360 and Interlinc. Representatives from these organizations provided youth leaders with educational material about their programs and upcoming events. Please take time to visit their Web sites. We concluded the day with a First Priority Campus Coach Training. If you missed it, click here for the HOPE Manual and more info. We would like to thank all those again who attended and joined us for a great time of growth and fellowship.

See You at the Pole is Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2015. More info coming next week! Click here for the list of rallies. 