First Priority SCORE Benefit Lunch Recap and Pictures


First Priority held its SCORE (Students Count On Real Examples) Benefit Lunch on Tuesday, April 7, 2015, at The Club. We would like to thank all those who attended and helped support this special event financially. The ministry of First Priority has been able to touch the lives of hundreds of thousands of students over the past 24 years because of faithful people like you.


Nearly 160 guests and volunteers joined us for a great time of encouragement and fellowship. Everyone enjoyed a delicious lunch and an incredible and interesting message by America's Historian David Barton. We all received a treat learning about America's history and how, "The Bible is the rock upon which our republic rests." It is great to know that the Bible and prayer were the center of the creation of our government. Even though a lot has changed since that time, we are very thankful for the Equal Access Act and that we have the privilege to go into public schools to share the love and message of Jesus Christ with students. You can listen to David's message from the Lunch by CLICKING HERE.


We continue to work to raise up a generation of students who will choose to make Jesus Christ their First Priority, and who will not be ashamed to share Him with their peers. For years, church leaders have heard the claim that nearly nine out of 10 Christians accept Jesus as their savior before the age of 18. If that statistic was accurate in the past, it no longer depicts U.S. society. Now Barna says that, "If Jesus is not already part of their lives by the time they leave junior high school, the chance of them accepting Him as their Lord and savior is very slim (6% to be exact)." That is why we unite the body of Christ with a plan of action to influence the school with the Gospel.


If you weren't able to attend the Lunch but would still like to support our SCORE (Students Count On Real Examples) Campaign, please mail your gift to: PO Box 59365, Birmingham, AL 35259. You can also make an online donation by CLICKING HERE. We hope you will help us continue to reach this generation with the hope of Christ. CLICK HERE to view pictures from the Lunch. We would like to give a special thanks again to our speaker David Barton, and to all those who helped make this event a huge success. 


April 20, 2015
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We need your help!


WOW! Can you believe this school year is about to come to a close? It went by so fast! We pray your First Priority club grew over the year and that many lives were changed. We want to hear about those changed lives! It's that time of year again when we are getting ready to do our First Priority "School Year in Review." We need your help! Please send us an update on your club average attendance and salvation decisions for the 2014-2015 school year. Please also send quotes, pictures and videos. Please let us know specific things your First Priority Club did this year to reach others for Christ. Please help us out! We would love to include your pictures and updates in our "School Year in Review." It will be a great recap of the 2014-2015 school year and you don't want to miss out! 

Please submit attendance/salvation numbers, pictures, videos, updates and quotes to You may also upload your pictures and videos to our Facebook Page. Thanks for your help!