On Friday, Jan. 30, 2015, First Priority held its 10th Annual Leader's Summit at Southeastern Bible College. Over 700 students, teachers, youth leaders and parents from over 60 intermediate, middle, junior high and high schools across Central Alabama attended this year's event. "Leadership begins at the feet of Jesus," was this year's theme and students were "Sent" to reach their campus for Christ.
Praise and Worship Band The Multis Project kicked-off the morning with upbeat and interactive music that led students into the presence of God. Students enjoyed a day of intense training that began with a representative from the Billy Graham Association Chad Miller. Chad challenged students not to make what they do on their campus a performance. He focused on Matthew 6:5 and Acts 4:31 and through these scriptures Chad expressed that God is not impressed with what we do on stage but what we do in our closets. "God will give us the boldness and ability to share the Hope we have in Christ if we learn to pray not to be seen but pray that we grow closer to God Himself," said Chad. Students then heard from Rabbi Eric Walker who challenged them to be true followers of Jesus and rest at his feet. He emphasized that the benefits of following Christ are much greater than the costs. First Priority of America's Mark Roberts concluded the day by reminding students about the mission Christ has "Sent" us on and that we must step out and share our story. "God will use you if you let Him; He will give you opportunities if you will step out on faith," said Mark. Students left the Leader's Summit feeling challenged and inspired as they were "Sent" to reach their campus for Christ.
Special Thanks To:
Southeastern Bible College, Chick-fil-A, Bud's Best Cookies, Servant Life, Trek-X and Compassion International
Click here to view pictures from Leader's Summit
"Our students loved the band and speakers at the First Priority leadership conference. They were encouraged by the messages they heard and have already begun planning ways to reach even more students for Christ." - Pastor Chuck Lackey, Calvary Baptist Church
"I thought the Leader's Summit was awesome, a great encouragement and knowledge for student leaders! I thought each speaker was very knowledgeable and insightful. The band rocked and was very spirit filled." - Jake, Student
"I really enjoyed the Leader's Summit! It made me realize that we as students really need to push hard to find ways to get our attendance up as well as work harder to spread Jesus in the classrooms. I really enjoyed the speakers; I thought all three had great messages! I enjoyed the band as well! I believe that it was well worth the trip and that our school should be a regular attendant every year!" - Caleb, Student
"The worship from 2015 Leader's Summit was absolutely incredible! God was so present that day and I haven't felt the same since then. I feel rejuvenated and eager to share God's gracious love after a wonderful day at the Leader's Summit." - Alexandria, Student
"I really liked the lesson of Rabbi Walker on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. I also enjoyed the emphasis that we are not a private, member's only club to benefit ourselves, but we are called in Mark 16:15 to 'Go into the world and preach the Gospel.' We are to bring in more disciples of Jesus and train them to serve him. The students really liked the band, and enjoyed the entire conference. They were on fire when we left and were still talking about it on Monday morning!" - Teacher Sponsor, Ashville Middle School