First Priority Rally at Moody Middle School
On Tuesday afternoon, students gathered together at Moody Middle School for First Priority's end of the year rally. Students gathered together for one final message used to inspire them before the end of the year. This rally, although at the end of the year, was used as a tool to infuse these students with passion that will launch them into the next year.
The students were informed that in order for their generation to truly be a leader spreading the hope of Christ certain things would need to take place. First Priority Area Director Debi DeBoer shared that this type of generation does not come by accident but can only be accomplished once we A.I.M. As a generation of leaders hoping to spread the Gospel we must be accountable, have integrity, and be mature.
As leaders, these three key traits are some of the most necessary components for a student leader today. A leader is known for being accountable and will never run away from responsibility. A leader is one of integrity, whose actions are just even when someone is not looking. A leader is one of maturity, looking for ways to better develop certain skills to be equipped for leadership.
Using objects, lessons and games, Debi explained all of these traits in ways easy for the students to comprehend. The students left the gym hopefully prepared and ready to stretch themselves in ways they never could have imagined. These students are the future generation that has potential with tremendous impact for Christ on their school campus. As the older generation, it is our responsibility to train and equip these students to be leaders who A.I.M to make an impact on their generation for Christ.