"The Harvest is plentiful, but the Laborers are few."
- Matthew 9:37
God has been working in remarkable ways through the students of Greater Birmingham this past year with First Priority. As Leaders of First Priority we have been able to witness the power of Christ's work in the lives of so many students. God has provided us with the opportunity to work with these students as we equip them to share the Hope of Christ with their schools. It's amazing to labor in the harvest and work with these students but it's even more remarkable to see results in their lives.
Thank you for laboring in the harvest and being a guiding hand for these groups of students who strive to truly make an impact on their school campus. The ministry of sharing this very Gospel could not be accomplished without your help. God is using each and every one of you as agents for furthering his Kingdom on the school campus.
As we come to the end of the year let us look back at the success of this past year with gladness. Allow the results of your labor to be the motivation that pushes you to even deeper investment in the ministry that Christ has called you. Our prayer is that Christ continues to light within us a fire that cannot be quenched. For we can never become complacent or static, we must continue with a sense of urgency to bring the Gospel to all that must hear.
When approaching the summer we would love to hear if any FP Clubs are doing any events or activities. If so, please get back to us, we would love to be a part of whatever you are doing with the FP Community. Also, if anyone has pictures from the past year with their particular FP Club we would love to see them. Please email us your plans for the summer as well as any pictures from the past year at info@gofirstpriority.com.Thank you for laboring in the harvest with us this past year and we look forward to the years to come.