We would like to invite you to our next City-wide Campus Ministry Network Luncheon on Thursday, May 1, 2014, at Southeastern Bible College from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Lunch will be provided.
Our special guest speaker is youthministry360's Co-founder Andy Blanks. Andy leads all the content creation for ym360. If it's a blog post, resource or workshop, Andy had his hands on it (for better or worse!). In 2003, he took a gig in youth ministry publishing where his passions for God's Word and for creating intersected in a dynamic way. He was hooked. Andy lives in Birmingham, Ala., with his wonderful wife Brendt, their three daughters, and one son. He's a pretty big fan of both the Boston Red Sox and anything involving the Auburn Tigers. When he's not hanging out with his family or volunteering at his church's youth ministry, you can find Andy trail running or mountain biking. Click here to learn more about Andy.
We will have many great give-a-ways and free youth ministry resources. You don't want to miss this City-wide! Please join us for a time of equipping, encouragement and fellowship. Save the date and make plans now to attend. RSVP today!