The vision of First Priority is to see the hope of Christ in every student. For years, church leaders have heard the claim that nearly nine out of 10 Christians accept Jesus as their savior before the age of 18. If that statistic was accurate in the past, it no longer depicts U.S. society. Now Barna says that, "If Jesus is not already part of their lives by the time they leave junior high school, the chance of them accepting Him as their Lord and savior is very slim (6% to be exact)." That is why we unite the body of Christ with a plan of action to influence the school with the gospel. And, we need your help!

In order to continue this great ministry, we need more support from people like you. We would love to share the vision of First Priority with your church and/or community.

We have First Priority representatives available to speak at
but not limited to the following:

- Church Services
- Businesses and Organizations
- Prayer Breakfasts
- Bible Studies
- Prayer Groups
- Civic Organizations
- PTAs
- Chambers of Commerce

Locally, First Priority coordinate tens of thousands of students each school year that meet on more than 250 elementary, intermediate, middle, and high school campuses across Central Alabama. Last school year more than 1,400 students indicated to First Priority Volunteers that they made a decision to follow Christ as a result of First Priority campus ministry.

These numbers go to show that this ministry is still relevant 23 years later. It still works! While we cannot always share with you publicly the stories of individual kids whose lives are touched as a result of First Priority, we can say that you will not find a more fruitful ministry in which to invest your time and treasure. It's this fruitfulness that has kept us serving, giving and praying for over two decades. Students who have no where else to turn find their answers in Christ through the student-led First Priority Clubs on their school campus.

If you want to see more and more students come to know Christ and would like to share the vision or First Priority with your church, community or group, please don't hesitate to contact us at 205.871.8886 or We thank you for your continuous support and can't wait to hear from you!


ALIVE 2013 is right around the corner and we would like to invite you and your group or family to join us! This year's winter conference will be held at Chattanooga Choo Choo's Track29, Saturday, Dec. 28 - Monday, Dec. 30, 2013. Offering prices lower than ever before, your group will enjoy accommodations at Chattanooga Choo Choo and will hear from some of the nation's leading evangelists and Christian artists. This year at ALIVE, we're going to help your teen lay a track that will guide them along their spiritual journey to make a huge impact in the world around them. We invite you to DOWNLOAD THE REGISTRATION PACKET and learn more about this life-changing retreat.
Aug 9, 2013
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