First Priority 2012-2013 School Year in Review


Students reaching students; God changing lives


It has been another incredible school year and many students have put their hope in Christ. Out of the schools that reported, nearly 13,000 students attended First Priority every week when school was in session, and we are excited to announce that over 1,400 students made a decision for Christ. We thank God for His great power and we give Him all the praise and glory for the lives that were touched and changed throughout the school year.


The school is considered the largest mission field in America. Students on our campuses work each week to ensure the Gospel is spread throughout their school. They are unashamed and eager to share their faith and help their friends mature in their relationship with Christ. The desire to see their friends accept the love and message of Jesus Christ is evident in the number of salvations reported for this school year. While students are reaching students, God is at work shaping lives.


"I believe that First Priority is an organization that betters our opportunity for sharing the Gospel with our fellow classmates. I believe in First Priority because it has made a positive impact in my life as well as my peers. Countless students have accepted Christ into their lives by hearing the Gospel through First Priority. God has preformed many miracles in our club." ~ Trenton, Student  


Bragg MS  


Building a movement


- More than 30,000 local students participated in "See You at the Pole."


- During National Campus Missionary Week in October, 845 salvations were reported across the Greater-Birmingham area.


- Over 500 students and group leaders attended our winter retreat Alive in the Mountains, and over 30 students made decisions for Christ.


- Nearly 500 students, teachers, youth leaders and parents attended our 8th Annual Leadership Conference. Despite the threat for winter weather and school delays, we were still able to positively impact many students' lives.


- Nearly 7,000 students were impacted by Right Choice School Assemblies.


- We launched several new FP Kids clubs with now over 25 clubs and more than 5,000 students.


We can't wait to see how God is going to move in our schools and through our students during the 2013-2014 school year. There are different ways you can get involved with First Priority through prayer, volunteering your time, financial support, and so much more. Call 205.871.8886 or visit to learn how you can join this Gospel movement to advance the Kingdom of God.


Click here for the full 2012-2013 School Year in Review


LS 2013 Crowd  


June 19, 2013
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