Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama
is this Friday, March 29

This Friday, March 29, marks the Eighth Annual Statewide Day of Prayer Over Students. We would like to invite you to get involved. There are many ways you can participate and demonstrate your prayerful observance of this important day:

Day of Prayer Gatherings
Click here for locations where specific prayer gatherings will be taking place on Friday, March 29, for Day of Prayer Over Students. We invite you to join-in and participate in any of these prayer gatherings.

Statewide Prayer Vigil
First Priority will be holding a statewide 24-hour prayer vigil on Friday to pray over students, teachers, school administrators and support staff, and schools. We would like to invite you to sign-up for a time to pray for one hour. You can pray in your home, at a school, in your car while you drive by a school, at work, wherever you would like. Click here for more details and to sign-up for a time to pray.

Day of Prayer Resources
Click here for numerous resources that you can use in your church and community to help make people aware of this special and important day.

Day of Prayer Video
Watch It. Like It. Share It.

Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama 2013
Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama 2013

Click here for more ways to get involved and participate in Day of Prayer

We hope you will join with other parents and concerned adults to pray over students, teachers, school administrators and support staff, and schools this Friday, March 29. We also invite you to join our E-prayer network by sending your e-mail address to Tune in to Priority Talk from 1-3 p.m. on 850 AM and 92.5 FM as well as 93.7 WDJC Radio on March 29, for continuous Day of Prayer coverage.

March 27, 2013
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