Join us for FREE lunch and great fellowship
We would like to invite you to our next City-Wide Youth Pastor Network Meeting on Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013, at Southeastern Bible College from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Lunch will be sponsored by Shane's Rib Shack.
Our special guest speaker is Evangelist and Founder of Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association Scott Dawson. With the ability to share the good news of the Gospel with enthusiasm and clarity, Scott's faith is contagious as he passionately shares God's message and challenges people to commit their lives to Christ. Scott is an innovative leader with the ability to envision and create unique new ministries that bring the Gospel message to the unchurched.
Now in its 25th year, the Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association has grown from one man giving testimonials at youth rallies to a comprehensive outreach organization that extends across all ages and denominations offering a unifying message of hope to America and beyond. Scott's evangelistic creativity has inspired numerous successful event ministries such as Safe At Home, AtlantaFest, StadiumFest, Wake Up America! and UrbanFest, allowing him to present the Gospel to more than a million people. Don't miss Scott and his words of encouragement.
Among many great give-a-ways, we will be giving away 25 Winter Jam tickets to a youth pastor in attendance. Don't miss out! Please join us for a time of equipping, encouragement and fellowship. Save the date and make plans now to attend. RSVP today!
Southeastern Bible College
2545 Valleydale Rd Birmingham, AL 35244
Click here for directions