A few rooms still available for Alive in the Mountains
It's not too late to register for Alive in the Mountains (AITM). We still have a few rooms left at Sheraton Read House Hotel, which is conveniently located within walking distance from the Tivoli Theatre where all of the worship sessions will be held. You can add the Grab and Go Breakfast plan for $10 per person, and there are also several great places to eat within walking distance. We have great deals for groups and families. Be sure to check out www.aliveinthemountains.org for more information about the conference and to register. We invite you, your group and family to sign-up today. The conference will be held Saturday, Jan. 19 - Monday, Jan. 21, 2013, Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend at the beautiful Tivoli Theatre in Downtown Chattanooga, just a short 2-hour drive from Birmingham. This year's retreat will consist of four worship sessions, two on Saturday and two on Sunday. You and your students will experience some of the nation's leading evangelists and Christian artists including Sean McDowell, Dave Edwards and Finding Favour. This year's theme is The Great Debate: Defending Truth in a world of Doubt. There is a battle about truth raging in our culture today. There are some outside the church that say there is no ultimate truth. This is The Great Debate of this generation. The church's responsibility is to defend this ultimate truth in a world full of doubt. But sadly, some are not ready or willing to do what must be done to win this debate. Many inside the church say we ought to give up proclaiming truth and focus on loving people relationally. Of course, we ought to love people. But let us not forget that even love rejoices with the truth (1 Cor. 13:6). We hope you and your group will join us as we study the truth. Click here to learn more about this year's theme. During free time we hope you and your group or family will take advantage of Chattanooga's top attractions and historical sites. Details about these attractions and more can be found at www.aliveinthemountains.org and www.chattanoogafun.com.
We hope you, your youth group and family will join us for AITM. Your students will be challenged to live for God daily and go and do what He has placed them on this earth to do. Don't miss out on this life-changing retreat. Download the registration packet today!
Jan. 2, 2013
