Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.
~ Ephesians 3:20-21Who would have imagined 22 years ago that a small group of local church youth ministers in Birmingham with a vision to extend their ministries onto the local school campuses would be the beginning of a local, national and international campus ministry movement? I have now been personally involved with this movement we call First Priority for over 18 years. I am still amazed that locally we coordinate tens of thousands of students each school year that meet on more than 250 elementary, intermediate, middle, and high school campuses across Central Alabama. Without the thousands of volunteers to minister to all of these students it would not be possible. Last school year more than 1,400 students indicated to First Priority Volunteers that they made a decision to follow Christ as a result of First Priority campus ministry.
As I write this article, more than 600 kids have given that same indication so far this school year. Of course we work very diligently with local churches to ensure all of these are connected with a church in their community.
I am informing you about all of these numbers because I want you to know that this ministry is still relevant 22 years later. It still works! While we cannot always share with you publicly the stories of individual kids whose lives are touched as a result of First Priority, I can say that you will not find a more fruitful ministry in which to invest your time and treasure. It's this fruitfulness that has kept me serving, giving and praying for nearly two decades.
Kids who have no where else to turn find their answers in Christ through the student-led First Priority Clubs on their school campus. This year-end I hope you will prayerfully consider making an investment in this generation of students in our area. I've already told you about the investment our volunteers make week-in and week-out in their communities. Could you provide a financial investment this year-end to help with the costs of resourcing, training and continuing this movement? This is an especially critical time because from now until the end of the year every special gift you send to
First priority will be DOUBLED by other generous contributors. This is their way of encouraging you to join them in supporting this most important and effective ministry. Will you help us reach this generation of students with the Hope of Christ?
Greg Davis
This ministry can never be what God truly wants it to be without consistent prayer. Please pray for our staff, volunteers, faculty sponsors, campus coaches, students and schools.
Share the vision and mission of First Priority within your circle of influence. Pray about who would be blessed and interested to know about and support the mighty work that God is doing on our school campuses.
Support First Priority financially and help ensure that every student in our area is reached with the love and message of Jesus Christ. The gifts you give in November and December will be instantly DOUBLED. Start giving today!