November 2015
Feature Article

Competition is good, even around the holidays.
by Jim Toes

As I walked out of my house this past Friday my neighbor "Steve" was having his Christmas lights put up. Steve has been a neighbor for close to 10 years now and with the exception of this yearly ritual, I truly enjoy his company.
To be clear, it's not the act of putting up the lights the Friday after every Thanksgiving that gets my competitive blood flowing, it's that Steve turns them on that same evening. It's this latter act that sets in motion other parents having to do the same, quickly. 

Taking Stock
brought to by Jones Trading

Q. How is the SEC Financed? A: 100% by the equity markets.
by Jim Toes

Later today, SEC Chair White will testify before the House Financial Services Committee. One of the agenda items will be the SEC's FY 2017 proposed budget of $1.883 billion. For comparison purposes, in 2014 the SEC's budget was $1.35 billion. It is likely that Chair White will make a compelling case for the increase and that at some point we will hear, "...and this budget request is deficit-neutral".
STA Women in Finance

I failed this test on racism and sexism - and so will you.
Valentina Zarya published an article in Fortune offering an inside look on "unconscious bias training". She provides a profound perspective on different methods of increasing awareness of one's own personal biases and how various corporations are tackling the issue today.  

Upcoming Women in Finance Events
Women in Finance Awards Luncheon
at the Markets Media Global Markets Summit
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979 3rd Avenue
New York, NY 10022

  Capitol Hill_PJD
News From the Hill

Regulation ATS- November 18, 2015
At a November 18, open meeting the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted unanimously to approve "amendments to Rule 3a1-1 and Regulation ATS and new Form ATS-N under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 related to certain alternative trading systems." SEC Chair Mary Jo White suggested it is time to amend Regulation ATS to "shine more light" on this market. She stated this recommendation is a significant step in transparency, modernization and enhancement of market structure. 

Chair White testimony on SEC's agenda- November 18, 2015
On November 18, the House Financial Services Committee held a hearing in which SEC Chair Mary Jo White testified on the SEC's agenda, operations and FY2017 budget request. Among the issues discussed were; Tick Size Pilot Program and SEC Equity Market Structure Advisory Committee. 

IEX Exchange Filing - October 15, 2015

On September 15, IEX filed its Form 1 Application for registration as a National Exchange.

Comments received are available here >

Charitable Giving 
The 10 Makes 20 Challenge: Answer the Call. 
Tomorrow is Veterans Day. The one day of the year when we come together as a nation to honor those who have served our country and protected its way of life.

There are many of us, like myself, who have not served in the armed forces and honoring our nation's veterans is something we do more than one day a year. The honor, which we bestowed is well deserved because veterans truly represent what is best in our country. They are patriots who answered a call to serve.
Learn more about the 10 makes Challenge   

Upcoming Events
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STA Denver Annual Conference
December 4-6

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