A free service for travel marketing executives | Issue 10 |
From My Desk
"Let's create a blog" seems to be a knee-jerk reaction of many marketing executives. To find out more about this new frontier, I attended the TBEX Convention (Travel Bloggers Exchange), where I learned that successful blogging takes time and effort. And so does finding the right bloggers to publicize your product, whether it's vacation packages, hotels, destinations or more.
Blogging is just one tool in the Public Relations arsenal. Find out how we use P.R. to educate the public about travel insurance for our client, the US Travel Insurance Association.
Do you know where most people get their news? See our article below, and don't miss some important facts about the Canadian market -- just in case your current marketing plans are missing this potential gold mine.
We hope you enjoy this e-newsletter. As always, we appreciate your comments, and we're here to help with your P.R. needs.
Linda Kundell
Blogging: The New Frontier
This past spring, I attended the Travel Blog Exchange Conference (TBEX) in Keystone, and found that there is astounding creativity in the blogosphere. Bloggers range from wannabes, retirees going on a journey they want to blog about for those who may be following in their footsteps, or people doing it as a hobby; to those who have become influencers and rock stars in their own right. Here are some basic facts: Few bloggers are able to live on blogging alone. Don't let this dissuade you, as many have followers and prove a useful part of the marketing mix.
- There is a lot of experimentation, and companies engaging bloggers or going into blogging have to be willing to tolerate the fact that some things may flop.
- You need patience, as it can take more than 2 years to build an audience.
 Getting accurate statistics on bloggers is very difficult. Knowing who the right bloggers are for your destination or product takes a lot of time and research. While there are some directories out there, many bloggers claim that the directories are highly inaccurate. The take-away: The blogosphere is a highly fluid world, and -- perhaps at this juncture -- the wild west of the communications world. To succeed, be willing to experiment!
The Power of PR
When it comes to shaping public opinion, raising awareness, and conveying messages, public relations is a powerful and invaluable tool. Read our article,"Educating Consumers to the 'Safer' Side of Travel," that appeared in O'Dwyers PR Report. It describes our Respond, Engage, Educate strategy that helps our client, the US Travel Insurance Association, reach the traveling public. Contact us to find out how we can use this strategy to help you.
Where Do People Get Their News?
Today there are more news outlets than ever, and smart marketers use a healthy mix of online and offline resources. According to the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, the overwhelming majority of Americans (92%) get their news from multiple platforms. This includes national TV, local TV, the internet, local newspapers, radio, and national newspapers.
As reported in Public Relations Tactics newspaper:
- 61% use the internet as a news platform
- 59% browse online and offline news sources
- 17% do not obtain any news at all
Is Canada In Your Marketing Plans?
According to one source, with a population of nearly 34 million, Canada is among the top ten wealthiest nations in the world, boasting one of the world's highest standards of living and a median household income higher than that of the United States. So, if you're overlooking Canadian markets, you might want to take a second look.
Public Relations in the Age of No
Do you want an entertaining, fast-paced presentation on public relations? Our presentation, Public Relations in the Age of No, takes a look at today's communications environment, including social and traditional media channels. The presentation examines how the media landscape is changing, the challenges it presents, and how to get your message across.
For more information or to book this presentation for your company or organization contact us for details.
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About Us
Kundell Communications provides a wide range of public relations and marketing communications programs to the travel, tourism and lifestyle industries, from targeted local efforts to nationwide multimedia campaigns. A training division offers seminars in public relations and public speaking techniques. The firm brings more than 30 years experience and a roster of top-quality professionals. Contact us at 212-877-2798, e- mail Kundellcommunications@gmail.com or Kundellcom@nyc.rr.com.  Society of American Travel Writers Public Relations Society of America The Travel PR Report is co-edited by Gwen Shaw. |