WORD Fellowship Ministries 

  Equipping for victory through intimacy with God  


Praise Break Report!


Sing a new song to the Lord, for He has done wonderful deeds. 

His right hand has won a mighty victory; His holy arm has shown His saving power.
                                                                                                                                              Psalm 98:1
In This Issue
Here To Serve
Our Heart For You
into this ministry.
This is good ground. 
Apostle's Relay

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Pastor Tedi's blog of prophetic messages.  


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So you think you know:

Samson lost all his strength when someone cut his hair.
From "The World's Greatest Collection of Fun Bible Trivia" published by Barbour Publishing, Inc.  Used by permission." 

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 and promotes our Kingdom work.
When you do, expect to receive a harvest from God of His Kingdom level for you.
We are a 501(c)(3), tax exempt organization.

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Praise the Lord!

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Print and eBook format.
"Come...Getting Acquainted with the Godhead" 
Tedi H. Marshall  

Enhance your intimacy with God

Purchase your copy 
For description & purchase 
* Schedule *
Regular Team meetings - with teaching, training and fellowship

~ Power Prayer - Intercessory Prayer held every Saturday
~ WORD Up Bible Study - five locations and by phone 
~ WORD Up Intercessory Prayer - five locations and by phone

Spiritual Guidance 
~ Based on the Bible -
   available upon request  
* Single series Bible
   Study sessions -
   available upon request

Contact us to join us or for assistance in starting you own Bible Study and Prayer Group.  
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There are various ways to assist us in furthering the mission of this Ministry.  


~ Make your 

   Financial Offering

~ Host a WORD Up     

    Bible Study

~ Invite Pastor Tedi to     

   share the heart of  

   God at your church,     

   event, group or  


~ Forward newsletters  

~ Let us hear from  

    you - praise reports,

    prayer requests,  

    questions &


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Here is your current issue of the Praise Break Report: Anyway         

Cause your praise to ring out in the atmosphere.

Make your confession of God's faithfulness.  Submit your praise reports...aka testimonies...by email to  Contact@wordfm.net.
As always, feel free to forward the "Report" to those on your Contacts list. 
WORD Fellowship Ministries
                                     Use this button to send a personalized copy    
Message from Pastor

But I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more.      Psalm 71:14 (Amplified Bible)

David had enemy armies all around him.  It was not looking too good for him, but in the midst of it his heart was sure that God would save him.  He in essence was saying, "Regardless of immediate circumstances, what I see and how I feel, I TRUST GOD."
You may not fully understand what is going on or why it happened, but trust God anyway.
Determine as David: I may not have all the answers.  I may not currently know which way to go.  I may not fully know all the ins and outs of the situation or its resolution.  However, this one thing I do know, of this I am certain - You are God, and there is no person, place or thing higher or greater.
Set your heart on what...on WHO is above: Although there may be pain and heaviness of heart, yet I will praise the Lord My God more and more.  I put action to my faith, to my trust in Him by my praise.
~ He is my Almighty - my Success and Victory
~ He is my Savior and Redeemer - my Salvation and Redemption
~ He is my Healer - my Health and Wholeness
~ He is my Provider - my Provision
~ He is my Protector - my Protection
...He is my I AM
Cause your praise to ring out in the atmosphere, shaking the foundation of the enemy's camp - Glory to God!

Make your praise personal: God is faithful to His children; fulfilling every answer and promise made.  He is faithful to me.  I bless You now with my praise and worship, Lord...even before it manifests - happens, comes, is resolved; for I know you will never leave, forsake or fail me.  You are my Father, loving me into the fullness of Your glory. Hallelujah!
Thank You, Lord, for the victory...my victory.
In the Name of Jesus I offer my praise, worship and thanksgiving to You, Lord.  Amen.

Grace and Glory
Rev. Tedi Marshall 
For your convenience, all Scriptures can be easily accessed at www.BibleGateway.com
Let's give Him some 
 R A S E 

The following Praise Report is from LaToya K. Laws:

"My son won the 2016 Guitar Center Drum Off in LA - he stood on that stage and took no glory for himself or gave any to anyone else; he said, 'I just thank GOD, I give it all to God.'  
This means more to me because he fought for this. Out of 4,000-plus contestants it was the anointing that showed through him, everybody wants what the anointing brings but don't want the God and the principles that come along with it, but if you keep God first in your life and not just mention his name because it sounds good, your gift will make room for you!
Did I mention he's never been formally taught? I prayed and asked God for a son, and to anoint him to play the drums until demons flee when he sits on a set. Three months later I was pregnant; he was given his first pair of sticks at 6 months old. He couldn't walk, but he would pull up on his dad's floor drum and beat on it!
His first song in front of an audience was 'Lock Down Solider' by Darius Brooks; he was 3 and too little to sit on the seat, but the audience stood in awe as he played.
God is faithful no matter what. Never give up, His promises are true, stand on them."
Salvation or Restoration

If you would like to accept and confess Jesus Christ, making Him your personal Lord and Savior or if you have turned away from Him to go your own way and wish to return to Him, pray the following prayer aloud:
Dear Jesus,
I believe You are the Son of God. 
I believe You died and rose from the dead on the third day. 
I believe You are alive and seated at the right hand of the Father. 
I believe you died for my sin; paying the debt for sin that I could not pay myself.  

Please forgive me for all my sin.
Please come into my heart and my life, and be my Lord and Savior. 

I am forgiven.  I am now born-again.  I am now a child of God.
Thank You, Lord.
In Jesus Name.  Amen.

If you have just made Jesus the Lord of your life,  contact us so we may celebrate with all of heaven, welcoming you to the family of God.
We would like to send some free information to you to help get you started.
Many blessings to you

Reference Scriptures:  Mark 16:19; John 3:16; Acts 8:37;
Romans 3:23-25, 6:23, 10:9-10, 14:9; 2 Corinthians 5:17
Here to Serve
WORD Fellowship Ministries is here to serve
~ To get the praise out:
Submit your Testimonies (aka praise reports) to be included in the "Report."
We reserve the right to edit testimonies to ensure confidentiality of all parties involved, while maintaining the integrity of the testimony.
~ To get answers:
Submit Prayer Requests, to be included in our weekly prayer sessions, and Questions.  
These will be handled with integrity and confidentiality, joining you in seeking God's answers in the matter.
~ To present His heart:
Our Ministry Team is available to teach/preach, present the Word of God in various settings - large or small - worship service, Bible study, special events and functions. 

* * * Bulletin * * *

* Invite Pastor Tedi Marshall to bring the New Creation Realities course, "Getting Acquainted with the Godhead," to your church or small group.  It is a direct, thorough and fun presentation of who the Lord is and what He has secured for us by Jesus Christ.

* The WORD Fellowship Ministries Team is available to assist in establishing or conducting Bible Study and/or Intercessory Prayer sessions at your church or ministry (small or large) gathering.

EMAIL your Praise Reports
to to be featured in a future issue of the Praise Break Report.

* EMAIL your Prayer Requests to be included in our weekly Intercessory Prayer sessions. 

Please note that we respect your privacy and adhere to a need to know policy regarding your prayer requests and spiritual guidance sessions.  We also take this into consideration when publishing praise reports, removing names of people and places mentioned in the testimony.

We thank you for the opportunity to serve God  

through serving you. 

ARCHIVE & More About Us

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Missed an issue or desire to be refreshed by one of your favorites, access it from the link below. 
* You Are New *

Regardless of how long it has been since you made Jesus the Lord of your life, you are always a New Creature in Him.  

Discover the truths of:

     - Who He is

     - Who you are in Him

     - What is yours

     - How to live victoriously  

     - How to maintain it

     - How to share

 Bring the  

New Creation Realities course,
"Getting Acquainted with the Godhead",
to your church, ministry, event, or small group.

Contact us for more information.
Our heart for you...
It is our prayer that you are inspired to seek God in prayer, in the Name of Jesus Christ, with a sincere heart, believing and expecting to find Him, and confident He will answer.  Amen.