OPEIU Local 39
January 2015Vol 2, Issue 7
Your Voice 
Your Choice 
OPEIU Local 39 Newsletter
Happy New Year! Well, at least we hope it will be. It's going to be tough, though. Changes at the state and federal governments mean that workers are going to be under constant pressure for the foreseeable future.

Our Union has seen some recent changes and there are more things that are staying constant. Below we have important updates on the status of so-called "Right to Work" legislation, reminders about how the dues you pay impact your taxes, and updates from the rest of our Bargaining Units.
In This Issue
RTW Update
Updates from WOCCU
Other Unit Updates
Membership Meeting
Quick Links
"Right to Work" update
War on Workers
The new legislative session begins this month, and the good news is that so-called "right to work" legislation, which was hotly discussed immediately following November's election, has gotten few mentions lately. That may just be the calm before the storm. Remember 2011? Gov. Walker gave almost no warning before springing Act 10 on the state.

While Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce are (no surprise) pushing hard for this horrible idea, not all business groups feel the same way. A new group called the Wisconsin Contractor Coalition boasts over 300 private businesses who oppose any such union-busting bill, saying "right-to-work would jeopardize a successful business model under which workers receive necessary training paid for privately to be prepared for the jobs they're hired to do."

While it's good to know we're not alone in facing down this threat to the middle class, the bult of the battle will be on our shoulders. The Wisconsin AFL-CIO is a great resource for breaking news. They also have a petition page up. We encourage everyone to add their voice to this fight. Also, see the December Newsletter for a definition of "right to work" legislation and, in case you missed it, here's the earlier email about why "right to work" is wrong for Wisconsin workers.
What's Been Happening at WOCCU?
The big news is the successful negotiation of a new three year contract! Congratulations to the members of World Council of Credit Unions. Like most contracts these days, the biggest area of concern was health care costs, but Steward Valerie Kurdna tells me that management were not insisting on "changing our health insurance contribution percentage, which had been our biggest fear."

However, the Company did ask for a number of other things instead, including eliminating all language on bumping, reducing vacation carryover, eliminating bereavement, and a reopener clause for health insurance. What was the Company willing to give in return for these concessions? Valerie states: "After discussing these points with membership, we prepared a response to present to management on day two. We felt like management was only taking things away and not giving us anything in return. Management listened to us and rather than accepting our counter-offer, they conceded the items they had wanted to change."

The Union did agree to the opener on insurance costs if premiums increase more than 8% over the next two years, especially because such an eventuality is less likely given the success of the Affordable Care Act. And  Membership got one more thing. It might be a minor issue, but sometimes those victories are the most, well, stimulating! "The union also got management to agree to add a section to the contract to state that the employer will provide staff with a coffee service and electric hot water kettle." That small perk is now in the contract and can't just be taken away, as the Company had done in 2014.

Congratulations to Valerie and Andrew Felt, Stewards at WOCCU, and to the Membership there on the successful contract negotiations.
What's Been Happening at the other Units?
CUNA Mutual Group
The Union filed one grievance in all of 2013 and we have filed 07 grievances in 2014.  Of the 8 grievances for the past two years we have withdrawn 3 and we have settlement agreements for the other 5.  The ones that we have settlement agreements on include Annual reviews, Business Units, Intra-departmental postings, and the Health reimbursement account (HRA).  

Unions don't want to file grievances, but we do when we feel that the contract isn't being followed faithfully by the Company or when we don't agree with the way the Company is interpreting or implementing the language of the contract. The goal of any grievance is to get both Company and Union to agree on how the contract should be followed. A vital part of any grievance is the investigation that occurs. If we find that a particular grievance doesn't have merit, we withdraw it. We don't want to waste Union resources -- your resources -- on frivolously pestering any company. Not only does the Union negotiate the contract on behalf of Members, we keep an eye on the Company to make sure they do what they've agreed to.

Sheet Metal Workers
We negotiated a new 3 year contract with Sheet Metal workers, and we maintained all benefits which include 100% paid health insurance, 12 paid holidays, holiday bonus, 12 sick days, we agreed to a 2% wage increase for each of the 3 years and an increase to pension contribution.

IBEW 965
We negotiated a 3 year contract with IBEW 965, and we maintained all benefits which include 100% paid health insurance, 10 paid holidays, 10 sick days, Pension and 401(k), we agreed to a 3% wage increase for each of the 3 years.

We are in the process of negotiating a new contract and expect to have an agreement by the end of 2014. Again the Union's goal is to maintain what is currently in their contract and negotiate a wage increase.

This contract expires on June 30, 2015 we expect to negotiate a new contract and maintain all current benefits and negotiate a wage increase.

NCSRCC - North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters
This contract expires on May 31, 2015 we expect to negotiate a new contract and maintain all current benefits and negotiate a wage increase.
Quarterly Membership Meeting - New Location!
P.S. - OPEIU Local 39 Membership Meeting
Wednesday,February 18th, 2015
5:30 PM

All union members invited and encouraged to attend

701 Watson Road

Madison WI 53713

  • Unit Updates
  • Financial Update
  • Your Questions 
Upcoming Membership Meetings
Unions = Gym Membership
Membership meetings are held the third Wednesday of the second month of the quarter, at 5:30 PM.


February 18th, 2015
May 20th, 2015
August 19th, 2015
November 18th, 2015 

This is your Union. Your participation gives us the tools we need to face the continued opposition of both companies and politicians. We strive to make the meetings relevant and to the point. Please  stop by and participate in the democracy that is your Union.
We hope you have a great 2015, but hope may not be enough. Those who oppose Unions because of their own greed have powerful people on their side and there may yet be another push to destroy Unions and what's left of Wisconsin's fragile middle class. Even as we successfully negotiate contracts in our Units, so-called "right to work" legislation may rob us of our ability to negotiate on your behalf or keep the Companies we negotiate with to a faithful interpretation of those contracts. This is a fight we have to win.

Stay involved. A Membership meeting is scheduled next month.
In Solidarity,
OPEIU Local 39
Copyright OPEIU Local 39. Content written and/or edited by David O. Engelstad
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