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USA Rice Daily
Up-to-the-Minute News on Issues and Activities
USA Rice Federation is the global advocate of all segments of the U.S. rice industry with a mission to promote and protect the interests of producers, millers, merchants and allied businesses.
Friday, December 5, 2014

USA Rice Family Grows     

ARLINGTON, VA -- The USA Rice Federation has confirmed that Sarah Moran, manager of international promotion, and her husband, John, have welcomed a future rice consumer into the world.


On Saturday, November 22, at 2:04pm, Jack Eamon Moran made his debut.  He weighed in at nine pounds even and 20 inches long.  Mom and baby are doing well and resting at home. Sarah will be on maternity leave until mid-February 2015.


Contact:  Sarah Moran (703) 236-1457

USA Rice Congratulates Winners of "Healthy Brown Rice on the Menu Contest"     

Healthy U.S. brown rice is a winner 

ARLINGTON, VA -- The USA Rice Federation has announced the winners of its annual "Healthy Brown Rice on the Menu Contest" for K-12 school menu planners.  Participants in the contest were asked to prepare a healthy, flavorful brown rice dish from three recipe categories-rice bowl, breakfast, and lunch.


This week, a press release announcing the winners was distributed to top media outlets consistently read by more than 130,000 K-12 operations.  These award-winning entries showcase the versatility of brown rice and demonstrate how schools are using brown rice to create meals that meet nutrition standards.


Each winner will receive a 50 pound donation of whole grain rice thanks to USA Rice sponsors:  InHarvest, Producers Rice Mill, Riceland Foods, Mahatma Rice, SunWest Foods, and Uncle Ben's.  Grand prize winners receive paid 2015 School Nutrition Association Annual Conference registration, a commercial size rice cooker for their school, and a consumer size rice cooker for their home kitchen donated by Aroma Housewares.


These grand prize dishes combined nutrition with sensational flavors:


Breakfast:  Roxanne Szalejko, Food Service Director for Northwood Academy Charter School in Philadelphia, PA; Coconut Cream Breakfast Brown Rice includes U.S. brown rice, coconut, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and raisins.


Lunch:  Kay Briles, Head Cook/Manager for Greenfield Elementary School in Baldwin, WI; Turkey Brown Rice Casserole features U.S. brown rice, ground turkey, red onion, red peppers, frozen peas, cream of chicken soup, and slivered almonds.


Rice Bowl:  Angie Gaszak, Nutrition Coordinator for Saint Paul Public Schools in St. Paul, MN; Chicken Sofrito Rice Bowl combines U.S. brown rice, chicken stock, diced tomatoes, thyme, garlic jalape�o peppers, onion, and chili powder, finished with red pepper strips and lime juice.


"Brown rice is such a versatile, whole grain menu item that we can use it in a wide variety of dishes while appealing to our diverse district palates, meeting our nutritional goals, and keeping the food costs in line," said Gaszak.  "Our students love our brown rice and it has been one of the most widely accepted whole grain menu items."


"Healthy brown rice meals can now be found in every part of the country, as more schools see how easy it is to help students achieve their whole grain servings," said Katie Maher, USA Rice domestic promotion manager.  "There are so many innovative ways to use U.S. brown rice to create menu items that deliver nutrition and flavor as well as happy kids and empty plates."


For more information and recipe ideas featuring U.S.-grown rice, visit


Contact:  Colleen Klemczewski (703) 236-1446

CME Group/Closing Rough Rice Futures   
CME Group (Prelim):  Closing Rough Rice Futures for December 5

Net Change
January 2015$12.065
- $0.055
March 2015$12.325
- $0.050
May 2015$12.575
- $0.050
July 2015$12.775
- $0.050
September 2015$12.050
- $0.050
November 2015$11.950
- $0.050
January 2016
- $0.050

In the News 

Around Washington

Senate Approves Duck Stamp Legislation Delta Farm Press

The Senate on Tuesday gave final congressional approval to the Federal Duck Stamp Act of 2014, which amends the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act to update the price of duck stamps for the first time since 1991.



Science and Technology

Is the Food Babe a Fear Monger? Scientists are Speaking Out NPR

As the Food Babe's profile grows, so too do the criticisms of her approach. Detractors, many of them academics, say she stokes unfounded fears about what's in our food to garner publicity.


Pro-GMO Side Wins Online Debate Capital Press

Arguing that genetically modified crops have been proven safe and are needed to feed a growing world population, advocates for the technology won over far more converts than opponents in a Dec. 3 debate, hosted by a National Public Radio program.



Trade and Tariffs

Democrats Ask Froman to Explain Labor Issues in TPP Agri-Pulse

In a letter, the lawmakers noted that Labor Department's annual List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor cited TPP nations Vietnam, Mexico, Peru, and Malaysia for labor abuses


Free Trade with U.S.? Europe Balks at Chlorine Chicken, Hormone Beef Washington Post

In Europe, no single issue is inflaming the debate more than food - specifically U.S. calls for Europe to open its door to long-banned American foodstuffs that are hormone-treated, chemically sanitized or genetically modified.

USA Rice Daily Index of Articles, December 1-4
Little Rock Restaurant Promotion
Japan Announces Results of 8th Ordinary Import Tender in FY 2014

Wednesday, December 3
Countdown to 2014 USA Rice Outlook Conference in Little Rock

Tuesday, December 2
Taiwan Opens Market for U.S. Long Grain Rice
USTR Appeals WTO October COOL Rule
Taiwan Announces Long Grain Tenders

Monday, December 1
In Memory:  Sonny Martin
USA Rice Offers Assessment of Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments
Japan Announces 8th Ordinary Tender in FY 2014
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USA Rice Federation is the global advocate for all segments of the U.S. rice industry with a mission to promote and protect the interests of producers, millers, merchants and allied businesses.
About Us
Editor: Michael Klein,
(703) 236-1458,

Fax (703) 236-2301

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 610
Arlington, VA 22201

This report is time-sensitive, based on information available at press time. Content is derived from facts and sources believed to be reliable. Reprinting and/or distribution may be done with permission of the USA Rice Federation

Copyright � 2014. Please direct comments or questions to the editor or contact name listed for each story.