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USA Rice Federation is the global advocate of all segments of the U.S. rice industry with a mission to promote and protect the interests of producers, millers, merchants and allied businesses.
Monday, December 1, 2014

In Memory:  Sonny Martin            

USA Rice extends condolences to the family and friends of Marlin O. "Sonny" Martin, 73, of Bernie, MO, who passed away on November 26. 


Martin's leadership roles in the rice industry included service on the Missouri Rice Research and Merchandising Council and the chairmanship of the USA Rice Council from 1994 to 1996.   


Survivors include his wife, Alice Martin, three sons, Tim, Mike, and David, and four grandchildren.   Funeral services were held on November 29. 


Memorials may be made to the Stoddard County Gospel Mission, 207 One Mile Road, Dexter, MO 63841, or the Stoddard County Children's Home Memorial Tribute Fund, P.O. Box 164, Dexter, MO 63841.

USA Rice Offers Assessment of Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments             

ARLINGTON, VA -- At the request of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the USA Rice Federation recently submitted information to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Pollinator Health Task Force on the value of a class of seed treatments used on rice seeds.  The seed treatment in question is neonicotinoids, a class of insecticides introduced two decades ago and adopted by farmers around the world because of their effectiveness in controlling harmful and destructive crop pests.


There is concern that neonicotinoids, or neonics as they are usually called, may play a role in recent pollinator declines.  While rice is not pollinated by bees, there is mounting pressure to ban the entire class of neonics due to uncertainties regarding their potential environmental impact on pollinators.


The U.S. rice industry relies heavily on the neonicotinoid seed treatments to combat insect pests, and with the loss of older crop protection products, cannot afford the loss of three more products.


Recent EPA analysis concluded that there is little or no increase in soybean yields using most neonicotinoid seed treatments when compared to using no pest control at all.  This analysis is an important part of the science EPA will use in their assessment of the risks and benefits under registration review for the neonicotinoid pesticides.


A year ago, Syngenta, Bayer CropScience, and Valent jointly commissioned an independent study on the socio-economic benefits of neonicotinoid insecticides in North America.  This research has produced a comprehensive series of 15 reports demonstrating the value of neonicotinoids.


The study looked at U.S. and Canadian agriculture as well as turf and ornamental sectors, and all uses of neonicotinoids: seed treatment, foliar, and soil applications.  The first nine reports have been released to the media.  They are available on a new website called, along with news releases, fact sheets, videos, and an infographic.


Contact:  Steve Hensley (703) 236-1445

Japan Announces 8th Ordinary Import Tender in FY 2014             

Announcement:           1 December 2014

Tender:                        4 December 2014

Offer details:               58,000 mt


Country Specified or Global

Non-glutinous milled rice (medium grain)

Non-glutinous milled rice (long grain)










Global Tender









Shipping period:         (Medium grain) From 1 March 2015 to 10 April 2015

                                    (Long grain) From 10 March 2015 to 20 April 2015

CME Group/Closing Rough Rice Futures   
CME Group (Preliminary):  Closing Rough Rice Futures for December 1

Net Change
January 2015$12.140
- $0.195
March 2015$12.405
May 2015$12.650
- $0.190
July 2015$12.850
- $0.190
September 2015$12.100
- $0.190
November 2015$12.000
- $0.190
January 2016$12.000
- $0.190

In the News

Around the Country

All Hands on Deck: The Warren Family Pitches in Delta Farm Press

Lambrook, Arkansas family farm truly a joint venture.


Farmers Get Relief from Rice Diseases in 2014 ArkLaTex

Disease in rice was not as big of a problem in 2014 for most growers as in previous years. LSU AgCenter plant pathologist Don Groth said, "With as much rain as we had, sheath blight wasn't as bad as it could have been."


Seeking High Yields, the Reduction of Acid Rain and the Need for Sulfur  

Delta Farm Press

As power plants have added emission scrubbers and made the shift to natural gas, sulfur must now be applied to cropland.



Around the World

Government Plans Local Rice Sufficiency by 2018 GhanaWeb

Government's ambitious 2018 target for local rice farmers to fully meet domestic demand has been described as very feasible by the Ghana Grains Council, although it adds that such a feat will demand government's total commitment.


Koolmill Sells Rice Milling Machines to China Birmingham Post

Midland company cracks one of the toughest markets for its produce but said difficulties in accessing funds to expand was hitting its plans to establish a manufacturing base here.


Rice Industry Leader Calls it a Day Farm Weekly

Long-serving rice industry leader and SunRice chairman Gerry Lawson is to retire from the company's board next month.

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USA Rice Federation is the global advocate for all segments of the U.S. rice industry with a mission to promote and protect the interests of producers, millers, merchants and allied businesses.
About Us
Editor: Michael Klein,
(703) 236-1458,

Fax (703) 236-2301

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 610
Arlington, VA 22201

This report is time-sensitive, based on information available at press time. Content is derived from facts and sources believed to be reliable. Reprinting and/or distribution may be done with permission of the USA Rice Federation

Copyright � 2014. Please direct comments or questions to the editor or contact name listed for each story.