Jack and I will be attending the AAAS meeting in February 2013 in Boston. For meeting info, click here. More info to follow next month.
November 2012
L to R: Madeleine Jacobs, CEO & Executive Director of the American Chemical Society, Art Obermayer, 60 Year ACS Member, Mukund Chorghade, Immediate Past Chair ACS Division of Small Chemical Businesses and our own Jack Driscoll, Public Relations Chair of the Northeastern Section of the ACS.
I am proud to announce that this is my 48th consecutive monthly E-Newsletter. To see how far I have come, check out my first E-Newsletter here from November 2008.
After an extremely busy October, with National Chemistry week events in Boston, we kicked November off with the Cape Cod Science Cafe~The Chemistry of Wine event organized by Jack and I and sponsored by the Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society. About 20% of the audience was technical and the remainder were local residents interested in learning the science behind how food changes the way wine tastes. We had two consecutive seatings of forty persons each. It was wildly successful and we are busy planning three more of the *adult* Cape Cod Science Cafe events for 2013 as well as a Cape Cod Science Cafe outreach event for grades K-12.
Chemistry of Wine Cape Cod Science Cafe at Centerville Historical Museum 11/2/12
What's new in the analyzer business? Thirty-nine years after introducing the world's first portable photoionization detector (PID) we introduced our version of the portable Flame Ionization Detector (FID). Believe me, the irony is not lost on us. Although we advocate for PID based instrumentation when applicable, as detector specialists we recognize that sometimes an FID is the ideal choice. We have, in fact, been manufacturing a flame ionization detector for our gas chromatography product line since 1979. We applied this GC detector FID technology to our fixed continuous analyzers in the mid-1990's. In 2012 following a miniaturization of our FID detector the Model 115 was released.
Unique Analyzers
What makes our products unique? Our superior HNU� detector technology and outstanding electronics.
Model 100 series portable PID's with optional ppb range and the ability to customize it with additional sensors