In this November News Edition we've included a recent Feature Article that was printed in the July 2008 issue of Industrial Hygiene News, a recent front page press release on our new IAQ analyzer and information on how to receive our exclusive monthy sales and service promotions.
PID Analyzers is more than just HNU; we develop sensors & analyzers for air, water and process applications and sell these products worldwide. The sensor technologies include photoionization, infrared, electrochemistry, catalytic combustion, flame ionization, capacitance, thermal conductivity, process gas chromatography. Many of our analyzers are multifunctional and include multiple technologies. The parameters measured include: VOCs, O2, H2O, fixed gases, SO2, NO2, NO, CO2, formaldehyde etc at ppb to % levels. Call us 800-724-5600 X238 or email us sales@hnu.com
today for an updated quote on your next monitoring project.
Published in the July 2008 Edition of Industrial Hygiene News
The first commercial photoionization detector (PID) was introduced in 1974 (1,2) by HNU Systems. This PID used a sealed short wavelength (121 nm/10.2 eV) UV lamp. In 1979, we introduced an 11.7 lamp in response to the need for detecting chloroalkanes for the chemical industry (VCM production) and low molecular chloroalkanes for emergency response and hazardous waste field surveys (3,4). The 9.5 and 8.3 eV lamps were developed at about the same time. HNU developed the sealed 11.7 lamp (LiF crystal) in 1979 and extended the lifetime of the lamp from a few hundred hours to > 500 hours through the use of a unique lamp design in 1989 (5). Long term lamp storage for our 11.7 lamp has never been a serious problem. Many of our customers have had 11.7 lamps for 3-5 years. Of course, the lifetime is 600-700 operating hours due to the yellowing of the lithium fluoride crystal (from patent). The Model 102 PID warms up quickly (15 sec), so turn on the analyzer just before the measurements and turn the analyzer off as soon as the measurements are through. Some choose to use just use an 11.7 lamp because of its uniform response to VOC's. Here, the lamp typically lasts about two years. One must keep liquid water away from the 11.7 Li F window since LiF is slightly soluble in water. During operation of the analyzer, there is no effect of humidity on the response. To continue reading, Click on the QUICK LINK on the left-hand margin labelled "Recent Article in IHN".
IAQ Analyzer Featured product on the front page of Industrial Hygiene News September 2008 Edition.
Model 103 is an Analyzer that is designed for indoor air quality (IAQ) measurements It has a very fast response time, extended range from 1 ppb, elimination of any moisture sensitivity, capability of having up to 4 sensors and datalogging (see rendition). The most typical optional sensors are the IR (CO2) and % RH plus one additional EC sensor of the customer's choice
Post Sales Service & Support
PID Analyzers, LLC, provides service as well as customer support for hnu, hnu systems, Process Analyzers and PID Analyzers' instruments. If you have service questions, need to calibrate your PIDs, GCs, or get annual maintenance and service contracts you may contact us via E-mail christine@hnu.com or via telephone 781-709-2131 x202.
USA & Canada call 800-724-5600 X202.
We run monthly sales & service promotions to a select list of clients or prospective clients; email mailto:jen@pid.bz
so you can stay on my VIP list. Put "November VIP List" in the subject line and I'll add you to my database. |
We thank you for taking the time to read our E-Newlsetter today and hope that we provided some useful information. Please be sure to click "Confirm" at the top of this Email if you would like to continue receiving our Monthly E-Newsletter. Please also send me an email mailto:jen@pid.bz so you can be privy to our Monthly Sales & Service Promotions which include exclusive valuable coupons.
If you have any questions, comments or customer service related issues you can contact me via email mailto:jen@pid.bz or via telephone at 800-724-5600 X238 or 781-709-2131 x238.
We look forward to meeting ALL of your monitoring needs.
Jennifer Maclachlan, Manager PID Analyzers, LLC |