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Each of the 25 "Make It -Take It" Fitness Games starts with a teacher-friendly and visual overview and richly illustrated exercises.   $30.00 (K-8)

PE Outside the Box

K-12 Curriculum Incentives for the NEW Physical Education is the product of 60+ years of teaching and supervising K-12 physical education programs. Written by Bud and Sue Turner, this is the latest book of this husband and wife writing team. The ideas in this new text offer a library of planned, purposeful, and exciting activities aimed at motivating all students.  
$37.00 (K-12)

A Complete Package: Project ACES is probably the most successful physical education promotional event to date. Hailed by the President's Council for Physical Fitness & Sports as the "world's largest exercise class," this event has generated interest from newspapers and television shows around the USA.

Blueprints for Success: Len Saunders, creator of Project ACES, shares the secrets of 15 successful physical education programs with you. This book contains step-by-step descriptions for innovative projects such as the Tri-Fit-A-Thon, The Great Country Fitness Challenge, The Best-Ever Fitness Fair, The Virtual Fitness Jamboree, Fitness Pen Pals, and much more!  $25.00 (K-5)

Looking for New Ideas? By using the theme-based PE Activity Stations found in this book, you will be able to implement a year-long selection of enjoyable fitness, sport skills, and team-building opportunities for your students!

This book provides over 200 physical eudcation station ideas with 12 fun-filled chapters. A great selection of flexible, adaptable, time-saving, and theme-based activities guaranteed to add more fun to your program!  $30.00 (K-8)


- Because PE Matters! -

(Formerly Known as the Carol M. White PEP Grant Newsletter)

February, 2014   

New Great Activities Website! Yes, we have just completed a new and improved Great Activities Publishing Company website. Here's an overview of what you will find there. 


(#1) Free Games! Click and pull-down an assortment of free and subscription-based elementary, middle school, and high school games and activities by using the "Free Games" tab.  These are "freebie" games from our PEP Club Archives site - a small taste of all of the exciting and innovative games that are available when you join the PEP Club!      

See the searchable database of games & activities from the over 20+ years of hand-picked games selected especially for this remarkable "great games" archive! 


(#2) Share Your Games with Others! You can also use our online game submission link to share your games, activities, and ideas with others. Your submission will be reviewed and possibly selected for publication in a future issue of the Great Activities Newspaper.   


A New Direction for this E-Zine 

As a whole, there have been many significant changes to the Physical Education World since the first issue of this e-zine was published over six years ago (2008).

For example, more and more physical educators are moving to Twitter (my #1 site for cutting edge PE content), Facebook, Pinterest, and other social media platforms.

This has dramatically changed the way most innovative and motivated physical education professionals have find professional connections and support to update their content knowledge and expertise.  To this end, we are now going to move to help serve the K-12 physical education community members who are a part of this growing legion of social media innovators.

Our new mission is this: "To serve the K-12 physical education community by screening and sharing the most relevant Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. information in a concise reader digest fashion."  These social media platforms are free-of-charge.  Please consider joining each of them. 

In this issue, we will focus exclusively on Twitter and the type of cool FREE instructional resources you will typically find linked to the Tweets physical educators post there! 


   Artie's Sample PE Twitter Newsfeed

Background: First of all, please join and begin contributing to the on-going physical education dialogue on Twitter. As you will quickly see, the most innovative and creative K-12 physical educators are almost exclusively using Twitter as their #1 platform to share their thoughts, lessons, and teaching tools. Here are 12 examples of what you can typically find via Twitter:


(#1) The 14 Day Twitter Challenge for PE Teachers ( is a cool 14 day challenge to help physical teachers new to Twitter. Jarrod Robinson is a Physical Education teacher from Australia with a passion for the role emerging technologies play within teaching and learning.

Click on the "PE Apps" graphic to link to the Challenge.   

(#2) Winter Olympics - Following the Winter Olympics? Want to connect with all of the Olympic Athletes all in one place? 


(#3) PE Scholar - Poker Adventure Race (USA, Middle School, 11-14 Years).       

(#7) Ross Wickens - World Class PE Posts -  


(#8) Rick Baldock - Literacy in PE - Using cones to help students learn correct technique and teach each other skills.


(#9) Stephanie Pipke - Check out for downloadable PE rubrics -

(#10) English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) - Check out our resource page for inclusive physical education. 

(#11) Edmodo - Edmodo Quizzes: Tips & Tricks. 


(#12) Heather Gardner - Teaching Games by Playing Games.  

Great Activities Publishing
PO Box 51158
Durham, North Carolina 27717

Because PE Matters ™ is published  

by the

Great Activities Publishing Company

PO Box 51158

Durham, North Carolina 27707


Phone: (800) 927-0682
Fax: (919) 493-6966



Copyright 2014