Common Hope News


As spring arrives in the States, we celebrate a newly renovated library in New Hope, and a new twist on Noche de Colores. These stories of the past month, and more, below.

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News from Guatemala
A first grader peeks in the library before the inauguration.
New library for New Hope  
"I've always believed we plant seeds during our lives, in the things we do, though we may not see them bear fruit," says Jacqueline Figueroa, reading and creativity promoter. At the inauguration of the renovated New Hope library, she says, "I got to see the impact we can have." Former students at the celebration, now sixth graders, reminded her of reading activities they had done back when she was their preschool teacher. The students recounted dressing up as storybook characters and taking imaginary voyages to outer space.

Back then, the students were just starting their education, and Jacqueline worked to spark their minds and instill a love of books that would encourage their reading skills in first grade and beyond. Now, these students have reached their last year of elementary and are preparing for junior high.

A nurturing place for learning
The seeds planted by teachers like Jacqueline will continue to grow among the brightly painted walls, gleaming tile floors, and floor-to-ceiling windows illuminating the renovated library, completed on February 26. The space will be a solid place for the students to come research and study during secondary school.

Originally built as a mechanics shop, the old library was always considered a temporary option until a permanent space could be built. It had few windows, and dust seeped in from the garage doors. Now, the doors have been replaced with broad windows painted by a local artist, adding color and beauty to the space. It is a pleasant and inviting space to spend time. Violeta Lopez, library promoter, has already noticed an uptick in students coming to study.

The sixth graders face a tough transition to seventh grade, similar to the one they faced starting elementary. The library will be a vital resource for their studies. Continue reading.
Supporters in action
Nursing Volunteer
A nursing volunteer works with a young patient.
Medical volunteers in San Miguel Milpas Altas

The village of San Miguel Milpas Altas was teaming with nurses the first week in March. That's because Rhonda Goodman brought a team of nurse practitioner students and professors from Florida Atlantic University to put on a health fair in the community.  


The 18 students and two professors spent a week in Guatemala, working with five different NGOs. They spent two days with Common Hope in San Miguel. Working with their professors, the students saw patients, diagnosed illnesses, and prescribed treatment plans. Common Hope staff went door to door to advertise the medical team, so the fair was very well attended.


This was a great opportunity for families but also for the nursing students, says Rhonda. "They could work for months in practicums at home and not learn what they have learned in four days in Guatemala. It is an incredible thing to treat and diagnose with only the bare necessities." Rhonda says the trip has inspired more of the same in years to come. "This experience has kindled a passion for Guatemala and global health care," says Rhonda. "They can't wait to come back."

Many thanks to Rhonda and all of the students and faculty of Florida Atlantic for your contributions to the health and wellness of our families. 

Noche Banner

New feature at this year's Noche de Colores   

Noche de Colores in Minneapolis is coming up on Friday, May 10, and this year we are planning a new twist: an After Party and Salsa Dance starting at 8:30 p.m. The addition will allow gala attendees to extend the evening's festivities and open up the event to those not able to attend the full gala. The lively Salsa del Soul will perform, representing some of the finest Latin music talent in the Twin Cities, and salsa lessons will kick off the party. Gala-goers get in free. Tickets are $25 for those just attending the dance.

If you would like to purchase tickets for the Noche gala or after party, click here. And tell your friends!  
Yelin Garcia, who goes by Sami, is in need of a sponsor.

Aspiring doctor needs a sponsor 

Sami Garcia may be only three, but she knows she wants to be a doctor when she grows up. She is off to a great start with her studies -- she likes to participate in all school activities, and she does her homework each day when she gets home. Her 10-year-old brother Anthony, who she says is her best friend, helps her with her homework. Soccer is Sami's favorite sport, and she likes to practice in her free time.

If you can help Sami reach toward her goal
, please contact Jessie Szopinski via email, call (651) 917-0917, or sponsor her online. Thank you! 


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Noche Banner

Save the date for Noche  

Our biennial benefit Noche de Colores will be held in Minneapolis on Friday, May 10 at the Earle Brown Heritage Center and in Chicago on Friday, September 27 at the Union League Club of Chicago. Supporters in the Twin Cities area, look for invitations in March. For those in the Chicago area, look for invitations this summer. 
VT Photo March

Openings for Vision Teams 

Interested in planning a vacation with a vision? In 2013, we have openings in April, August, September, and December.

You can check out the trip calendar on our website. Talk to your friends, family, and co-workers, and start planning your trip of a lifetime.
St. Paul Office

Looking for new office space  

Our lease is expiring at the end of September and we have learned we need to vacate our current office and warehouse space. We are reviewing our options and prefer to remain in the St. Paul Midway area.

If you know of space (3500-4000 sq. ft.) that is reasonably priced, please contact Colleen Tracy at 651-917-0917 or send an email.
Aleah and her birthday gifts

Notes from the Field 

Want to have a closer look at what's happening in Guatemala? Check out our blog, Notes from the Field, where recent stories Aleah and her special birthday gifts.

Work for Common Hope in Guatemala 

We have a number of long-term volunteer openings in Guatemala. These positions come with a living stipend and additional benefits. Open positions include a Vision Team Coordinator, Housing Program Assistant, Mathematics Coordinator, and a Physician. Details and requirements here.