Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center of Silicon Valley |
CBT News, Tips and Tools for...
Finding Peace & Joy |
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Greetings! Summer is right around the corner and we are experiencing a preview with this weekend's heat wave. In this issue, we have suggestions for some summer time self-soothing activities. Self-soothing is a skill you can use to reduce your reactivity to stress.
In this newsletter, you will also learn the importance of practicing your CBT skills regularly in order to maintain your emotional health, just like your fitness level.
I just got back from another trip to the Beck Institute in Philadelphia, where I focused on improving my skills in teaching and supervising my staff in CBT.
Don't miss the quote by Gandhi - it summarizes the essence of CBT!
If you have feedback about the topics in the newsletter or want to suggest subjects for future articles, feel free to email me at
Warmly, Laura Johnson Director, Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center |
Practice Makes Permanent | | Practice again...and again...and again
In CBT, "practice" refers to repeating a cognitive or beh avioral skill again and again over time. It begins with the intentional rehearsal of the new skill. At this stage, practice is conscious and takes effort. It is not yet natural. You have to remember to use the skill and you may need to read a coping card or write things down in order to remember what to do. Later, as the skill becomes part of your memory, you may start to use the skill more naturally and unconsciously. |
Inspirational Quotes | | CBT in a Nutshell
 "Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Summertime Self-Soothing Ideas
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Soothing with the Five Senses
Self-soothing is a key part of self-care. The goal of self-soot hing is to comfort yourself emotionally and physically by doing things that are sensually pleasant and not harmful. Self-soothing is a mindfulness practice when you are focusing your full attention on the feelings being experienced by your five senses. By being fully present on what you are experiencing in the moment, you will be able to get you outside of your head and away from troubling thoughts, feelings, and impulses.
Teaching and Supervising CBT | | My Trip to the Beck Institute
I just returned from my fourth trip to the Beck Institute. As ma ny of you may know, the Beck Institute is the premier training center in the world for cognitive behavior therapy. During this trip, my learning focused on how to teach and supervise others in CBT. With the growth of the Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center of Silicon Valley, I am raising the level of training for my staff therapists in order to provide the highest quality of services possible for our clients.
I hope you enjoyed this newsletter and found at least one idea that will help you make some positive changes in your life. Feel free to forward this newsletter to others who may benefit.
Warm regards,
Laura L.C. Johnson, MBA, MA, LMFT, LPCC Director, Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center of Silicon Valley Diplomate, Academy of Cognitive Therapy
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center of Silicon Valley provides evidence-based therapy for adults, children and teenagers with anxiety, OCD and eating disorders. |