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from the desk of the Inland Coalition

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Here are the upcoming Nexus meetings.


Inland Coalition Quarterly
September 21

San Bernardino Metro Nexus Meeting
(See IC Quarterly date)

WE Health Professions Nexus Meeting
September 17

Moreno Valley Nexus Meeting
September 16


September 5
San Bernardino

September 12
San Bernardino

September 12
San Bernardino

September 15

September 17

September 17
September 19 
San Bernardino

September 19
 September 19
September 19

September 23-24

San Bdo/Hemet/Rialto

Oct 3/Nov 7

October 3

October 3
San Bernardino
(booth info)

October 4
 San Bernardino

various cities

October 7

October 8

October 17
CSU San Bernardino

October 23
Men In Nursing Conference


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Issue: 70
August 31, 2015

          Updates &           Announcements
Resource Day features Y-PLAN and HOSA. The 2nd Annual Inland Coalition Resource Day was held last week at Azusa Pacific University's Nursing school in San Bernardino. Over 50 teachers were introduced to information, programs and resources they can take back to their classrooms.
Debra Mckay introduces Y-PLAN
The day featured HASPI (
Health and Science Pipeline Initiative), Y-PLAN, HOSA/JUMP, and SOFT SKILLS 
Dee Neidringhaus shares the HOSA/JUMP programs. 
developed by Ron Matthews. Each teacher received a special binder as well as a brief overview of the included resources.The goal was to provide our Inland Empire educators tools to develop or enhance their health pathway. A great day was had by all and we have received a lot of positive feedback.~

WE and Metro Nexus Group Co-chairs  
Help us build and sustain the Nexus groups by becoming a co-chair of the group.
Please read the attached job description. Stipend is available.Please contact Carol if interested.~

AMR site visit available November 17th. If you are a health pathway in San Bernardino county and have not been to AMR-- American Medical Response for a  health site visit, please contact Carol to express your interest in this WBL opportunity for your students.~

Health Professions Conference Planning Committee Members
We are in need of people to assist with the planning,organization, and implementation of the 2016 Health Professions Conference. Meetings will begin September 14th @ 2pm. We will then determine the dates and times of subsequent meetings. Here is your chance to get your organization involved in a high profile event that will impact over 500 students. Please email Carol at to become a member of this committee.~

Teachers & Health Professionals
ConnectEd helps students explore various careers. They have just launched a new video series which provides middle  
and high school students the opportunity to peer into the world of work and possible career fields that they may not know exist, may seem foreign, or inaccessible to them. These videos feature professionals, from a variety of backgrounds, who speak honestly about the challenges they faced and overcame to find a satisfying career. Each video is coupled with information about the academic classes and technical skills needed to be successful in the featured career. Check out the trailer above.~ 

Popular links - your connection to great resources. We often bring you information and reports from State and County agencies as well as foundations related to healthcare and building the health pathway. For your convenience, we have added links to these sources on the left.~
Students & Parents
Study smart with new online flash card tools.
  • Studystack in a great website to review medical terms and information in a game format. Voted "Best flash cards, matching and quizzes and other study tools for computer or smartphone". Visit
  • These are interactive study tools for android phone users. You can create, sync and even use your own pictures for flash cards - all from your phone. Visit

Parenting classes offered throughout the region. 
The Nurturing Parenting Program (NPP) at Reach Out is a collaborative effort to educate and strengthen families by helping parents of all ages learn new parenting skills and positive parenting techniques, get support, and meet other parents. 
*For dates on the Chaffey College class, please contact a NPP staffer at the Reach Out office: 909-982-8641.~

Career exploration videos for students.
ConnectEd on YouTube offers students glimpses into a host of health careers as seen through the eyes of those who work in those careers. Get first-hand knowledge as well as information on academic classes and technical skills required. 

Healthcare for Me In the I.E. This grass roots video campaign features students just like you who are making the pledge to choose a health-related career, get their education and then serve right here at home. Wanna be inspired? Click on the video below:

YAHA Advocates! Looking for a great community event where you can share health access information? Every week we post community events from all over the Inland Empire in our weekly update (that thing you are reading online right now)! See community events listed on the left-hand side and take advantage of these opportunities to inform the public of health access they may not beware of! 

Parents, there are plenty of volunteer opportunities for your youth to get involved in. Each month the AHA (American Heart Association) offers wonderful volunteer opportunities through-out the Inland Empire. If your student needs volunteer hours, see the attached list of current volunteer experiences available! 


The Inland Coalition is a program of Reach Out and was established in March 2007 to convene the health careers employers, educators, and community stakeholders in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties and the Pomona Valley in a coordinated effort to address regional health workforce.


Office Contacts:

Carol Allbaugh

Director, Inland Coalition

Marina Mejia

Project Coordinator

Michael Sacoto

Project Coordinator

Violet Burns

Project Support Coordinator