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We Remember Them, Annual Meeting, Gun Violence Film Screening


May 26, 2016
Latest News
Preventing Gun Violence Film Screening
One-Service Sundays Begin This Weekend!
Thank You!
Coming of Age
Calling all UU Gardeners!
Thank You Childcare Staff Team!
Conversations with the Candidates.
Summer Sundays for children
Martha Dallas' Summer Schedule

"But someone may well say, 'You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works.'" 

- The Book of James 2:18

Breath of Fresh Air

Upcoming Services
May 29-
"We Remember Them"
10:00 a.m.

Worship Lead: Rev. Mara
Worship Associate: Rebecca Gurney

Important Dates
May 29
10:00 a.m. only! 
Vacation Sunday ("Funday"!)

June 5
10:00 a.m.

Multigen YUUth Sunday Service

Jun 12 and beyond: Childcare for children of all ages provided during worship by our childcare staff

June 12
11:30 a.m.
UU Gun Violence Task Force: "Making a Killing: Guns, Greed, and the NRA".


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Dear Friends,

On Memorial Day Sunday, after the marathoners have passed down Pearl Street, we will gather in the spirit of remembrance and reflection to honor those in our own lives and in our world who have died in the past year. There will be a chance for you to say aloud the name of someone close to you whom you would like to remember. There will be Vacation Sunday all ages activities for children.

The Annual Meeting of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington will be held at 11:15 a.m., Sunday, June 5, 2016 immediately following the service to elect candidates for openings on the Board of Trustees, the Officers of the Society, the Nominating Committee, and the Trust Fund Committee. We will also be voting on the proposed 2016-2017 budget, changes to the Bylaws proposed by the Board and other matters properly placed before the meeting. People who signed the membership book and made a pledge and contribution of record as of May 15, 2016, are eligible to vote. All are welcome to attend. Click here for more information.

Preventing Gun Violence Film Screening
by Jud Lowrie

The new UU Gun Violence Task Force will be hosting the showing of a documentary about gun violence: "Making a Killing: Guns, Greed and the NRA."  It's a hard-hitting and poignant video about the tragedy of gun violence in America.  In addition to the tragedies, some potential solutions are discussed.

The documentary will be screened at UU on Sunday, June 12, 11:30 - 2:00/2:15 (after the 10AM service).  The tentative agenda is:

11:30 - 12: snacks, refreshments
Noon - 1:40: the video
1:40 - 2:00/2:15: comments/discussion about the video

If you want to learn more about the documentary or watch a short preview (trailer), you can do so at this link:  (it's just over 2 mins).
One-Service Sundays Begins This Weekend!

From Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend, First UU has only one worship service, at 10am. This week is our final Sunday of two services until next September.
Thank You!
by Martha Dallas

Thank you to these UUs who supported children and youths' faith formation this past  year: 

Brianna Douglas
Rachel Schek
Jeanne Lynch
TJ Maclay
Kim Watkin
Kate Grodin
Maeve McBride
Kate Danforth
Claire Graham-Smith
Jeff Trumbower
Tana Randall-Wolfe
Xu Zhou
Peg Rosenau
Ann Rathbone
Pam MacPherson
Kim Brockway
Nina Harrington
Mandy Fischer
Mark Kuprych
MaryBeth McNulty
Clara Keegan
RJ LaLumiere
Erika Reif
Tori Cleiland
Emily Koella
Adessa Yeager
Clara Keegan

Cheryl Herrick
Josh Fairfax
Jen Popick
Caitlin Waddick
Raymond Paquin
Ed Amidon
Gene Ashley
Jill Stevens
John Lincoln
John Grimm
Sharon Leach
Suzie McCoy
Jud Lawrie
Pam Laser
Ginger Williamson
Lori Roberts
Hobart Popick
Dan House
Amelia Schlossberg
Brenda Balon
Todd Clason
Deborah DeLadurantaye
Elizabeth Clayton
Lisa Hardy
Jenn Schollmeyer

 THEY ROCK! On behalf of our children and their parents, join me in thanking them! 
Coming of Age
by Tiffany Tillman

Have you been missing our fabulous Coming of Age program? I sure have!! Well, you will be happy to know that Coming of Age will be back next year, better than ever! 

We will meet from 11-1 one time per month from October through April. Next year, we will offer the program to youth in grades 9-11; after that, we will focus the program on our 9th graders. 

In August, we will announce the Coming of Age dates, with an ice cream social get together in September. Then in October, the fun will begin ~ philosophical discussions, wisdom garnered from mentors found within our UU community, a spiritual retreat... Man! I wish we didn't have to wait to start! We hope you will join the fun!
Calling all UU Gardeners!
by Nancy Knox

Calling all UU gardeners! It's finally spring, and we have a small group of eager gardeners who will soon be sprucing up the Memorial Garden! We'd love your help - please join us if you can. Next work day is Thursday, May 26, 1:30 to 3:30 pm. Bring gloves, we have tools. Questions? Contact Nancy Knox  or 802-373-4281 to be added to our email list.

Check out the lilacs north of the Memorial Garden - they are at peak bloom this week and we have several varieties!

Thank You Childcare Staff Team!
by Martha Dallas, DRE

Erika Reif
Alissa Carberry
Narissa Yetz
Kat Wohlers
Erica Giannone
Gabriel Ely
Tom Dustira
Liam Patullo
Wren House
Sosenna Palmer

This is our childcare staff! They staff our nursery on Sundays during our program year; they help our with some RE Vacation Sundays; and they provide childcare for Society events. What's more, these devoted and caring folks provide supervised fun for kids of all ages during our summer Sundays, when families are coming and going with summer vacation schedules. I am deeply grateful for their time and commitment when we're in "summer mode"!
Conversations with the Candidates
by VIA (Vermont Interfaith Action)

Vermont Interfaith Action is hosting "Conversations with the Candidates" featuring in-depth interviews on a Moral Economy with five candidates for Governor. VIA Clergy will moderate
separate half-hour conversations with each person, giving you a comprehensive view of them before the August primary. 

Democrats: Wed, June 15 from 6:15 pm to 8:30 pm at Ohavi Zedek Synagogue (188 N. Prospect St.), Burlington. 

Republicans: Tues., June 21 from 6:15 pm to 8:00 pm at First Presbyterian Church of Barre (19 S. Seminary St.). 

Refreshments provided at both.

For more info, or (802) 651-8889. To register, go to:
Summer Sundays for children: How it Works!
by Martha Dallas, DRE

In the summer, our amazing childcare team supervises multi-age fun for kids during our single 10 AM worship services. Weather-permitting, the group goes outside to play. Otherwise, they are in the nursery and/or downstairs Community Room.
We need children to be signed in to the childcare group by their parent or caregiver. You can do this before the service, or at any time during it. If you forget (we understand! It's different/!), the staff will send your child back to you with a mini-form (kinda like a hall pass!) for you to sign, indicating your permission for them to be with the group. 

On June 12 and 19, a sign-in time will be made after the Reflections for All ages. It will only take a brief minute, so that you can return quickly to the service! 

From June 26 through Labor Day Sunday, worship doesn't have Reflections for All Ages, so you may sign your child in when you arrive (childcare is open starting at 9:45!), or at any time during worship. 

We realize this sign-in protocol is an extra thing for parents to do, so we appreciate your cooperation towards supporting children's safety and supervision while at First UU.
Martha Dallas' Summer Schedule
by Martha Dallas, DRE

As we morph into our summer way of being at First UU, I wanted to share how my work schedule will change. I do not work Sundays in the summer. Specifically:
  • May 29: on vacation
  • June 5: here
  • June 12: here
  • June 19 - Sept 4 (Labor Day Sun): I don't work Sundays
With the exception of some vacation time, my workdays will be Mon-Fri during the summer. After Labor Day, I'll resume my schedule of Sundays and Tues-Friday office days.