Issachar Haokip and family
Issachar Haokip and family


We continue our series of profiles of Bnei Menashe who have made aliyah in the past two years with Shavei Israel's help. This week, we "sing" the praises of Paomang Issachar Haokip.


Paomang Issachar Haokip loves to sing. The 43-year-old Bnei Menashe from the tiny village of Mateyang in the northeastern Indian state of Manipur served as the chazan (cantor) for the community's synagogue for ten years. He subsequently was appointed chairman of Mateyang's Bnei Menashe community.

While it was rewarding to be able to sing G-d's praises in India, Issachar dreamed "for ages and ages" of making aliyah, so he could "shout out to the Creator" from the Land of Israel.

Issachar's prayers have finally been answered. Along with his wife Shira, their two sons and a daughter, he has made aliyah with Shavei Israel's assistance.

Issachar has shared with us a new song. 
Click here to hear it.

Wedding officiated by Shavei Israel Rabbi Boaz Pash

Shavei Israel's
activities in Poland have been mentioned several times in the news in the past few weeks.


1. The Times of Israel has an article about how young Polish Jews are embracing their "hip" Jewish ancestry.


2. The Polish television station ITV has a report about the renewed cemetery in Myslowice, which was recently opened to the public.


3. Mishpacha Magazine has a long article on Shavei Israel's activities in Krakow.


Click here to read more about all of our recent press on our activities in Poland.

Roots #172 - Dec. 9, 2014 


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Shavei Israel reaches out and assists Lost Tribes and Hidden Jews seeking to return to the Jewish people. These include the Bnei Menashe of India, the Bnei Anousim of Spain, Portugal & South America, the Hidden Jews of Poland and others. We welcome your support.  

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