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Please help Tuvia Kipgen fulfill his dream to become an Egged bus driver
Tuvia Kipgen
Tuvia Kipgen


As "Operation Menashe" kicks into full swing, with the aim of bringing nearly 900 Bnei Menashe from India to Israel in the next year (160 have already arrived), one of the biggest challenges for Shavei Israel is identifying appropriate employment opportunities for the new immigrants. 


One of the fastest growing and increasingly popular professions for the freshly-minted Israelis is working as a bus driver. There are already 10 Bnei Menashe working for Egged (Israel's national bus network) along with several smaller, local transportation companies.


Tuvia Kipgen has his hopes set on becoming a bus driver as well. He raised the NIS 5,000 ($1,500) he needed to study for and take his theory examination entirely on his own - and he recently passed with flying colors. However, the practical course, where he moves out of the classroom to learn on an actual bus, is much more expensive. And at NIS 20,000 (nearly $6,000), it is beyond the reach of Tuvia's limited financial resources.


Tuvia is now turning to you for urgent help to take the next steps in improving his professional and economic standing in Israel. 
Shavei Israel translates Shema into Chinese for Kaifeng Jewish community 
Asher Yazter prayer in Chinese
Along with the Shema, Shavei Israel has translated the Asher Yazter prayer into Chinese

Shavei Israel has launched a new series of translations into Chinese to better familiarize the small Jewish community living in Kaifeng, China, with various aspects of Jewish observance. We have started with two prayers; the familiar Shema Yisrael, and the blessing of Asher Yatzer, said several times during the day.


Click here to read more about this exciting educational initiative.  


Roots #134- Feb. 18, 2014 


We are an IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. 

Shavei Israel reaches out and assists Lost Tribes and "Hidden Jews" seeking to return to the Jewish people. These include the Bnei Menashe of India, the Bnei Anousim of Spain, Portugal & South America, the "Hidden Jews" of Poland and others. We welcome your support.  

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Shavei Israel

58 King George Street, 4th floor

Jerusalem, Israel 94262

Tel: +972-2-625-6230

Fax: +972-2-625-6233 


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Support a "Hidden Jew" from Poland to learn in Israel 

click here to donate


Return the lost Jews to the nation of Israel click here to donate


Help a Chinese Jew study Torah in Israel click here to donate