UPDATE 19 Entries ... Kentucky Derby 2014c stuff ... here it is ...

Continuing to help our customers help themselves
May 3, 2014
12:01am< Xcdt < KD Post Time

in this issue
$$$ Free Stuff $$$
As promised here's Kentucky Derby 2014...$$$ Free Stuff $$$...
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$$$ Free Stuff $$$

From time to time I plan to put Coupons and/or CODES in these news releases for free stuff of mine that I will be offering to my newsletter subscribers only.

For right now unfortunately I only have free stuff for my Recreational materials, i.e., horse racing and since I know not every one is interested in this though some of you are here is this years CODE for's free handicapping stuff:


Go to and click on free stuff and follow prompts ... and ... Not.

I can't get this ready before the Kentucky Derby on Saturday, May 3rd (a mere nine days from right now) and since for right now (4/24/14) the only thing I have to sell, hence give away is my KD White Sheet and D..s.a.g.e Numbers, I will give them away more directly.

These will be available for purchase at which now accepts Major Credit cards so it should finally be easier to use.  So if you are interested go there for more and to discover that as subscribers to this newsletter you'll be getting a whopping 2 bucks worth of stuff for free as when I get the KD sheets done I'll simply put them in one of these newsletter forms and send to everyone.

Hence, don't be too offended if you aren't interested in these as I can't (yet) differentiate between those who are and those who aren't interested and so until I get my Free Stuff link functional--then only those who are interested can use it--I have to send them to everyone.

And moving on ...






As promised here's Kentucky Derby 2014


$$$ Free Stuff $$$ 



Kentucky Derby 2014 White Sheet 



Kentucky Derby 2014 D.o.s.a.g.e Numbers 










I know some of you but not all of you ...

like to see me do these kind of "personal"/inner dialogue thingys.

Here's one for the KD stuff and I just might later on this year turn it into a similar dialogue about our Country and the similar way in which the uber-rich view us peons with their "Let 'em eat cake" mentality.

Or not as the case maybe.

So staying focused on the here and now here it is for the KD:

SMIM: Why are you taking over the Kentucky Derby and trying to make it all about you and your White Sheets and D Numbers rather than get into the flavor of fancy hats for women and bow ties for men, mint juleps for everybody and wishing for the favorite to win rather than praying for a α5x long shot to win?

MIM: If I was at the track I could do this ALSO. But I am not at the track, I am at home with my computer and 380 bucks burning a hole in my pocket in search of the 131st's (2005) Run For the Roses exacta payout (see Kentucky Derby Investment In Fun Formulas Kindle Book 1  for White Sheet Page for 2005 and also same Kindle Book series, Book 3 for "secret bet" stuff.).  Secret bet stuff is funnnnnnnnn.
Good luck and here's hoping the favorite doesn't win.
MIM:  And more, anyone who thinks my motivation--qua member of the peon class--should be of the same magnitude of a person who has the potential to win millions is .... is .... I Dunno .... yet.
To be continued.







�  New Customers 
As of this time BiO Spiritualism Counseling Centers are only available online.
If you feel you need more than "sounding board" advice as same is afforded you via BiO Spiritualism's Online processes (including the multiple benefits you can get for $$$ FREE $$$ from just reading the content in`s BiO Spiritualism and Gary's Venns websides) you are best advised to seek out a therapist with whom you can establish a rapport and get some serious psychological (that is, psychological as in Selfishness Training) work done.  
For some insight on how you can help yourself manage this aspect of your growth and development go here and click on the "How to choose a therapist" article.

SelfishnessCoach           Salutations and etc. ...  until ... whenever.


Gary D Deering

PsycHHology Engineer

(helping phhilosophhy

 build better humans)



God Can't Paint: Volume 1: 2007 - BiO Spiritualism Annual Reports to the Home Planet
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by Gary Deering by Raise Books, LLC
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Yes. (Is BiO Spiritualism the answer?)
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The Triple Crown Affair - Book 1 - Secret White Sheet iif Formulas for The Kentucky Derby
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The Triple Crown Affair - Book 2 - Secret White Sheet iif Formulas for The Preakness
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The Triple Crown Affair - Book 3 - Secret White Sheet iif Formulas for The Belmont Stakes
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Kindle Edition ~ Release Date: 2013-08-26
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$150 Value for FREE 
  $150 Value for $$$ FREE $$$$ when you become a beta tester:
Agree to be a Beta Tester of BiO Spiritualism's new online process called Reflect'ology and receive 3 FREE additional rounds--each a $50 value--redeemable at any time for a year from the end of your Beta Tester round. To be a beta tester requires you to go to and after you have registered order the eM.One product under BiO Spiritualism Products, enter a problem or two you desire help with and then start the process by returning it to my email address. Initially you pay $10 for the $10 eM.One and then later you pay $40 for the $40 eM.Three and then when you return your feedback, critiquing what you did, did not like about the process and/or suggestions on how you think it would be better, your $50 will be refunded to you and your name noted for your 3 FREE Rounds in the future. So take advantage of this offer that is limited to this development time before the Reflect'ology Process gets finalized.
Offer Expires: When Reflect'ology Process is Finalized