Paths to right(eous)ness ... there are many ... here's one.
BiO Spiritualism Newsletter  
Helping our customers help themselves
 September 2013  
in this issue
One Path to Right(eous)ness
Watch Dog II
Watch Dog
New Customers
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Greetings Customers



 Path 1



... or rather ...



One Path






Step 1:

Start here: 


Step 2:

Click on:    others(see last paragraph in this link)   

Read the entire article (and especially the last line: "A true 'War of Ideas' would be one ..." etc.).


Step 3:

Worship reason and de-worship faith.


Step 4:

            Monitor your progress towards step 3 goal by utilizing a page out of Deering's PsycHHology Engineering Handbook (release pending).  That is,  utilize the Deering X-Curve (Figure 1) from the section on Graphical Representation of PsycHHological Functions.

Monitoring progress towards volitionally chosen goals is a need ... here is one way to monitor:


 Create monitoring tool:

1. Draw a square box

2. Draw in the two diagonals -- put arrow heads on the diagonals at top right and bottom right corners.

3. Label top left corner of box 100% and bottom left corner 0%

4. Label left bottom below the corner: Now

5. Label right bottom below the corner: F.u.t.u.r.e

6. If you want a time frame put dates or a reasonable time interval under Now and F.u.t.u.r.e else just leave it as is.  

7. Your figure should look like this after you add the additional notation shown: 



8. Visualize this figure as required throughout your days and weeks as you progress towards Goal Achievement--which is you highly valuing the new-value and highly disvaluing the old-value which ultimately culminates in worshipping to-the-point-of honoring the new value and dis-owning to-the-point-of purging it--the old value--from your psychhe. 


Step 5:

            repeat for other objective values:

a. reason ... done eventually as in the , " ... once begun half done ... " sentiment...that is, once you feel you've comfortably crossed over the halfway point from your inner sense of monitoring you can take on another new value.

b. worship individual rights, de-worship nonexistent group rights

c. worship freedom, de-worship tyranny of any kind

d. worship material prosperity, de-worship poverty

e. worship personal happiness on this earth, de-worship misery and any and all nonexistent afterlife "benefits" because the "concept" of "afterlife-benefits" is an anti-concept at best and a contradiciton-in-terms at worst.

f. my personal favorite (after d) is: worship mental prosperity, de-worship humility



The form of THIS (the foregoing) Path is: worship rational, objective--that is, reality matching--values and de-worship irrational, non-objective--that is, reality mismatching--values.


If you have a personal, idiosyncratic need to de-worship contradictions--the ultimate degree of any mismatch--it may require you to hire the services of a competent psychhotherapist.


The desire to match reality is of course a cardinal value and so matching reality is a cardinal virtue. (See Selfish'ism Chapter 2 for more.)

Voila! Your path to righteousness has begun--or continues depending on where you are at in your own personal growth and development life.












Watch Dog II:

Another one of those "it's a tedious task but somebody has to do it" thingy:


See this Headline: 


The United States of America to become a Religious Dictatorship on or before the year of our Lord 2062


*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *



In the shadow of the above headline it's up to us whether or not the following headline also comes to pass:


2nd Dark Ages to Start September 11th, 2050


THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS GOING TO BECOME a Religious Dictatorship on or before September 11th, 2062 as predicted in The DIM Hypothesis by Dr. Leonard Peikoff who - if not the world's top of the heap smartest person alive, then for sure - is the world's smartest living philosopher. If the Religious Dictatorship comes to pass then it could suck the entire planet into its Second Dark Ages.  Second that is, if we consider all the spotty first Dark Ages from around the planet over the past two millennium as summed up into one big Dark Ages, but if not then this could be the first Global Dark Ages as in it's going to affect everybody on the planet AT-THE-SAME-TIME.  So, if we don't start doing something about it right now we will cross over that critical-X-marks-the-spot point on the downside of the slippery slope on September 11th, 2050 and then it will be too late ... I for one am not taking any chances, so as means to doing something now read my stuff: Yes. (Is BiO Spiritualism the answer?), on and Selfish'ism (Get up off of your death bed and save yourself brother, I had to and so do you) also on Then read all my web content starting here: . Talk about a call to action: we can still stop this, IF WE WANT TO. But of course as always, if not then not--it's up to us; or I suppose I could say: "Since I've done my part and continue to do so, it's now up to you."


Path here is: t hink   i nside   t he   s quare  as in if p then q, p therefore q... that is for:


            p = religious dictatorship


            q = dark ages accompaniment just like last time--historically speaking











Watch Dog:
====================Any Updates For this WD?=================
No, not at this time.
=============Original for this WD from June 2013 Newsletter========

Another one of those "it's a dirty job but somebody has to do it" thingy:


See this Headline: 

Abnormal is the New Normal


*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *



Abnormal Is the New Normal
Why will half of the U.S. population have a diagnosable mental disorder?
By Robin S. Rosenberg|Posted Friday, April 12, 2013, at 8:00 AM


[exerpt from this post]:


Beware the DSM-5, the soon-to-be-released fifth edition of the "psychiatric bible," the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. The odds will probably be greater than 50 percent, according to the new manual, that you'll have a mental disorder in your lifetime.


Although fewer than 6 percent of American adults will have a severe mental illness in a given year, according to a 2005 study, many more--more than a quarter each year--will have some diagnosable mental disorder.


That's a lot of people. Almost 50 percent of Americans (46.4 percent to be exact) will have a diagnosable mental illness in their lifetimes, based on the previous edition, the DSM-IV. And the new manual will likely make it even "easier" to get a diagnosis.


If we think of having a diagnosable mental illness as being under a tent, the tent seems pretty big. Huge, in fact. How did it happen that half of us will develop a mental illness? Has this always been true and we just didn't realize how sick we were--we didn't realize we were under the tent? Or are we mentally less healthy than we were a generation ago? What about a third explanation--that we are labeling as mental illness psychological states that were previously considered normal, albeit unusual, making the tent bigger. The answer appears to be all three.



and so on ... see link for full article ... ( and if you do go there and read it I ask you to especially notice its introductory "tone" which is this: "Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears ... )



I applaud R.S. Rosenberg for giving us this article.


However, I take issue with his first conclusion: The answer appears to be all three.


That is, he is concluding that:

            1. we didn't realize how sick (mentally ill) we were and

            2. we are mentally less healthy today than we were a generation ago and finally

            3. we are labeling as mental illness psychological states that are not mental illness.


Rather, I should say I disagree with 2/3rds of his conclusion and agree with 1/3rd: "we" (that is T.H.E.Y ) are labeling as mental illness psychological states that are not mental illness.


Mental illness is the loss of mental health. Mental health is the "unobstructed capacity for reality bound cognitive functioning and the exercise of this capacity". Mental illness is the sustained impairment of this capacity. [Branden]


DSM-5, that is DSM-Any Number, is ... a ... bad book.


It is designed to look and sound like a (Hand)book of science but it is nothing more than the dead sea scrolls of mystics past.


Like the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)*--which is equally bad as a "psychological" test tool--the DSM-N series of books is nothing more than a "steering wheel" designed and used by BM's to control (steer) the entire body of individual citizens of our country in the direction of-the(any)-moment that T.H.E.Y desire.


You as autonomous individual can allow them to so drive you or you can increase your autonomy and ego strength and make sure you take care of yourself so that T.H.E.Y don't continue succeeding in driving America into the ground.


The foregoing I know some would say is ... "diatribe" ... is "dogmatic" ... is a "rant" ... is demagoguery.


But of course I don't call it this, rather I call it: Hypothesis.


And more, in these (Watch Dog) "pages" here and going forward I plan to explore this hypothesis of mine further (which I have already started and documented in my first Book, Yes, Is BiO-Spiritualism the answer? ) and present the new results here.


For starters cosider one simple question, the article says "fewer than 6 percent of American adults will have a severe mental illness in a given year" ... if--per that famous 20th century psychiatrist Thomas Szasz--it is true that mental illness is a myth then we have to ask, what is a "severe" myth?




* ( Minnesota MultiPhasic Personality Inventory  is " ... a psychological test ... primarily intended to test people who are suspected [emphasis mine] of having mental health or other clinical issues". 


This test we should remember has as its starting-point-baseline for "normal" the responses from a small number of people from St. Paul Minnesota who happened to walk into some St. Paul Hospital back in the late 1930s when "they" were getting a base line of peoples responses for this inventory.  That is, its baseline for "normal" is from that same City that One Ex-Governor of Minnesota--The Honorable Jessie Ventura--said had streets designed and laid out by drunken Irishmen--I have driven these streets and though the Governor's remarks are not politically correct they are metaphorically correct.







How are "we" any different than the Muslims we are fighting the world over???


  • see military sentiments within military people and man on the street ...
  • "we" differ in degree not kind ...
  • we believe in faith in god and doing god's will, they believe it more (see the religion called Islam)
  • we believe in sacrificing your life to others for our soldiers, Muslims believe it more (see suicide bombers who apparently are so witless that they allow others to tell them to blow themselves up AND THEY DO IT!?!?!?)


A reader/friend emailed me a "why haven't we heard about this story in the main media" email.  I do not want to put anyone on the spot so I'm not saying who it was.


But I am going to give my response to it here (I did not send this response to her...notice it could be a him and this is my "crafty" way of concealing identity...but I feel strongly enough about it that I have to put it somewhere and so am going to put it here):


My Response:

(email contents below this)


Hey ███,


Thanks for sending this.


I had not heard of it and I agree it is a very interesting story.


I don't want to start any controversy between us but I'm thinking you must know for sure that I think sacrificing your life for others is morally wrong (reference that I know you have read many of).


The two guys in your story are no doubt great guys, but ...


They were no longer Navy Seals therefore not bound by the Navy Seal Oath that they apparently took voluntarily when they were Seals.


I know all this stuff is very sensitive stuff but ... could those two ex-Seals have saved themselves or were they doomed based on proximity?


If they could have saved themselves and chose not too BECAUSE they believe ALTRUISM is a moral ideal then ... well ... you know what I think about this ... again see, especially the March 2011 and then September 2012 NewsLetters and also my books on amazon ( especially my last one: Selfish'ism.)


Again, thanks for sending and my goal here is NOT to dissuade you from sending me stuff in the future as I like all the stuff you send me, especially that Owens Corning one on glass surfaces computers etc., quite the thing and I've never seen anything on it except your email.


There's been others too, so keep sending and I'll only do this eval when you hit really close to (my) home (i.e., core).



Gary Deering



I agree that the Hilary question is particularly pathetic and this article email of yours sure highlights it.



Many people mistakenly call a trade a sacrifice and I am not talking about this, but rather real sacrifice, i.e., giving up a higher value for a lower one.



 [copy of initiating email sent to me by a reader/friend]


---------------------------------beginning of email content I responded to-------------------------------------------


very interesting, have any of you heard about this????????


"What difference does it make"

The stunning part of this story is that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the attacking force. Once the compound was overrun, the attackers were incensed to discover that just two men had inflicted so much death and destruction.

The news has been full of the attacks on our embassies throughout the Muslim world, and in particular, the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others in Benghazi, Libya.

However, there's a little known story of incredible bravery, heroics, and  courage that should be the top story.

So what actually happened at the U.S. embassy in Libya?  We are learning more about this every day.  Ambassador Stevens and Foreign Service officer Sean Smith, along with administrative staff,              were working out of temporary quarters due to the fact that in the spring of 2011 during the so-called Arab Spring, the United States cut ties with then president Moammar Gadhafi.  Our embassy was looted and ransacked, causing it to be unusable.  It is still in a state of disrepair.

Security for embassies and their personnel is to be provided by the host nation.  Since Libya has gone through a civil war of sorts in the past 18 months, the current government is very unstable, and therefore, unreliable

A well-organized attack by radical Muslims was planned specifically targeting the temporary U.S. embassy building.  The Libyan security force that was in place to protect our people  deserted their post, or joined the attacking force.  Either way, our people were in a real fix.  And it should be noted that Ambassador Stevens had mentioned on more than one occasion to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,  that he was quite concerned for his personal safety and the welfare of his people.  It is thought that Ambassador Stevens was on a "hit list."

A short distance from the American compound, two Americans were sleeping.  They were in Libya as independent contractors working an assignment totally unrelated to our embassy.  They also happened to be former Navy Seal's.

When they heard the noise coming from the attack on our embassy, as you would expect from highly trained warriors, they ran to the fight. Apparently, they had no weapons, but seeing the Libyan guards dropping their guns in their haste in fleeing the scene, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty snatched up several of these discarded weapons and prepared to defend the American compound.

Not knowing exactly what was taking place,  the two Seal's set up a defensive perimeter.  Unfortunately Ambassador Stevens was already gravely injured, and Foreign Service officer, Sean Smith, was dead. However, due to their quick action and suppressive fire, twenty administrative personnel in the embassy were able to escape to safety. Eventually, these two courageous men were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers brought against them, an enemy force numbering between 100 to 200 attackers which came in two waves.  But the stunning part of the story is that  Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the attacking force.  Once the compound was overrun, the attackers were incensed to discover that just two men had inflicted so much death and destruction.

As it became apparent to these selfless heroes, they were definitely going to lose their lives unless some reinforcements showed up in a hurry.  As we know now, that was not to be.  I'm fairly certain they knew they were going to die in this gun fight, but not before they took a whole lot of bad guys with them!
Consider these tenets of the Navy SEAL Code:
1) Loyalty to Country, Team and Teammate,
2) Serve with Honor and Integrity On and Off the Battlefield,
3) Ready to Lead, Ready to Follow, Never Quit,
4) Take responsibility for your actions and the actions of your teammates,
5) Excel as Warriors through Discipline and Innovation,
6) Train for War, Fight to Win, Defeat our Nation's Enemies, and...
7) Earn your Trident every day

Thank you, Tyrone and Glen.  To the very last breath, you both lived up to the SEAL Code.  You served all of us well.  You were courageous in the face of certain death.
And Tyrone, even though you never got to hold your newborn son, he will grow up knowing the character and quality of his father, a man among men who sacrificed himself defending others.

Senior Pastor
Former Staff Sergeant,
USMC Captain,
U. S. Navy Chaplain Corps (Ret.)

This should be passed on
and on and on.


And Let us never forget the Hillary Clinton Comment

"What Difference does it make?


  ----------------------------------end email content I responded to--------------------------------------





ˇ  New Customers 
As of this time BiO Spiritualism Counseling Centers are only available online.
If you feel you need more than "sounding board" advice as same is afforded you via BiO Spiritualism's Online processes (including the multiple benefits you can get for $$$ FREE $$$ from just reading the content in`s BiO Spiritualism and Gary's Venns websides) you are best advised to seek out a therapist with whom you can establish a rapport and get some serious psychological (that is, psychological as in Selfishness Training) work done.  
For some insight on how you can help yourself manage this aspect of your growth and development go here and click on the "How to choose a therapist" article.

            BiO Spiritualism, The New Millennia Spiritualism:
Book 1a

Selfish'ism Cover  


Increase your intelligence, decrease your naiveté.





Increase your joy, decrease your guilt.





Increase your selfishness, decrease your greed.








that is, travel the Enlightened, Reason-paved-road to authentic Happiness.


            The Triple Crown Affair - Book 1 Secret WHITE SHEET iif Formulas for The Kentucky Derby: Kindle Version
Kindle version



Increase your excitement, decrease your boredom.





Increase your joy, decrease your guilt.





Increase your selfishness, decrease your greed.




that is, travel the Enlightened, Reason-paved-road to authentic FUN.


Fun is GOOD.




Here for:  IN COLOR & PRINTABLE Pdf Version 


            The Triple Crown Affair - Book 2 Secret WHITE SHEET iif Formulas for The Preakness:  
Kindle version



Increase your excitement, decrease your boredom.





Increase your joy, decrease your guilt.





Increase your selfishness, decrease your greed.




that is, travel the Enlightened, Reason-paved-road to authentic FUN.


Fun is GOOD.


Joy of course--i.e. winning more money than you bet--is BETTER.




Here for:  IN COLOR & PRINTABLE Pdf Version 


            The Triple Crown Affair - Book 3 Secret WHITE SHEET iif Formulas for The Belmont Stakes:
Triple Crown Affair Book 3 Cover
Kindle Version
Increase your excitement, decrease your boredom.
Increase your joy, decrease your guilt.
Increase your selfishness, decrease your greed.
that is, travel the Enlightened, Reason-paved-road to authentic FUN.
Fun is GOOD.
Joy of course--i.e. winning more money
than you bet--is BETTER.
And finally, ultimately, the BEST of course is: Happiness--i.e. a state of non-contradictory joy.

            BiO Spiritualism, The New Millennia Spiritualism:
Yes. (Is BiO Spiritualism the answer?)



Increase your intelligence, decrease your naiveté.





Increase your joy, decrease your guilt.





Increase your selfishness, decrease your greed.








that is, travel the Enlightened, Reason-paved-road to authentic Happiness.


Yes. (Is BiO Spiritualism the answer?)Yes Book is now available for Kindle:
Buy BiO Spiritualism's Yes book today at RaIse Books' online store or on  Spread the word about the new, Third Millenium Spiritualism by picking up an extra copy for family and friends! BiO Spiritualism, qua integration of Objectivism AND Biocentric Psychology IN-THE-PERSON, is infinitely scalable so as to provide for the equivalent of

7,114,646,700 (and counting) individual "sects". (Starting with U.S. of A's 316,789,684 individuals.)

(09:45 UTC (EST+5) or (ETD+4) Sept 30, 2013)



PS ... FYI ... Note of Interest ... last year's 2012 total growth for the year:
  over 70 million more people on Planet Earth and
over 2 million more in the United States of America .  
Selfish'ism Cover Selfish'ism Book is now available for Kindle:

Buy Selfish'ism book today at RaIse Books' online store or on  Spread the news about the new, Third Millennium PsycHHology by picking up an extra copy for family and friends! Selfish'ism--as continuing integration of Objectivism AND Biocentric Psychology INto-THE-PERSON's soul--is also the continuation of BiO Spiritualism's goal to turn America's more than 300 million individuals--and counting--and eventually the worlds' more than 7 billion individuals--and counting--into Happy, (mentally) Healthy human beings who worship reason & freedom and de-worship faith & force. (And if ALL is to ambitious a goal then for sure--at minimum--76% of them). 




PS ... FYI ... Note of Interest ... last year's 2012 total growth of Objectivist & Biocentric Psychology sympathizers for the year:
  X more on Planet Earth and
Y more in the United States of America.
(that is, at this point in time it is a big fat unknown)
$150 Value for FREE 
  $150 Value for $$$ FREE $$$$ when you become a beta tester:
Agree to be a Beta Tester of BiO Spiritualism's new online process called Reflect'ology and receive 3 FREE additional rounds--each a $50 value--redeemable at any time for a year from the end of your Beta Tester round. To be a beta tester requires you to go to and after you have registered order the eM.One product under BiO Spiritualism Products, enter a problem or two you desire help with and then start the process by returning it to my email address. Initially you pay $10 for the $10 eM.One and then later you pay $40 for the $40 eM.Three and then when you return your feedback, critiquing what you did, did not like about the process and/or suggestions on how you think it would be better, your $50 will be refunded to you and your name noted for your 3 FREE Rounds in the future. So take advantage of this offer that is limited to this development time before the Reflect'ology Process gets finalized.
Offer Expires: When Reflect'ology Process is Finalized