Food For Thought Joins the Coalition at our Resource Center We're now sharing our space with another great nonprofit in town. This helps both groups and deepens our connection. Welcome! |
Ojai Valley CERT
Community Emergency Supply Drop-off Saturday, April 5 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. See What You Can Contribute here. |
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Board of Directors
Joanie Blaxter Noel Douglas Cynthia Grier Kerry Miller Marcia Murphy Ched Myers Margaret Tarmy David White
Ojai Valley Green Coalition Resource Center 206 N. Signal St. #S Ojai, CA 93023 Mailing Address 323 E. Matilija St. 110-114 Ojai, CA 93023 (805) 669-8445 This e-newsletter is produced by the Communications & Publicity Committee |
Advancing a green, sustainable, and resilient Ojai Valley
Earth Day Matters First celebrated April 22, 1970, Earth Day is now an annual event celebrated worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It also gives us the opportunity to go beyond the dire messages we receive every day, to show and model for children the good in the world and the possibilities.
EarthPlay: Wishes for Our Watershed is Ojai's official 2014 Earth Day Event. Taking place under the oak trees Saturday, April 19th 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Oak Grove School, 220 W. Lomita Ave. Ride the trolley free, or pedal and park in the bike valet area if you can! Scheduled to perform: Lissie, Dave Palmer and Friends, Kalinka, Shylah Ray Sunshine, stories by Alan Salazar, student bands from throughout the Valley, and much more! Around the playing field: Climbing wall, yoga with Debi, physics with Jim Bailey, Peace Sticks, Wildlife Experiences, Art Exhibit with high school student work from around the Valley, wishes for our watershed flags, field games, children's drumming circle and more! Around the Gazebo: World food, sustainable vehicle displays, and an art project organized by Porch Gallery and the Soft Machine Project. At you can learn more about: - Exhibiting your green products and services, or showcasing an organization
- Prizes and purchasing raffle tickets (the Coalition will be across the street from the Farmers Market April 6 and 13 with tickets, too)
- Ojai Creek Cleanup effort before the event starts, 8-9:30 a.m.
Help make this a great event and experience for all: |
What is Ecopsychology? by Communication Committee Co-Chair Linda Harmon The Coalition will host two programs exploring Ecopsychology - a half-day introductory workshop Saturday, April 26, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; and a 5-week course on Thursdays , May 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, 5:45 to 7 p.m. "Ecopsychology: Exploring the Complex Relationship between Nature and Human Nature" will be conducted by Lori Pye, Ph.D. at the Resource Center, 206 N. Signal St. Suite S, Ojai. A special thank you to Events Committee Chair, Anca Colbert, for her countless contribution of hours in the development and marketing, and a shout out to Bret Bradigan for the complimentary posting in the Ojai Quarterly. If you are like me, you had never heard of Ecopsychology before the Coalition decided to host the upcoming April 26 workshop and May course. So I did a little research and then sat down with Dr. Lori Pye to educate myself and share with other OVGC members.  | Doctor Lori Pye
| The term "ecopsychology" was first used by Guggenheim Fellow Theodore Roszak, (who coined the phrase "counterculture" as well) in his book The Voice of the Earth. According to Roszak, the contemporary ecological translation of the term might be: the needs of the planet are the needs of the person; the rights of the person are the rights of the planet.
One of the first questions I asked Dr. Pye was what led her to become an ecopsychologist. She told me she was working on a boat in Costa Rica as a marine biologist when she began synthesizing the field of psychology and environmentalism. Later as a professor at the University of California Santa Barbara and at her own Institute for Cultural Change, Dr. Pye began formalizing the underpinnings of the growing field of Ecopsychology. to read more click here. |
Spring Has Sprung There are bees to support with plants in the yard, and Ojai folk who are on a bee mission. We have trees to be planted and tended to and an ever so fun tree house poem to read.Then might you consider creating a bird-friendly habitat in your yard?
It's time to sow seeds and starts. Did you know we sponsor the Valley of the Moon Community Garden - only 2 spots left for the coming season. And please support our local growers at the local Farmers Market every Sunday. We've had so little winter showers, be sure to reuse the water for your April and May flowers.
As a Coalition we are grateful for all the wonderful organizations and citizens of the Ojai Valley preserving, protecting, and creating place for all of us. We leave you with a favorite 'spring' bedtime story and wish you a green and sustainable Spring!
Zero Pay Lots of Good Karma Experience Negotiable
Survey by Phone, at Home or at Vons as a Team
Poll folks on knowledge of OVGC and perception of work we do. 10 people/5 questions each and you're done.
Energy Efficiency Upgrades
Assist with upgrading select Help of Ojai client homes with energy efficiency & conservation devices. Goal is a total of 12 homes over next 3 months. Can help audit during the week and/or help install on Saturdays.
Website Development
Join ad hoc committee to develop new website using Wordpress platform.
Take pictures at events as available and maintain Flickr page. Disclosure: we're almost 2 years behind on Flickr.
Canning Workshops
Help plan and execute 3 to 4 canning classes for this year.
Help at Resource Center
For a couple of hours, once a week, once a month, or somewhere in between. Assist with tasks - clerical, cleaning, library, making signs, etc.