Exploring the complex relationship between nature and human nature, with Lori Pye, Ph.D. Half Day Workshop on April 26th; 5-Week Course scheduled for May - details coming soon. |
Bring Your Old Bulb Get LED light bulbs for a fraction of the regular price and then save big money on your electric bill! Goal - 1 million KiloWattHours saved per year in the Ojai Valley. A community collaboration - get full details here. |
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Board of Directors
Joanie Blaxter Noel Douglas Cynthia Grier Kerry Miller Marcia Murphy Ched Myers Margaret Tarmy David White

Ojai Valley Green Coalition
Resource Center 206 N. Signal St. #S Ojai, CA 93023 Mailing Address 323 E. Matilija St. 110-114 Ojai, CA 93023 (805) 669-8445 This e-newsletter is produced by the Communications & Publicity Committee |
Advancing a green, sustainable, and resilient Ojai Valley
Facing Drought Together by Kit Stoltz, Bill O'Brien, Victoria Loorz, and Ulrich Brugger Editor's note: Coalition executive director, Deborah Pendrey, has accepted an invitation to sit on a panel as part of a full afternoon of discourse on saving water and staying in community. The event takes place at The Ojai Retreat on Sunday, March 9, 1:30 to 5 p.m. Reservations are required. Let us not be fooled back into complacency with the recent fabulous (but not nearly enough) rain event. A new way of life and course must be set - read on. According to meteorological records kept by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, California has been in a drought for the last thirty months, and the last two months have been the driest since the 19th century. That was when Mark Twain supposedly remarked that "Everyone talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it."! Here in Ojai, where we are entirely dependent on local sources for all our water, everyone is talking about the drought. Four of us from the Ojai Valley, all concerned citizens from very different backgrounds, think that we need to talk frankly about the drought, not just for the sake of ourselves, our own properties, gardens, orchards, trees, lands, and wildlife, but also for the sake of our community. to read more click here. |
Welcome Joanie Blaxter to OVGC Board The Coalition is pleased to announce its newest addition to the Board of Directors, Joanie Blaxter. Many of you know Joanie from Rainbow Bridge where she has worked since 2010 as a vitamin specialist. Collectively she has over 35 years in the natural foods and products industry in various positions of sales and/or education. After raising her daughter solo in a small town in Vermont, Joanie moved to Ojai in 2009. She enjoys the year-round growing season and local farmers market, a snow-free driveway and the chickens in her neighbor's yard.
When asked why she joined the Coalition Board, Joanie replied, "I am always looking for how I can best be a positive change agent for my community. The Green Coalition is a strong, well-respected presence in town. The guiding principles of the organization dovetail very nicely with those of the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) of which I'm the local chapter leader. The primary difference is that the focus of the OVGC is more specifically environmental while those of WAPF are more nutritionally oriented. However the interface is about how to have a sustainable, healthy world." Joanie's credentials and activism include: - Ventura chapter leader, Weston A. Price Foundation
- Ventura County Ag Futures Alliance Member, January 2011-October 2012
- Author of the weekly nutrition newsletter Follow Your Gut
- Certified Mediator and trained Group Facilitator
- Permaculture Design Certificate with a focus in International Sustainability
Thank you for your contribution to our community and the world, Joanie. We look forward to advancing a green, sustainable and resilient Ojai Valley with you. |
Another Successful Seed and Plant Exchange With Our New Co-host Food for Thought Over the course of Saturday afternoon, February 22nd about 100 people swapped and perused tables of seeds and starts, learned about beneficial insects, watched a live bee hive in action, and shared gardening and farming tips and tactics. Thanks to all who came and all who shared. Mark your calendar for next year - always the last Saturday in February - see you on the 28th, 2015.
(1) David White shows off seeds collected and packaged by students. (2) Anahata Pomeroy welcomes all to the event. (3) Ron Whitehurst (right) of Rincon Vitova Insectaries explains beneficial bugs. (4) Sue and Cecil of Thunderbird Farms offer a beautiful array of starts for sale. (5) Ventura County Star covered the event, photo by Richard Quinn: from left, Lorne Marchant, his son Chase, Katie Metzger and Mia McCormick look at bees in a portable hive. |
Zero Pay Lots of Good Karma Experience Negotiable
Survey by Phone, at Home or at Vons as a Team
Poll folks on knowledge of OVGC and perception of work we do. 10 people/5 questions each and you're done.
Energy Efficiency Upgrades
Assist with upgrading select Help of Ojai client homes with energy efficiency & conservation devices. Goal is a total of 12 homes over next 3 months. Can help audit during the week and/or help install on Saturdays.
Website Development
Join ad hoc committee to develop new website using Wordpress platform.
Take pictures at events as available and maintain Flickr page. Disclosure: we're almost 2 years behind on Flickr.
Canning Workshops
Help plan and execute 3 to 4 canning classes for this year.
Help at Resource Center
For a couple of hours, once a week, once a month, or somewhere in between. Assist with tasks - clerical, cleaning, library, making signs, etc.