CSBC NEWS SPLASH                    OCTOBER 2015
Symposium delegates try their hand (and balance) at paddle sports
Canadian Safe Boating Council Symposium Report 

The famous East Coast weather welcomed delegates to the CSBC Symposium in Halifax on September 20 with rain and blustery winds, but the opening reception at the historic Keith's Brewery set the stage for enthusiastic participation by the Canadian, American, Australian and New Zealand delegates.

We hold the annual Symposium in different parts of the country so that we can learn more about boating in different areas, and offer opportunities for local boating enthusiasts to participate and hopefully become CSBC members or sponsors and join us in our in our efforts to make boating safer and more enjoyable for all.

Following is an outline of the presentations. It is intended to load the presentations on to the CSBC website, which you can check for more information.

Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) Services in Atlantic Region
Wade Spurrell, Assistant Commissioner, Canadian Coast Guard, Atlantic Region

Boating Safety Developments in the United States
Rachel Johnson, Executive Director, National Safe Boating Council

Safe Recreational Boating in New Zealand
Baz Kirk, National Advisor Industry Support, Maritime New Zealand

Marine Animal Rescue Program
Dr. Sean Brillant, Canadian Wildlife Fund

Ocean Racing: East Coast Experience
Captain Mike Evans, International Racing Skipper, Halifax

Living on the Edge: 25 Years of the Sydney-Hobart Race
Peter Hopkins, Manager, Recreational Boating, Marine and Safety Tasmania, Australia

Industry Outreach
Sara Anghel, Executive Director/VP Government Relations, National Marine 
Manufacturers' Association
Pat Nelder, Executive Director, Atlantic Marine Trades Association

Lifejacket Harmonization Standards and New Labelling
Maria LaFano, Manager, UL Standards Canada

Alcohol and Boating
Andrew Murie, CEO, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Canada

Boating Safety in the Northwest Territories
Dr. Audrey Giles, Associate Professor, University of Ottawa
Insert photo from presentation

Boating Safety in Tasmania
Peter Hopkins, Manager, Recreational Boating, Marine and Safety Tasmania, Australia

Boating Safety in New South Wales
Michael Drake, Principal Manager of Boating Safety, Maritime Management Centre, 
Transport for New South Wales, Australia

Canadian Safe Boating Campaign Research: Making the Results Matter
Barbara Byers, CSBC Director and Public Education Director, Lifesaving Society
Ted Rankine, Playsafe Productions

Boating Safety for Anglers and Hunters
Dr. Ron Pelot, Dalhousie University
Andrew Lowles, Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries
Rick Nash, New Brunswick Department of Public Safety.

Thanks to Blair Doyle, CSBC Director and Past President of Paddle Canada, and his team, Symposium delegates enjoyed an afternoon on the water in Dartmouth, where they were able to learn about paddling safety and try out various types of paddle craft. Many thanks to Stearns, who not only supplied PFDs for the participants, but generously allowed delegates to take them home.

By the time the conference concluded with the Volunteer Recognition Awards ceremony and closing banquet on September 22, bright fall days had returned, delegates were enthusiastic about the quality of the presentations and discussions and the value of the contacts they had made, and there was just time for a beer or two at the Lower Deck before saying goodbye.

Here are highlights of what Symposium delegates said about this year's event:

"I've never spoken to such an engaged audience who are so passionate about boating safety" (international speaker)
"Good range of topics, very knowledgeable and engaged speakers"
"My expectations were exceeded because of the people and the diversity and depth of knowledge, friendship and willingness to share"
"Good gathering, excellent presentations"
"Speakers almost uniformly terrific. Engagement very high. Great symposium overall. Real sense of teamwork and learning"
(best part of Symposium): "Collective expertise and passionate people", "Opportunity to connect with diversity of boating safety stakeholders and quality and diversity of presentations".

Many thanks to the Symposium Committee, in particular Cynthia Hodgson, Rick Cassels, John Gullick, Sandra Inglis and Blair Doyle, and to the Red Cross, who staffed the registration desk and assisted with IT. Our thanks go as well to the following industry sponsors, whose financial and in-kind support make the Symposium possible:

For next year's Symposium, we're going north! Plan to join us next year from September 22-24, 2016 in Yellowknife, NWT.  Details including the agenda will be posted at www.csbc.ca soon.   
CSBC Volunteer Recognition Awards 2015
Barbara Byers and John Gullick, CSBC Chair
Jean Murray and John Gullick, CSBC Chair

The CSBC relies upon the hard work and commitment of volunteers to deliver our safety programs and events, and to run the organization. The annual Volunteer Recognition Awards recognize outstanding contributions to the CSBC. The following awards were presented by John Gullick, CSBC Chair, at the Symposium in September. Congratulations, and grateful thanks, to the award winners:
Barbara Byers
CSBC Distinguished Service Citation - In recognition of your outstanding and dynamic leadership as CSBC Project Director of the Canadian Safe Boating Campaign Project, and especially the seminal research component

Jean Murray
CSBC Distinguished Service Citation - In recognition of four years of outstanding leadership as CSBC Chair, including the initiation of the CSBC Strategic and Business Planning process, securing CSBC Trademarks, and many other "class of her own" accomplishments     

Susan Daly
CSBC Certificate of Merit - In recognition of your leadership and business acumen in securing new sponsorship funding,  and your commitment and support in management of the CSBC

Cynthia Hodgson
CSBC Certificate of Merit - In recognition of three years as the CSBC Symposium Co-Chair and your excellent work in composition and distribution of the CSBC Newsletter

Denis Vallée
CSBC Certificate of Merit - In recognition of your contribution as the CSBC Treasurer in improving the organization and efficiency of the CSBC's accounting system and enhancing the CSBC's professional credibility 

Michael Vollmer
CSBC Certificate of Merit - In recognition of your significant contribution to recognition and protection of the CSBC's key trademark assets  

Cathy Sandiford
CSBC Certificate of Service - In grateful recognition of your 4 years of distinguished volunteer service as a CSBC Director
Yves Paquette
CSBC Certificate of Service - In grateful recognition of your 3 years of distinguished volunteer service as a CSBC Director
Kevin Monahan
CSBC Certificate of Service - In grateful recognition of your 2 years of distinguished volunteer service as a CSBC Director.
Canadian Safe Boating Awards (CASBAs)

As the boating season winds down in many parts of the country, planning for the CASBAs ramps up. The 2015 CASBAs awards gala and dinner will be held on Sunday January 10, 2016. in the Civic Ballroom of the Sheraton Centre (123 Queen St. West in Toronto). They recognize the efforts of the general public, volunteers, professionals, agencies and organizations who have distinguished themselves in the fields of boating safety and environmental stewardship. What makes the CASBAs so very special is that these winners are chosen based on nominations provided by you, the general public.

Why not nominate someone you think has really made a difference? Winners are selected in a number of categories:
  • Stearns Rescue of the Year
  • Top Volunteer Dedicated to Boating Safety
  • Safeguarding the Environment
  • Marine Professional of the Year
  • Visible PFD Wear in Advertising
  • Marine Industry Award
  • Ontario Power Generation Best Boating Safety Initiative
  • Best Media Contribution to Boating Safety
  • Special Recognition Award.
Click here to make a nomination. Nominations close on November 6..

Now is the time as well to buy your tickets for the awards gala and dinner. Help us recognize those whose efforts have enhanced the recreational boating experience for us all. It's also an excellent opportunity to network with like-minded enthusiasts and professionals. The CSBC welcomes and appreciates the contributions from sponsors that make this event possible. To find out how to become a sponsor, click here.
In brief

Congratulations to Joe Gatfield, Chief Commander, Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons, who was presented with the prestigious National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) Award during its annual conference in September. The NASBLA  Award is the nonprofit organization's oldest award. It is given in appreciation to an individual who has either given a lot of time and effort to the association to help achieve its objectives or who is acknowledged nationally, statewide or in their community for notable contributions to the betterment of boating.
The Review of the New Zealand Pleasure Boat Safety Strategy has now been published on the Maritime New Zealand website. 

Julie Gascon has been appointed Assistant Commissioner, Central and Arctic Region, Canadian Coast Guard. She was fomerly Executive Director, Domestic Vessel Regulatory Oversight and Boating Safety, Transport Canada.

Janet Bauer has been named the new President and CEO of the Boating Ontario Association. She has an extensive background in association management. An avid outdoor enthusiast, Janet, along with her husband and teenage children, spend their summers on the waters of Lake Simcoe and Georgian Bay. Janet has started her new position in early October and long-time Executive Director Al Donaldson will stay on until the end of 2015 to ensure a successful transition. For more information, click here.

Michel Vermette has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada (APEX). His most recent position was  Deputy Commissioner, Vessel Procurement, Canadian Coast Guard.