CSBC Newsletter                             April 2015
Message from the Chair
Jean Murray - CSBC Chair

What a long, cold winter it has been in most parts of Canada! But boating season is fast approaching, even for those of us not lucky enough to live on the West Coast. In this issue we have several articles to make boating season seem even closer - our Canadian Safe Boating Campaign plans, a boating word puzzle (a first for the CSBC newsletter!), paddle safety in Tasmania, and more.


Why not make 2015 the year you become more actively involved in supporting the CSBC's boating safety activities? There are so many ways:

  • join us at our North American Safe Boating Awareness Week launch events
  • participate in one of our other safe boating campaign events that keep boating safety top of mind throughout the boating season: Hooked on Lifejackets, Operation Dry Water, and Stretching the Season
  • become a CSBC member or sponsor
  • join us for our AGM on May 21 at the Toronto Airport West Hotel
  • plan to come to the CSBC Symposium in Halifax in September
  • keep an eye out for potential nominees for the Canadian Safe Boating Awards in the fall
  • volunteer on one of our committees - you'll support safe and enjoyable boating, meet great people, and have fun working together to make a difference.

More information in this newsletter, and on our website at www.csbc.ca.


This will be my last Message from the Chair, as I will step down from the CSBC Chair position at the upcoming AGM. It has been a real pleasure to work with our boating safety community over the last three years. I have very much appreciated the support and commitment of my capable colleagues on the CSBC Executive and the Board, as well as our project managers. Together, we have accomplished a lot, including:

  • bigger and better boating safety campaigns
  • new partnerships
  • new sponsor support
  • a new international agreement on lifejacket wear principles
  • cold water training initiatives
  • groundbreaking new research on effective boating safety messaging
  • a revitalized newsletter and updated website, and
  • behind the scenes but vital governance improvements including new by-laws (thanks to indefatigable former Secretary Bill Taylor), updated accounting standards, a review of our business practices, a more robust planning and reporting process, a leaner Board and a more professional Committee structure.

Most importantly, boating fatalities in Canada continue to drop, so we know that the CSBC and all of our partners and colleagues are together making a difference.

We will introduce the new CSBC Chair in our next newsletter. I look forward to continuing to work with this wonderful group of people, as Past Chair, Member of the Executive and the Board, and as editor of the CSBC Newsletter.

Jean Murray 

Judges Select 15 Grass Roots Contribution Program Initiatives to Fund 


A number of proposals were received to apply for the CSBC Grass Roots Contribution Program in the late fall 2015.  From that group, 15 were selected for up to $2,500 in funding to help them leverage boating safety programs in their local communities. The projects ranged from adapting an electronic speed sign to measure and display boaters' speeds in speed-restricted areas to a season of safe paddling educational outreach.  In future newsletters, details of some projects' outreach success will be included to provide insight on how well individual projects have done.  The Grass Roots Contribution program is part of the CSBC Canadian Safe Boating Campaign which receives funding, in part, through Transport Canada.

Click here to view the complete list of approved projects. 


North American Safe Boating Awareness Week will soon be upon us


As the boating season is about to kick off, it's a great time for us all to be reminded of some key behaviours to keep us safe as we venture out on our favourite waters.

  1. Always wear a lifejacket or PFD
  2. Don't drink and boat
  3. Take a boating course
  4. Be prepared - Both you and your boat
  5. Know the dangers of cold water immersion

This year, the week runs from May 16th-22nd.  Kick-off events are planned in 5 locations across Canada: Halifax, Quebec, Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver.



- May 14th 12:00 noon in Victoria Park



- Sogerive Marina in Longueuil time TBA (managed by the Conseil qu�becois du nautisme and the Association maritme du Qu�bec)



- May 14th 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at the Metropolitan Toronto Police Marine Unit on Queens Quay



- May 14th 12:00 noon at The Forks



- Saturday, May 16th 11:00 a.m. Vanier Park - this will be a "Ready Set Wear It" event* 



* Ready Set Wear It began in 2010, setting an unofficial world record for simultaneous lifejacket inflations, with 1,154 individuals from 2 countries participating.  In 2014, 5,774 participants from 9 countries participated by wearing either inflatable or inherently-buoyant lifejackets.  You too can help us beat last year's record on May 16th by hosting your own get-together with family and friends. Take a picture either of everyone wearing their inherently buoyant lifejackets or inflating their inflatables and submit it.  It's great fun!  Simply go to www.readysetwearit.com for more information and to register your event. 


Second edition of Boat Notes brochure to be available in April 2015

Feedback from the original Boat Notes/Carnet de Bord brochures was extremely positive, with only minor enhancements suggested.  A second edition of the pamphlets will be available at no cost for order in April.  Alternatively, the CSBC can provide the brochures in electronic format for organizations to add their own logos, print and distribute to boaters in their individual locations.  These are ideal handouts for boaters to use for ready reference to key safe boating rules that they can keep right on their boats.  To order either printed or electronic copies, simply email igilson@rogers.com.


Boat Notes Brochure & Handout


New CSBC Treasurer


As many of you know, Irwin Doxsee was the CSBC's volunteer Treasurer for many years, and his hard work and commitment were legendary. When he stepped down last year, he left big shoes to fill! After an extensive search, the CSBC was lucky to find Denis Vall�e, who was elected to the CSBC Board of Directors and to the position of Treasurer last year. Denis brings a wealth of professional knowledge and business experience to his duties. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Accounting from Lakehead University, and pursued further studies in accounting at Universit� Laval as part of his training as a Management Accountant. He worked as a professional accountant in the private sector and as a financial analyst at Canada Post prior to forming his own accounting company, Vall�e Vieira & Co., Management Accountants, in 1994, and he continues to be active in the company.


Since 2007 Denis has also been President and owner of the National Boating Safety School, a Transport Canada-accredited course provider. His company offers the online safe boating course for the issuance of the Pleasure Craft Operator Card.  Denis is based in Gatineau/Ottawa, and is fully bilingual.    


Tasmania launches new Paddle Safe Program


By CSBC Special Correspondent Peter Hopkins, Manager - Recreational Boating, Marine and Safety Tasmania, Australia

Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST) have been concerned with the number of rescues of people on paddle craft over the last 12 months, 32 all up. This comes as sales of sit on tops, sea kayaks, Stand Up Paddle boards and other such craft have soared over the last four or five years. Whilst MAST introduced new legislation earlier this year regarding kayaks and canoes there was a need to also back this up with a solid educational program as many of those hitting the water ways are inexperienced, this was evidenced by a number who have been rescued.  


As a result MAST has partnered with Surf Life Saving Tasmania in introducing the Paddle Safe Program in December 2014. As there is no registration of these craft in the state there is also no revenue stream. An application to fund the program was made to the Tasmanian Water Safety Council which receives funds from the State Department of Sport and Recreation. The funding allocated allowed for craft to be purchased, life jackets, tethers and other equipment, it has also contributed to the marketing of the program.

The Paddle Safe Program is aimed at all ages and particularly those with little experience or knowledge. MAST and SLST have enlisted the help of local Council, Community Development Officers to promote Paddle Safe in their areas as well as the various Surf Clubs around the state whose members are running the program on the day. The program involves weather, trip preparation, legislative requirements and paddling techniques. The program will run for 3 years after which we are hopeful the surf clubs will pick the program up as part of their normal duties.


For more information, click here.

Puzzle: Boating Words


Itching to get out on the water, but it's still too cold? Unscramble these words to bring the boating world a little closer ....Answers at the end of this newsletter.

  2. TACLE
  4. ROOTUBAD  NIGNEE (2 words)
  7. LUHL
  10. OARDI  NEATANN (2 words)

AGM Reminder Notice to all CSBC Members


The Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Safe Boating Council will take place on May 21, 2015 at 1300, at the Toronto Airport West Hotel, 5444 Dixie Rd, Mississauga, Ontario.  It is open to all CSBC members. The meeting will cover a number of subjects including a report of activities accomplished in 2014 and the election of officers.  Come and spend an hour or so to learn of the great progress we have made in promoting safe boating and renew acquaintances with others like yourself who support our goals. 


New! Discount for CSBC members!


Chyna Sea Ventures Limited, a Nautical Publishing and Distribution Company located in Nanaimo, British Columbia, are offering CSBC members a 15% discount on their retail products. Visit their website at www.chynasea.com to view their various products available. CSBC members may qualify for this 15% price reduction using the code: CSBC 2015.


Go to www.csbc.ca to renew your CSBC membership, or to join.

Join us for the CSBC Symposium in Halifax from September 20-22, 2015


The CSBC Symposium summons boating safety enthusiasts from across Canada and internationally at the Sheraton Four Points in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Attendees include government policy makers, not for profit organizations, marine law enforcement, first responders, boating safety educators, course providers, marina operators, volunteers, marine manufacturers and more. 


Save the date - and it's not too early to register and reserve your accommodation. You can be sure of great learning and networking opportunities, a warm CSBC welcome, and a rollicking Down East good time! For more information, click here.

Prevention news from France 


With thanks to Pierre Brugnon, Charg� de mission: prevention, National Marine Rescue Society (SNSM: Societ� nationale de sauvetage en mer).


The National Marine Rescue Society (SNSM), a charitable, volunteer-based organization involved in marine rescue in France,  launched a Courtesy Visit program (visites de courtoisie) at their rescue stations in spring 2014. It was based on the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) Sea Check program, and named after the Canadian courtesy inspection program. Sponsored by a major marine insurance company, the program involves supplying rescue stations with a tablet loaded with a 65 question questionnaire, and supporting reference materials. Rescue station volunteer staff then conduct courtesy visits, and send the responses and a safe navigation plan to the owner of the vessel. The SNSM maintain the confidentiality of the information, but consolidates the results in a database for use in designing their prevention programs. They are seeing the effectiveness of the program - for example, they recently conducted a courtesy visit of a vessel that had been rescued twice by the same crew, and, based on the plan and feedback,  are confident they will not have to tow them again!


CSBC Chair receives NSBC Award


At the U.S. National Safe Boating Council (NSBC) General meeting on March 29

in Sandestin, Florida, Chris Edmonston presented CSBC Chair Jean Murray with the NSBC Chair Award for "Exemplary support of programs to advance Safer Boating through Education". Chris cited in particular Jean's contribution to the development of the NSBC Strategic Plan. This exemplifies the close collaboration between the CSBC and the NSBC.

In Brief


The Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF)  is expanding its Wild About Sports instructor training programs and launching a new guide to best practices on and around the water, in partnership with Paddle Canada. Click here to learn more.


The Spring meeting of the National Canadian Marine Advisory Council will be held from Tuesday, April 21 to Thursday, April 23, 2015 at the Shaw Centre, 55 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa. Click here for more information.


Puzzle answers

  2. CLEAT
  7. HULL