Canadian Safe Boating Council Newsletter
Spring 2014 - UPDATE

Chair's Message 


Jean Murray - CSBC Chair After what seemed like an endless winter, boating season is now under way, and as always, the CSBC is working with our many enthusiastic and committed partners, sponsors and volunteers to save lives on the water, by bringing boating safety messages to boaters across Canada. This is the second year of our exciting three year Canadian Safe Boating Campaign project, which we are undertaking with a financial contribution of some $ 900,000 from Transport Canada, and the support of Pattison Outdoor and many other partners. Amongst our successes last year was an all-time high of more than 100 million media impressions for our Safe Boating Awareness Week (SBAW) campaign. Look out for - and even better, get involved in - our summer-long series of media events: Hooked on Lifejackets, Operation Dry Water and Stretching the Season.  


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Volunteers Wanted! 

The CSBC is looking to fill two volunteer positions, starting immediately: CSBC Newsletter Editor and Chair of CSBC Communications Committee. 


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Personal News 

All of us at the CSBC were saddened to hear of the untimely death of Retired Staff Sergeant Jack Kruger on June 19. Jack had a long and varied career with the RCMP. After his 'retirement', he became the SAR Coordinator and Training Officer for G Division, and was a volunteeer for the Canadian Coast Auxiliary at the national and regional levels. Jack's leadership mad a tremendous difference to boating safey and search and rescue in the North, and we will all miss him. Our sincere condolences to Jack's family.

We were sad to hear about the recent death of Guy L'Écuyer, a former CSBC Board member, past President of the Quebec Boating Council, and long-time member of the RCMP. Guy was well known throughout the boating community for the knowledge and experience he brought from his many years on the water in Quebec; for being a collaborative team player whose presence alone helped people to get along better; and, most of all, for the positive spirit and personal warmth that made people feel better whenever he was around.


Our condolences to Guy's family. The Canadian boating safety community has lost a strong advocate, and a friend.



Grass Roots Grants Program

The Canadian Safe Boating Council is offering funding to Canadian not-for-profit agencies, organizations, and other groups to help promote boating safety in their communities. It is expected that the funding will assist in the development of both new, innovative concepts promoting recreational boating safety as well as funding endeavours that have proven successful in the past. In total there is 

$40,000 available with up to $2,500 in financial support for each proposed project. Check out for more information. 



Boat Notes! 

Boat Notes is a handy information brochure which will keep critical boating safety information top of mind with Canadian boaters. It includes information on Required Safety Equipment, Rules of the Road, Buoyage System and much more.  Boat Notes are available in English and French to boating safety stakeholders at no charge.  More details are available at


'Explore New Horizons' at the 2014 CSBC Annual Symposium

The Canadian Safe Boating Council (CSBC) invites boating safety enthusiasts from all over the world to participate in the 2014 CSBC Symposium in Ottawa, ON. With the theme of 'Exploring New Horizons', the Symposium will take place from Sunday, September 21 to Tuesday, September 23 at the elegant Lord Elgin Hotel. Delegates include government policy makers, not-for-profit organizations, marine law enforcement, first responders, boating safety instructors and course providers, marina operators, volunteers, marine manufacturers and more.


Highlights of this year's Symposium build on the theme of 'Exploring New Horizons', and include:

  • Special feature presentation: be the first to hear the results of the latest Canadian boating safety research!
  • Learning about Behavioral Change and Influencing People`s Actions
  • Boating Safety in Northern Canada
  • New paddle sport programs: PaddleSmart
  • Renegades Bass Professional Tournament Association  
  • Canada/U.S. Lifejacket Harmonization: how will this affect you?
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SBAW Launches for Safe Boating Awareness Week

This year there were 5 major launches of Safe Boating Awareness Week across Canada; Toronto, Halifax, Quebec City, Winnipeg and Vancouver. Each was a resounding success drawing out plenty of media to gather and share the safe boating messages with their audiences.


What made it work so well were the CSBC partners that helped deliver on each of the 5 Key boating safety messages with creative and interactive activities.   Although the partners and lead messages differed slightly in each location, each of the key messages were covered in some way.


New South Wales, Australia: High Lifejacket Wear Rates on PWCs Save Lives

Transport for New South Wales has recently released a report on PWC Incidents, Compliance and Feedback in NSW for the 10 year period ended 30 June 2012.

Lifejacket wear has been compulsory on personal watercraft in NSW since 1997, compliance is increasing and the report concludes that the current high wear rate is likely to have saved several lives. But incidents and complaints about PWCs remai

n higher than for any other watercraft, and more needs to be done.


Canadian Marine Advisory Council - Spring 2014

The Minister of Transport, Lisa Raitt, addressed the Plenary session on Tuesday, the first time a Minister has attended in years.  Her speech focused on commercial shipping but CSBC Chair Jean Murray raised the issue of small vessels and recreational boating during the question period.  The Minister expressed interest in North American Safe Boating Awareness Week.  A great contact made for the small boat community.


As well, Laureen Kinney has been appointed as ADM Safety and Security at Transport and Sylvain Lachance is acting as the Director General, Marine Safety and Security.  Sylvain is the proud new owner of a slightly used sailboat berthed at Kingston!!


Even with a reduced presence within Transport Canada (more on this later!) the Standing Committee on Recreational Boating had a very full agenda.  

National Recreational Boating Advisory Council - Spring 2014

This meeting was co-chaired by Jean Murray and Sylvain Lachance.  Members represent all areas and organizations in Canada.  Sylvain noted that user fees were coming and would be used solely to fund the operations of the OBS.  As well TC is going to make electronic vessel licensing available to anyone beginning in April 2015.  He also expressed pleasure that the safe boating message was being heard as evidenced by the continuing demand for the PCOC.


Larry Spears provided a review of the Lifejacket work for those not present at the previous session.


Regional reports followed, which varied in their depth and the number of people attending regional RBAC's.  This is a cause of some concern.