Canadian Safe Boating CouncilSummer 2013 Newsletter 

The Social Network Trap of Convenience - Social media tips from special contributor Randall Craig


Randall Craig is the author of seven books, including the just-released Everything Guide to Starting an Online Business.  Watch for him at the CSBC Symposium in September, where he will be speaking on Social Media Strategy and Risk Management.  More at Here's what Randall has to share with Newsletter readers. 


Just get a Facebook page!  Tweet to grow your followers! Spend your time on YouTube!  LinkedIn!  Pinterest!  Devote 2-3 hours a day, and magic will happen!


Yes, magic will happen: your day job won't get done, and you'll be called to account for your much-reduced productivity.


On the other hand, most "expert" marketers seem to forget a critical concept when it comes to social media:  The multiplier effect starts with those who are currently...


Read more... 

CASBA nomination time again!


The Canadian Safe Boating Awards (CASBAs) will take place on January 12, 2014 in Toronto. That seems far off but now is the time to raise the flag on great people doing great things for boating. There's no better time of year than the boating season to think about the folks in your community whose contribution to boating safety and environmental stewardship stands out. It's because of people like them that the rest of us can look back on a life filled with memorable boating seasons, and that our children will one day be able to do the same.


The CASBA awards span a number of categories, including:


"Rescue of the Year"

"Marine Professional of the Year"

"Top Volunteer Dedicated to Safe Boating"

"Ontario Power Generation Best Boating Safety Initiative"

"Safeguarding the Environment"

"Marine Industry"

"Visible Personal Flotation Device Wear in Advertising"

 "Best Media Contribution to Boating Safety"


What makes the CASBAs so very special is that nominations come from people like YOU!  

News from the Auditor General of Canada and Transportation Safety Board


Federal search and rescue (SAR) activities are on the radar of the Auditor General of Canada. In tabling his Spring 2013 Report to Parliament on April 30, the Auditor General made the following observations on SAR activities (reference Chapter 7):

  • A SAR framework is missing
  • Prevention project results are not used to improve the federal contribution program on SAR
  • Emergency beacons reduce search time, but they are not required on all aircraft and vessels


For more details on this important report click here.


On another front, fishing vessel safety remains on the Transportation Safety Board's watch list.  In June, the Transportation Safety Board (TSB) issued its 2012-2013 Annual Report. This year, the report showcases declining accident rates, some notable improvements, and a strong message that more needs to be done to better address the issues where the safety benefit for Canadians is clear. Fishing vessel safety remains on TSB's watch list.


For more information click here.  


National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) Canada builds momentum at the Second Annual Recreational Boating Day on the Hill and shares Canadian Economic Impact Study

Boating Day on Parliament Hill

On May 1, 2013, members of NMMA Canada from across all sectors of the Canadian recreational boating industry gathered on Parliament Hill in the nation's capital to advocate on behalf of the industry's approximate 4,400 Canadian marine companies. Attendees met with Members of Parliament, cabinet ministers, senior staff from ministers' offices and senior departmental staff from Transport Canada. The second annual Day on the Hill was a success as more than 25 industry leaders met with Parliamentarians to address key issues such as water access, trade barriers and regulations.

The event provided an opportunity to share results from a new NMMA Canada Economic Impact Study with those on Parliament Hill and proved to be a critical element of the industry's advocacy efforts data that helped the industry to build an accurate understanding of the Canadians who make up recreational boating and the positive economic impact boating has across the country. With an outdoor reception under a tent on a warm sunny day - what better way to close the event and remind everyone that the kick-off to the Canadian boating season was near. Personal watercraft on site in the courtyard created a visual impact on Parliament Hill.


Sara Anghel, Executive Director/Vice-President of Government Relations of NMMA Canada thanked the NMMA Canada board of directors and the members from the regional Marine Trade Associations for attending the event. She extended a special thanks to the co-hosting Members of Parliament David Tilson, Barry Devolin and Mike Wallace for their support of the recreational boating industry.  


Quick Links

About CSBC 
The Canadian Safe Boating Council is in the business of promoting safe and responsible boating throughout Canada. 
Key messages for the Canadian Safe Boating Council Safe Boating Awareness programs:
* Wear Your Lifejacket
* Don't Drink and Boat
* Take a Boating Course
* Be Prepared - You and Your   Vessel
* Cold Water Immersion 
Greetings from the Chair 
Jean Murray - CSBC Chair
Jean Murray at the 2013 CASBA
Shortly after we went to press on the May Newsflash, we were thrilled at the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities' May 15 announcement of more than $1.8 million in funding over the next three years for 11 boating safety awareness projects under Transport Canada's Boating Safety Contribution Program (BSCP). The Canadian Safe Boating Council has been awarded up to $909,400 - the largest amount for any recipient, and close to half of the total funding available under the program. I see this as a vote of confidence in the CSBC's capacity to deliver well-managed boating safety projects that make a difference. See the article in this newsletter about the scope of our exciting three-year project, and, to see the press release, visit 


On the international front as well, the CSBC has been extending our reach and developing new partnerships. As reported in the Newsflash, we signed an agreement on International Lifejacket Wear Principles on May 1, 2013 at the Marine 13 conference in Sydney, Australia, and I participated along with Barbara Byers, Public Education Director of the Lifesaving Society and Chair of the CSBC's Educational Programs Committee, in a public International Lifejacket Forum...
CSBC Annual Symposium is right around the corner - register and book your hotel now!


Welcome to Whistler
Welcome to Whistler


The Canadian Safe Boating Council (CSBC) invites boating safety enthusiasts from all over the world to participate in its' 2013 Symposium in Whistler, British Columbia, September 23-24, 2013.  With the theme of 'The Business of Boating Safety', the Symposium will take place from Monday, September 23 to Wednesday, September 25, 2013 at the beautiful Hilton Whistler Resort and Spa, nestled within Whistler Village. Delegates include government policy makers, not for profit organizations, marine law enforcement, first responders, boating safety instructors and course providers, marina operators, volunteers, marine manufacturers and more.


Highlights of this year's Symposium built on the theme of 'The Business of Boating Safety' include: 

  • Balancing the bottom line with boating safety
  • Boating safety perspectives from Transport Canada, the Canadian Coast Guard and the U.S. National Safe Boating Council
  • Conserving Our Waterways for Future Boaters
  • Emergency Responders on the Water and more

Also on the agenda this year is an interactive workshop by social media expert Randall Craig - "Social Media Without Wasting Your Time or Losing Your Identity" 


Canadian Safe Boating Council
Randall's Session Overview
It's all the rage to talk about LinkedIn, Facebook, and the 500+ other social networks that exist.  In fact most organizations - and many people - already have a profile on at least one.  But from a business perspective, how do you use these tools, without wasting your time?  How can you avoid the...

Transport Canada's Canadian Marine Advisory Council (CMAC) - Spring 2013 meeting


The Spring meeting of CMAC was held in Ottawa from April 23 - 25 and progress was  reported several Recreational Boating Standing Committee agenda issues.


The first and major item on the agenda was Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) and a report on the potential adoption of new North American standards based on ISO 12402-5. Questions were raised about the potential of adopting 50-Newton buoyancy aids as a new flotation standard in Canada (currently, PFDs provide 70 Newtons of buoyancy, but are bulkier as a result). Discussion ensued about the limited buoyancy of 50-Newton devices, the need for a wearer to be a good swimmer, and that their sanctioned use should be restricted to no more than two nautical miles from shore. Inflatable PFDs for children were also discussed; the US Coast Guard (USCG) already permits their use by children over 12 if they are auto inflators and do not require secondary donning (that is, no pouch types).


Also discussed were pyrotechnics; Transport...

CSBC launches multi-year Transport Canada-funded boating safety initiative


The CSBC is pleased to be entrusted with the design and delivery of a multi-year project which encompasses a national Canadian Safe Boating Campaign, a Grass Roots Boating Safety Initiative and a research and analysis program. Under Transport Canada's Boating Safety Contribution Program (BSCP), the CSBC has recently been 

Vancouver Ready, Set, Inflate!

awarded up to $909,400 over three years for a multi-faceted boating safety initiative aimed at raising knowledge and awareness of safe boating practices among boaters and the public, promoting compliance with regulations and conducting research activities to advance knowledge of boating safety issues, practices and behaviours in Canada.


Through the Canadian Safe Boating Campaign, the CSBC will:

  • Maximize outreach to boaters nation-wide from spring through fall with an event-based media campaign utilizing four specific seasonal activities including Safe Boating Awareness Week as well as other events with partners
  • Establish boating safety in top-of-mind consciousness for boaters and the Canadian public through a three-year National Mall Billboard Campaign
  • Deliver improved tools to promote regulations and safe boating practices, including a new Smart Boater Guide
  • Engage local communities and the boating public across Canada through a Community Cable Outreach Strategy

Through its Grass Roots Boating Safety Initiative, the CSBC will:

  • Create opportunities for leveraged investments to local organizations and to meet local needs. Rolling this out in 2014 with funding in 2015, the CSBC  will work with local partners and by providing small, well-managed financial contributions, act as a strong catalyst for existing boating safety initiatives, as well as developing new ones tailored to meet local needs.  Tools developed and lessons learned will be shared to support and inspire initiatives nation-wide.

Through a research and analysis project component, the CSBC will:

  • Create an improved understanding of the attitudes and behaviours of Canadian boaters and share findings with stakeholder across the country. The research and analysis program will commence in 2014 with results and findings will be shared with stakeholders in 2015.

Partnerships and collaboration will be guiding principles. The CSBC will collaborate with many partners to maximize the ...


Mandatory lifejacket wear in New South Wales saves lives


For those of us in the boating safety world, the above major finding in a recently published study comes as no surprise. The Office of Boating Safety and Maritime Affairs, Transport for New South Wales, Australia, examined boating incidents there over the ten-year period between 2002-03 and 2011-12.


Here are some other key findings:

  • Since the October 2003 introduction of the requirement to wear a lifejacket when crossing ocean bars, the annual number of fatal incidents related to bar crossings has fallen by more than half - 55%.
  • Although close to two thirds (64.7%) of fatalities during the study period involving recreational vessel were attributed to drowning, only 6.8% of the drowning victims were wearing a lifejacket at the time of the incident. The vast majority of those drowned were not wearing a jacket.
  • Fatal incident rates for recreational vessels have declined by approximately 44% over the 20 years since 1992-93.
  • Over the past ten years, the most common types of fatal incidents involving recreational vessel were vessel capsize (33.6%) and persons falling overboard (25.2%).  The most common causes of these incidents were adverse weather conditions (14.3%), a lack of judgment (9.2%), excessive speed (9.2%), and hazardous waters (9.2%).
  • Vessels less than six metres in length accounted for 70.8% of recreational vessel fatal incidents, but only approximately 22% of estimated vessel usage.
  • Two age groups were clearly over represented in terms of recreational vessel fatalities - those under 20 and those over 70.  In both of these age groups, males were heavily over represented.

The study concludes that, despite the various risk factors involved in vessel incidents, lifejackets remain one of the most simple and effective tools for reducing boating fatalities.


For more details click here.