CSBC Newsletter - May 2013 Newsflash

CSBC signs International National Lifejacket Wear Principles: May, 1, 2013 - Marine13 Conference, Sydney, Australia

Jean Murray, Chair of the CSBC at signing ceremony in Sydney, along with Pierre Brugnon, Head of Mission, Prevention, Societe Nationale de Sauvetage en Mer, France; Peter Chennell, Sea Safety Manager, Royal National Lifeboat Institution, UK; Howard Glenn Chair (seated), Australian Recreational Boating Safety Committee; and Alistair Thomson, Maritime Officer, Maritime New Zealand.

An idea that began with a meeting of international delegates at the CSBC Symposium in Gravenhurst, Muskoka last September has taken flight. 


On May 1, 2013, Australia, Canada, France, New Zealand, United Kingdom and the United States signed the International Lifejacket Wear Principles during the week of the Marine13 Conference in Sydney. The majority of all fatal boating incident victims drown and of these, around four out of five are reported as not wearing a lifejacket across these nations.  This collaboration by some of the most prominent boating safety authorities and organisations in the world aims to promote lifejacket wear and prevent death by drowning. 


The main aim of the principles is to promote lifejacket wear and to normalize it by encouraging boating media around the world to show people wearing lifejackets in small boats. The different jurisdictions, largely depending on marine conditions, define small boats variously as under 4.8m, under 16ft, under 6m or under 7m; and including tenders.


With the signing of the agreement in Sydney, signatory countries are now widely communicating this important initiative. The principles are hosted on a common webpage to allow like-minded organizations to show their support, and to provide links to exemplary lifejacket wear initiatives. All agree to use the word "lifejacket" as a generic, non-ambiguous term covering all nationally approved personal lifesaving appliances/devices.


Organizations which are signatories to the International Lifejacket Wear Principles agree to the following:

  • Recognize the fundamental role the wearing of lifejackets plays in the safeguarding of life for water users;
  • Recognize the importance of promoting the wearing of lifejackets when boating;
  • Endeavour to ensure that any publication including brochures, DVD, video, websites, and the like will feature all people wearing contemporary style lifejackets when in an outside area of a small craft that is underway;
  • Recommend to the recreational boating industry that its publications similarly feature all people shown wearing lifejackets when in an outside area of a small craft that is underway;
  • Require on-water education and compliance staff to wear lifejackets whenever they are on the water;
  • Use the term "lifejacket" in public information and education; and
  • Encourage respective boating safety networks to become 'safety partners' by supporting the above principles.

The CSBC is proud to be part of this international collaboration to promote lifejacket wear.  Don't just carry it, wear it!!


For more information go to www.lifejacketwear.com


Get Ready for a Boating Season Packed to the Gunwales with Fun Activities!


We've got the 2013 boating season covered from the spring launch to fall haul out with four great activities!


Safe Boating Awareness Week


The excitement is building as we are mere days away from the start of North American Safe Boating Awareness Week which runs from May 18-24.

Once again, the campaign's goal is to remind recreational boaters to boat safely this season and to keep top of mind five key messages:

  • Wear a Lifejacket
  • Don't Drink & Boat
  • Take a Boating Course
  • Be Prepared - Both You and Your Vessel
  • Be Aware of the Dangers of Cold Water Immersion

We are extremely pleased this year that Canadian Tire Corporation is partnering with the CSBC in support of Safe Boating Awareness Week.  They are displaying signage promoting the campaign's key messaging in each of their 488 stores nation-wide.

Across Canada, there are three major events planned in the following locations:



Thursday May 16 (10 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.) at the Toronto Police Marine Unit - 259 Queens Quay W. Representatives from the Canadian Coast Guard, Toronto Police Service, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Canada, Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons, Canadian Recreation Products, Harbourfront Canoe  and Kayak and the Harbourfront Centre Sailing  and Powerboating Centre -  all will be on hand with inter-active displays pertaining to Safe Boating Awareness Week Campaign messaging.   During this event, the City of Toronto will officially proclaim the week of May 18-24, 2013 "Safe Boating Awareness Week".



Thursday May 16 (10:30 a.m. - noon) Marina Basin in the Old Port of Montreal.  In addition to emphasizing the campaign's key messaging, on hand will be  representatives from the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary, the Québec Sûreté and the Montreal Police Service to answer questions.  A key component of this event will be tips provided on how to boat safely when faced with the challenges of swift currents in the St. Lawrence River.



Saturday May 18 (10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.) Vanier Park, west boat ramp.  This kick-off to North American Safe Boating Awareness Week will feature a Ready, Set, Wear It event where participants will join groups from elsewhere in North America, Finland, Japan and Nigeria in an attempt to eclipse last year's record of 3,993 participants wearing/inflating their lifejackets.  Members of the Vancouver Police and other Stakeholder groups will also be on-hand to answer questions.


It's not too late. There's still time to approach your local community-based media with the wealth of materials on our CSBC website (www.csbc.ca) to help get the word out and keep your friends and neighbours safe this boating season.

You can get personally involved too!  Organize your own event or create a 'safe boating buzz' in your own community.  You will find a wealth of materials on our CSBC website (www.csbc.ca) to help you get the word out and keep your friends and neighbours safe this boating season. 


You can also join or host your own Ready Set Wear It event along with representatives from North America, Finland, Japan and Nigeria in an attempt to eclipse last year's record of 3,993 participants wearing/inflating lifejackets.  Go to www.readysetwearit.com to learn more.


Hooked on Lifejackets (July 6 - 14 coinciding with National Fishing Week)

Fishing is one of the most popular activities for boaters.  In many cases, anglers don't consider themselves as boaters and are therefore a difficult target audience to reach. Activities during this week will be designed to influence anglers to wear their lifejackets and PFDs.  


Operation Dry Water (August 3 - 5) Alcohol accounts for approximately 40% of boating fatalities. In 2013, activities will  focus on reaching out to media to help get the word out on the dangers of drinking and boating along with the remedies in place to discourage the practice. 


Extending The Season (October 4 - 6) During the fall, the boating dynamic changes significantly as there are fewer boats on the water, the weather is less predictable and the water is colder.  Self-reliance is more important than ever. Campaign messages will emphasize the importance of personal/vessel preparedness, the wearing of thermal protective clothing and other important safety tips for boating safely in the fall.  The CSBC will also be promoting, through the media, that the fall and winter seasons are the perfect time to take boating courses. 


For more information on any of these activities, email sbaw@csbc.ca or call Ian Gilson at 905-719-5152.



About CSBC


The Canadian Safe Boating Council is in the business of promoting safe and responsible boating throughout Canada.


Key messages for the Canadian Safe Boating Council Safe Boating Awareness programs:


* Wear Your Lifejacket

* Don't Drink & Boat

* Take a Boating Course

* Be Prepared - You and Your   Vessel

* Cold Water Immersion


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